
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:79 评论:0
在很多人还没闹明白NFT到底是什么的时候,关于炒NFT一夜财富自由的神话已经传开了。 The myth of firing NFT for one night's wealth freedom has spread at a time...



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The myth of firing NFT for one night's wealth freedom has spread at a time when many people have yet to figure out what NFT is.


CryptoPunks, a set of 87 different attributes, 10,000 in total, were released free of charge and now wants to buy a minimum of $150,000. A year ago, $250 was spent on buying a boring ape head, and now it's easy to sell to $300,000.


In 2021, Sun Woo spent $10.5 million on a CryptoPunk, and it's hard not to ask, "What's it like to buy a little picture?"

但NFT不是一个点石成金的童话世界,有人暴富,就有人亏掉裤子。2021年3月,加密货币企业家希纳·埃斯塔维(Sina Estavi)拍下了推特CEO杰克·多尔西2006年在推特发布的第一条推文,成交价290万美元。

But NFT is not a golden fairy tale world, with some rich people losing their pants. In March 2021, the crypto-money entrepreneur Sina Estavi took a photo of the first tweet released on Twitter in 2006 by CEO Jack Dorsi, at a price of $2.9 million.


That's the tweet. It says on top, "I'm on Twitter." And now we all see, rounding is like $2.9 million.


In April of this year, Estelle started auctioning the NFT for seven days. On Twitter, he said that he expected to pay more than $48 million, and that when he did, he would donate half of the sales to charities.


Seven days after the auction, only seven quotations were received, the lowest being €0.019 and the highest being 0.09.


Translating into the language, minimum $6, maximum $280. Yes, $280, not a million.


In just one year, the value of the NFT has shrunk to less than one in 10,000 from the high-profile daily prices, which, for many gold-grabbing people in the NFT market, is tantamount to a first wave of cold water.


So, somebody tell me what the NFT is?

NFT,英文全称为Non-Fungible Token,意思就是非同质化代币。这个名字听起来很唬人,但其实和奥特曼集换卡是差不多的东西。

NFT, called Non-Fungible Token in English, means non-homogenous tokens. The name sounds preposterous, but it's similar to the Otman Trade Card.


NFT is always tied together with other digital currencies based on block chain technology, such as Bitcoin, Etheria and others. They do use block chain technology to confirm power, but there are significant differences between them: differences are indivisible, irreplaceable and unique.


A bitcoin is like a cake that can continue to be split into several pieces of cake and traded with others. The bitcoin you've got is no different from the one you've had before, and 0.1 bitcoins are 0.1 bitcoins in anybody's hand.


0.1 bitcoinscan, but not 0.1 NFTCryptoManiaks/Facebook


However, every NFT is unique (like the one in your hand, Cero Otmanca, and Guya Otmanca, not the same card), and it uses block chain technology to prove the authenticity and ownership of a particular, unique digital object. It is like a digital asset's identity card, or a land deed, which is not a digital asset per se, but it can prove that you are its owner. It can point to a digital asset in the form of a gif, a painting, a head, a video, or even a text.


I can prove my ownership. So what?


In the network age, faced with huge digital content, people face an inexplicable problem: the unlimited reproduction of online digital information.


A document, a single picture, just a few copies of the mouse, can get a copy exactly the same as the original. The copying of the sticker obscures the concept of ownership, originality. In the old days, you could have put a copy of the Mona Lisa home, but everyone agreed that only the one in the Louvre was original, and you created a web map in the Internet age, where others could get a lot of copies without distinction by copying the past. How can you say that this is true and that it is not true?


Just 998, high quality Mona Lisa poster to bring home the europosters.eu


NFT was born to solve the problem: each NFT is unique and has only one certified owner, and although the picture can be captured and reproduced, you always have the original.

一张重制版的“彩虹猫”gif,能在拍卖网站卖出56万美元。艺术家克里斯·托雷斯( Chris Torres)在十多年前创造了一只用饼干做身体的猫,身后还拖着一道彩虹。在它诞生十周年之际,他放大了彩虹猫的尺寸并修复了背景瑕疵,制成独一无二的“数字收藏品”来售卖。

The artist Chris Torres created a cat with biscuits as a body more than a decade ago and dragged a rainbow behind it. On the tenth anniversary of its birth, he magnified the rainbow cat and repaired its background and made a unique “digital collection” for sale.

这个彩虹猫,被托雷斯卖了59万美元|Chris Torres

The rainbow cat was sold by Torres for $590,000. Chris Torres.


In Torres’ view, NFT offers the creator a way to profit directly from the work. Although everyone can send rainbow cats, only the purchaser actually owns it.


If you can't afford a $560,000 rainbow cat, you can also look at CryptoKittys. It's a cat-breeding game, where each player can own a virtual cat, buy, sell or exchange a cat, and someone spends over $170,000 on a virtual cat.


