致所有人 – 今天如何快速角色化进入 Web3

资讯 2024-07-15 阅读:46 评论:0
其实一直都想写这么一篇文章,但是有三个原因没有动笔。 一是行业变化太快写不过来,二是觉得还没有完全准备好,三是近期生活与工作上有点小忙。 这次 Moledao 邀请我作为 Web3 系列课程导读导师与主持人,双重身份,促使我下定决心动笔...



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这次 Moledao 邀请我作为 Web3 系列课程导读导师与主持人,双重身份,促使我下定决心动笔了。

文章标题改了很多版,最终我按照 6W2H 八荒六合唯我独尊功法所述定了下来,

  • Who: 所有人

  • When: 今天

  • Where: Web3 行业

  • Why: N/A(每个人原因不同,我也不想辩论为什么要加入 Web3)

  • Which: 角色化进入 Web3 (因为不是所有人都想融入 Web3,所以进来看看比较合适,当然你站在外面看也行,但我觉得站在外面看不到细节)

  • What: 即本文要讲的内容

  • How: 根据自身经历分享怎么做可能比较好

  • How much: 没有什么代价,看完本文按照你自己的节奏来即可

  • Web3 全景概述

  1. 按照时间线划分

  2. 按照领域划分

  3. 按照角色划分

  • 学习方法

  • 学习资源

  • 结语

  • References

The 2000s

  • 1976 年,斯坦福大学的两位学者提出了 public key cryptography 的概念

  • 1980s,David Chaum 与 Stefan Brands 提出了以发行者为主的 ecash 协议

  • 1992 年,密码学家 Cynthia Dwork 与 Moni Naor 首次认为这种通过计算来解决难题的方式可能会有一些价值(在密码学上)

  • 1997 年,hashcash 的发明者 Adam Back 再次独立提出了同一观点,他也认为这种模式具备一定的价值

  • 同一时代,Wei Dai 与 Nick Szabo 各自发明了 b-money 和 bit-gold。而 Hal Finney 在 hashcash 的基础上提出了 Reusable Proof-of-Work (RPOW),它基于 IBM 的可信平台模块硬件和远端证明,特点在于可重复使用。

2000 – 2008

  • 2000 年 3 月,以技术股为主的 NASDAQ(纳斯达克综合指数)攀升到 5048,网络经济泡沫达到最高点。从 1995 年开始的信息技术与互联网相关的投机事件终于像一个泡沫一般破裂开,后人称为 dot-com bubble。

  • 从 2007 年 8 月 9 日开始,次级房屋信贷危机爆发,投资者们对按揭证券的价值失去信息,引发了流动性危机,尽管多国中央银行多次向金融市场注入巨额资金,也无法阻止这场金融危机的爆发。直到 2008 年 9 月,这场金融危机开始失控,并导致如雷曼兄弟这样的大型金融机构倒闭,引发了经济衰退。


  • 2008 年 11 月,中本聪发表了论文《比特币:一种点对点的电子现金系统》

致所有人 – 今天如何快速角色化进入 Web3



  • 2009 年 1 月 3 日,中本聪创造了比特币的第一个区块,即“创世区块”,并附有一句“The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks”,而这句话是当天泰晤士报的头版文章标题。

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  • 2010 年 5 月 22 日,冤大头 Laszlo Hanyecz 用一万个比特币买了两个披萨,相信到今天他肯定哭晕在厕所。

  • 2010 年 8 月 6 日,比特币协议被人找到重大漏洞,交易在上链的时候没有经过完整的认证,使用者可以绕过比特币的经济限制设定,制造出无上限的比特币。

  • 2010 年 8 月 15 日,上面的漏洞被人利用,一笔转账交易产生了 1840 亿个比特币,但不到一小时这笔异常交易就被发现,漏洞修复后整个比特币网络更新,将这笔异常交易删除。


  • 2011 年 2 月 9 日,比特币首次突破 1 美元大关

  • 2011 年 4 月,Vincent Durham 创立 Namecoin (NMC),也是第一个 Altcoin

  • 2011 年 6 月 2 日,比特币首次突破 10 美元大关

  • 2011 年 10 月,Charlie Lee 创立 Litecoin (LTC),他希望 LTC 可以成为一个更便宜更快的平台,坚称“莱特币和比特币将共同解决未来世界的交易需求”。

  • 2011 年 12 月 21 日,巴比特创始人刘志鹏(长铗)发布了一条著名的投资建议评论,“买比特币,保存好钱包文件,然后忘掉你有过6000元这回事。五年后再看看。”

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  • 2012 年 11 月 28 日,比特币首次减产,每个区块的奖励从 50 个 BTC 减少至 25 个 BTC


  • 2013 年 3 月,1/3 的专业矿工选用新问世的比特币专业挖矿芯片 ASICs(Application-Specific Integrated Circuits)

  • 2013 年 4 月 1 日,比特币首次突破 100 美元大关

  • 2013 年 7 月,Mastercoin 创始人 JR. Willett 在 bitcointalk 论坛上发起了首次 ICO (Initial Coin Offering),并声明只有参与捐献的人才可以享受到形如去中心化交易,分布式 betting 等凌于比特币之上的新功能。这也使得他成功募集到 4,740 个比特币,当时价值 50w 美元

  • 2013 年 9 月,李林和杜均联合创立火币网,当然现在已经改名为“火必”了

  • 2013 年 10 月,黑市交易平台丝绸之路 1.0 被 FBI 封停,总共收缴了 26,000 个 BTC

  • 2013 年 10 月,世界第一台比特币 ATM 在加拿大温哥华问世,由 Robocoin 公司所推出,允许使用者把比特币兑换成为加元提取,每天最高上限为 3 千加元;另一方面,使用者也可以通过存入现金购入比特币

  • 2013 年 11 月 27 日,比特币首次突破 1000 美元大关

  • 2013 年 12 月,Vitalik Buterin 发布了 Ethereum Whitepaper

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  • 2014 年 2 月,Mt.Gox(一家日本的比特币交易所,谐音梗也被称为门头沟交易所)因被黑客盗取比特币而关停破产,公司称其损失了接近 75 万属于客户的比特币以及约 10 万左右属于公司自身的比特币,两者合计约占世界比特币总量的 7%,按当时汇率估计约值 4.73 亿美元。

  • 2014 年 3 月,Mt. Gox 宣称已寻回 20 万枚比特币。

  • 2014 年 11 月,Tether 公司发行了 100% 真实资产抵押的稳定币,USDT

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  • 2015 年 1 月 26 日,Coinbase 成为了美国第一家持有正规牌照的比特币交易所。

  • 2015 年 6 月 30 日,Ethereum Mainnet 正式发布。

  • 2015 年 8 月,美国纽约州率先提出针对加密市场的全面监管框架 BitLicense,这也是加密行业最具影响力的牌照之一。

  • 2015 年 9 月,位于波士顿的 Circle 获得了第一个 BitLicense 许可证,这家公司发行了 USDC 稳定币。

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  • 2016 年 6 月 17 日,Vitalik Beterin 在 Reddit 上发布紧急通知,“DAO 遭到攻击,请交易平台暂停 ETH/DAO 的交易,充值和体现,等待进一步的通知,新消息会尽快更新”。这里的 DAO 指的是 The DAO,是区块链公司 Slock.it 发起的一个众筹项目,他们想创建一个真正的去中心化自治组织(Decentralized Autonomous Organization)

  • 2016 年 7 月 20 日,由于以太坊社区内部对于如何处理 The DAO 事件产生了分歧,Ethereum 硬分叉被成功实施,分叉之后形成了两条链,一条为原链(以太坊经典,ETC),一条为新的分叉链(ETH),代表着不同的社区共识。ETC 社区认为区块链的精神就是不可篡改,发生了就是发生了,这是原则问题;而 Vitalik 领导的 ETH 社区则认为盗窃是违法行为,必须予以打击。

  • The DAO 事件影响巨大,甚至惊动了美国 SEC,Slock.it 联合创始人兼 CTO Christoph Jentzsch 也发表了自己从中学到的教训,

  • 这个领域还处于早期阶段,智能合约的安全问题还需要实践来改进

  • 对于未知事物要时刻保持警惕

  • 以太坊的工具还不成熟,还需要继续发展

  • 去中心化系统的治理和投票机制需要改进

  • 逐步发布产品,降低风险

  • 复杂性最小化原则

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  • 2017 年 1 月 17 日,Coinbase 获得纽约金融服务局颁发的 BitLicense 牌照。

  • 2017 年 3 月,一个比特币的价格首次超过一盎司的黄金

  • 2017 年 5 月 15 日,由于其他 altcoin 的快速崛起,比特币市值占有率首次低于 50%

  • 2017 年 5 月 20 日,比特币价格首次突破 2000 美元,市值达 328 亿美元以上,但市值占有率下跌到 45%

  • 2017 年 7 月,由于隔离见证 Segwit 被莱特币 LTC 率先实施,比特币技术人员很郁闷,因此再次提出方案,这一次社区通过了提案,技术人员们欢呼雀跃准备大施拳脚。

  • 2017 年 8 月,由于比特币社区中部分人认为 Segwit 并非放宽区块大小限制的理想方案,吴忌寒(Bitmain 联合创始人)和 Roger Ver(Bitcoin.com 的 CEO)等行业大咖也予以支持,比特币现金 BCH 被硬分叉出来,BCH 的出块时间,最大供应量,减半周期等都与 BTC 保持一致,但是其区块大小限制更宽,由最初的 1 MB 增至 8 MB,并于 2018 年继续增至 32 MB。

  • 同期,在利益诱惑之下,比特黄金、比特钻石、超级比特币等分叉币应运而生。但当潮水退去,BTC 仍旧是那个曾经的王者,泳姿最为标准。

  • 2017 年 9 月 4 日,中国央行等七部委发布《关于防范代币发行融资风险的公告》,正式叫停了 ICO 融资,交易所代币出现断崖式下跌,一时间整个币圈没入深不见底的黑夜。各种代币跌破发行价,最高跌幅超 90%。币圈 10 万人一夜间蒸发了 1.6 亿资产,堪称至暗时刻。有人把这一天定为新老韭菜界定日,知道这天的应该就是老韭菜了,可很多老韭菜纵然知道 94 事件,也未必知道其始末。

  • 2017 年 9 月 14 日,中国大陆六部委联合发文,宣布关停国内所有数字货币交易所,不能再提供人民币与数字货币的兑换通道。受此影响,各币种纷纷暴跌,全体加密数字货币的总市值蒸发近 600 亿美元。随后,各交易所纷纷出海,币圈开启币币交易与 OTC (Over-the-Counter) 交易新时代。

  • 2017 年 10 月,“加密币女王”,维卡币(OneCoin)创始人 Ruja Ignatova 在全球吸金 40 亿欧元,之后她连同这笔巨款失踪了,被美国 FBI 列为十大通缉犯。

  • 2017 年 11 月底,这一年已诞生 430 个 ICO 项目,共募集到 46 亿美金,但 86% 跌破发行价。至今仍比较著名的有 Binance 和 Filecoin 等

  • 2017 年 7 月 14 日,币安(Binance)正式启动,ICO 共融资 1500 万美元,其中 BNB 总供应量的 10% 分配给了天使投资者,40% 分配给了创始团队,50% 分配给了 ICO 参与者。且计划在每个会计期末使用当时总利润的 20% 购买和销毁 BNB,持续执行直到销毁总供应量的 50%(即 1 亿个 BNB)

  • 2017 年 8 月 10 日,Filecoin (FIL) 通过 ICO 融资 257 Million 美金,是当时的最高记录

  • 2017 年 11 月,CryptoKitties 上线仅几个小时就占据了以太坊超过 15% 的网络,贡献了ETH 近 30% 的交易量,被称为链游鼻祖,也是最早的 NFT 之一

  • 2017 年 11 月 28 日,比特币单价首次在韩国交易所突破 10000 美元大关

  • 2017 年 12 月 13 日,数字货币总市值达到 5000 亿美金

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  • 2018 年 1 月,比特币达到 All-Time High (ATH),价格高达 17527 美金。

  • 2018 年 3 月 16 日,数位在 OKEx 上购买了数字货币期货的用户被爆仓后,齐聚 OKex 北京公司楼前,展开维权活动,讨要说法,后人称为“Okcoin 交易者维权事件”

  • 2018 年 5 月 24 日,打着“交易即挖矿,持币即分红”招牌的加密数字货币交易所 FCoin 正式上线,并发行平台币 FT (The Future of Tokens),不到半月就荣登全球 Top 3 交易所,FT 也实现了百倍的增长。但“交易挖矿”终是昙花一现,20 个月后 FCoin 这艘船彻底沉了。那句宴会上的“让那些不相信我们的人早点下车,我们 FT 才能早日实现 100 块。”,如今听起来是那么讽刺。

