
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:652 评论:0
元宇宙是个怎样的世界?鑫哥今天带你进入一次元宇宙。今天用最简单明了的语言来解释一下元宇宙,还有如何利用元宇宙实现财富自由。What kind of world is Yuan cosmos? Brother Jin took you int...



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What kind of world is Yuan cosmos? Brother Jin took you into the Yuan cosmos today. Today, explain the Yuan cosmos in the simplest language, and how to use the Yuan cosmos for the freedom of wealth.


In the previous period, the world’s fifth-market Facebook company had changed its name to Meta’s goal in the military universe. First-line investment agencies, such as Redwood Capital, High Capital, and Five Source Capital, had entered the field.


This concept is widely understood, but vaguely understood, like the Internet and the new retailing era, which is familiar and unfamiliar. The meta-cosmos, rather than being interpreted in professional terms, is, in one sentence, to create a universe in the virtual world that is boundlessly close to the real world.


So how do we take our chances in this wave? Here comes the opportunity to bring you into a meta-cosmos, by the way. As already said, the meta-cosmos is to create a real world in a virtual world, and the cost of such a project is huge. The capital injection must be selective. For the virtual world to be built, it must start with the game industry, the social industry. How do you understand that? The game needs to connect, take a simple example of what you get in a game, or what you get in a game, or what you get in a game to bring in another game, or what you buy in a chicken game, or what you get in a king's life. To do that, it needs to be a unified currency in a virtual world, and a perfect system of meta-checking. To give the virtual goods, it's an open chain of technology, it's not a code for game developers, it doesn't happen.


If the brain interface connects to your sensory nerve, you don't have to open your eyes, you can feel the universe of the virtual world, you can feel the touch of the characters in the virtual world, you can eat delicious meals in the virtual world. Would you pay for these virtual worlds that can actually be felt? Why do you think socialization is like capital? If you go into the virtual world, you want to redefine your appearance? When the brain interface connects to your senses, you can see virtual ones, you can touch each other, you can go out with him, you can eat with him, you can watch movies, you can fall in love with each other. Would you like to pay for social interactions like this?

那什么是NFT呢?NFT的中文翻译是非同质化代币,非同质化代表着他在虚拟世界的独一无二的特性, NFT是数字商品可以资产化,就像最近美国Decentraland里,游戏中一个经常举办活动场所的土地,被卖出243万美元的价格,这个土地就是NFT,虚拟世界万物都可以变成NFT。

What is NFT? NFT's Chinese translation is a non-homogeneous token, and non-homogenization represents his unique character in the virtual world. NFT is a digital commodity that can be capitalized, just as recently in the US Decentraland, a site where games often take place is sold at a price of $2.43 million, a land that is NFT, a virtual world where everything can turn into NFT.


There's another blackboard, and there's another place to make money, and you put a picture, a picture, a sound, a video into an NFT upload, and you're the only collector in the virtual world, and you hang it on the Internet for sale, and it's still a blue sea. And I'll tell you what to do later in the video.


Think again, with a perfect brain interface, the next step is that you can get married in the meta-cosmos, and you can have another home in the meta-cosm. You can even have a baby in the meta-cosmos, where children in real life have a good match in the sperm ovary, and then connect the meta-coast with the baby by in vitro, the direct brain interface after birth. Maybe the first thing you see is you in the meta-cosmos. Maybe you want to live in reality, all the other things are in the meta-cosmos. Some people may worry that you don't have to jump in the meta-cosmos, that you sometimes do it, and you don't have to jump in the meta-cosmos, because you're in a big city or a small town, because you're ready for the future, you're in a small room.


And there are people who say, "What about real life?" There's always money to feed, there's work in people's places, there's work in them, there's work in them, there's work in them, there's design of architecture, there's design of visual images, and there's virtual clothes. Cooks with new foods, there's agents to introduce houses, doctors to drugs, scientists to scientific research, etc., that's the future career direction, as long as there's jobs in people's places, there's work in them, there's work in them, there's work in them, there's a house in them, there's a car in them, there's a car in the real world, there's work in them, there's a car in them, there's work in them, there's a machine in them, there's a machine in them, there's a world in them, there's a world in them, there's a world in them, there's in them, there's in them.


The next question is, when you open your eyes to the world, do you think it's a real world or a meta-cosm? What's the difference between the world we live in and the meta-cosmos that I described before? In a presumably case, people don't remember two years ago, because the baby's brain isn't fully developed and it can't fit into the brain interface until two years ago. Welcome to the discussion, Musk said that the world is one billion dollars, like Einstein, Hawking, and some celebrities like Bill Gates think the world is virtual. Mr. Yang also spoke in an interview, and you have to wonder why these top scientists, businessmen, think the world is virtual.


There's a lot of people with the same hallucination of the Mandela effect, the same memory that never happened, the same memory in many people's minds, and the bigger mind that struck me, that there was a video in my memory of a Mickey rat taking the road with his mouth whistles and his hands on his back with his pants on his back, and yet, in the design of a Mickey mouse, there was never a back belt on it.


I don't know if there's anyone who has the same memory as me.


You can see that this is beyond our virtual world, as we are at a higher level of dimension for any game of grass trees. This is a non-player-controlled civilization, such as the wild monster of the king's glory, the young soldiers. If they had ideas, they wouldn't know about our existence, nor could they see us. In my previous Leatherta archives, it was said that the physical world was merely a reflection of the spiritual world. Whether there was a NPC around us, or whether we were some of the intellectual NPCs, the real players were the top players in the world.


Take care of yourself, and I'll see you next time. I want to answer a few minor questions at the end of each issue about fan comment areas or personal letters, which I can't do a video alone, but which are more interesting. I will not say in the title and text video that you will see the last surprise with a blind box. You will be welcome to comment on messages and personal letters and ask you questions that are interesting or confusing your life.




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