
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:222 评论:0
──在《東方》同人的立場上,我們如何看待、期望、想像「元宇宙」與近未來?  「元宇宙」(Metaverse) 與NFT(Non-Fungible Token, 非同質化代幣)市場無疑是2021年最熱門的互聯網話題了,各路大佬在這風口上吹了一...



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  「元宇宙」(Metaverse) 與NFT(Non-Fungible Token, 非同質化代幣)市場無疑是2021年最熱門的互聯網話題了,各路大佬在這風口上吹了一年,也戳了一年的泡泡。戳泡泡的,有人從技術上來講,說目前電腦和網路的算力尚不足以實現電影、小說所設想的那般虛擬世界;有人從出發點來講,說那些巨頭想搞的,無非又是另一套「中心化」的閉環,這和區塊鏈技術及其先驅的「去中心化」思想就是自相矛盾。相對的,吹泡泡的,除了開著各種大會的大公司,也有不少中小團隊在花著真金白銀,僱人、立案,搏一個未來;NFT市場上,更已有不少引人注目的交易實蹟。

The Metaverse and NFT (Non-Fungible Token, Non-Hospital Currency) markets have undoubtedly been the hottest Internet topic of 2021, with major players blowing for a year and popping up bubbles for a year. Technically, they say that computers and the Internet are not yet as strong as the world of film, fiction and fiction. From the point of departure, some say that the giants are trying to do something like another kind of "centrism" closure.


In other words, there's the money.

  而在我們遊戲玩家社群裡,就我目前所見,絕大多數朋友對所謂的「元宇宙」和那些炒著「Play to earn」概念的「鏈遊」(區塊鏈遊戲)皆是冷眼以對。其緣故,一方面是對資本的習得性提防,一方面是一種我想稱之為「正統論」的意識在作用:當前所謂的「元宇宙」是從小說和遊戲變出來的,而我們正是遊戲玩家和圖文創作者,我們從經驗和直覺知道優秀的作品是什麼樣子、良心的作品應該是什麼樣子、失敗的作品又通常是踩了哪些坑,這讓我們對元宇宙和鏈遊的宣傳具有免疫力,認為那無非是為了圈錢而整出來的「真正的遊戲」的山寨版、異化版、劣化版。我最近也試玩了一兩款,又看了些評論,覺得大家的想法沒錯。

In our game-player community, most of our friends, as I see now, are indifferent to the so-called "negotiator universe" and to the "link game" (a chain game), which is about the concept of "play to learn". For one reason, it is a lesson against capital, on the other hand, that it is an idea that I want to call "normative" — that the so-called "metromos" has evolved from novels and games, that we are game players and graphic creators, that we have learned from experience and intuitively what the best works are, what consciences should look like, what failures are, and which pits we are usually stepping on, and that makes us immune to the propaganda of the meta-cos and chain, and think that it's not so much about the "real game" that I'm trying to get around the money, and that's right to think.


But: there's money there.

  實事求是地講,我覺得眼下最像、最符合「元宇宙」理想的,就是我們《東方Project》同人圈了。雖然沒有一個One APP to rule them all的MMORPG把我們通通圈進去,但我們自己組織起來的各種同人社群、同人創作、同人活動、同人市場,已是多少大公司、大IP夢寐以求而不可得的一大片能夠自行運轉、持續成長的生態。同時,NFT藝術市場的性質,也相當適合同人社團,我直覺就認為它有可能幫助我們催生出更多能夠穩健盈利的音樂、漫畫等作品,只是這個機制與習慣目前還沒有建立起來。

To be honest, I think the most like-minded and compatible with the ideal of the "megaspace" is that we're in the same circle as the Eastern Project. While and have not had an MMORPG to roll them all in, I think that the various communities we organize, co-founders, co-workers, co-activators, co-markets, and so on, are big companies, large pieces that the big IP dream does not want to be able to move on and continue on. At the same time, the nature of the NFT art market, and the very appropriate group of contracters, I think it might help us to produce more music, comics, and so on, but this scheme and habit have not yet been built.


