比特币最主流,以太坊大跌,区块链技术“万金油”红利已结束 | 区块链开发者年度报告

资讯 2024-06-20 阅读:68 评论:0
整理 | 唐小引Let's do it, Don Xiaoguin.出品 | CSDN(ID:CSDNnews)CSDN (ID: CSDNnews)已经成为中国工程院院士的王坚博士在自己的著作《在...



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整理 | 唐小引

Let's do it, Don Xiaoguin.

出品 | CSDN(ID:CSDNnews)


已经成为中国工程院院士的王坚博士在自己的著作《在线》中曾谈到了区块链对未来互联网、数据及计算的影响 —— 「如果说网页排名(PageRank)算法影响了互联网的过去,那么区块链算法可能会影响我们的未来」。

Dr. Wang Jian, who has become a member of the Chinese Engineering Academy, in his book Online, spoke about the impact of block chains on the future of the Internet, data and calculations: "If the PageRank algorithm affects the past of the Internet, the block chain algorithm may affect our future."

许多人对于区块链的认知始于比特币与中本聪,以及少年成名的天才 V 神和他创造的以太坊。在比特币大跌大涨的今天,区块链技术正在从最初的加密货币逐渐回归技术及应用的本质。

Many people's perception of block chains begins with bitcoin and middle-bones, and the famous genius V. God and his creation of Etha. Today, the block chain technology is gradually returning from the original encrypted currency to the essence of technology and application.

CSDN 创始人&董事长、极客帮创投创始合伙人蒋涛曾表示,每一个技术时代的黄金窗口都是属于程序员的,从 PC、互联网、移动互联网到今天的区块链莫不如是。区块链时代,谁将成为大赢家?「他应该是技术、经济、组织系统三合一的高手」。

CSDN’s Founder & Chairman, and Founding Partner of the Triumph Community, Chiang Tao, once said that every golden window of the technological era belonged to a programmer, from PC, the Internet, and mobile Internet to today’s block chain. Who would be a big winner in the block chain age? “He should be a three-pronged master of technology, economy, and organizational systems.”

CSDN 最早从 2004 年开始针对中国开发者进行大规模调查,是迄今为止覆盖国内各类开发者人群数量最多,辐射地域、行业分布最广的调查活动。并从 2017 年开始,增加了固定的「区块链技术应用现状分析」篇章,经过连续三年的调查研究,我们发现:

CSDN was the first to carry out a large-scale survey of Chinese developers since 2004, covering the largest number of developers in the country to date, with the most widely distributed areas of radiation and industry. Since 2017, a regular chapter entitled “Analysis of the status of the application of block-chain technologies” has been added. After three years of research, we have found that:

对区块链技术了解的开发者人群正在增加,72% 的开发者对区块链、比特币及其他加密货币的概念有一些了解,22% 的开发者正在用或准备用区块链技术解决技术问题;

The number of developers with knowledge of block chain technology is increasing, 72% of developers have some knowledge of block chain, bitcoin and other encrypted currency concepts, and 22% of developers are using or preparing block chain technology to solve technical problems;

43% 的开发者正在从事公有链(比特币、以太坊等)的开发,36% 的开发者则从事区块链行业解决方案的开发;

Forty-three per cent of developers are engaged in the development of public chains (bitcoin, Etheria, etc.), while 36 per cent are engaged in the development of block chain industry solutions;


Bitcoin and Ether continue to be the two most dominant bottom-of-block development platforms today, although the former are on the rise and the latter are on a downward trend;


(a) Finance is a widely recognized application direction for the block chain industry in the current developers, followed by the networking of smart hardware and goods;

在与新技术的融合上,大数据排在了第一位,占比 31%。

In terms of integration with new technologies, big data rank first, at 31 per cent.


