比特币与以太坊:BTC 和 ETH 之间的主要区别 比特币与以太坊:BTC 和 ETH 之间的主要

资讯 2024-07-14 阅读:138 评论:0
比特币 ( Bitcoin(s)BTC ) 和以太坊 ( ) and Ether (and Ether)ETH ) 可以说是目前最受欢迎的两种加密货币,并为该行业的增长做出了巨大贡献。It can be said that two of...



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比特币 (



) 和以太坊 (

) and Ether (and Ether)


) 可以说是目前最受欢迎的两种加密货币,并为该行业的增长做出了巨大贡献。

It can be said that two of the most popular encrypt currency have contributed significantly to the growth of the industry.

比特币是有史以来第一个被创造出来的加密货币,被视为数字黄金或“黄金 2.0”,而以太坊可以被视为世界的去中心化计算机。

Bitcoin was the first encrypted currency to be created in history and considered digital gold or “gold 2.0”, while Etherwood could be regarded as a decentralized computer in the world.


Bitcoin is considered digital gold because it is as scarce and durable as precious metals, but it can be easily stored and divided.


It is considered a decentralised computer in the world because the network is used to run decentralized applications (DApps), which means that applications are not controlled by official agencies.


When measured by various indicators, Bitcoin and Etheria are the first two encrypted currencies.


These include market value, unique addresses and


Encrypted currency

It's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's...


Volume of transactions


Market value or market value refers to the total dollar value of the supply of encrypted currency flows.


The wallet address is the only string that represents an account equivalent on an encrypted monetary network.


There are similarities between Bitcoin and Ether: they are based on publicly displayed distributed accounts (known as block chain)


You can store it in a digital wallet, use an alphanumeric string as an address, and deal in an encrypted currency exchange.

BTC 和 ETH 都是去中心化的加密货币,这意味着它们不是由银行或其他金融机构发行或监管的。

BTC and ETH are decentralised encrypted currencies, which means they are not issued or regulated by banks or other financial institutions.


Instead, they rely on computers that run copies of their networks (known as nodes) to ensure that each network participant is on the same page.


There are significant key differences between the two encrypted currencies.

这些差异使它们与众不同,并引发了各种争论,其中一些人认为 BTC 和 ETH 是竞争对手。

These differences make them unique and give rise to controversy, some of whom consider BTC and ETH to be competitors.


Indeed, they can complement each other because they serve different purposes.

BTC 可用作价值存储,而 ETH 用于与构建在以太坊区块链上的应用程序进行交互。

BTC can be used as a value storage while ETH is used to interact with applications built on the Etherm block chain.

在投资组合中,BTC 可用于保值和作为避风港,而 ETH 可用于访问去中心化金融(DeFi)服务。

In the portfolio, BTC can be used to preserve value and as a safe haven, while ETH can be used to visit decentralised financial services (DeFi).


A hedge asset is an asset whose value is expected to be preserved or increased during periods of market downturn.


bitcoin and Ether: the main difference between BTC and Ether: the main difference between BTC and Ether: between BTC and ETH


Bitcoin is the first encrypted currency to run independently of any zhongyang agency.

其区块链上的第一个数据块,称为创世块,于 2009 年 1 月由其化名创建者 Satoshi Nakamoto 挖掘。

The first data block in its block chain, called Genesis, was excavated in January 2009 by its alias founder, Satoshi Nakamoto.


Since then, the rate of adoption of Bitcoin has been steadily increasing.


Bitcoin was created as a point-to-point (P2P) electronic cash system, which means that transactions can take place without any zhongyang authorization.


As a result


Create Bitcoin Block Chain

的概念是在 2008 年通过 Nakamoto 撰写的白皮书创建的。

The concept was created in 2008 through a white paper written by Nakamoto.


Bitcoin allows users to manage currencies that are not controlled by any State, bank or financial institution.


Instead, it relies on a decentralized user network that runs the Bitcoin block chain software, which contains a set of rules agreed to by each network participant.

该软件确定的规则决定了交易的运作方式、交易结算所需的时间、2100 万比特币的供应限制等等。

The rules established by the software determine the mode of operation of the transaction, the time required for the settlement of the transaction, the supply limits of 21 million bitcoins, etc.


Bitcoin is the first encrypted currency based on distributed account book technology (DLT), known as block chains.


Block chain technology solves many problems, including that of General Byzantine, which describes the difficulties faced by the decentralized system in reaching agreement on a single truth.


In order to overcome the problem of General Byzantine, Bitcoin used it.


Workload certification (Pow)


Methods and block chains.


Many miners, acting as generals, solved the problem.


Each node seeks to verify the same transactions as the communications sent to the general.


Bitcoin block chains are publicly available.