So: We also have the right to hold a "Megaspace" forum.


There is a real, tight link between producers, intermediaries, consumers, and a forum where "the same person" is the main body.


- Well, that's a beautiful thing to say. So what are we going to set out? What is the real meaning and effectiveness?


So let's start with "Words of Honour":


We have a lot of students, we have class reports and degree papers to write, and we're looking for jobs in the future. And now that the "won cosmos" is the wind, and a lot of companies are in the middle of high-paying jobs, you've published articles in related forums, and you know a lot of people at home, are you better off looking for a job or a job?

  --當然你可以認為這泡沫很快會破滅,但首先,能拿多久算多久、能拿多少算多少,只要有一位同學靠這一把來從外界得到了一些什麼,我們就算成功。再來,「元宇宙」的泡泡會破,Web 3.0時代仍在路上,不會停下來,我們總有未來可以探討,你也可以用戳泡泡的思路來寫文章,將來走做空的路線。最後,有些同學反正是有這方面作業要寫的,我《東方文化學刊》也反正是需要專題稿件的,那就一兼二顧,保底能給讀者交出夠份量的東西。

- Of course, you can think of the bubble soon, but first of all, how long it will take, how much it will take, as long as one of our classmates gets something from the outside, if we succeed. And then, the bubbles of the Woncosmos will break, and Web 3.0 is still on the way, we'll never stop, we'll always have a future to explore, and you can write articles with bubbles, and you'll go empty.


And back to the development of the East with the human community:


Our earlier research and discussion on the community has been about three topics: first, how to attract new people; secondly, how to retain older people; and thirdly, how to make our current activities work better and more cost-effective. These three are co-ordinated and work in two broad directions: internalization, enhanced communication and motivation to support creativity and activity; and outward, "outline" to channel external resources.


We've done a lot of work in the interior, and I think we've done more than most IP circles, and we've done better, so there'll be so many new clubs and creative activities in the last few years. So, what about going out?


The old group, like a two-dimensional mirror, continues to operate online shops and handle cases, and the former members of the Seacats, who later join the Girls Frontline and stand up for Tomorrow's Ark, are well known. Recently, black cats have partnered with a group of fantasies to create the original independent game, Sand Clouds.


This "professional" approach, however, is not easy to imagine for a lot of smaller, amateur groups and individual authors. It's not an option, but it's a big commitment, and the opportunity is very expensive, and it's hard to predict. So, if you don't have to invest that much, do you have a way of putting the East into the field?


And that's what I've come to think: I'm going to have a "Megasmos" seminar, and I'm going to ask you to write and write, and I'm going to form a community that really looks like, and actually can do, power-driven, future learning from a few different angles, and then I'm going to go out and talk to people who can help us add a few points to each other on our way to school, to work or to start a business.


Writing an article should be more common and possible, and the input would not be as big as making an album, an exhibition, a game, and an animation. Writing and organizing online forums is something that I and my little partner have done well, and my academic history and résumés are enough to build bridges between two, three, and four dollars (four dollars: quantum science fiction). Although this does not guarantee that some big bosses will be able to add, believe that we can make up for the missing links in their business and then put money in it -- which is, of course, very good -- but at least, we can make some meaningful, valuable and interesting discussions around what we can get.


As a result, there's one of the biggest differences between this forum and our past and other forums outside:


"To the outsider" and "to the inside", in short, "to the outsider" and "to the outsider".


"Foreigners" can be schools, businesses, the general public, or students and social workers of all ages who play games, watch comics but are not familiar with The East, depending on to whom you write and what your goals are.


If you're going to do your homework or a subject paper, you're going to bring new knowledge to your teachers and colleagues in accordance with the standards of your studies.


If you're asking for a job, you can show your abilities, your vision and your aspirations to the boss and the hunter on the subject of your profession.