  • 2018 年 6 月 15 日,EOS 主网正式上线,首批 21 个超级节点中中国社区占了 7 个,包括 EOS Cannon、Huobi Pool 等

  • 2018 年 7 月 3 日,李笑来的一段录音在网上疯传,在录音里面,李笑来评价区块链行业,揭露了不少币圈黑幕,最著名的一句话是“傻 X 的共识也是共识”。这个录音网上随便一搜都有,大家都可以去听听,也算是一个经典学习案例了。

  • 2018 年 8 月 24 日,被认为永远不会结束的赌局 Fomo3D 结束了,黑客使用 0.8 个 ETH,精心策划了一场网络掩护战役,使得整个网络都在处理掩护者 0x18e 账户的交易,而主攻账户 0xa169 则买入了最后一个 key,再也没有人继续竞争,30 秒一过,大功告成。

  • 2018 年 11 月 16 日,BCH 硬分叉也引起了数字货币有史以来第一次“算力大战”。这次的算力大战以表面的结果来看,是吴忌寒获胜。BCH分叉之战让币圈元气大伤,24 小时内蒸发逾 300 亿美元。

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  • 2019 年 1 月 28 日,币安 IEO 推出 BTT,上线价格即暴涨至 10 倍。IEO 逐渐点燃了市场的热情,小阳春拉开了序幕。

  • 2019 年 5 月 8 日,币安交易所被黑客盗取 7000 枚比特币。2 天后币安回应称将对 API、2FA(二次验证)和提币验证流程进行重大调整,也通过活动形式向用户赠送 1,000 个 YubiKeys 作为补偿。

  • 2019 年 6 月,Facebook 支持的 Libra 公布白皮书,向世人宣告了用数字货币打造全球普惠金融体系的宏伟计划。

  • 2019 年 7 月 22 日,波场的孙宇晨用史上最高价 456 万美元成功竞拍到巴菲特午餐,却又在最后一刻称因突发肾结石在医院治疗,取消与巴菲特午餐会面,引发各界关注和媒体广泛报道。

  • 2019 年是 DeFi 元年,各类 DeFi 产品和商业模式在一年内如雨后春笋般涌现:资产抵押平台 MakerDao、借贷平台 Compound、交易平台 dYdX、合约协议 UMA,稳定币流动性池 Curve 等都是其中佼佼者,DeFi 资产总额也由年初剧增 2 倍,规模达到 6.7 亿美元。

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  • 2020 年 3 月 12 日,对于合约玩家来说,当晚是一个冰冷的屠杀之夜,比特币从最高 $7966.17 跌落至最低 $4410,不少人一个牛市赚的钱在一个小时内亏完。这波币圈最大规模血洗引发了加密货币领域大动荡,火币、OKEx、币安相继遭遇爆仓者讨伐,声称其故意拔网线。历史不会重演,却总是惊人的相似!

  • 2020 年 3 月 13 日,迎来至暗时刻,比特币跌至最低点 $3782.13,两日最大跌幅超 50%,而在前几周比特币才刚重回 $10000。

  • 2020 年 9 月 1 日,去中心化交易所 Uniswap 空投,任何在此之前使用过 Uniswap 协议的用户都可以获得至少 400 个 UNI 代币。25 万多个 eligible 的地址中超过 250 个地址甚至收到了 25 万枚 UNI,这几个数字也很巧合,看来 25 是 Uniswap 的幸运数字。

  • 2020 年 9 月中旬,在以太坊上运行的 DeFi 协议总 TVL 超过了 100 亿美元。同时,Metmask(小狐狸钱包)的月活跃用户也达到 100 万。

  • 2020 年 12 月 1 日,以太坊信标链成功部署,也标志着 Serenity 之路的开始。

  • 2020 年 12 月 4 日,美国国会议员提出稳定币法案,相关服务需获联邦政府批准。

致所有人 – 今天如何快速角色化进入 Web310https://www.theblockresearch.com/the-summer-of-defi-77639


  • 2021 年 1 月,NBA Top Shot 爆发,热度最高的时候单日交易额可达 4500 万美元。

  • 2021 年 4 月 14 日,Coinbase 在美国纳斯达克交易所上市,上市后市值一度高达 1000 亿美元。

  • 2021 年 4 月 18 日,市场对以下三个消息误读,情绪面下加密货币遭受断崖式暴跌,爆仓大约 $69.56 亿,是当时历史上单日最大爆仓,共有超过 80 万人爆仓。多空反转无常,币圈有风险,入圈需谨慎!

  • 土耳其禁止比特币支付;

  • Coinbase 高管抛售公司股票;

  • 美国财政部将指控数家金融机构使用加密货币洗钱。

  • 2021 年 4 月 30 日,4 位抠脚大汉 Gargamel, Gordon Goner, Emperor Tomato Ketchup 和 No Sass 创立的无聊猿 Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) 项目上线了,一共 10000 个猴子在 12 小时内被 mint 完毕。BAYC 是 NFT 圈子内最知名的项目之一,其中 Bored Ape #8817 甚至被卖出 340 万美元的高价。

  • 2021 年 5 月 19 日之前,比特币从最高 $64000 跌下来,最低插针到 $29000,已经跌掉了 50%,5.19 当天更是跌了将近一万美元,币圈一片哀嚎,除了比特币,其他的主流币种跟山寨币则跌幅更大,如果你手中有合约期货,即使三倍杠杠,也会被爆仓离场!当晚内蒙古发改委再次发文称对“挖矿”的监管将持续呈高压态势,伴随下跌情形,美国最大的数字加密货币交易所 Coinbase 出现宕机,全球最大的加密货币交易所 Binance 以网络拥堵为由暂停以太坊和 ERC20 的提款,韭菜们声称“想抄底都抄不上”。

  • 2021 年 6 月 21 日,中国大陆出台了清理矿场的政策,央行也约谈了部分银行和支付机构,正式地切断所有交易虚拟货币的支付链路,让中国从此进入了买卖比特币涉嫌违规的状态,对市场形成重大利空,加密市场也随之应声大跌!监管会迟到,但不会缺席,对数字货币更是如此。

  • 2021 年 7 月 14 日,金融市场指数提供商标普道琼斯指数(S&P Dow Jones Indices)宣布推出标普加密货币广泛数字市场指数,以追踪更广泛的数字资产市场的表现,该指数包括 240 多种货币。

致所有人 – 今天如何快速角色化进入 Web311



  • 2022 年 3 月,ApeCoin 空投,约 1.3 万个地址中奖,拥有一个 BAYC 便可获得超过 11 万美元的 APE 奖励。

  • 2022 年 3 月 1 日,币安宣布上线第 28 个 Launchpad 项目,即 Stepn (GMT)。

  • 2022 年 5 月 10 日,Terra 链的稳定币 UST 严重脱锚,尽管 Luna 基金会疯狂救市和寻求融资也没有成效,最终 Terra 崩盘。这也告诉了我们一个道理,总市值是虚市值,并不是真金白银,当你不知道利润从哪里来的时候,利润就是从你这里来的。

  • 2022 年 6 月 19 日,“人在币圈混,三天饿九顿”这句调侃正在加密货币投资圈应验,比特币再度暴跌,失守 18000 美元关口,这也是 2020 年 12 月以来比特币的最低价格,2021 年高位时曾高达 6.9 万美元。比特币已连续 12 天下跌,创下 2009 年诞生以来的最长连跌纪录。

  • 2022 年 7 月 1 日,三箭资本 3AC 在纽约南区破产法院递交破产保护申请,其导致的坏账风险,引发了整个行业的恐慌,有媒体将此称作币圈的“雷曼时刻”。

  • 2022 年 8 月 8 日,美国财政部 OFAC 宣布制裁以太坊混币协议 Tornado Cash,要求 Circle 冻结受制裁的 USDC 账户,这引发了大家对隐私/中心化监管的思考,甚至对去中心化更加渴望。因此未来政府需要与区块链行业紧急合作,共同发展,建立完善的监管体系而不是一刀切,治标不治本。Vitalik 甚至表示如果美国政府要对以太坊节点进行审查的话,会将其视为对以太坊网络的攻击,通过社会共识将这些叛变节点给 slash 掉。

  • 2022 年 9 月,星巴克联合 Polygon 推出 Web3 平台,可以看到传统 Web2 机构已经在布局和发力,包括科技公司 FLAG,百度,腾讯,艺术品公司 Tiffany 等。

  • 2022 年 9 月 15 日,以太坊合并顺利完成,从此以太坊主网的共识机制从 POW 切换到了 POS。

  • 2022 年 11 月 11 日,知名加密货币交易所 FTX 宣布破产,内中原因就是资产抵押物 FTT, SOL 等代币同质化严重且波动性高,经 CZ 吹哨后市场恐慌导致资不抵债。但这也给整个行业带来了好处,刮骨疗伤之后会迎来更完善的监管,时间舔平伤口后公众对去中心化的信心和渴望也会更足。

  • 2022 年 12 月,特朗普发行 NFT,在这个时间点进来有点微妙,令人浮想联翩。

  • 我们经历了牛熊切换,暴涨暴跌,币圈一天,人间一年,金钱永不眠;

  • 我们也目睹了很多的欺诈,黑客与黑天鹅事件;


  • 更惊叹于,比特币价格从 0,1,10,100,1000,10000,直到 2021 年突破 6.9 万美元大关,相信未来会见到 10 万美元的比特币;

  • 更兴奋于,DeFi,NFT,GameFi 等领域从技术积累到应用蓬发的过程,相信 BUIDL 的力量,时间和汗水会说话;

  • 更期待于,完善的监管制定,全新的技术变革,优秀的应用模式创新;

  • 更坚信于,历史的车轮一直在滚动着,凭借着不断的学习和努力,我们能成为其中一个比较大的印记。

致所有人 – 今天如何快速角色化进入 Web312致所有人 – 今天如何快速角色化进入 Web313致所有人 – 今天如何快速角色化进入 Web314

  • 从最最最开始比特币出来,许多人由于对这种去中心化的点对点电子货币系统很感兴趣,愿意投身其中出一份力,也为了长远的投资,因此参与了比特币的挖矿,逐渐出现了专业挖矿的项目方,他们被称为矿圈。

    From the earliest bitcoin, many of them, because of their interest in this decentralized point-to-point e-money system, their willingness to contribute to it and their long-term investment, have been involved in the mining of bitcoin, which has led to the emergence of a professional mining project, known as the ring.

  • 自 2017 年 ICO 热潮以来,纸醉金迷,一夜暴富的神话被传得神乎其神,越来越多投机分子加入到加密货币行业,他们专注于炒币,甚至发行自己的代币,这批人被称为币圈。

    Since the ICO boom in 2017, the myths of the one-night rich have been passed on to the gods, and more and more speculators have joined the crypto-currency industry, focusing on the production of coins and even the issuance of their own tokens, known as currency rings.

  • 由于比特币天生的弱编程性无法满足复杂的需求,以太坊以其优秀的可编程性一炮而红,但很快人们又不堪以太坊的低速与昂贵,此时一批优秀的工程师/技术人员与创业达人纷纷喊起了口号“We are Ethereum Killer”,创造了许多新公链,这批人被称为链圈。

    Because Bitcoin's inherently weak programming is not able to meet complex demands, and it is red with its excellent programmable nature, but it is soon too slow and expensive for the community, when a group of excellent engineers/technicals and entrepreneurs chanted the slogan “We are Etheeum Killer”, creating many new public chains, known as chains.

区块链领域中这三个圈子的人甚至是有鄙视链的,矿圈的认为币圈都是投机不算投资,币圈的觉得矿圈太过古板只会赚死钱。而链圈的人由于其技术清高性颇有一番学术腔调,隐约中也是瞧不上这些资本游戏的。 但目前整个行业的机会非常大,没有资本的进场行业也得不到快速的发展,因此链圈的人也会因为这一点和一些世俗杂念而时而 fomo 一下。 未来三个圈子互相扶持,资本,技术,用户全面爆发,才会有更好的行业,也就是我们理想中的 Web3 行业。

In the area of , those in the mine circle who think are not speculating investments, and those in the industry who do not have much more capital than the capital of the world because of their technological highness are not the ones who have much better capital for the future.


