
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:63 评论:0
本文主要为大家介绍区块链的特征,区块链主要有去中心化、不可篡改、可追溯、开放性、匿名性、民主性这几个特性。This paper highlights the characteristics of the block chain, which...



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This paper highlights the characteristics of the block chain, which is mainly decentralized, non-manufactured, retrospective, open, anonymous and democratic.


The greatest feature of the block chain is “decentralization”, which means that the process of storing, updating, maintaining, operating, etc. data will be based on a “distributed account” rather than on the general server of the “centralized agency.” In this way, the negative consequences of the failure of the “centralized agency” can be avoided and many of the problems we face in real life, such as centralization of servers, hacking, or centralization of institutions.

为什么我们说,区块链最大的特征就是“去中心化”呢 ?这还要从比特币说起,比特币是区块链的首次应用,比特币设计的初衷就是一套去中心化的、点对点的电子现金系统。比特币被人熟知之后,它背后的底层技术区块链才逐渐受到关注。所以,我们可以说,去中心化是区块链的根本特性,也是区块链所要达到的终极理想。

Why do we say that the most important feature of the block chain is “decentralization”? And, starting with Bitcoin, which is the first application of the block chain, bitcoin was designed to be a decentralized, point-to-point electronic cash system. After Bitcoin was well known, the bottom-of-the-line technical block chain became the focus of attention.


Another important feature of the block chain is that it is “non-manufactured”. The content of the block chain requires complex computing using cryptography, conversion to record the upper chain, and the content of the block chain will contain the preceding elements, making it very difficult and costly to tamper with information, which is the “non-changeable” character of the block chain.

区块链“不可篡改”的特性,意味着一旦数据写入到区块链, 任何人都无法擅自更改数据信息。这一特性天然适合许多领域,比如:公益慈善领域中的钱款监督、审计领域的效率提升、版权保护、医疗事业、教育领域中的学历信息认证等等。

The “non-manufacturing” character of the block chain means that once the data is written into the block chain, no one can change the data information without permission. This is naturally appropriate in many areas, such as money monitoring in the area of charitable public goods, efficiency enhancement in the area of auditing, copyright protection, medical careers, certification of academic information in the field of education, etc.


Retroactive, and an important feature of the block chain. As we have previously mentioned (at the time of the first lesson), the block chain is a “symmetrical data” structure, similar to a “chain of chains” that binds together, and the contents of the next ring contain the contents of the first ring, which binds the information on the chain in chronological order, making it possible for any data in the block chain to be traced back to its source through a “synchronous data structure”, which is the “retroactivity” of the block chain.

这一特性的应用领域也非常广泛,除了我们上面说到的公共事业、审计领域、版权保护、医疗、学历认证等,还有一个重要的应用就是——供应链。基于区块链的可追溯性,产品从最初生产的那一刻便记录在区块链上,之后的运输、销售、监管信息也都会 记录在区块链上,一旦发生问题,就可以往前追溯,看一看到底是哪个环节出了问题。这样一来,发生假疫苗事件、毒奶粉事件的概率就会大大降低。

The field of application of this characteristic is also very broad, and in addition to the public utility, auditing, copyright protection, medical care, academic certification and so on, one important application is the supply chain. On the basis of the traceability of the block chain, products are recorded on the block chain from the moment of their initial production, and subsequent transport, sales, and regulatory information are recorded on the block chain, and if there is a problem, we can go back and see which link is the problem.


The chain of blocks is open and anonymous at the same time. Openness and anonymity seem to be contradictory, but what we say is that the chain of blocks is advanced is that it can satisfy both the openness and the anonymity of the data. The openness and anonymity of the chain of blocks are, in fact, derived from its very essence -- decentralization.


Let's start with openness. Because block chains are decentralized, and all network nodes can be involved in data record-keeping (except for union and private chains), its data must be open, and only if it is open will it be possible for all people to participate in it, and it will be safe for the data, so that others will not be able to tamper with it in broad daylight.


With the development of block chain technology, after the Bitcoin system, Etheria has emerged. It is more advanced than Bitcoin, and it operates differently than Tethco and Bitcoin, which is an open-source, programmable block chain. In general terms, the Taiyu system is equivalent to a complete “bottom architecture” similar to Andre and Apple, on which developers can develop software.


So, the Etherm system can also be seen as open to block chains, and this “openness” is an upgraded version. So, we say, the block chain is a very promising technology that, as long as we can fully discover and exploit its openness, can well jump out of a single bitcoin that serves digital money, and then apply it to many applications.


The main role of openness is to protect the security of data. But, in addition to ensuring the security of data, we also need to safeguard the rights and interests of the chain nodes, that is, to protect their privacy of transactions, and not to allow the whole net node to see how much money your home has on this large open account book. So the block nodes use some of the means in cryptography to secure private information, which is called “anonymity” as long as the data are completely public.


The “faceless” of the block chain is the first to be seen as the “bark net”, but the “faceless” of the block chain is not just for the dark web. In reality, the “faceless” of the block chain can play a significant role in protecting the privacy of individuals. The most typical is Internet shopping, which is very unsafe now, and what we buy, our names, addresses, and telephones are available to sellers.


The “decentralized” nature of the block chain determines that there is no “centralized” authority in the world of the block chain, which gives the chain a high degree of democracy. The democratic nature of the block chain is reflected in the adoption of a consensual mechanism, the “consensus mechanism”, based on nodes’ votes, trust, which enables all nodes of the system to store data and update them freely and safely in the system.


Votes, trust, and consultations are all part of the “democratic” realm. From this perspective, the “democratic” nature of the block chain is expected to break the existing productive relationship: within the ecosystem of the block chain, the power to maintain the system is widely distributed to nodes, all nodes are equal, based on consensus and trust generated by the vote, playing their part in the system and contributing to the system for rewards.


In conclusion, we present today the characteristics of the block chain. The most fundamental features of the block chain are: decentralization, which leads to its openness and anonymity, namely: decentralization, which means that data recording operations are decentralized to every network node, which makes the block chain open (involvement for all); but openness, which also guarantees the privacy of nodes, the use of cryptography to protect the node's privacy so that the block chain can be “anonymized”. Decentralized ensures the security of the data and the node.


What do you think? Did you learn?




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