If you want to start a business, raise money, you can offer a structured view to the money owner and others who might be your partners, helpers.


Or if you want to "teach" to the public, to the future, then what's good about it, in the words you think it's right.


In the case of foreign articles, the default reader has not touched the East, not even some common knowledge of the game. In many cases, it will be tiring from scratch, and it will not be conducive to in-depth discussion. - I have read a lot of papers, finished the basics and studied the basics of the subject, and it will be half-panded, then the text will close, leaving a dozen pages of references to pour water, which is absolutely impossible. So we will focus on good invitations with scientific experience, first we will revise the old text to give a complete introduction to the general target reader of our forum, and then we will write a text that will be accessible so as to avoid repetition.


Please write a “summary” before the main text. In addition to a brief introduction, it is suggested that your target reader, a good reader, be consulted.


In short, the idea is to create a window where we can use the experience of the East to compete for resources and opportunities from outside. It would be better if it could be matched with your current career, strategic and strategic drawings.


At the same time, keeping the inner group in touch with each other, how we talked with each other before and during the discussion, we continue to talk about you or whatever you think you need to know or be interested in. It is possible to predict that readers already have a common sense, that literature and language can travel freely, that the scene can be less talked about, that the points of view may be more radical, and, above all, your real vision and feelings.


I hope that the two sets of texts are set together to achieve this: after reading the introductions and comments of the External Group, the External Readers then look at the Internal Group, and even if they do not go into it, they can believe that our community is truly active, that authors are experienced, not that the flow of material that can only blow up the air or move the data is comparable; and that within the Circle, it is good to look at the Inside Group and then look at the External Group, so that they can look at the field and re-evaluate their own experience, which is so profound, that in different settings, the meaning and value of what can be transferred.


In this way, we have created a little more focus on the East and a reason to stay in the East.


The following is a description of the content and content of the current tentative event.


The following activities are currently being planned:


As we have done in the last two social forums, or in the “Deep East Perspectives” forum, you come here and we have a group to review the papers, and as long as the issues are right and the words are right, we will discuss the content further with you. When the changes are perfect, we will publish the articles on the Internet for reading, downloading, commenting, and then we will hold a formal presentation in the form of an online conference. We will try to invite industry outside the Eastern World, the academic world, and friends of the media to attend and ask questions and make a scene that will allow us to show our faces.


Once the online presentation is completed, we can discuss the resonance of commentators and readers, and finally revise the article. When the changes are completed, I will compile all the selected papers, publish them officially (it is easy to publish on Taiwan), and publish both the actual and the e-books.


The basic price is 0.1 yuan per word, which is increased depending on the parties’ support.

  我們會用「東方元宇宙論壇」(英文ID待定)的名義,尋找一兩個上架、交易費用(gas fee)較低的NFT交易平台(現在一些用polygon鏈的費用就可低至1美元),將我們訂製的,還有大家投過來的東西上架展售。若有售出,如此分賬:

In the name of the East dollar cosmopolitan forum (ID to be determined in English), we will find one or two low-cost NFT trading platforms (now as low as US$ 1 with a polygon chain) that we'll book, and those that you're all going to throw on the shelf. If we sell, we will split them:


Forty-five per cent of the cost of writing was distributed to all selected authors;
45 per cent was attributed to the original author of the work or to the Institute;
10 per cent of the administrative cost of the forum.


After that, if a deal is made, 45% of the original author's or publisher's group is accounted for at the end of each month, leaving the remaining funds for the next forum or similar event; if I don't do it here, I don't donate to THBwiki.


A single or entire album, a single picture or a whole album, a single article or a whole collection, or a small video, new or old, can be sold by the NFT as long as the electronic file is used, and the seller can specify additional values, such as how many sals of chickens can be exchanged in the real store if the NFT is bought.


