
资讯 2024-06-19 阅读:283 评论:0
  加密数字货币非法“挖矿”行为可能涉嫌的刑事犯罪 Criminal offence for which illegal “mining” of encrypted digital currency...



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Criminal offence for which illegal “mining” of encrypted digital currency may be suspected

  作者:李俊南 ,上海华勤基信(杭州)律师事务所负责人

Author: LEE Jun-nam, Head of the law firm in Hong Kong, Shanghai


In recent years, the passions for encrypted digital currencies such as Bitcoin, Leitcoin, and Dogcoins have attracted the active participation of countless people who have become rife overnight. The rapid expansion of websites such as coins, coins, and OKEx has involved a large number of participants, many of whom have chosen to obtain encrypted digital money through “mining” in addition to buying and selling. A series of acts have arisen in the “mining” process, some of which may be suspected of criminal offences. In my view, the concept of encrypted digital money and “mining” must first be understood if criminal acts are to be identified.

  第一部分 关于加密数字货币和“挖矿”的概念和性质

Part I: The concept and nature of encrypted digital currency and “mining”


i. The concept of encrypted digital currency


The term “virtual currency” or “digital currency” is commonly used to refer to Bitcoin, Leitecoin, USDT, dog money, etc., whereas the term “virtual currency” or “digital currency” is more extensive, referring in general to unregulated, digital currencies, including Q-coin, magnanimous coins, or Internet-specific currencies such as the internal value-added services of the website, as we know each day, and also to encrypted digital currencies, the acts or circumstances discussed in this paper refer specifically to encrypted digital money. Encrypted digital currency is a transaction medium that uses cryptological principles to ensure the security of transactions and control the goods created by the transaction unit, is derived from open algorithms that lead to the absence of a fixed issuer or regulator, and the original digital currency is decipherized by means of network computing, since the volume can be controlled so that the total amount of digital money can be fixed, and the transaction process is recognized by various sections of the network as fixed or secure to the conduct of the transaction.


In contrast to the digitization of currencies or currencies in kind, encrypted digital currencies, the Circular on Protection against the Risk of Bitcoin[1] and the Proclamation on Protection against the Risks of Virtual Currency Transactions[2] specify their nature as virtual commodities, “not issued by monetary authorities, not having monetary attributes such as legality and compulsoryity, not real currency, and should not and cannot be used as a currency in the market.” Currency is initially not readily available in large quantities, but is later transformed into metals (in particular gold and silver), which are themselves valuable goods that are selected for exchange and are given a social acceptance of the value of other goods or services that can be exchanged at a given proportion of the value at a given point in time.


There is no so-called sovereign credit or value support behind the encrypted digital currency, which is a virtual object obtained through the technical secrecy and circulation of the block chain, computer algorithms. The block chain is an intelligent peer-to-peer network using distributed databases to identify, disseminate and document information. In 2009, the first block of Bitcoin was developed, some referred to as the “combine block”. The computer algorithm used to encrypt the digital currency is designed to produce a virtual marker, which is designed to see the extent to which the solvency or operation results required by the program have been completed, based on the result of the calculation. The value itself has no intrinsic value and is the answer to the mathematical dilemma, which may be matched by a solution to the problem of the purchase price of the mine machine, energy consumption, etc. The former cannot represent the price, whereas the latter represents consumption rather than creation.


II, “mine machines” and “mining”


The initial method of obtaining an encrypted digital currency is to calculate, which requires a computer (“mine machine”) to complete a complex calculation process. The Miner engages in a mathematical process through a central processor chip or a visible card. If the result can be calculated, it is given a monetary value of one or a fraction of the number. By Bitcoin, for example, “mining” is to find a random number (Nonce) involved in the Hash (BlockHeader) operation, which makes it difficult to obtain the last Hashi value.


The participants and equipment involved in the “mining” process include miners, miners, mine sellers, mine managers, block confirmations and broadcasting. Miners can simply be understood as each person or institution involved in the “mining” process, where the pool is brought together to avoid the uncertainty of the individual miner's “mining” gains, the results of which are distributed according to the contribution of the different miners' calculations. Block confirmation and broadcasting are carried out through the mutual recognition of the workload proof of a miner's representative through a block chain node, accounting and notification of other nodes. The miner's proceeds are stored in an electronic wallet with a key and can be consulted, used and traded.


In my opinion, the mere “mining” act did not contain any legal provisions relating to alleged violations of the law, but on 21 May 2021 the Committee on Development of Financial Stability of the State Council held its fifty-first meeting, at which, in the spirit of the meeting, it was “resolved to combat the mining and trading of Bitcoin”, after which further provisions should be made for the illegal “mining” of virtual currency.