As a result of the efforts of the people in the chain, numerous public chains have appeared on the market at one point in time, but all have been optimized from the non-triangular aspect of the chain from ,

  • 有的降低去中心化程度来提高效率比如 EOS, Solana;

    Some reduce decentralisation to improve efficiency, e.g. EOS, Solana;

  • 有的通过原生支持多链跨链协议来增强扩展性例如 Cosmos, Polkadot;

    Some enhance expansion through native support of multi-chain cross-chain protocols, such as Cosmos, Polkadot;

  • 有的通过分片技术来提高 TPS 比如 Near;

    Some upgrade TPS, like Near;

  • 有的通过研发新型树图 (Tree-Graph) 结构共识算法来突破 TPS 及 Confirmation Latency 的瓶颈,比如 Conflux;

    Some break the bottlenecks of TPS and Confrux through the development of new tree maps (Tree-Graph) structural consensus algorithms;

  • 有的通过利用新型编程语言 Move 来提升可编程性和资产安全性,例如 Aptos, Sui;

    Some use the new programming language Move to enhance programming and asset security, such as Aptos, Sui;

  • 有的提出了一整套全新的理论试图走出区块链 3.0 的道路,比如 ICP;

    Some suggest a whole new set of theories trying to get out of the block chain by the 3.0 path, such as the ICP;

  • 有的提出要将整个区块链分成多个子模块来提升可组合性与单一功能下的效率,例如 Celestia, Fuel;

    Some suggested that the entire block chain should be divided into multiple sub-modules to enhance collusiveness and efficiency under a single function, such as Celestia, Fuel;

  • 但 Ethereum 社区自己提出了 OP Rollup, ZK Rollup 等 Layer2 方案来提升主网一层的 TPS

    But the Etherum community itself proposed the OP Rollup, ZK Rollup and other Layer2 programs to upgrade the TPS on the first level of the main network.

    • OP Rollup 有 Optimism, Arbitrum 等

      OP Rollup has Optimism, Abitrum et al.

    • ZK Rollup 有 ZK-Sync, Scroll, Aztec, Starkware, Polygon zkEVM 等

      ZK Rollup with ZK-Sync, Scroll, Aztec, Starkware, Polygon zkEVM et al.

    • 此外还有 Validium, Volition, Plasma, Sidechain 等尝试

      In addition, there are attempts at Validium, volition, Plasma, Sidechain, etc.

公链之战持续了好几年,直到现在也不能说尘埃落定,只能说 Bitcoin 和 Ethereum 由于其各自开辟了一片新天地而处于强势地位,其他公链在不同的场景下有着程度不同的优势,因此也占据着一席之地。未来也许会有更优秀的新公链,也有可能随着某一个莫名的事件驱动着一条老公链爆发性增长甚至击败 Bitcoin 和 Ethereum,让我们拭目以待!

The battle of the public chain lasted for several years, and until now it cannot be said that the dust is settled. It can only be said that Bitcoin and Etheeum are in a position of strength because each of them has opened a new horizon, and that other public chains, with varying degrees of advantage in different contexts, occupy a place. There may be a better new public chain in the future, and it may be possible that one of the unknown events that drives a husband's chain to explode or even defeat Bitcoin and Etheum, let us wait!

可以说从 BTC 问世的那一天起,人们就希望能够以一种去中心化的方式来做交易,因此这一块的链上金融创新可以说是层出不穷。 非常前期的时候由于 BTC 可编程性不强,大家一直没有往这条路想太多 (前面提到的 Mastercoin 做了这一块的尝试),后面 Ethereum 横空出世,大家的想象空间被打开了,纷纷采用 ICO 的形式来筹集资金搞事情。随着 ERC20 Token 协议定下来之后,链上的资产流动更加方便了,一系列的金融创新产品逐渐推出:

From the day BTC was born, one could say that one would want to do business in a decentralised way, so financial innovation on this chain could be described as growing. At a very early stage, because of the limited programming of the BTC, one had not thought much about this path (the earlier Mastercoin tried this piece), followed by Etherum, where the imagination was opened and the ICO was used to raise money.


  • Aave

  • Compound

  • Maker

Dex 聚合器

  • 1inch Network

  • Matcha

  • Paraswap


  • 基于 AMM:Uniswap, Balancer, Curve Finance, Bancor, Pancakeswap, 0x Protocol

    Based on AMM: Uniswap, Balancer, Curve Finance, Bancor, Pancakeswap, 0x Protocol

  • 基于 Orderbook:dYdX, etherDelta (已经倒闭), Degate(即将主网 Beta),MESProtocol

    Based on Orderbook: dYdX, etherDelta (Closed), Degate (for Beta), MESProtocol


  • 合成资产:Synthetix, UMA

    Synthetic assets: Synthetix, UMA

  • 永续合约:GMX, Perpetual Protocol, Injective Protocol, MCDEX

    Permanent contract: GMX, Permanent Protocol, Active Protocol, MDDEX

  • 期权:Opyn, Hegic

    Options: Opyn, Hegic

  • 保险:Nexus Mutual, Cover Protocol

    Insurance: Nexus Mutual, Cover Protocol

  • ETF:Index Cooperative (TokenSets), PowerPool, Indexed Finance

  • 彩票:PoolTogether

    Lottery: PoolTogether

  • 预测市场:Auhur, Omen

    Forecast market: Auhur, Omen

  • 固定利率:Yield, Saffron.Finance, Horizon Finance, Notional

    Fixed interest rate: Yield, Saffron.Finance, Horizon Finance, Notional

  • 收益聚合器:Yearn Finance, Badger Finance, Alpha Finance, Harvest Finance

    Gain polymer: Yearn Finance, Badger Finance, Alpha Finance, Harvest Finance

  • 预言机 Oracle:Chainlink, Band Protocol

    Oracle: Chainlink, Band Protocol

  • 数据聚合器:The Graph Protocol, Covalent

    Data polymerizer: The Graph Protocol, Covalent

  • 支付:Sablier, Superfluid

    Payment: Sablier, Superfluid

  • Dashboard:Debank, Zapper, Zerion

  • 跨链桥:Multichain.xyz, Anyswap, Thorchain, Ren Project

    Cross-link bridge: Multichin.xyz, Anyswap, Thorchain, Ren Project

  • Stablecoin

    • 中心化:USDT, USDC, BUSD

      Centralization: USDT, USDC, BUSD

    • 去中心化:DAI, USDD

      Decentralizing: DAI, USDD

    • 算法稳定币:UST (已经挂了), FRAX (部分由抵押品支持,部分在算法上稳定)

      Algorithmic stabilization currency: UST (dead), FRAX (partly supported by collateral and partly stable in algorithms)


限于认知和篇幅所限,很多 DeFi 的细节知识无法提供,这里只给出一些 key metrics

Many details of DeFi are not available, limited to cognitive and space limitations, and only some key metrics are given here.

  • 2018 年 DeFi TVL 从 5000 万美元增加到 2.75 亿美元,增长 5 倍;

    DeFi TVL increased from $50 million to $275 million in 2018, a fivefold increase;

  • 2019 年 DeFi TVL 达到 6.67 亿美元,增长 2.4 倍;

    DeFi TVL reached $667 million in 2019, an increase of 2.4 times;

  • 2020 年 DeFi TVL 达到 157 亿美元,增长 23.5 倍;

    DeFi TVL reached $15.7 billion in 2020, a 23.5-fold increase;

  • 2021 年 DeFi TVL 达到 2470 亿美元,增长 15.7 倍;

    DeFi TVL reached $247 billion in 2021, a 15.7-fold increase;

  • 2022 年 DeFi TVL 降至 390 亿美元(截止写作时),相较 2021 年最高点缩水 84%,从这里也看出 2022 年是真的难。

    DeFi TVL fell to $39 billion in 2022 (at the time of writing), down 84 per cent from its peak in 2021, and this also shows that 2022 was really difficult.

总体来看 DeFi 离钱最近,是一个潜力无限的赛道,希望未来能够出现更多创新性强,安全性高,操作门槛低的产品,Buidler 们加油! 感兴趣的同学可以看一下下面的资料

In general, DeFi's closest to the money is a promising track, hoping that in the future there will be more innovative, high-security, low-operational products.

  • DEFI – From Inception To 2021 And Beyond (History Of Decentralized Finance Explained)

  • DeFi 发展简史

    DeFi Development Brief History

从 2012 年的 Colored Coins,到 2017 年爆火的 Cryptopunks 和 CryptoKitties,再到 2021 年 的知名项目 BAYC,NFT 发展很快,此外还有一系列的新鲜尝试,例如

From Caroline Coins in 2012, to Cryptopunks and CryptoKittys in 2017, to BAYC in 2021, NFT, and a series of fresh attempts, for example,

  • 生成艺术 Art Blocks

    Generate Art Blocks

  • 黑底白字 Loot

    White on Black

  • 网站域名 ENS

    Website domain name NES

  • 虚拟世界 Decentraland

    Virtual World Decentraland

  • 体育类 NBA Top Shot

    Sports class NBA Top Short

  • 音乐类 Overstimulated

    Music class Overstimolated

关于 NFT 我玩的不多,目前仅有的两个 NFT,一个是 ENS,一个是 Art Party,后者是为了进好玩才买的。

I don't play much about NFT, so there's only two NFTs, one ENS, one Art Party, the other buys for fun.

目前行业内有一个共识就是头像类 NFT 的叙事到头了,需要有更多的 NFT 玩法出来,才能带火整个 NFT 市场。关于这个观点我没有任何评价,因为我玩得不多,还处于只图好看的程度,比如喜欢 Doodles 这样的画风。

There is a consensus in the industry that the headline NFT narrative is over and that more NFT games are needed to set the entire NFT market on fire. I have no comment on this idea, because I don't play much, and I'm at a level that only looks good, like the Doodles.

但是 NFT 市场上有一个很棘手的问题就是流动性,因为 NFT 很难定价,并且不能拆开卖,所以卖的人不知道卖什么价格,买的人又不知道怎么买。 于是有人提出了一些新点子,例如:

But a very difficult problem in the NFT market is liquidity, because NFT is difficult to price and cannot be sold out, so the seller doesn't know what the price is, the buyer doesn't know how to buy it. So some new ideas have been put forward, such as:

  • Tessera (前 Fractional) 提出既然 NFT 独一无二不可复制,必须得买整个,太贵了导致流动性低,那我把它拆开来卖就行了。这就是 NFT 碎片化,将完整 NFT 拆分成多个小块,从而让多个人获得同一 NFT 的部分所有权,就跟分蛋糕一样;

    Tessera (formerly Fractional) suggested that since NFT is unique and cannot be replicated, it has to be bought as a whole, and it is too expensive to be mobile, I would just take it apart and sell it. This is NFT fragmentation, dividing the entire NFT into a number of small pieces, so that many people can get some ownership of the same NFT, just like a piece of cake;

  • Rentable 提出既然 NFT 这么贵买不起,或者卖方纯收藏不想卖,那我们就把 NFT 租出去就行。这样 NFT 所有权拥有者可以赚利息,而 NFT 租赁人可以拿着 NFT 出去装 X。但目前 Rentable 项目已经倒闭,联合创始人 Emiliano Bonassi 称没有找到 PMF (Product Market Fit),经过慎重考虑决定放弃这个赛道。

    Rentable suggested that if NFT is so expensive, or if the seller's pure collection does not want to sell, then we can rent NFT out. This way NFT owners can earn interest and NFT lessors can take NFT out to install X. But now the Rentable project is closed, the co-founder Emilio Bonassi claims that the PMF (Product Market Fit) has not been found and has carefully decided to abandon the track.

NFT 交易苦 OpenSea 久矣,一些交易所针对 OpenSea 的各种痛点提出了自己的想法

NFT Trade Hard OpenSea has been a long time, and some exchanges have come up with ideas about OpenSea's pains.

  • LooksRare 剑指 OpenSea 一直不发币,于是直接吸血鬼攻击向 OpenSea 用户空投 LOOKS 代币以抢夺用户,同时支持交易挖矿激励方案,上线当天平台交易量就达到 3.2 亿美元,约是 OpenSea 的两倍;

    LooksRare Sword means OpenSea has never given currency, so direct vampires have attacked OpenSea users by dropping LoOKS tokens to rob users, while supporting the trade mining incentive programme, which amounts to $320 million, about twice that of OpenSea, on the same day on line;

  • X2Y2 提出 NFT 挂单才是流动性的核心,因此激励会根据在售的 NFT 对交易平台的贡献度来计算,这样对普通用户更为公平,另外 X2Y2 还提供了一揽子交易功能,包括批量发送,综合稀有度排名,买卖即时通知,竞标等;

    X2Y2 suggests that NFT listings are the core of liquidity, so that incentives are calculated on the basis of the contribution of the NFT on sale to the trading platform, which is more equitable to ordinary users, and X2Y2 provides a package of transactional functions, including bulk dispatch, combined rare rankings, immediate notice of sale, competitive bidding, etc.;

  • Magic Eden 基于高性能链 Solana 构造护城河,使得 OpenSea 被挡在 Solana 生态外;

    Magic Eden constructs the moat river based on a high performance chain, which keeps OpenSea out of the Solana ecology;

  • Sudoswap 主打平台交易费用低(仅0.5%)、链上流动性池、无版税和低 Gas。它允许 NFT 持有者通过创建交易池成为流动性提供者,还在用户体验上也做了进一步的优化,包括系列报价、购物车、地板价扫货功能。但其提出的 0 版税机制被社区狂喷,特别是创作者们觉得自己的工作受到了侮辱;

    Sudoswap runs a platform with low transaction costs (0.5%), chain-based liquidity pools, unrecorded taxes, and low Gas. It allows NFT holders to become liquidity providers by creating a trading pool, and has also been further optimized in the user experience, including a series of offers, shopping carts, floor-price clean-up functions.