There are also a lot of big cookies, such as the NFT that you bought for the A game, which can still be used in the B game; the A or B game has no shadow; or the claim that the work will be of historical significance and value, because they will make history. We can use the thinking of the East: is a monster , a monster, and people believe it, and it is stronger; if you don't believe it, it is just an image, a fish of zero value. And those who want to build a meta-cosm, they want to create a fantasy that allows these monsters to survive. So why do I say the Eastern Project is the most like a meta-cosm? Because many concepts and models are directly applicable.


I've been thinking about making biscuits, saying that this forum is going to be associated with X clubs, Y games, Z fairs, and that our memorial NFT will be able to be a special and restricted version of these games, events, special features, and so on. But I have limited energy, I'm not very good at this chain of things, and I'm sure there's a lot of bubbles to break in this fiery year, so I think it's better to do it backwards:


In this way, we give these NFT "immediate support" to the nature of the original "collective history" so that you can say yes to some of the higher prices. In other words, it's a trade. As to whether these NFTs will become sacred in some fantasy country, let's say later. There are too many genres in this new market that I don't think I can compare to them, so let's do it backwards, so let's do it by "sell it" and "avoid it" at the bottom of the line.


To be sure, we're going to be one of the communities in the East, and we're going to be able to do a big show in a world that's still in a row, and we're going to send news articles to the media, and we're going to be doing an ad. If you think that's too conservative, you can sort things out with your colleagues, and you can write an article.


If it goes smoothly, after the public presentation of the paper, we will have another meeting at a fee-paying cost to sell or send tickets to our writers, academics, and industry friends on the subject of the "won cosmos" so that they can ask questions from our authors and social groups; the authors and social groups we attend here will be able to pay a little extra money, and they will be able to extend their contacts, or perhaps actually get some opportunities. For some, this kind of unpublicized activity may be more attractive than all the papers that you can see.


On the occasion of the official publication of the book, we will launch a press release summarizing the results of the two events mentioned above in order to reach out and reach out to people and reach out.


We've got three blocks for the paper:


This could be a comment, a reflection, or an exaggeration.


"When quantum age really comes, how do we continue to imagine the secret group and the scientific century?"

  ──2021年12月25日,我與一些ACGN圈子的朋友在「台灣量子電腦暨資訊科技協會」主辦的「量子元宇宙創意共識論壇」上同台,我做主持人,引言放PTT的時候,就唸了一首詩配上秘封組的插圖,又介紹了一篇用上量子物理學的秘封組同人小說──《天下布文》首獎,六道的〈Einstein IV 's Dream〉,另外也播放了L級符卡「波與粒的境界」的影片,算是對外傳了一回教。在場也有一位同好,會後我們聊了一下,就蹦出這樣一個問題:將來量子計算機以及相關的學問普及以後,我們對秘封組和科學世紀的看法和創作會有什麼變化?

– On December 25, 2021, I co-hosted with friends from the ACGN circle the Taiwan Quantum Computers and Information Technology Association's Quantum Cosmos Creative Consensus Forum, and as moderator, I read a poem with a covert illustration of PTT, and introduced a novel by co-authors of quantum physics — the first award of the Book of Heaven, Einstein IV & #39; and the video of the L-card `The world of waves and particles' — as a way of teaching the outside world. There's also a poem in the field, and we talked about it later, and the question arises: what will happen to us about the way in which the seals and the scientific age will be changed when we get to know each other?


If you want to talk about it, you can compare it with all the science fictions of the years, talk about "society in science and technology" and talk about the economy and finance – which is linked to the most interesting issues in the capital market. And if you want to keep your mind on internal direction and literature, you can look at "authors" in front of six novels: "I've thought of a question: what does a science fiction, Eastern project, should be shown to his readers?


There are questions like this, and our community, our story, our meta-cosm, is the soul, and it is the soul that can transcend merit and continue to attract its peers. This non-quantifiable content of analysis, which we usually don't see in the reports and discussions at business schools, even if it's light, because the general language of business, which excludes literary and aesthetic senses, may appear "unprofessional" in the research sessions of the business community, so even if you understand it, you cut off your own part of it. In our viewers, peers, we all know that "sould" is the most important thing, because we value it. So, even if we don't look to the business community, our discussion will be of particular value to the business community, because it can make up for what they normally miss.