It's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's... it's...


It is also linked to the history of each transaction on which it is carried out, and is distributed across multiple nodes to prevent manipulation.


If a different version of the block chain is detected, it will be rejected by other network participants as tampering.


The alteration is measured by a long series of numbers known as Hashi, and the Hashi value must be exactly the same for each node.

比特币网络处理数据集并通过 SHA-256 哈希函数将其转换为哈希值,该算法处理数据以将其转换为那些长长的数字字符串。

The Bitcoin network processes data sets and converts them to Hashi values through the SHA-256 Hashi function, which processes data to convert them into long numerical strings.


Once a valid Hashi value is found, it will be broadcast on the network and added to a new block.

比特币区块链上的矿工通过 PoW 过程生成和广播这些块,在这个过程中,机器使用大量的计算能力来参与散列函数。

The miners in the Bitcoin block chain generate and broadcast these pieces through the PoW process, in which machines use a large amount of computing power to participate in hash functions.


As evidenced by the workload, there is a consensus among network participants.


Thewa mine and consensus process in Bitcoin ensured that malicious actors were unable to change the balances of other users or spend their funds twice, while maintaining the network to function normally and with little time to shut down.


As a tamper-proof encrypted currency, transactions can be made at any time without any intermediary or control by the zhongyang Bank, which helps to increase the popularity of Bitcoin over time.

虽然 BTC 最初是作为一种交换媒介,这意味着它可以促进商品和服务的购买,但它也被用作一种价值储存手段。

Although BTC was originally used as a medium of exchange, which means that it can facilitate the purchase of goods and services, it is also used as a tool for the storage of values.


Value storage is an asset whose value will remain constant over time.


Bitcoin uses block chain technology for currency transactions and allows for nodes and messages to be attached to each transaction, while Etheria goes further by using block chain to create decentralised computers.

以太坊是一个分散的开源和分布式区块链网络,由其原生加密货币以太 (

Ether is a fragmented network of open-source and distributed block chains with original encrypted currency in the T-shirt.


) 提供支持,用于进行交易并与构建在以太坊网络之上的应用程序进行交互。

Provision of support for transactions and interaction with applications built on the Etherno network.

以太坊的白皮书由其联合创始人 Vitalik Buterin 于 2013 年发布,详细介绍了智能合约的使用,

The White Paper of Ethio was published in 2013 by its co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, detailing the use of the smart the use of the contract.


Smart Contract


It is an automatic enforcement agreement prepared by code.

智能合约允许创建去中心化应用程序或 DApps,这些应用程序是在没有zhongyang实体支持的情况下工作的应用程序。

Smart contracts allow the creation of decentralised applications or Dapps that work without zhongyang entity support.

2014 年,Buterin 和以太坊的其他联合创始人出售了以太币,为以太坊的发展筹集资金。

In 2014, Buterin and the other co-founders of Etheria sold Ether in order to raise funds for Ether's development.

以太坊的联合创始人包括 Buterin、Gavin Wood、Jeffrey Wilcke、Charles Hoskinson、Mihai Alisie、Anthony Di Iorio 和 Amir Chetrit。

The co-founders of Etheria include Buterin, Gavin Wood, Jeffrey Wilcke, Charles Hoskinson, Mihai Alisie, Anthony Di Iorio and Amir Chetrit.


The co-founder also established the Etherm Foundation in Switzerland, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the Etherm Network.

2015 年 7 月,以太坊网络作为加密领域最雄心勃勃的项目之一启动,其目标是分散互联网上的一切。

In July 2015, it was launched as one of the most ambitious projects in the field of encryption, with the goal of decentralizing everything on the Internet.

与比特币类似,以太坊是一个去中心化平台,没有zhongyang管理机构,它使用 PoW 来确保恶意行为者无法篡改区块链数据。

Like Bitcoin, Ether is a decentralised platform without zhongyang administration, which uses PoW to ensure that malicious actors cannot tamper with block chain data.

以太坊有自己的编程语言,称为 Solidity,用于编写智能合约以在区块链上运行。

It has its own programming language, known as Solidity, which is used to create smart contracts to run on block chains.


As a result of the use of smart contracts, there is a wide range of potential applications.

它的主要用例可能还没有被发明出来,类似于 Facebook 和谷歌在互联网推出多年后没有创建的方式。

Its main usage may not have been invented, similar to Facebook and Google's way of being created many years after the launch of the Internet.


The innovation of the Etherm network is flourishing and going to the center.


Financial services provided by the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)


, indefensible tokens (e.g. currency)


) 作为智能合约允许开发人员创建的示例。

) as an example of an intelligent contract allowing developers to create.


Bitcoin is used as a medium for exchange and value storage, while it is used to interact with applications on the Etherno network.