  • Blur 的基因就是高效交易,在这里没人喜欢长期的 Offer,而是快节奏的买卖,就像一个现货交易所一样;

    Blur's genes are efficient trading, where no one likes long-term Offer, but fast-paced trading, like an off-the-shelf exchange;

  • BendDAO 提出既然 Rentable 提出的 NFT 纯租赁的应用场景太狭窄,那我想想别的办法。既然 NFT 所有权拥有者觉得 NFT 拿在手上资产流动性太差,但是又租不出去,于是 BendDAO 提供 NFT 抵押借贷池的解决方案,即由原来的点对点租赁变成了点对池模式。非 NFT 持有者也可以提供 ETH 流动性来赚取利息;而 NFT 拥有者可以抵押自己的名贵 NFT 来借出 X% NFT 价值的 ETH,同时也需要承担一定的风险,比如抵押的 NFT 地板价下降而抵押者又没有及时增加保证金的话,抵押的 NFT 就会被链上清算。前阵子 BendDAO 还由于熊市 NFT 价格暴跌而出现过流动性危机,但通过项目方紧急调整暂时解决了问题。总体来说 NFT 借贷赛道仍处于早期阶段,还有很多的困难需要解决。

    BendDAO suggested that since the NFT pure lease scenario proposed by Rentable is too narrow, I should think of another solution. Since NFT owners feel that NFT has a poor liquidity of assets in hand, but cannot rent out, BendDAO offers a NFT mortgage pool solution, i.e. that the original point-to-point lease becomes a point-to-point model. Non-NFT holders can also provide ETH liquidity to earn interest; and NFT owners can mortgage their own valuable NFT to borrow X% NFT value ETH, but they also have to assume certain risks. For example, NFT floor prices have fallen and mortgagers have not increased their collateral in time, the mortgage NFT has been liquidated.

  • Element 作为跨链聚合市场,用户体验在 BSC 链上所向披靡,算是典型 Web2 高效创业团队的降维打击。其版税政策是无条件支持创作者,跟随创作者设置的版税。

    As a cross-chain conglomerate market, the user’s experience of the BSC chain is a typical breakback for the Web2 efficient start-up team. Its royalties policy is unconditional support for creators, following royalties set by creators.

自 Stepn 上线以来,一众人士都对这种边跑步边赚钱的想法赞不绝口,游戏反作弊机制优秀,跑步是很多人的刚需,团队优秀等特质一时都成为了这个项目的优势。但很快 Stepn 就因为没有持续强劲的用户与资金增加而陷入死亡螺旋。从 play to earn 的 Axie 到 move to earn 的 Stepn,人们逐渐对 X to earn 的模式失去信心,认为其违反了代币经济的第一性原理,即需要保证资金流入流出平衡,如果所有人都是来赚钱而不是消费的,代币价值终将因为恶性通胀而衰竭。

Since Stepn came online, everyone has praised the idea of making money while running. The game is a good anti-deception mechanism, with many people needing it, and team excellence has been an advantage of the project for a while.

我以前是穿越火线中国区半职业选手,排位赛全区 Top 10/300,000,也建立了一个百人左右的高玩战队。因此对于游戏玩法的理解我是有资格发言的,一个游戏如果想要持续下去,一定要有用户基础,而用户会留下只会因为

I used to be a semi-professional player across the fire line in China, ranking for the whole district Top 10,300,000, and creating a high-playing team of around 100 people. So I'm qualified to speak about the game. A game must have a user base if it's to last.

  • 身边人都在玩自己想合群

    Everyone around is playing their own game.

  • 自己装备好满足虚荣心

    You're so well equipped for vanity.

  • 自己技术好备受尊重

    You know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know,

  • 当作一个职业来发展

    To develop as a career.

  • 打发时间

    Time out.

  • 可以赚钱

    You can make money.


So considering the user group, we know that if only those who want to make money are not sustainable, otherwise...

  • 想合群,可是真的觉得不好玩啊,比如朋友让我玩英雄联盟,我觉得一直都在走路实在没意思,我就喜欢刚枪一波流;

    I really don't think it's funny, like friends letting me play hero leagues. I don't think it's funny to be walking all the time. I like guns.

  • 想满足虚荣心,大家都在忙着赚钱,没人关心你的装备好看还是怎样,除非可以卖更多的钱;

    In order to satisfy vanity, everyone is busy making money, nobody cares about your equipment, unless more money can be sold;

  • 想受到尊重,那得要赚得比别人多才行,因为大家不重视技术了,虽然技术好确实相对更容易挣到钱;

    If you want to be respected, you have to earn more than others because you don't value technology, although it's actually relatively easy to earn money;

  • 想作为职业发展,大家都在这个行业赚钱,没有大众的参与,钱从哪里来?

    Where does the money come from, without the participation of the general public, if you want to be a career earner in this industry?

  • 打发时间,游戏里面全都是忙着赚钱的人了,可能都没人原因陪你聊天说话练技术了,还怎么打发时间?

    The game's full of people who're busy making money. Maybe no one's got a reason to talk to you. How can we get out of time?

  • 赚钱,ok,那大家都在纯赚钱了,赚谁的钱?谁技术差谁出钱?那不成赌博游戏了吗?直接玩德扑不就行了吗?

    Making money, OK, so everybody's making money, making money. Who's got the skills to pay. Isn't that a gambling game?

因此,用户留下来只会因为可玩性高,且要有用户愿意氪金,这样对于整个游戏而言,有老资金被消费,有新资金流入,有新玩法被研发,正向循环。甚至于社区可以直接参与到游戏制作当中,这也是 Web3 行业的一大优势。以前腾讯出个新版本调整一下枪械参数,社区里面一通骂,但是官方会管你吗?但是现在你可以持有项目代币,你是共建者,你可以参与投票发出声音,改变游戏设计方向,不论结果与否,起码多了一丝参与感。

Users therefore stay only because they are playable and willing to use kryptonite, so that, for the whole game, old money is consumed, new money is inflow, new play is being developed, and it is circular. Even the community can be directly involved in the production of the game, which is one of the advantages of the Web3 industry.

对 GameFi 的未来发展,我没有明确的答案,但我相信初心不改。 游戏可玩性和趣味性是项目方要考虑的事情,不管游戏是 on-chain 还是 off-chain,是 free to play 还是 pay to play,是 play for fun 还是 play for X,游戏内是你的资产永远需要是你的资产,并且要支持多游戏资产互通,随时可以退出一个游戏,毕竟用户不需要为一个垃圾游戏买单。

I have no clear answer to the future of GameFi, but I believe that there is no change in the original mind. Playability and fun is a matter for the project, whether the game is on-chain or off-chain, free to play or pay to play, play for fun or play for X, where your assets are always needed for your assets, and to support multi-gaming assets, you can quit a game at any time, after all, the user does not need to pay for a junk game.

  • 由 Aave 团队开发的 Lens Protocol 将社交领域的一些行为编程粒度化,用户可以将诸如点赞,follow,评论等行为加持在自身的 .lens 身份 NFT 之上,形成了一整套社交图谱,随着社交数据的增长,整个网络可以提供的价值会越来越大。

    Lens Protocol, developed by the Aave team, takes a number of behavioral granulations in the social field and allows users to put behaviors such as praise, pollow, comment and so on above their own.lens identity NFT, forming a set of social maps, and as social data grows, the value that the entire network can provide will grow.

  • 由前 Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey 领导的?Bluesky?目前正在内测阶段,大家可以去申请一下。Bluesky 团队开发的 ATP (Authenticated Transfer Protocol) 将身份,存储,互操作性,账户可移植性,联邦制,算法选择,言论传播等功能做了一整套的方案,如果其逻辑自洽,设计合理,协议性能优秀的化,相信以 Jack Dorsey 在理想主义和号召力,Bluesky 可以获得不少用户,期待公测!

    Led by former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey? Bluesky? You can apply for it at the internal testing stage. The Bluesky team developed the ATP to provide identity, storage, interoperability, accounts portability, federal systems, algorithm selection, speech dissemination, etc., and if it's logical, well-designed, well-consensed, confident that Jack Dorsey's idealism and appeal, Bluesky will have access to a wide range of users, looking forward to public opinion!

  • 最近很火的?Mastadon,是一个类似于百度贴吧的微社区社交平台,有不少 Twitter 难民由于不堪封号/言论管制等困扰已经涌入到这边了,Mastadon 中文翻译为长毛象,是一个半去中心化的系统,不受任何实体的中心化管制。无数的长毛象服务器之间半独立,但又可以通过一个相同的协议 ActivityPub 来进行互通,服务器之间身份共享,一起组成一个大的集群,可以算是一个很精美的协议驱动的产品了。

    Most recently, it's a popular micro-community social platform, like a hundred-degree bar, and there are Twitter, where refugees have arrived because of troubles such as a capricious number/custody of speech, and the Chinese translation into mammoth is a semi-centralized system that is not controlled by any entity. Countless mammoth servers are semi-independent, but they can be connected through a similar agreement, an identity sharing between servers, and a large cluster of products that can be counted as a fine protocol-driven product.

总之,目前 SocialFi 还处于一个非常早期的阶段,

In short, SocialFi is still at a very early stage.

  • 信息产生者不够是整个行业的问题

    The lack of information producers is a problem for the industry as a whole.

  • 信息传播路径的问题已经被解决

    The problem of the information distribution path has been solved.

  • 信息资产化已经在做尝试

    The information asset is already trying.

是否有更多的难题出现我们不知道,但是 DID 一定是要被首先解决的问题,毕竟没有身份无法社交。

We don't know if there are any more problems, but the DD must be the first to be solved, after all, without identity.

具体分析见我之前的文章?ACM 分析法详解 DID 赛道

A detailed analysis of my previous article?

钱包赛道一定是产生 Mass Adoption 的基础,没有一个安全的,易用的钱包,大众很难进入到这个行业。

must have been the basis for the creation of Mass Adoption. /a> does not have a safe, easy-to-use track self' href="



By definition, the key is written with a piece of paper and never touched the net, but there is a risk of loss.


硬件钱包是指将数字资产私钥单独储存在一个芯片中,与互联网隔离,即插即用。 硬件钱包不能保证 100% 安全,比如某 Geek 获取你的硬件钱包即使不知道你的私钥,也有可能暴力破解。只是相对于其他保管手段,这是最安全的储存手段之一。 市面上比较受欢迎的硬件钱包有 Ledger, Trezor, OneKey 等

Hardware wallet means that the private key of a digital asset is stored separately in a chip and is isolated from the Internet, i.e. plugged in. Hardware wallets do not guarantee 100% security, for example, if some Geek gets your hardware wallet without knowing your private key, it can be broken violently. It's just one of the safest storage tools compared to the other. The more popular hardware wallets on the market are Ledger, Trezor, OneKey, etc.


前面的钱包都是一个私钥签名就可以转移资产,而某些 DAO 组织或者 Web3 机构为了安全,需要多个人共同签名才允许转移资产。于是多签钱包出现了,一笔交易发起后,只有达到提前设定的下限人数的私钥签名后,该笔交易才可以被多签地址确认执行。例如多签钱包总共的管理员人数为 7 人,在发起交易的时候,最起码要有 4 个人确认了才可以执行交易,这一点是合约代码保证的。

The front wallet is a private key signature that allows the transfer of assets, while some DAO organizations or Web3 agencies need multiple signatures to allow the transfer of assets in order to be safe. So, when a multiple wallet appears, only a private key signature that meets the minimum number set earlier can be confirmed by an oversigned address. For example, when a transaction is initiated, a minimum of four individuals must confirm that the transaction can be executed, which is guaranteed by the contract code.


The advantages of multiple wallets include:

  • 提高账户安全性,相对于单签钱包,黑客需要破解多人的私钥才能转走资产;

    Improving the security of accounts and the need for hackers to break multiple personal keys in order to transfer assets as opposed to single-sign wallets;

  • 实现数据备份,相对于单签钱包,一个私钥丢失会导致所有资产丢失,而多签钱包例如 2/3 钱包,即使丢失了一个私钥还是可以正常交易,后续还可以添加更多的管理员(这一点不同钱包有不同方案);

    (b) The backup of data, with the loss of a private key leading to the loss of all assets as opposed to a single wallet, while the oversigning of a wallet such as a 2/3 wallet, even if a private key is lost, can still be traded on a regular basis, followed by the addition of more administrators (in which different wallets have different options);

  • 方便仲裁,例如 2/3 多签钱包,企业创始人 2 人分别持有一把私钥,当产生分歧的时候,持有最后一把私钥的法院可以参与仲裁谁可以转走最后的资产,当然这里也涉及到某个创始人与法院密谋的问题,但这里就不展开了。

    Facilitating arbitration, such as two thirds of the over-signing wallets, two of the founders of the business each held a private key, and when a disagreement arose, the court holding the last private key could be involved in the arbitration of who could transfer the last asset, but this, of course, also involved the conspiracy of one of the founders and the court, which did not take place here.