  第二部分 非法“挖矿”行为涉及刑事犯罪的现状

Part II Status of unlawful “mining” involving criminal offences


As a result of a review of the case file, I found that:


1. According to the trial proceedings, first instance judgements accounted for 81.81 per cent; second instance decisions, etc., 16.67 per cent; and trial supervision notices of dismissal, etc., 1.52 per cent.


2. On the basis of the conviction, the conviction in the first instance of (1) is distributed as follows: theft is primarily related to the theft of public electrical resources, computer-related offences are related mainly to the installation of a wooden horse outside the computer of another person, the use of work functions to facilitate mining using controlled computer systems, etc., the offence of illegal absorption of public deposits, fraud, money-gathering fraud and organization, and the crime of leading distribution, in addition to “mining”, is closely related to the circulation of encrypted digital money, and small theft and other types of cases are related mainly to the sale of mine machines or other criminal acts that have been unlawfully committed after the proceeds of mining have been obtained.


II. The author also found through a web search: .


In May 2018, TUNNET reported[3] that “the Public Prosecutor's Office of the City of Xiong has intervened early in a case involving the hacking of virtual currency on a meganet and has sanctioned three suspects in the case. Three suspects are professional network technicians, organized by the “Hacks Union” to break into computer systems and transfer virtual money from computers, amounting to $600 million”.


In November 2020, the Harbin News Network reported[4] that the Heilongjiang police had captured 28 suspects and successfully uncovered a case of a mega-networked distribution suspected of using the “mining” of the “Columbo CAT Virtual Currency” for a total value of nearly 300 million yuan.


According to a rule of law live report dated 8 May 2021,[5] the Wuhan City Hongshan Police “declared a technology company that developed an APP for a network fraud group”, “Shangchang Technology” commissioned the development of a virtual currency platform called the United People's Group, which, after being replenished with USDT, “proclaims that, after converting to the Union's unique currency of ZBCT, profits from mining machines can be purchased within the platform”, but the miner operates on all images of the Internet and may use backstage to modify its authority to “modify ZBCT prices and specific rates of return”. “Shangcant Technologies” has developed more than 150 small programs involving block chains, virtual money, electronic wallets, cybermarkets, etc. over a three-year period, almost all of which are custom-made by cyberfinancial fraud and distribution groups”[6].


The publication of cases and web-based reports shows that criminal activities linked to crypto-digital money “mining” have been rampant in recent years, characterized by a high level of money, complex behaviour, multi-role participation and a wide range of victims, including through networks.

  第三部分 就非法“挖矿”行为涉及刑事犯罪的一些思考

Part III of some reflections on the criminal offence of illegal “mining”


I. Our attitude towards illegal “mining”


From the December 2013 Circular on Protection against Bitcoin Risk, issued by five ministries, including the People's Bank of China, to the fifty-first meeting of the State Council Committee on Financial Stability and Development, on 21 May 2021, it was confirmed at the macro level that there may be risks in the issuance and trading of encrypted digital currencies. Because of the centralization of encrypted digital currencies, they are “approached” by a large number of criminal activities.


On 25 May 2021, the Inner Mongolia Committee for Development and Reform issued the Eight Measures (Advisory Drafts) on the resolute fight against the punishment of the “mining” of the virtual currency, which was preceded by a number of round-ups of the “mining” and trading practices. The National Energy Agency's Sichuan Regulatory Office issued a circular on the convening of a research seminar on the “mining” of the virtual currency.


II, internationally


In Singapore, South Korea, Japan, etc., industrial regulatory policies related to virtual currencies have been put in place, for example, in terms of investor thresholds, exchange license plates, and real-name certification mechanisms. India is prepared to ban people directly from trading and holding encrypted digital currencies.


III. Analysis of the illegality of illegal “mining”


The mere purchase or rental of a mine machine for the purpose of encrypting digital money “mining”, which is not prohibited by law, is the acquisition of virtual goods on the basis of an individual's needs and should be prohibited as “mining” with illegal characteristics.


The cases mentioned above show that the main offences are as follows:


1. Technology-based illegal seizure


Some outlaws use investors to purchase mining machines, or to manage computers, or other facilities to “mining” for themselves by implanting a wooden horse virus into the computer system, and are suspected of having committed a crime of invasion, control or destruction of computer systems or of stealing an encrypted digital currency that has been acquired by others /strong >.


2. Theft of electricity resources


The theft of electricity for “mining” by some outlaws through the use of private cables, the addition of microcomputer controllers, etc., has become a multidimensional case in some parts of the world. The theft of electricity is not only a direct and clandestine use and violation of public resources and the legitimate rights and interests of others.


