The central bank digital currency is a digitized form of French currency that is based on national credit and is generally issued directly by a central bank.
央行数字货币与支付宝、微信、PayPal 等移动支付不同,央行数字货币是法币在数字世界的延伸和表现,是一种新的货币形态。而支付宝、微信支付等电子支付工具都与银行账户紧耦合,是法币的一种数字化使用方式。在法定数字货币的研发上,中国央行表现出了较强的前瞻性。
Unlike mobile payments such as payment treasures, micro-letters, PayPal, the central bank digital currency is the extension and performance of the . The central bank of China has shown a strong forward-looking approach to the development and development of statutory digital money.
现在很多人会将数字货币与比特币等加密货币混为一谈。但实际上,两者不是简单的等同关系。从概念范畴上来讲,加密货币包含于数字货币的概念之中。加密货币是基于区块链加密技术而创建发行的货币。目前币圈中常见的比特币、以太坊、EOS 等币种都是加密货币。
Many people now mix digital currency with encrypted currency, such as bitcoin. But, in reality, the two are not simple equivalents. In conceptual terms, encrypted currency is embedded in the concept of digital currency.
同样容易混淆的概念还包括虚拟货币和加密货币。加密货币出现之前,随着网络社区兴起,逐渐出现了一类主要用于社区内各种虚拟商品交易的虚拟货币,如网络积分、游戏币等,最广为人知的莫过于Q 币。欧洲央行将虚拟货币定义为“被某一特定虚拟社区成员使用并接受的数字货币”。也就是说,虚拟货币可以被视为是数字货币的一种。但近些年来,在我国监管部门的相关文件中,一般提到虚拟货币通常特指以比特币、以太坊等为代表的不受监管的加密货币。
The European Central Bank defines virtual currency as “digital currency used and accepted by members of a particular virtual community.” In other words, virtual currency can be seen as a digital currency.
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