The disadvantages of multiple wallets are:

  • 无法完全排除私钥丢失风险,例如严格的 2/2 多签钱包,丢失任意一把私钥还是会丢失所有资产,这种设置方案可能在特定的场景才会使用,使用方需要自行注意风险;

    The risk of loss of a private key, such as a strict 2/2 oversigning wallet, the loss of an arbitrary private key or the loss of all assets, cannot be completely excluded, and this setting may be used in a particular context, where the user needs to be aware of the risk;

  • 操作不便利,比如我们只想转 1 个 USDT,却需要找到 3 个大忙人一起签名,交易时间大幅延长。当然这里例子比较极端,毕竟都用到多签钱包了,肯定动辄就是上百万的转账了。

    It's not easy to do, like we just want to transfer one USDT, but we need to find three busy people to sign together, and the trading time has been greatly prolonged. Of course, this is the extreme case, after all, with the extra wallet, and it's certainly a million transfers.

市面上最著名的多签钱包有 Gnosis Safe。

The most famous multiple wallet on the market is Gnosis Safe.

EOA 钱包

EOA (Externally Owned Account) 钱包即外部账户,与其对应的为 CA (Contract Account) 钱包,即合约账户。

The EOA (External Owned Account) wallet is an external account corresponding to the CA (Contract Account) wallet, i.e. a contractual account.

你在硬件钱包 Ledger,插件钱包 Metamask 中生成的钱包就是 EOA 钱包,它的特点是容易生成,但是必须保管好助记词,而且功能有限。 EOA 钱包是目前最为流行的钱包,但是它对新人不友好,稍不注意所有资产就会全部归零,有的是被钓鱼了,有的是自己忘记助记词了。

The wallet that you generated in the hardware wallet Ledger, the plug-in wallet Metamask, is the EOA wallet, which is easy to generate, but which must be kept in good condition and with limited functionality. The EOA wallet is the most popular wallet at the moment, but it is unfriendly to newcomers, and all assets will be completely zero, either fished or forgotten.

例如 2022 年 11 月分布式资本创始人沈波疑似私钥泄漏,4200 万美元全部被盗窃。

For example, in November 2022, the founder of the distributed capital, Shen Bo, suspected of leaking a private key, was all stolen for $42 million.

MPC 钱包

因为 EOA 钱包的私钥和助记词管理为人诟病,于是 MPC 钱包出现,它采用了 MPC (Multi-Party Computation) 技术,通过让多个实体分别掌握私钥的一部分,采用门限签名 TSS (Threshold Signature Scheme) 来帮助解决私钥和助记词管理的问题。

Because the private key and assistive word management of the EOA wallet is human-anxiety, the MPC wallet appears using the MPC (Multi-Party Corporation) technique, which helps to solve the problem of managing the private key and assistive word by allowing multiple entities to have separate parts of the private key, using a restricted signature TSS (Threshold Signature Scheme).

MPC 的工作原理是将传统私钥拆分成多个部分,分布在多个地方,以确保任何人都无法完全访问到完整的私钥,私钥总是以分布式的方式使用。 当需要交易签名时,涉及的各方(两个或多个)分别计算出一个 secret share,接着所有 secret share 通过数学方法融合成最终的有效签名,使得交易可以被确认。这个过程中没有一个实体可以访问完整私钥,即没有单点故障,即使攻击者试图攻击多方中的任何一个,他也无法同时访问所有的“secret shares”,因此资产比传统的单私钥架构更安全。

The MPC works by dividing traditional private keys into multiple parts, distributed over multiple locations, to ensure that no one has complete access to complete private keys, which are always used in a distributed manner. When a transaction signature is required, each of the parties involved (two or more) calculates a secret share, and then all of the secretshare integrates mathematically into a final valid signature, making the transaction possible to be confirmed. No entity in this process has access to the complete private key, that is, no single fault, and even if the attacker tries to attack any of the multiple parties, he cannot access all the “secretshares” at the same time, so the asset is safer than the traditional one-key structure.

当然还有另外一种 SSS (Shamir Secret Sharing) 的方式,这个方式是真的将一个私钥切割成多个子部分,然后多方分别拿着多个子私钥组合成最终的私钥来签名,这种方式是会有单点故障的,因为完整私钥总要在某一个地方出现,只要黑客能够攻击这个地方,就可以转移所有资产。

There is, of course, another way of SSS (Shamir Secret Sharing), which really cuts a private key into multiple subparts and then signs it separately with multiple sub-keys as the final private key, which has a single problem, because the full private key always appears in one place, so long as hackers can attack this place, they can transfer all the assets.

目前市面上比较受欢迎的 MPC 钱包有 Zengo, Qredo, Openblock, Fireblocks, safeheron 等。

The most popular MPC wallets on the market are Zengo, Qredo, Openblock, Fireblocks, Safeheron, etc.


以上的钱包还是让小白用户摸不着头脑,作为非技术出身的同学,还要学习签名算法,gas price,gas limit,区块链事务等错综复杂的概念,其根本原因就是外部账户的抽象程度不够。目前的钱包不能够让我们像打电话一样那么简单,我们本应该只在乎打电话每分钟要花多少钱即可,不需要知道电话线的配置,不需要知道电话的工作原理,不需要知道电话信号是怎么传播的,也不需要知道电话信号是怎么变成声音的。

The above wallets still leave white users out of their minds, as non-technical classmates, and learn about the complex concepts of signature algorithms, gas price, gas limit, block chain matters, etc. The underlying reason is that there is not enough abstractness in the external accounts. The current wallet does not allow us to be as simple as a phone call. We should only care how much it costs to call every minute, do not need to know the configuration of the telephone line, do not need to know how it works, do not need to know how the phone signal spreads and do not need to know how it becomes sound.

因此就有人提出了账户抽象的概念,我们将钱包的复杂内容全部抽象出来,让用户只需要面向一个简单的外壳即可。这样一来用户体验变好了,二来技术人员也可以在技术底层增加更多复杂的逻辑(当然展现给用户仍然需要简单明了)。 例如

So the concept of account abstraction was put forward, so we abstracted all the complex contents of the wallet, so that the user would simply have to look at a simple shell. So that the user experience would be better, and the technicians could add more complex logic to the bottom of the technology (and, of course, it would still be simple for the user).

  • 钱包内部可以支持闪电贷,用户可以提供授权获得盈利费用(只有当真的有盈利机会的时候钱包提供商才可以挪用用户的钱),而钱包提供商则可以获得手续费;

    The wallet can support lightning lending internally, and the user can provide authorization to earn profit (the wallet provider can appropriate the user's money only if there is a real profit opportunity), while the wallet provider can obtain a fee;

  • 100 USDC 以下的交易只需要一个人签名即可,而 100 USDC 以上的交易就需要多签了,这样既保证了资产安全性,又保证了易用性;

    The following transactions require only one signature, while more than 100 USDC transactions require additional signatures, which ensures both security of assets and ease of use;

  • 把钱包当成一个去中心化 Apple Store,你可以选择安装任何去中心化应用,例如你在钱包中安装了 Uniswap,那么你就可以在里面做 LP Staking 赚取手续费了;

    Consider your wallet a decentralised Apple Store, and you can choose to install any decentralised application, for example, if you install Uniswap in your wallet, then you can do LP Staking in there and earn fees;

  • 钱包支持下限价单,例如 ETH 限价卖单价格 1000,只有确保对手方给了我 1000 个 USDC 后,钱包程序才会自动将一个 ETH 转账给对方,且一定会转成功;

    The wallet supports price limits, such as the ETH price of 1000, and the wallet program will automatically transfer an ETH to the counterparty only if it ensures that the counterparty has given me 1,000 USDCs, and will be successful;

  • 可以做到社交恢复,比如创建钱包的时候我设置了 6 个亲朋好友作为我的社交恢复人(阈值为 4 人),当我丢失我的私钥后,我找到这 6 个亲朋好友,让他们中的 4 个及以上帮我签名证明一下就可以将我的钱包恢复了,我可以重新设置钱包密钥;

    When I created my wallet, for example, I set up six friends and family as my social recoverer (a threshold of four people), and when I lost my personal key, I found these six friends and family, so that four or more of them could sign and prove that they could restore my wallet and I could reset the wallet key;

  • 由于可以社交恢复,即使密钥丢失也不怕,那么我们更可以尝试无助记词,无私钥的方案了,即我用普通的邮箱来注册创建钱包即可,一旦我的邮箱被盗,由于设置了单日资金使用上限,且改资金上限需要 72 小时生效,那么损失不大,我立马社交恢复。如果邮箱没有被盗,那么我就正常使用即可。这样 Web2 用户无缝迁移,Mass Adoption 指日可待,当然这里面还有很多 corner case 需要讨论和处理,之后开一篇新的文章专门讲讲。

    Since social rehabilitation is possible, even if the key is missing, we can try unhelpful notes, selfless options, i.e. if I use a regular mailbox to register my wallet creation, once my mailbox is stolen, with a one-day ceiling on the use of funds and a 72-hour change to the ceiling effective, the loss is small, and I'm going to go back to social rehabilitation immediately. If the mailbox is not stolen, then I'm going to use it. So Web2 users move seamlessly, Mass Adoption is available. Of course, there are a lot of Corner cases that need to be discussed and processed.

目前市面上比较热门的智能合约钱包有 Unipass, Argent, Particle Network, MagicLink, Web3Auth 等。

The more popular smart contract wallets on the market are Unipass, Argent, Particle Network, MagicLink, Web3Auth, etc.

Metaverse 这个概念很大,包含了 5G、云计算、计算机视觉、区块链、人工智能、物联网等很多当前热门的 IT 技术。

The concept of Metaverse is large and contains many of the current popular IT technologies, such as 5G, cloud computing, computer visualization, block chains, artificial intelligence, object networking, etc.

具体我也不是很了解,只知道 Meta 选择 all in Metaverse,还有很多的硬件公司和数字媒体公司已经在参与,希望未来看到更多的产品和披露报道。

Meta chose all in Metaverse, and there are a lot of hardware companies and digital media companies that are already involved, hoping to see more products and disclosure stories in the future.

最开始的 The DAO 虽然被黑,但是没有挡住人们追求去中心化的决心,陆陆续续各种类型的 DAO 组织如同雨后春笋一般涌现出来,为整个 Web3 行业带来巨大的贡献。

The DAO, the first of its kind, was blacked out, but did not stand in the way of people's determination to decentralize. Various types of DAO organizations emerged as after the rains, making a huge contribution to the entire Web3 industry.

协议 DAO

MakerDAO 是一个典型的帮助构建协议的去中心化协作实体,每一个 Maker 持有者都有权让 MakerDAO 的协调部门对其做出回应。另外类似的还有 CurveDAO, CompoundDAO 等。

MakerDAO is a typical decentralised collaborative entity that helps to build protocols, and every Maker holder has the right to have MakerDAO's coordinating department respond to them. Similarly, CurveDAO, ComboundDAO, etc.

投资 DAO

  • The LAO 是这个领域的先驱,其通过聚集资本和投资者,LP 通过投票方式来决定是否进行投资,但大多数时候大家都互相信任,有时候甚至只有不到 10 个人参与了投票。

    The LAO is a pioneer in this field, by pooling capital and investors, LP by voting for investment, but most of the time everyone trusts each other and sometimes less than 10 people participate in the vote.

  • MetaCartel Venture DAO 旨在资助和支持那些希望提高可用性、用户体验或进一步试验新的 Web 3.0 用例的项目。建立这个 DAO 的动机是吸引加密货币最积极和最忠诚的 Dapp 开发人员,并最终支持他们取得成功。有趣的是他们甚至还投资了几个 DAO。

    MetaCartel Venture DAO is designed to fund and support projects that want to improve usability, user experience, or further test the new Web 3.0 example. The DAO was created for the purpose of attracting the most active and loyal Dapp developers of encrypted money and eventually supporting their success. Interestingly, they even invested in several DAOs.

资助 DAO

  • 例如 Uniswap Grants Program,Compound Grants Program 等,项目方或个人可以通过申请来表达自己想对社区做的贡献,一旦被认可即可收到赞助费。这些 DAO 支持有前途的项目和人,希望为新的 Web3 贡献者开辟出新的道路。

    For example, Uniswap Grants Programme, Comboud Grants Programme, etc., projecters or individuals can apply to express what they want to contribute to the community and receive a sponsorship fee once they are recognized. These DAOs support promising projects and people, hoping to open new avenues for new Web3 contributors.