Status of application of block chain technology

2017 年时,区块链作为刚刚兴起的技术,应用还相对较少,只有 10% 的开发者正在及准备使用区块链解决技术问题。而到今天,这一占比已经上升到了 22%。此外,有 40% 的开发者仅对区块链了解一些概念,32% 的开发者对比特币及其他加密货币有一些了解,仅有 4% 的开发者对区块链完全不了解。

By 2017, block chains had relatively few applications as a nascent technology, with only 10 per cent of developers being and preparing to use block chains to solve technical problems. To date, this proportion has risen to 22 per cent. Moreover, 40 per cent of developers know only a few concepts about block chains, 32 per cent of developers have some knowledge of bitcoin and other encrypted currencies, and only 4 per cent of developers are completely unaware of block chains.

一如 CSDN《2019 - 2020 中国开发者调查报告》区块链领域特邀顾问杭州复杂美南京研发中心负责人、前甲骨文资深工程师袁海雷和复杂美产品运营主管、比特大学副校长、阿里云 IoT 事业部认证讲师王继尧所言:「区块链技术的发展,是一个量变到质变的过程,其中认知度、用户渗透率等指标可以做有效参考。这个数据的增长还是比较积极的,有更多的不同行业的人去了解并尝试使用区块链来解决实际问题,区块链赋能行业的作用才可以凸显出来。」

As noted by CSDN, Chief of the Complex US Nanking Research and Development Centre in Hangzhou, Senior Oracle Engineer, Manager of the Operations of Yuan Haeray and Complex American Products, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bit, and the certified lecturer, Wang Jiyuan Iot, Ministry of Enterprise: "The development of block chain technology is a process of quantitative transformation, in which indicators such as perception, user penetration, etc. can be used as a useful reference. The growth of this data is still positive, with more people from different sectors understanding and trying to use the block chain to solve real problems, so that the role of the block chain-enabling industry can be highlighted."


technical development features of block chains

当前在区块链研发方面,43% 的开发者在从事公有链(比特币、以太坊等)的开发,36% 的用户从事区块链行业解决方案的开发,9% 在从事联盟链(Hyperledger、R3 Corda 等)的开发。对此,袁海雷和王继尧表示,「公有链由于其自带激励机制,对于普通开发者有直接的回馈,所以上面开发者占比高也比较合情理。」

In terms of block chain research and development, 43% of developers are working on the public chain (bitcoin, Etheria, etc.), 36% of users are working on the development of block chain industry solutions, and 9% are working on the development of the union chain (Hyperledger, R3 Corda, etc.). In this regard, Yuan Hairay and Wang Jiyuan state that "the public chain, because of its own incentive mechanisms, has direct feedback on ordinary developers, so it is also more appropriate to have a higher share of developers."

颇值得注意的是,行业解决方案从去年的 27% 增加到今年的 36%,这从一定程度上,说明了传统行业开发者对区块链的认可度正在增加。「越来越多传统行业的人参与进来,对于区块链的发展有非常大的助益,区块链本质上是技术,落地场景及实际应用才是连接社会效益的关键。」袁海雷和王继尧如是说道。

It is worth noting that industry solutions have increased from 27% last year to 36% this year, which is to some extent an indication of the growing recognition of block chains by traditional industry developers. “The growing participation of traditional industry has been very beneficial for the development of block chains, which are essentially technology, and the location and practical application of which are the key to connecting social benefits.” Yuan Hairay and Wang Jianyu say.

而在联盟链方面,亦已经被广泛应用于银行、科技金融、供应链、存证等多个领域,在此次调查中,占比 9%。

In the case of the alliance chain, it has also been widely applied in various areas such as banking, science and technology finance, supply chains, and documentation, which accounted for 9 per cent of the survey.

再看区块链开发平台方面,比特币和以太坊则依然是当前两种主流的区块链底层开发平台,占比分别为 35%、24%。

In terms of block chain development platforms, Bitcoin and Etheria remain the two current mainstream block chain bottom development platforms, accounting for 35 per cent and 24 per cent, respectively.