The cat's name is Dragon, and the buyer spends $170,000 on it. These virtual cats can breed. In general, 0-generation cats are the most valuable, but Dragon is the 9th-generation cat.


When NFT emerges, it creates a new phenomenon in the Internet world: the separation of property rights. That is, a digital asset that can be reproduced and transmitted indefinitely, and that everyone can use, appreciate, or enjoy its aesthetic value without spending a penny, but only one person can really own it.


In 2021, the NBA pool bought a boring ape image for $180,000, and then replaced it with its own Twitter head. Immediately afterwards, many of his fans switched their heads to a boring ape in the bank. The value of the NFT is, to say the least, the same for the bank as for fans.


Look at the monkey head in the library for $180,000.


Then is it a sin in Courage? All you can say is that you can't believe it.


Our best friend, Mr. Underground velvet, thinks Curry's a pussy.


Who's so rich to buy NFT?


On the one hand is the price of the NFT, and on the other is its abstract nature, a paradox that many people cannot understand: spending their lives with these people, spending money that I can't make my whole life, just buying a name?


Maybe that's true.


Many NFT buyers are millionaires in their own right, especially through early investment in encrypted money, spending money to buy NFTs, which, in addition to speculation, is a symbol of identity in a small circle. In life, people show off by wearing limited luxury items, and online, people arm their own virtual image with NFT to show their wealth.


To give the simplest example, after the great injustice, we all know Estavey now.


That's what our best friend, Mr. Underground velvet, said.


It is a waste of 100% of energy, and it is a catalyst for creating social bonds, facilitating the flow of wealth, and enriching civilization. NFT is a basic technology, the best digital asset tool available, and although it is now being used only to make small images, as is the case with the Internet and cloud technology, the future NFT may better protect the rights of creators and may lead to new applications that are now unimaginable.


NFT is already moving towards the traditional arts industry and is also attracting an increasing number of artists to move their works into the chain of blocks.

2021年3月11日,创作者毕普尔(Beeple)卖出了一张名叫《The First 5000 Days》的拼贴画,价格高达6900万美元。这是一个持续了5000天,近14年的长期项目,从2007年5月1日开始,毕普尔每天都画一幅画,有些粗糙、有些精致、有些很有实验性。5000天后,他把全部的作品拼贴在一起,铸成了这幅大作。同时,这也是佳士得拍卖行首件以NFT形式拍卖的艺术品。

On March 11, 2021, the creator Beeple sold a collage called The First 5000 Days, at a price of $69 million. It was a long-term project that lasted 5,000 days, almost 14 years, starting on May 1, 2007, when Bishop drew a painting every day, some rough, some sophisticated and some experimental. Five thousand days later, he put the whole piece together and made it a big one. At the same time, it was the first piece of art to be auctioned in the form of NFT.

《The First 5000 Days》,69000000美元诶!|Beeple

The First 5000 Days, $69 million!


NFT is favoured by artists because it solves the issue of copyright protection. For authors, NFT is exactly the copyright statement they need that cannot be tampered with, that is, the right of certainty, even if piracy is rampant, to provide the most reliable proof of the preservation of the original version.


NFT, however, is not impeccable, and although block chain technology ensures that keys are unbreakable, hackers may also allow users to divulge information through fishing links.


On this year’s Fool’s Day, Jayon wrote that his NFT had been stolen and stressed that it was not a joke. After the theft, his boring ape head had been turned around several times, worth more than 3 million yuan. There were hackers who had invaded the official Ins account of the bored ape and used it to publish a web-fishing link, which would remove NFT from the user’s encrypted wallet, whereby hackers stole millions of dollars of NFT.


That's what happened to the monkey who was stolen from Jay.

这样的黑客盗窃事件一直在陆续发生,从最大的NFT交易平台OpenSea,到NFT数字艺术品在线拍卖平台Nifty Gateway。而且鉴于NFT基于区块链的性质,一旦被盗,受影响的用户就不可能再把失窃的NFT找回来了。

Such hacker thefts have been occurring from the largest NFT trading platform, OpenSea, to the NFT digital art online auction platform, Nifty Gateway. And given the NFT’s block chain-based nature, it is impossible for the affected users to recover the stolen NFT once stolen.


The myths and fables of the NFT world will continue, and we are all witnesses to this new and inexplicable technology.



[1]Jack Dorsey's '$2.9M' NFT Tweet Auction Brings Top Bid of $280


[2]‘Jack Dorsey’s First Tweet’ NFT Went on Sale for $48M. It Ended With a Top Bid of Just $280


[3]Jack Dorsey’s first tweet sold as an NFT for an oddly specific $2,915,835.47



[4] What is NFT, how do they work?



Author: Flipped, little towels


Edit: Flip


Script: Underground velvet




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