  • Gitcoin 是一个由开发者和贡献者组成的生态系统,他们以 DAO 的形式进行合作,构建去中心化的网络。自 2017 年成立以来,他们已经向 11000 多个 Web3 项目分发了 7200 多万美元,特别是在 2022 年第三季度,平均每个 business hour 捐献超过 8000 美元。

    Gitcoin is an ecosystem of developers and contributors who work together in DAO to build decentralised networks. Since its inception in 2017, they have distributed more than $72 million to more than 11,000 Web3 projects, especially in the third quarter of 2022, with an average contribution of more than $800 per business hour.

媒体 DAO

Bankless DAO 是一个典型的媒体 DAO,它的目标是推动无银行货币系统(如以太坊、DeFi 和比特币)的采用和意识,并通过社区的集体参与来实现这一目标。

Bankless DAO is a typical media, DAO, whose objective is to promote the adoption and awareness of unbanked monetary systems (e.g. , DeFi and

  • 像 YGG DAO 这样的游戏公会 DAO 就是为游戏玩家和打金者服务的,YGG DAO 会参与技术实现,代币分发,社区结构,产品迭代等话题的投票,任何 Founder,Advisor,Investor 和 社区成员都可以参与进来;

    A game club like YGG DAO, which works for game players and gold medallers, will be involved in voting on technology, currency distribution, community structures, product overlaps, any Founder, Advisor, Investor and community members.

  • BadgerDAO 是一个致力于将比特币及其抵押品引入 DeFi 的社区。

    BadgerDAO is a community committed to introducing bitcoin and its collateral into DeFi.

  • 数字城邦 DAO

    SeeDAO 的使命是“探索基于 Web3.0 的内容生产关系”,注意这里用的是 Web3.0,也就是说更多地是利用区块链技术来促进这个探索的过程,并不代表方方面面都要做到去中心化,只要是尽量采用去中心化,自由思想的方式,就足够一群人聚在一起产生巨大的生产价值了。

    SeeDAO's mission is to “explore content-based production relationships based on Web3.0”, noting that web3.0 is used here, that is, to use block chain technology more to facilitate this process of exploration, does not mean to decentralize all aspects, as long as decentralize, free-thinking approaches are used as far as possible, enough to bring a group of people together to produce enormous productive value.

    社交 DAO

    Friends with Benefits (FWB) 是一个经典的社交 DAO,想获得会员资格需要申请,写一篇小文章介绍自己,确实有点麻烦,最开始我也是这样被劝退了,但是据别人说其实随便写写也可以过。

    Friends with Benefits (FWB) is a classic social DAO that needs to apply for membership and write a small article about himself. It's a bit of a problem, and I've been discouraged in the first place, but, according to others, it's easy to write.

    FWB 通过以兴趣爱好为连接的方式,提出了 Vibe 的组织文化概念,极大地满足了人们在线上和线下对于社交的需求,且可以起到资源共享的社会促进作用。 每个 Season,FWB 还会公开征集文化贡献者,包括受助人、研究员和驻场艺术家。 虽然所有 FWB 计划都是由成员主导的,但他们也依靠专门的贡献者来填补组织内的各种全职和兼职角色。贡献者需要负责新成员入职、时事通讯撰写、内部编辑投稿、参与新的合作机会、DAO 的监督治理等事务。

    Each Season, FWB, also publicly solicits cultural contributors, including recipients, researchers, and field artists. While all FWB programs are member-led, they also rely on dedicated contributors to fill the organization’s full-time and part-time roles.

    资源调度 DAO

    • ConstitutionDAO 成立于 2021 年 11 月,目的是购买美国宪法的原件。该 DAO 筹集了 4700 万美元的以太加密货币,但在苏富比拍卖会上以 4320 万美元的出价败北。

      ConstitutionDAO was set up in November 2021 to purchase the original constitution of the United States. The DAO raised $47 million in over-encrypted currency, but lost $43.2 million at the Sufubi auction.

    • FreeRossDAO 是一个由 $FREE 的所有者管理的组织,$FREE 是一种代币,代表对 Ross Ulbricht 艺术作品的部分所有权。该 DAO 的使命是“释放 Ross Ulbricht,推进监狱改革,并与世界分享 Ross Ulbricht 的工作成果,并为每个人提供独特的机会来分享它。”

      FreeRossDAO is an organization run by the owner of $FREE, which is a token of partial ownership of Ross Ulbricht's work. The mission of the DAO is to “release Ross Ulbricht, advance prison reform and share with the world the results of Ross Ulbricht's work and provide a unique opportunity for everyone to share it.”

    • PleasrDAO 是一个由 DeFi 领导者、早期 NFT 收藏家和数字艺术家组成的集体,他们在收购具有慈善意义的具有重要文化意义的作品方面建立了强大而仁慈的声誉。该 DAO 现在拥有加密货币中一些最具代表性的 NFT 。其实 FreeRossDAO 就是 PleasrDAO 资助的。

      PleasrDAO is a group of DeFi leaders, early NFT collectors and digital artists who have built a strong and generous reputation for acquiring culturally significant works of charitable significance. The DAO now has some of the most representative NFTs in encrypted money. The FreeRossDAO is funded by PleasrDaO.


    DAO 是一个组织,人少的时候高度自治,效率很高,凝聚力强。一旦组织变大了,很多人会忘记初心,新人会不知道组织文化,紧接着的就是身份认同,组织架构,社区治理,薪资酬劳,文化建设,组织愿景等问题亟需解决。
    于是我们可以看到 DAO 的好处就在于每一个人都可以参与进来,透明化,最后没有按照我的想法走,我可以选择自主离开,或者被其他人说服。而在 Web2 的公司中除了高管,普通员工缺乏反馈渠道,缺少参与决策的机会,久而久之就是不经努力争取地直接离开,我不觉得这是员工的错,而是人的趋利避害的天性,性格使然。

    DAO is an organization that is highly autonomous, efficient, and cohesive when few people are small. Once the organization has grown, many people will forget about the culture of the organization, and the newcomer will not know about it. It will be followed by identity, organizational structure, community governance, pay, culture, and organizational vision that need to be addressed urgently.
    So we can see that the benefits of DAO are that everyone can participate, be transparent, and not go as I think, and that I can choose to leave, or be convinced by others.

    我觉得人与 DAO 之间发生关系应该是如下顺序,

    I think relationships between people and DAO should be in the following order.

    • 了解这个 DAO 的愿景,我感兴趣,我愿意贡献,ok,我加入;

      Understanding this DAO vision, I'm interested, I'm willing to contribute, OK, I'm in;

    • DAO 里面很多人,大家都对我表示认可,我也很欣赏他们,身份认同;

      Many people in the DAO, all of them recognized me, and I admire them, their identity;

    • 组织发展越来越好,我的贡献与日俱增,得到的尊重越来越多,成就感越来越强;

      I am increasingly well organized, my contributions are growing, my respect is increasing and my sense of achievement is increasing;

    • 很多新人加入,我给他们做培训,重复身份认同这一步,但逐渐地需要更成熟的身份管理设施出现,例如 DID 赛道的发展;

      Many new recruits have joined, and I have trained them to repeat the identification step, but there is a growing need for more mature identity management facilities, such as the development of the DID track;

    • 组织变大了,很多决策不能再简单地一人一票制了,一是效率低下,二是外行指挥内行。因此全民提案,定下组织结构,全民公投选出代表,不同方向有不同的负责人;

      The organization has grown, and many decisions can no longer be made simply by one person or one vote, either inefficiency or by extraneous command of the insider. Thus, the popular proposal sets out the organizational structure, the referendum elects representatives in different directions.

    • 为爱发电的阶段过去了,工作越来越多,需要有一定的物质回报了,因此薪酬方案需要合理地被制定出来,并且有合适的监督体系;

      The generation phase of electricity generation has passed, work is increasing and requires a certain amount of material returns, so pay schemes need to be reasonably designed and properly supervised;

    • 有人想离开 DAO 组织了,需要有完善的退出机制,当然两手一挥直接走人也可以被认为是完善的退出;

      A person who wants to leave the DAO is organized and needs a perfect exit mechanism, although one can also be considered a perfect exit;

    • 老的组织架构,老的负责人逐渐出现问题,我们发现需要定期复盘,重新选举,于是 3 个月一次的选举复盘大会被制定出来,没有人可以完全掌控整个 DAO 组织,随时间/贡献度/行业发展而不停地自调整;

      The old organizational structure, the older head of the organization, is gradually having problems, and we find that there is a need for periodic re-elections, so that the three-month elections are held, so that no one has complete control over the whole DAO organization and continues to adapt itself over time/contribution/industry;

    • 组织里很多会议,笔记,产出都被整理起来,成为史书一样的东西,逐渐变成了组织文化,也被称为民风;

      Many meetings, notes, outputs, etc. of the organization have been organized, and they have become the same thing as the history books, and they have gradually become the culture of the organization, also known as the culture of the people;

    • 新的 DAO 重复以上过程;

      The new DAO repeats the above processes;

    • 各个 DAO 建交,形成联合 DAO,共同商议 DAO 界公共事宜,当然你不爽的话可以联合别的 DAO 直接再新起一个联合 DAO,自己玩自己的。

      DAOs make a deal, form a union with DAOs, discuss DAO public matters, but if you don't like it, you can join other DAOs and start a new union with DAOs and play your own game.

    总之,DAO 需要产生价值,否则没有可持续性,但这个价值是纯对内还是可以对外,是无私奉献还是有偿购买,都无所谓。

    In short, DAO needs to generate value, otherwise it is not sustainable, but it does not matter whether it is purely internal or external, whether it is selfless or paid for.

    我坚信对于新人而言,加入一个 DAO 来学习绝对符合本文的中心思想,还记得开篇的 6W2H 吗? 我个人参与了 FreeRossDAO,SeeDAO,BadgerDAO 和 Gitcoin DAO,在这些社区里面我学习到了不少东西,更被这种去中心化的团队魅力所吸引。

    I firmly believe that, for newcomers, joining a DAO to learn exactly what is at the heart of this paper, remember the opening 6W2H? I personally took part in FreeRoss DAO, SeeDAO, BadgerDAO, and Gitcoin Dao, where I learned a lot and was attracted to this decentralised team charm.


    Over the years, we have seen a variety of hacking tactics, including but not limited to:

    • 闪电贷攻击

      Lightning loan attack.

    • 预言机攻击

      Predictor attack.

    • 钱包攻击

      Wallet attack.

    • 社交工程攻击

      Social engineering attacks

    • 重入攻击

      Back to the attack.

    • 授权攻击

      We're authorized to attack.

    包含 SlowMist, CertiK, Beosin, Numen Cyber 在内的众多区块链安全团队日以继夜地在保护我们,不但输出了一个又一个 Hack 案例的复盘分析,也提前发现了不少漏洞,感谢撒花!

    Many block chain security teams, including SlowMist, CertiK, Beosin, Numen Cyber, have been protecting us day and night, not only by exporting a copy of one and another Hack's case, but also by detecting loopholes in advance. Thank you for spreading flowers!

    Web3 这个名词代表了人们对自由的向往,想要通过一系列新技术构建出一个理想的新国度,在这里每一个人都是主权个人。一个人的力量是有限的,通过将所有的工作纵向分为多个层次,横向拆为多个赛道,良好的分工使得问题可以被分解,从而更好地被解决掉。

    The term Web3 represents a desire for freedom and a desire to build an ideal new state through a range of new technologies, where each individual is a sovereign individual. A person’s power is limited, and by dividing all jobs vertically and horizontally into multiple tracks, a good division of labour allows the problem to be broken down and solved.


    As more and more talented people come in, the problem of individual tracks will have to be resolved, and eventually we will have to address cross-track problems. So, by putting infrastructure in place, at least technically, to ensure feasibility and safety, application to ensure ease of use and fun, and, finally, business models to ensure sustainability, the entire industry will be vibrant in the future.

    致所有人 – 今天如何快速角色化进入 Web315


    There are a lot of roles, and it's better if you're good at it. Of course, the role is not the same as the job job. And when the boss can write the code, manage the community, invest, and the role does not conflict with the profession.

    • Investment Analyst

    • Strategic Analyst

    • Engineer

      • People Manager

      • Back-end Engineer

      • Front-end Engineer

      • Full-stack Engineer

      • DevOps Engineer

      • Smart Contract Engineer

      • Security Engineer

      • Blockchain Engineer

      • Quant Engineer

    • UI/UX Designer

    • Operation

    • Maketing

    • Technical Writer / Content Engineer

    • Product Manager

    • Community Manager

    • Human Resource

    • Data Analyst

    • Researcher (Individual)

    • Sales Agent

    • Customer Service Agent

    • Lawyer / Legal Counsel

    • Finance

    • Tokenomics Engineer

    • Public Relationship


    The roles above do not conflict with each other. One person can be multiple.
    Accountant by day, dancing teacher by night;
    Hypocrites on the line;
    Slims under the line; >br's front is Eastside, and vice versa is a back-killer.