So, what exactly is the business concern? I'm coming from a bank manager to ask questions from other businesses, and I'm agreeing to post the following:

  1. 元宇宙/區塊鏈/Web 3.0的整體發展涵蓋的新趨勢有哪些?目前我們所知的有VR/AR/XR應用, GameFi/DeFi 的發展, NFT/虛擬土地的興起, Play to Earn 電玩遊戲上鏈 (如Sandbox/Decentraland/Axie Infinity) 使玩家在遊戲中的成果可以轉換為現實世界的經濟價值, 以及未來發展Second Life的可能性,請問還有哪些趨勢,或是發展中/有機會的趨勢是值得關注的?

1. What are the new trends in the overall development of the meta-cosm/district chain/Web 3.0? We know of VR/AR/XR applications, the development of GameFi/DeFi, the rise of NFT/ Virtual Land, Play to Earn (e.g. Sandbox/Decentraland/Axie Infinity) so that the player's results in the game can be converted to the economic value of the real world, and the possibility of future development of Second Life. What are the trends, or what are the developments/the opportunities, worth noting?

  2. NFT / 遊戲幣 / 虛擬土地 如何合理評估價值? 可以從哪些角度觀察去發掘出有發展潛力的項目?

2. How can NFT / game currency / virtual land be reasonably valued and from what point of view can development potential projects be detected?

  3. MetaVerse未來的終極發展如果要走到《一級玩家》/《脫稿玩家》(注:《頭號玩家》/《失控玩家》)的情境,讓真實世界的人可以在虛擬世界發展Second Life, 預期還需要哪些元素的加入 (例如:是否需要AR穿戴裝置的發展成熟, 或是虛擬世界經濟秩序的監管制度......等)

The ultimate development of MetaVerse in the future is if we are to move to the situation of the first-level player/outplayer (note: first player/out-of-control player) so that people in the real world can develop Second Life in a virtual world, and what elements are expected to be added (e.g., whether AR wears the device to mature, or a system of supervision of a virtual world economic order etc.)

  4. 科技巨頭FAANG如果要加入MetaVerse / Web 3.0 商機,可能會從哪些地方切入 ex, 1) 經營遊戲 例如Sandbox, or 2) 發展社群 例如Discord, or 3) 發展穿戴裝置, 目前的先行者 (如Axie Infinity)與FAANG相比有何優勢或劣勢?)

4. If the tech giant FAANG wants to join the MetaVerse / Web 3.0, where might it be possible to cut off ex, 1) run games such as Sandbox, or 2) develop communities such as Discord, or 3) develop and wear devices, what are the advantages or disadvantages of the current pioneers (such as Axie Infinity) compared to FAANG?

  5. MetaVerse / Web 3.0 的發展是否有需要傳統金融機構的地方 或是說傳統金融機構可以從哪些角度加入。

5. Does the development of MetaVerse/Web 3.0 require a traditional financial institution or the perspective from which it could be included?

  6. 最後,想聽聽貴司對於Web 3.0 / MetaVerse發展的看法。

Finally, I would like to hear your Division's views on the development of Web 3.0 / MetaVerse.


Over the past few days, the Beijing University School of Commerce and Industry has published 200 pages of the 2022 Won Global Report on the Universe, which is comprehensive (and, of course, it is not possible to ask for literature and aesthetically oriented discussions for fish) and can be consulted, and I will put it in a collection of documents.


"What can we do?" is brain irritation, for example, whether the developing MMO "Imagination Homes? The world will be able to hold an improvisational exhibition, and whether the deal will have an NFT model. If it does, what are the advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of methods? Of course, the world is not finished, the actual circumstances and conditions are unlikely to fit our imagination, but just as it is, we will not have to worry about making mistakes, and the readers can focus on your work.