Stewardship of or

  (1)A宣称可以销售(含销售后托管)或租赁矿机进行“挖矿”, A向社会公众宣称,矿机具有强大的算力(衡量矿机销售价格或租赁费用多以算力或配置为主要标准之一),称可以每月获得一定的加密数字货币收益回报。如果回报是维持在一定的固定标准时,则A就有可能涉嫌非法吸收公众存款罪

(1) A claims that it can sell (including post-sale hosting) or lease a mine machine for “mining”, and A claims to the public that the mine machine has a strong arithmetic (measures that the sale price or lease cost of the mine machine is mostly based on arithmetic or configuration as one of the main criteria) and that it can receive a certain return on the proceeds of encrypted digital money on a monthly basis. If the return is maintained at a certain fixed standard, then A is likely to be suspected of illegally absorbing public deposits .


(2) A claims that its mine has a certain standard of arithmetic power, but that it does not actually achieve that level of efficiency or even the actual existence of the mine, and that the purchase and lease fees paid by the A recipient of the investor are suspected of fraud, contract fraud or fund-raising fraud in respect of .


(3) A promotes the “mining” business through a level III or more agency, which requires that agents at all levels must first purchase or lease a certain number of mine machines and may refer to the involvement of others in the purchase or lease of a miner's “mining” behaviour and gain floating benefits. In other words, the agent acquires membership by purchasing or renting a certain number of miners, then obtains an alternative profit distribution by, for example, pulling heads and forming a third or more organizational structure, and A makes


> >. >. . >...........................................................................................


While A does not have a mine machine or mine machine that does not at all match its stated performance, sells it to an investor and agrees to host it, or rents it under false information that it exists, prevents the investor from viewing or viewing false sites under various pretexts, A agrees with the investor to withdraw from the mechanism and delivers the investment proceeds on a monthly basis, buys an encrypted digital currency on the market that claims to be “the proceeds of mining” to the investor, earns a profit margin, is suspected of committing a crime? I think that A's conduct is fraudulent and is essentially based on the use of false facts or the concealment of the truth, making the investor mistakenly believe that A has a mine that is in line with publicity and that it can produce the expected return for the purchase price or rental costs.


2. A itself issued an encrypted digital currency, priced on its own, claiming that the leased A mine could “mining” the encrypted digital currency, and that there was virtually no miner for the investor to use, and simply issued the encrypted digital currency on a fixed basis to the investor based on the investor’s input amount. A sets the amount of “mining” proceeds through a procedure, even adjusting the exchange price of the encrypted digital currency to the mainstream encrypted digital currency indefinitely, and is it suspected of committing a crime? According to the author, A’s actions may remain fraudulent, and the encrypted digital currency may operate in closed circles only in the A-controlled node, using a series of packagings, the investor’s return expectations, replacing the French currency with a valueless digital product (and may now require the investor to purchase the mainstream encrypted digital currency in French currency, to invest in the mainstream encrypted digital currency, to increase the hiddenness of the means) or, in fact, to illegally take possession of the property of the victim.


3.A has issued encrypted digital money, and investors lease miners to participate in “mining” not for the purpose of looking at the appreciation space of the encrypted digital currency, but rather for the constant exchange ratio of the encrypted digital currency with the mainstream encrypted digital currency. The investor buys the encrypted digital currency with the black or grey income it receives, converts it into the main encrypted digital currency in a closed loop system, and acquires French currency assets by buying and selling. Illicit proceeds related to the proceeds of crime are laundered through “mining”.A's conduct, depending on the extent of its intentional involvement in the predicate offence, may be suspected of complicity in the predicate offence, aiding cyber-information criminal activity, concealing the proceeds of crime, money-laundering, etc.


On the basis of the foregoing, large groups of people expect to be involved in “mining” for high returns, with the possibility of criminal offences being committed under the inducement, deception or driven by their own interests, involving a wide range of offences, with increasingly sophisticated, covert and popular means, and with the need to strengthen supervision in order to avoid a hot tide of encrypted digital money that could provide a breeding ground for criminal activity.

  [1]关于防范比特币风险的通知 (csrc.gov.cn)

[1] Notice of protection against the risk of Bitcoin (csrc.gov.cn)

  [2]三协会联合发布公告:防范虚拟货币交易炒作风险 (baidu.com)

[2] Joint communiqué issued by the three associations: Protection against exposure to virtual currency transactions (baidu.com)


[3] The Hacking Alliance of the Three Men of Xian was involved in the theft of the virtual currency (qq.com) for up to $600 million.

  [4]案值3亿元!丨黑龙江警方侦破区块链虚拟币特大网络传销案 (baidu.com)

[4] The case is worth $300 million!

  [5]洪山警方揪出网络诈骗背后“递刀者” 科技公司开发150余个APP助纣为虐 (baidu.com)

[5] The Hong Kong police found the “Knife Handler” behind the cyber fraud.


[6] Exposure to the development of more than 150 APP-related virtual currency scams for fraud syndicates, police pot! qq.com.




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