    期待大家早日找到属于自己的 Web3 角色!

    Looking forward to you finding your own Web3 role soon!

    来到了 Web3 生态,你再也不是一个活在襁褓中的等吃等喝的小孩了,你也不是一个活在象牙塔中的学生了,你更不是一个没有责任心没有担当的无用阶级了,你要开始有主动学习的意识了。
    最近刚刚组织小组内读完《Individual Sovereignty 主权个人》这本书,我们一致认为想成为新时代的主权个人,前提就是要有自主的意识,积极主动在哪里都好使,包括谈恋爱对吧,主动迈出那一步才有未来。

    When we came to Web3 Ecology, you were no longer a child living in wait and drink, you were not a student living in an ivory tower, you were not an incompetent, unaccountable, useless class, and you were beginning to have a sense of initiative.
    recently read the book "Individual Sovereign Personal" in his group, and we agreed that we wanted to be sovereign individuals of the new era, provided that there was a sense of autonomy, that proactiveness was done everywhere, including falling in love, and that there was a future to take that step.


    The idea was to use the phrase “Tree, Ink and Black” but felt that it was too heavy, that there were different aspects of life/work/recreation, that there were different aspects of people, and that one aspect of us could not ask him if we did not cooperate with him, and that did not mean that he could not be consulted.

    就像现在许多 Z 时代的同学一样,他们混迹于不同的 DAO 组织中,有翻译公会,治理公会,设计公会,产品公会,投研公会,开发者工会,在这里他们可以认识到很多新的同学,学习到很多新的知识。即使是在这样的熊市寒冬中也能在 discord 中感受到来自周围人的一丝丝暖意。

    Like many other Z-era classmates, they are mixed up in different DAO organizations, with translation, governance, design, product, research, developers’ unions, where they can recognize many new classmates and learn a lot of new knowledge. Even in the cold winter of a bear city, they can feel a glimmer of warmth from people around them.


    There is a difference between warming up on the top, which emphasizes that you enter a community where many people have the same interest as you and are doing similar things. And when you decide to study a certain direction or something, you can find one or more people in the community or among your friends, who are also extremely interested and able to reduce risks/accelerate effects/optimize your work, you achieve a win-win partnership.


    So we can also see in this context that win-wins are win-wins and that both sides have achieved their goals a little more or less. So from this point on, it would be better to discuss in advance what the other side can do to me before we start working together, and what we can do to achieve his goals, so that cooperation can be smoother and ultimately more effective.

    在进入一个新领域的时候,我个人更喜欢先到处看看,什么东西都先了解一下,积累了一定的行业知识和广泛的视角以后,找到自己感兴趣且擅长的部分,钻进去学到比较深的地步,然后再左右对照,交相验证,最终形成一个 T 型,? 型甚至是书桌型的知识结构。

    As I enter a new field, I personally prefer to look around first, to learn something first, to accumulate some industry knowledge and a wide range of perspectives, to find something that I'm interested in and know better, to get in and learn a little bit more, and then to compare, cross-check, and eventually form a T-type, or even a desk-type knowledge structure.


    The ultimate result of the expectations is that you've largely heard of things in the industry, and you know a few of them well enough to be understood by the whites.

    致所有人 – 今天如何快速角色化进入 Web316


    The reason for this is because I think it's hard for you to know what you want if you don't go through some sort of study.

    到了这一步你已经多多少少知道整个行业的结构了,也知道哪一块是你比较感兴趣的,哪一块是你擅长的。 这时候来考虑你到底想要什么,会更加顺其自然。但是这个部分不是一成不变的,你可以随着行业的发展,自身的成长随时调整,只是需要在一段时间内有一个目标感。

    At this point, you know more or less about the structure of the industry, and you know which one you're interested in, and which one you're good at. It's more natural to think about what you want. But this part is not static.


    When we learn a lot of new things, we have to share them with our parents, our loved ones, our best friends, our online classmates. There are many ways to share them.

    • 视频例如 Youtube,bilibili等

      Videos like YouTube, Bilibili, etc.

    • 音频例如 Apple Poscast, 喜马拉雅 FM,小宇宙等

      Audio like Apple Postast, Himalayas FM, small universes, etc.

    • 文章例如 Medium,self-owned Blog,Mirror,公众号等

      Articles such as Medium, self-owned Blog, Mirror, public number, etc.

    • 杂想例如 Twitter,知乎回复等

      Thinking like Twitter, knowing how to respond, and so on.


    To achieve a good sharing effect requires that our input is of high quality, that our thinking is in depth, and that good input promotes output.

    等到我们的输入都输出完了之后,如果我们还想继续分享,我们就会被倒逼着去输入更多优质的资源,从而达到学习上的飞轮效应 (Flywheel effect)。

    When all our inputs are out, if we want to continue sharing, we will be forced upside down to enter more high-quality resources to achieve the learning wheel effect (Flywheel effect).

    不要被你的思维局限了,我们要多关注不同的事务,比如我在 Twitter 关注了超过 4000 个人,不是所有的内容我都会看,但是我比较喜欢这种随机性,突然有一天我看到一个人发了一个帖子,我觉得讲的真有道理,产生了共鸣,我就把他加到我的 List 里面,开始关注起来。往而复之,我会有更开阔的视野。

    Don't be limited by your thinking, we have to focus more on different things, like my Twitter attention on more than 4000 individuals, not all of which I can read, but I prefer this randomness, and then one day I see a man making an offer, and I think it makes sense, and I'm gonna put him in my List, and I'm gonna start to focus on it. And then I'm gonna have a more open view.


    There is too much to learn, and what to do? As we mentioned earlier, there is a need for a clear goal, and as adults, we don't necessarily need anything, and we can choose.


    So the problem turns into “in the end we all want, but at this point I choose one”.


    Don't learn fast, not "not fast," but "not quick." Learn, study, eat through one thing, make it clear to the whites, gradually you can put everything you've learned together, and you'll find that the path is simple. Slow is fast.

    前面提到了慢就是快,但慢慢学有的时候也会失去焦点,因此我们也要给自己定 deadline,定 checkpoint,在慢的基础上加快进度。

    The earlier reference to slowness is quick, but slow learning sometimes loses focus, so we also need to set ourselves a deadline, a checkpoint, to accelerate progress on a slow basis.


    For some time, focus on tackling a small problem, for example, to earn a small target first.


    People say they look up, they look down. For that day, some people think it's the political situation, some think it's the industry, but I think ultimately it's about dealing with the outside world and not being stuck in a small circle.

    再往外延伸一些,就是我们要多交流,与真人交流,与网友交流,与书交流,隔空交流。 交流到最后我们发现其实就是 learn from others,学习他们的长处,学习他们的教训。 例如不同公链之间取长补短,例如不同交易机构之间从 FTX 身上学到教训。

    At the end of the exchange, we found that it was actually learning from others, learning their strengths, learning their lessons. For example, learning from FTX.

    编程语言 Golang 社区里面有一句话叫做:”Don’t communicate by sharing memory. Share memory by communicating”。
    这里的 memory 指的是计算机的内存,如果多个进程同时都去读取/更新同一块内存,就容易出现死锁/读取过时数据等问题,因此他们建议通过交流来共享内存,而不是通过共享内存来交流。

    The programming language Golang community has a sentence called: "Don't communicate by sharing memory. Share memory by sharing memory."
    The memory here refers to computer memory, and if multiple processes read/update the same memory at the same time, issues such as locking/reading outdated data can easily arise, so they suggest sharing memory through communication rather than sharing memory.


    But in life, I think it's entirely possible to share resources, for example, by writing an article that you can comment on, and by inviting you to edit with me, without locking up and reading outdated data because our speed is completely different from that of computer processes. So programming iron is not subject to top-level application.

    这也告诉我们一个道理,不要墨守成规,特定场景特定的做法,case by case 去讨论。

    And that tells us one thing: don't play by the rules, case by case. And that's all the advice that I've come up with, for example, from my own experience, but you can not follow it, and you can walk out of your own rhythm.

    • 《How to Bitcoin》,讲解了比特币的历史和运行原理,提供了安全和钱包相关的建议,我个人觉得是进来学习需要看的第一本书

      How to Bitcoin, explaining the history and operating principles of Bitcoin, providing safety and wallet-related advice.

    • 《How to DeDi: Beginner》,覆盖了市面上几乎所有常用 DeFi 分类与关键协议,新人看完之后可以进入 DeFi 去实践,但此时建议还是小钱投入

      How to DeDi: Beginner, covering almost all commonly used DeFi classifications and key agreements on the market, where newcomers can enter the DeFi to practice, but the advice is still a small investment.

    • 《How to DeFi: Advanced》,深度分析了各个 DeFi 赛道中不同协议之间的优劣势,详细描述了一些技术侧原理,并给出了相关的学习链接,非常适合用来当作知识库深度钻研

      How to DeFi: Advanced, an in-depth analysis of the advantages and disadvantages between the different protocols in the DeFi track, a detailed description of some of the technical side principles and associated learning links that are well suited to be used as a knowledge base

    • 《How to NFT》,对于玩 NFT 很少的我来说,几乎可以当作故事书来看了,看完之后你会了解 NFT 的历史,怎么创建/买卖 NFT,NFT 的种类,NFT 与 DeFi 的结合衍生玩法,NFT 的未来

      How to NFT, which I can almost read as a story book for playing with very few NFTs, you'll know the history of NFTs, how to create/trad NFTs, the type of NFTs, the combination of NFTs and DeFi derivatives, the future of NFTs.

    • 《区块链红宝书–最接地气的币圈词典》,从 A 到 Z,涉及面非常广,有通俗易懂的解释和相关案例展示,对新人相当友好。

      The Red Book of Block Chains - The Best-Associated Currency Dictionary, from A to Z, is very wide-ranging, with easy-to-understand explanations and examples of relevant cases, and is quite friendly to newcomers.

    • 《Web3 黑话汇总》,主要是一些在 Web3 行业的黑话,如果你还不知道什么是 gm 的话,强烈建议来完善一下知识体系

      "Web3 Black Words Conveyed," mainly in the Web3 industry. If you don't know what gm is, it's highly recommended that the knowledge system be improved.

    • 《容易发音错误的 Web3 词汇》,如果你觉得 Gnosis Safe 的 G 需要发音的话,那么你很有必要来纠正一下。这不是你的错,因为很多时候社区会故意设置错误的读音,只是为了辨别是否是业内人士

      Web3 Vocabulary, if you think Gnosis Safe's G needs a pronunciation, you need to correct it. It's not your fault, because often communities deliberately set the wrong pronunciation, just to make sure they're professionals.

    • 《区块链黑暗森林自救手册》,由 SloMist 出品的一系列区块链安全教程,讲解了钱包保管方式,隐私保护,常见钓鱼手法,被黑后建议做什么等。作为任何一个圈内人士,我都觉得有必要看完这本手册,会极大地降低你的资产风险。

      The " Manual for the Rescue of the Dark Forest of the Block Chain ", a series of block chain safety lessons produced by SloMist, explains how wallets are kept, privacy protections, common fishing practices, and what to do when blacked out. As a person in any circle, I feel it is necessary to read the manual and significantly reduce your asset risk.

    • 《Mastering Bitcoin》,全书描述了比特币的地址,钱包,交易,脚本,网络,挖矿,共识,安全等深度话题,是一本进阶书籍

      Mastering Bitcoin, full book describing Bitcoin's address, wallets, transactions, scripts, networks, mining, consensus, security, etc., is a step-by-step book.

    • 《Mastering Ethereum》,全书描述了以太坊基础,客户端,加密算法,钱包,交易,编程语言,代币,预言机,DApp 开发,EVM,共识算法等技术话题,是一本进阶书籍

      Mastering Etheeum. The whole book describes such technical topics as the Etheria Foundation, client, encryption algorithms, wallets, transactions, programming languages, tokens, prophesy machines, Dapp development, EVM, consensus algorithms, etc., as a step-by-step book.

    • Moledao,聚集了 Developer,Entreprenuour, Investor 三方的一个去中心化社区,会组织线下聚会,也有线上分享,氛围很不错,值得进来学习。

      Moledao, which brings together Developer, Entreprenuour, Investor, a three-way decentralised community, will organize offline gatherings and share them online. The atmosphere is good. It's worth learning.

    • WTF-Academy,很早期我就参与了,也贡献了不少内容,主要是从 0 到 1 用大白话教你 Solidity 和 Ethers.js,中间还穿插讲解了许多行业真实案例,非常适合新人上手。组织的交流讨论氛围也非常不错,有时候一天能有上千条消息,且都是干货。

      WTF-Academy, early on, I was involved and contributed a lot, mainly from 0 to 1 to teach you so much about solity and Ethers.js, and in the middle, to tell many real business cases, which are very appropriate for newcomers. The atmosphere of conversation is also very good, sometimes thousands of messages a day, and they're dry.