"What I'm doing" is in line with what you're doing and what you're working on, and "what I've done" is in combination with what you've done and what you've been through to see this trend.


If you've been to a lecture or a seminar on the theme of the meta-cosm, you're welcome to talk about what you've seen and what you've felt. There's a fellow student in the group who says that he has just completed a semester of meta-cosm theme, and it's painful. Why pain? I wonder why.


What will happen in the next few years in the Woncosmos, Internet technology, and the world? What will happen in the ACG industry and various Asian cultural circles?


You can write a standard feature theory, and you can write novels, essays, even poetry, comics.


Yes, this part of us is open-ended. You have the skills to take up novels, essays, poems, songs, comics, and you can combine a variety of media to make a short film. You can be so free for insiders, you can be outsiders.


If there are other ideas, they can be put forward in letter or group, and we discuss their value.


But our articles in this forum will be posted on the Internet for a period of time before they are published and published, and then compiled, so if there is an excellent response and comment, we will ask for permission and receive the book.


We are divided into "full, independent articles" and "responses".


The word "full" is limited to 600 to 12,000 words, whether you write papers, essays, novels, or anything. The cost of exceeding the upper limit is set at 12,000 words. Less than 600 words are good enough for the candidate to be counted at 600 words. If you write a poem to be selected, I will give you something in addition to the cost of the text.


The basic cost is RMB 0.1 per word, and we support the increase in the cost of the contribution, which is distributed to each author in proportion to the number of words. For ease of calculation, the number of words in the article is five to a hundred.


The word "reply" is limited to 100-2000 words, less than 100 words, and more than 2,000 words. Writing a whole article in 2,000 words may not be enough, but if it is a comment and a response to someone else's article, it will be enough to carry a few valid points. If it is not enough, you should think about a different one.


Since it is always much easier to respond to than to write a whole piece, and in order to avoid the extra cost to the sponsors, this part is paid only at the basic price.


If you have a self-produced chart, you can change the quality and volume of your view to 50 to 500 words; illustrations or comics, 100 to 200 dollars per page. If you want to contribute, you should first come up with an idea or a draft before you fail.


The author of the article retains such rights as copyright; it pays for the use and publication of the same-licensed forum.


Please e-mail yououtien@gmail.com or give it to me by any other means.


Closing date: We're going to do it in three parts.


Issue I: Launched on March 9, 2022, 16th.


Second part: launch on 9 April 2022, 16th.


Issue III: Launched on 9 May 2022, beginning on 16 May 2022.


When we get the text, we'll discuss with you how we can make it better if it's not good enough to be elected and if it's good enough. After the initial editing is done, we wait for the release day to be online.


It's okay to write a paper within 12,000 words, even if you have a real job, it should be enough for two months, if it's not enough, if there's a problem with time management, or if it's too difficult for you to choose your own topic. If it's not enough, you're going to vote for the third and four months. It's okay if it's not enough. You write it at any time, see if it can be used in the next issue of the Journal or the next one.


The official presentation of the paper will take place after mid-May.


The details of the NFT exhibition will be discussed within us and communicated to the platform before it can be published, so that interested friends can prepare their work first.


The scope of the invitation to the forum was dominated by the East Side, including:

1. 《東方Project》的一般同好;

2. 曾經或現役的創作性社團,例如繪畫、音樂、小說、遊戲及各種週邊;

3. 曾經或現役的活動性社團,例如展會及演出活動;

4. 有相當《東方》成份的平台社團,如網店、音樂平台、約稿平台、信息交流站。


Open-minded ACG, along with its colleagues in the IT industry and academia, is also welcome if you are familiar with the "East" and are able to take part in the current articles.


On the other hand, we will issue invitations and news articles to our friends in the industry, academia, industry and the media on the subject of the "won cosmos" and invite you to follow this forum, which has been launched by the same people.


The reasons for focusing on the East are set out below.