支付交易、创建智能合约和使用 DApp 都需要用户以 Ether 支付费用。

Payment for transactions, creation of smart contracts and use of DApp requires users to pay for them with Ether.


As the value of the talisman rises, it also begins to be used as a deposit of value.


Decentralization applications based on the Taiyem allow for the use of tae currency and other encrypted assets in a variety of ways, including as collateral for loans or loans to borrowers to earn interest.


Mortgage is the asset pledged to repay the loan.

例如,用户可以在去中心化应用程序中存入价值 1,000 美元的 ETH,以通过它获得 750 美元的贷款,同时从存入的资金中赚取利息。

For example, users can deposit an ETH worth $1,000 in a decentralised application to obtain a loan of $750 through it, while earning interest on the funds deposited.


Although both Bitcoin and the Etheria network are based on distributed books and encryption concepts, they differ greatly in terms of technical specifications.


For example, while Bitcoin is the digital equivalent used to store gold, it is used to provide the impetus for the Ethernom network and its applications.


New tokens can be distributed on the Bitcoin and Etherm networks.

比特币使用 Omni 层,这是一个用于在比特币区块链上创建和交易货币的平台。

Bitcoin uses the Omni layer, a platform for creating and trading currency on the Bitcoin block chain.

Omni 层的采用以

Use the Omni layer to


Stable coins.


For the center.

另一方面,以太坊代币按照不同的标准发行,其中最受欢迎的是 ERC-20。

On the other hand, it is issued using different criteria, most popular among which is ERC-20.

ERC-20 标准为网络上的代币定义了一系列规则。

The ERC-20 standard defines a series of rules for online tokens.

ERC-20 标准包括开发人员在发布他们的代币之前必须实现的几个功能。

ERC-20 standards include several functions that developers have to perform before issuing their tokens.


These functions include the provision of information on the total supply of currencies, account balances with user addresses and allowing funds to be transferred between addresses.


Bitcoin transactions are essentially currency transactions, but transactions can be supplemented with instruments and messages by encoding them into the data fields in the transaction.


An e-Team transaction can contain executable codes to create smart contracts or interact with auto-execution contracts and applications that are built with them.


Other differences between these networks include the timing of the addition of new data blocks, which determines the time required to confirm a transaction.

比特币网络上的区块平均每 10 分钟添加一次,而在以太坊上,它们大约需要 15 秒。

The bits on the Bitcoin network are added once every 10 minutes, while in the Etheria they take about 15 seconds.

两个网络上的公共钱包地址也不同。这些钱包地址是允许用户接收资金的唯一标识符,类似于国际银行帐号 (IBAN),这是金融机构用来识别客户账户所属银行和国家的唯一标识符。在比特币上,地址可以以 1、3 或“bc1”开头,而在以太坊上,这些地址可以以“0x”开头。

虽然比特币和以太坊都依赖于工作量证明共识,但以太坊正在远离它,转而采用权益证明共识算法。权益证明的运作取决于交易验证者在网络中的权益。要成为以太坊上的验证者,即验证交易以确保网络不被篡改的实体,用户必须质押他们的 ETH。


Consensus-based algorithms limit the energy needed to reach consensus by attributing the ability to digkuang to the pro rata ratio of certifiers rather than giving miners specialized computers.


The network is more energy-efficient, the access threshold for certifying officers is lower, and decentralized immunity is stronger, as it makes it easier to become a certifying officer.

比特币也以 ERC-20 代币的形式出现在以太坊区块链上。

Bitcoin also appears in ERC-20 tokens on the Taiwan block chain.

为了利用 DApps,在以太坊上创建并推出了比特币的代币化版本。

To take advantage of Dapps, a monetized version of Bitcoin was created and launched at the Etheria.


There are many monetized bitcoin versions on the Ethionet.

这些由比特币以 1:1 的比例支持,这意味着对于流通中代表比特币的每个 ERC-20 代币,都有一个托管的 BTC 支持它。

These are supported by Bitcoin in the 1:1 ratio, which means that each ERC-20 in circulation representing Bitcoin is supported by a hosting BTC.

以太坊上的比特币代币化版本允许用户在使用去中心化应用程序时继续持有 BTC。

The Bitcoin monetized version of the courthouse allows users to continue holding BTC while using decentralised applications.

例如,代币持有者可以借出他们的 BTC 来赚取利息。

For example, currency holders can borrow their BTC to earn interest.


"b" in the encryption industry, if you want to seize the next bovine opportunity, you'll have a good circle, and you'll be warm and perceptive. If you're alone, and you're confused, and you don't have one, it's hard to stay in the business.



标签:BTC c ETH 以太坊 比特币




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