    • SeeDAO,其使命是“探索基于 Web3.0 的内容生产关系”,各种对于社区治理的思考值得反复琢磨,是一个很典型的 DAO。

      SeeDAO, whose mission is to “explore content-based production relationships based on Web3.0”, is a typical DAO that deserves to be rethought over and over again about community governance.

    • 7upDAO,里面很多文章质量都挺不错的,聚集了一帮国内外华人。

      7upDAO, many of the articles are of good quality, bringing together a group of Chinese from home and abroad.

    • DeveloperDAO?/?BuilderDAO,很多开发者在里面,如果要交流技术就进去看看吧

      DeveloperDAO?/? BuilderDAO, a lot of developers are in there. If you want to share the technology, go inside.

    • DappLearningDAO,这个组织里面有很多关于 DeFi 的技术内容,定期会举办代码级别的分享

      DappLearningDAO, which has a lot of technical content on DeFi, regularly organizes code-level sharing.

    • LearnWeb3DAO,出品了一系列打怪升级的课程,难度指数上升较快,很多非技术出身的同学觉得从 Freshman 到 Sophomore 瞬间变难了,但体系较为完善,我本人很喜欢

      LearnWeb3DAO, with a series of weird upgrades, the difficulty indexes are rising faster, and many non-skilled classmates find it hard to move from Fleshman to Sophomore, but the system is perfect, and I like it myself.

    我的建议是维护好 Lists,然后想看不同的内容就去对应的 List。PS:这也是一个 OG 大哥分享给我的方式。

    My advice is to maintain the Lists and then go to the List if you want to see something different. PS: It's also a way for OG Big Brother to share it with me.

    如果想打发时间的话,直接去 Home 页面就行,就跟以前逛知乎一样,时间如流水。

    If you want to pass the time, go straight to the Home page, just as you used to do, time is running out of water.

    • SevenUp DAO,最新热点文章更新,质量都蛮高的

      SevenUp DAO, update of the latest hotspot article. It's very high-quality.

    • AnT Capital,内容多为研究报告,综述性展开赛道分析,并给出投资思考,值得学习

      AnT Capital, mostly for studies, synthesizing track analysis and investing in ideas worth learning.

    • 远望资本 iVision,多为投资报告分析,个人觉得写作风格较为金融风,严谨且信息密集

      Looking forward to capital iVision, mostly for the analysis of investment reports, individuals feel that writing style is more financial, rigorous and informative.

    • Rebase 社区,会发送 Web3 极客日报

      Rebase Community, send the Web3 Expedition daily

    • Dora Factory,文章有时比较技术硬核

      Dora Factory, articles sometimes have more technical hard cores.


    I'll give you some examples. You can start here.

    • Messari

    • Delphi Digital

    • Coinbase

    • a16z

    • Huobi Research

    • HashKey Capital

    • The Block Research

    • Glassnode

    • Bankless


    I've been particularly interested in listening to podcasts while I'm exercising, and the brain and body are improving at the same time, saving time. The experience with audio and text learning is really different, and sometimes it needs to be changed.

    这里给出一些我一直在 follow 的播客,不需要太多,因为很多播客内容是同质化的。 以下都可以在 Apple Podcast,小宇宙或者喜马拉雅 FM 应用中找到

    Here are some of the podcasts I've been playing, not too much because many of the podcasts are homogenous. The following can be found in Apple Podcast, the small universe, or the Himalayas FM application.

    • Web3 101,从硅谷 101 拆分出来的子播客,内容真的很前沿,很深入

      Web3 101, a subbcast from Silicon Valley 101, really cutting-edge, very deep.

    • Fork it,内容很硬核,主持人也是行业 OG,特别喜欢最后的推荐环节

      Fork it, it's hard core.

    • Crypto 101,深入浅出

      Crypto 101, deep into the shallows.

    • Web3 Academy,紧跟时事

      Web3 Academy, stay on schedule.

    • Builder Talk | Web3 对谈,这个播客听了觉得非常文科的感觉,但是我很受用

      Builder Talk Web3 talks, this podcast listens to a very literary feeling, but I'm used to it.

    • 橙皮书,听了几期,比较喜欢的点是真的从头说起,揉碎了聊,喂到嘴里,但是更新很少。强烈建议去找到采访 SeeDAO 那一期,让我也感同身受体会到那一刻的激情

      The orange-skinned book, a few issues, actually the favorite thing, was to start from the beginning, break the conversation, feed it to the mouth, but with little update. It was strongly recommended to find the interview with SeeDAO, and it made me feel the passion of the moment.


    You don't have to pay too much attention to information. One is enough, and the rest, even if you don't want to see it, will eventually see it.

    • Chainfeeds

    • Foresight News

    • BlockBeats

    • PANews

    • 深潮 TechFlow

      ♪ The tide ♪ ♪ TechFlow ♪

    • Coinlive


    I've used all of this myself. I suggest we do it in order.

    • 区块链技术与应用(北大肖臻老师公开课)

      Block chain technology and applications (Teacher's Open Course)

    • Blockchain Technologies(斯坦佛课程 CS251)

      Blockchain Technologies (Stanford course CS251)

    • MOOC | Perry Mehrling – Economics of Money and Banking

    • Practical-Cryptography-for-Developers,中文版开发者实用密码学

      Practical-Cryptography-for-Developers, Chinese version developer practical cryptography

    • Cryptozombies?跟着学完,边做一个僵尸游戏边就把 solidity 语法学完了,还会教一些Dapp的integration操作,最后完成还可以有NFT可以领

      Cryptozombies? After learning, as soon as we finish a zombie game, we'll finish the law of the language, we'll teach Dapp's Integration, and we'll be able to get the NFT.

    • Solidity By Example

    • WTF-Solidity,我贡献了不少内容,务必刷完

      WTF-Solidity, I have contributed a lot to finish.

    • WTF-Ethers

    • 崔棉大师,b 站的一个 up 主,讲得蛮好的

      Master Choi, b-stop one up. Lord, that's a good one.

    • ethereum_evm_illustrated,有些内容过时了,但是还是值得一看

      There's something that's out of date, but it's worth looking at.

    • scaffold-eth,这里面有一些开发脚手架,前端与合约端都搭建好了,你所要做的就是简单地编写应用业务逻辑,然后本地做一些测试即可,我个人觉得非常好,而且也有 Telegram 社区可以提问,非常方便。

      Scaffold-eth, there's some scaffolds in there, the front and the contract are all set up, and all you have to do is simply write the business logic, and then do some local tests, which I personally think is very good, and there's Telegram communities that can ask questions that are very convenient.

    • full-blockchain-solidity-course-js,这个课程全程32个小时,有配套视频,好处在于它的背景全都是统一的,相当于从 0 到 1 的一个认知,帮助你搭建起一整套的开发框架,让你知道 Web3 Dapp 开发的全流程,包括一些工业化常用手段。

      Full-blockchain-policy-course-js, a 32-hour course with an accompanying video, has the advantage of having a single background, equivalent to a perception from 0 to 1, to help you set up a set of development frameworks that will inform you of the full process that Web3Dapp has developed, including a number of commonly used tools of industrialization.

    • LearnWeb3 系列课,升级打怪,规范流程,个人觉得蛮不错的,有目标感

      LearnWeb3 class, upgrades, routines, personal. It's good, it's purposeful.

    • Road to web3?Alchemy University 出品,有具体的 10 个案例 project, 10 周就可以全部学完,有文档有视频。听说现在还出了别的课程,也可以看看。

      Road to web3? Alchemy University, with 10 specific cases project, 10 weeks to complete, with files and videos.

    • Learn to earn:?Rabbithole

    • 链上分析:Dune,?GlassNode,?Footprint,?Nansen,?DefiLlama

      Link analysis: Dune,? GlassNode,? Footprint,? Nansen,? DefiLlama

    • 防钓鱼:MetaShield

      Anti-fishing: MetaShield

    • 授权取消:revoke.cash

      Authorisation cancelled: revoke.cash

    • 找工作:web3.career,?abetterweb3

      Looking for work: web3.career,? Abetterweb3

    • 项目融资情况:CypherHunter

      Project financing: CypherHunter

    • 安全大事件:rekt

      Large security incident: rekt

    • 钱包资产 Dashboard:debank,?Zapper

      Wallet asset: debank,? Zapper

    • 随便问问题的地方:curious.xyz

      Ask any questions: curious.xyz

    相遇即是缘分,让我们一起 BUIDL!LFG!

    Thank you for reading everything. I'm looking forward to sharing with you.

    • https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/比特幣歷史

      https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/bit currency history

    • https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-hans/比特币


    • https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/互聯網泡沫

      https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/Internet foam

    • https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/2007年-2008年環球金融危機

      https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/2007-2008 global financial crisis

    • https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/52098416

    • https://www.toutiao.com/article/6593102647148937736/?wid=1672242801728

    • https://www.toutiao.com/article/6593102647148937736/?wid=1672242801728

    • https://new.qq.com/omn/20210519/20210519A0FBKU00.html

    • https://finance.sina.cn/tech/2021-05-21/detail-ikmxzfmm3644597.d.html?fromtech=1

    • https://www.blockvalue.com/baike/20210705946737.html

    • https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/366019465

    • https://www.bbc.com/zhongwen/simp/business-53904399

    • https://finance.sina.com.cn/tech/2022-07-05/doc-imizirav2003957.shtml

    • https://www.163.com/dy/article/G4TEQBC705248UCQ.html

    • https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/373774556

    • https://www.528btc.com/ask/159919719653898.html

    • https://finance.sina.com.cn/stock/relnews/us/2019-07-23/doc-ihytcitm3963648.shtml

    • https://finance.sina.cn/zl/2019-12-23/zl-iihnzahi9402493.d.html?from=wap

    • https://www.tuoniaox.com/news/p-417459.html

    • https://news.stcn.com/sd/202206/t20220619_4661879.html

    • https://www.528btc.com/zhuanti/533727.html

    • https://support.uniswap.org/hc/en-us/articles/10794055772813-How-do-I-claim-the-Uniswap-UNI-Token-Airdrop-

    • https://foresightnews.pro/article/detail/20086

    • https://www.cnbeta.com.tw/articles/tech/1061779.htm

    • https://finance.sina.com.cn/blockchain/2020-12-11/doc-iiznctke5959518.shtml

    • https://www.zhihu.com/question/19982269

    • https://ishare.ifeng.com/c/s/7wxAahPwaDj

    • https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/李笑来

      https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/Li laughter

    • https://academy.binance.com/zh/articles/what-is-bitcoin-cash-bch

    • https://iot.ofweek.com/2018-08/ART-132216-8470-30258672.html

    • https://blog.bitmex.com/zh_cn-the-bitcoin-cash-hardfork-three-interrelated-incidents/

    • https://finance.sina.com.cn/blockchain/roll/2018-11-23/doc-ihpevhck2219519.shtml

    • https://www.cmcmarkets.com/zh-sg/learn-cryptocurrencies/what-is-bitcoin-cash

    • https://36kr.com/p/1723111948289

    • https://www.sohu.com/a/281022854_100112552

    • https://www.laohu8.com/post/905694017

    • https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/BitLicense

    • https://www.toutiao.com/article/6784286257066279436/

    • http://vr.sina.cn/news/2022-08-20/detail-imizmscv6949033.d.html

    • https://tw.news.yahoo.com/估值與滴滴接近,-coinbase將成美國合規加密交易平台第一股-032622992.html

      https://tw.news.yahoo.com/ Values close to drops, -coinbase will be the first share of the United States-sanctioned encrypted trading platform - 032622992.html

    • https://www.chaincatcher.com/article/2060815

    • https://pdf.dfcfw.com/pdf/H3_AP202202071545436825_1.pdf

    • https://1inch.io/zh/aggregation-protocol/curve/

    • http://capital.people.com.cn/n1/2018/0702/c417685-30098944.html

    • https://finance.sina.com.cn/blockchain/roll/2018-10-19/doc-ihmrasqs5213992.shtml

    • https://finance.sina.com.cn/roll/2020-02-26/doc-iimxxstf4434903.shtml

    • https://www.btchangqing.cn/dujun

    • https://zh.m.wikipedia.org/zh-sg/火币网


    • https://beincrypto.com/most-important-cryptocurrency-industry-milestones-of-2019/

    • http://m.cfbond.com/zclb/detail/20181101/1000200000021981541072448505238324_1.html

    • https://finance.sina.com.cn/world/20130402/032715022214.shtml

    • https://www.sofi.com/learn/content/bitcoin-price-history/

    • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b7az-_OAk3A

    • https://finance.sina.com.cn/blockchain/roll/2019-08-26/doc-ihytcern3678628.shtml

    • https://www.investing.com/crypto/bitcoin/historical-data

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