在行业开发者的印象中,以太坊一直是开发平台领域的头号玩家。但今年的数据显示,以太坊从 2018 年的 44% 占比第一,降到了 24%。而比特币则从 2018 年的 28%,上升到 35%,占比第一。这说明,比特币在行业内外仍然拥有最强共识,并且在闪电网络的加持下,开发者们也似乎感受到比特币离商用不再遥远。

In the impression of industry developers, Etheria has been the number one player in the development of platforms. But this year's data shows that Etheria fell from 44 per cent in 2018 to 24 per cent. Bitcoin rose from 28 per cent in 2018 to 35 per cent, which means that Bitcoin still has the strongest consensus within and outside the industry, and that, under lightning networks, developers seem to feel that Bitcoin is no longer far from commercial.


Outlook for the application of the block chain at

金融行业是普遍认为的行业应用方向,占 36%。其次,智能硬件和物联网也被认为是主流应用方向,占 14%。

The financial sector is a widely recognized industry application, accounting for 36 per cent. Second, smart hardware and material networking are also considered mainstream applications, accounting for 14 per cent.

区块链在金融方面的应用在过去几年间我们已经见到了非常多的探索与实践,比如蚂蚁金服已经将区块链在跨境汇款、供应链金融、司法存证、电子票据等 40 多个实体场景中落地,微众银行在去年首次公布完整的区块链版图其中即包含多个自研及完全开源的区块链技术方案。

The financial application of block chains has seen a great deal of exploration and practice over the past few years, for example, ant gold garments that have landed on multiple physical scenes such as cross-border remittances, supply chain finance, judicial documentation, electronic paper, 40 and, for the first time in the past year, microbanks published complete block chain maps containing several self-researched and fully open-sourced block chain technology programmes.


In terms of the direction in which industries other than finance are applied, we can see that attempts to address the pains of different industries have not yet produced a clear business-state effect. Because of the anticipatory and retrospective character of the block chain itself, the financial sector’s regulatory costs can be significantly reduced, although the financial entry threshold is relatively high, requiring a combination of technologies.

同时,CSDN《2019 - 2020 中国开发者调查报告》特邀顾问袁海雷和王继尧还特别谈到,相比其他众多已经很成熟的技术,依托区块链的解决方案在实际使用中,往往面临必要性缺失的问题,因此,对于各行业来讲,区块链应用发展曙光已现,但仍任重道远。依靠区块链技术包打天下的红利时代已经过去,在区块链结合行业之前,要更加重视与其他新技术的结合和协同。

At the same time, Yuan Hae-ray and Wang Jiyuan, invited consultants to the CSDN Survey 2019 - 2020 Chinese Developers, also mentioned that solutions based on block chains often face a lack of necessity in their actual use, compared to many other well-developed technologies, so that the application of block chains is on the horizon for all industries, but still has a long way to go. The era of relying on block-chain technology packages to provide dividends is over, with greater emphasis on integration and synergy with other new technologies before the sector is integrated.

譬如有些技术能够直接促进区块链技术的发展 —— 物联网设备提供大量数据,5G 提供高速传输,存储解决区块存放的问题;另外一些技术可以和区块链相辅相成 —— 基于区块链数据的不可篡改性,大数据和人工智能可以有更好的发展。

Some technologies, for example, can directly contribute to the development of block chain technology — material networking equipment provides a large amount of data, 5G provides high-speed transmission and storage to solve block storage problems; others can complement the block chain — based on the inexorable nature of block chain data, and big data and artificial intelligence can be better developed.

正因如此,区块链与大数据、物联网、人工智能行业的结合普遍被看好,在此次调查报告中,分别占 31%、28%、13%。

As a result, the integration of block chains with big data, object networking, and artificial intelligence industries was generally well received, accounting for 31 per cent, 28 per cent and 13 per cent, respectively, of the survey report.




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