First of all, on a personal level, I have been in this circle for a long time, with more knowledge and work, and more control over the situation, and many of us are alike. In this way, we can guarantee the depth of the discussion, with the East and its fellow bodies, and the "Possibility of the Metacosm from the East Project", rather than the "Probability of the Metacosm -- with the East Project, for example, as an example of the subject — which is the subject that allows tools to rationalize the spirituality and the senses of people and things.


As stated earlier, the East side has a common ethos with different kinds of IPs, many elements that are driven not only by business, but also by a very long and flexible energy, as well as a number of non-utilitarian, super-utilized lovers, creators and other special and important points of view for the realm of the meta-cosm.


That's where I want to be, and I believe we can get where we want to be.


QQ group: 72,268605 - this is the former Eastern Community Forum for Information Use, which is now a forum for discussion. The group will be set up separately.


Please leave a message or e-mail: yooutien@gmail.com.


If you are interested in participating in the preparation and organization of this forum, we have the following posts, and we welcome the same names of interested and skilled persons:


A, ed.


A1. The editorial team - responsible for the articles (including illustrations), collection, editing, and layout.


A2. The jury - responsible for reviewing the script, communicating with the author, finding or acting as an appropriate commentator to improve the quality of the article.


A3, Ecclesiastical Group - responsible for posting information and results from this forum to THBWiki.


I'm the editor-in-chief, and I'm ready to finish the paper and finally print and publish it.


B, Department of Industry


B1, Newsgroup, is responsible for writing news articles, publishing them to the media, and setting up accounts and postings on social platforms. I need to be diligent. I can direct the writing of news articles. I can do it without anyone.


B2, the Public Relations Group, is responsible for connecting the academic community, the industry, building contacts, issuing invitations, sponsoring proposals, and drawing them to the point where they can be divided, and the details are still to be determined. This requires socialization and briefing skills, and I am not very good at finding money, and I hope this time I can find the same kind of people who want to move forward.


B3, Contact Group, which is responsible for reaching out to the Eastern Community both inside and outside the country, is generally of the same interest, making it possible to connect as much as possible to the relevant information in the forum, or directly to the exchange group, or to bring our opinions and appeals back to us. This is simpler, and it is easier to talk online, talk and be loyal.


C, General Department - is responsible for all other internal matters, which is split until a specific mission (e.g., NFT) appears. It needs to be complicated.


One early in the pit, who had played his game for years, shared an impressive line of heart: the same circle is like a school, and if the older ones are still here, they should probably be "teachers".


I keep this in mind, because I am older, and because I am qualified to be a teacher. In fact, I have developed the Easter Cultural Journal to discuss with the group of authors the revision of the articles, using the method of teaching papers; over the years, I have seen people on their way to school because of the Journal, and because the New Bangla of the Games has started to write songs, and I have a sense of accomplishment in "getting behind ".


Now I'm a little older. I should have graduated from my own circle, as measured by my usual career. I've already started doing something else, but I still have a foot in the "school" in the East. So if I'm staying, I'm gonna have to keep it reasonable; I'm not just taking time out of my career, but I'm still going to spend some effort on creating and participating in community development, but I'm not going to go to the level of expertise that keeps my family locked up, and that's the best position for me, and I think it's the "guiding" that's what I'm supposed to do next.


Most of us have to deal with the question of `graduation'. Graduated from college, there is no need to say that. The main reason for graduating from the Eastern World is, on the one hand, that peer-to-peer creation does not satisfy your own goals of self-realization, and that the market in this circle is not enough for the general community to live on - it can barely support a few professional groups, or your family can afford to continue to invest in you.


Whatever your role may be, from a personal point of view, the question of graduation is what you can do after East, and from the standpoint of the community, the question is whether this school can give people more and better nourishment, experience, and a way out. We can say that we do it now, so we can call it a school; there are many short lines outside and IPs that fail to run, and perhaps we can only use the word "puddle" and not come back.


We're gonna have a seminar at the school, and we're gonna try to work out how to do this, so we're gonna learn how to do it.




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