1. View: Digital currency is established in Kyoto! China or mutated for it!
2. New York State will legislate to clarify the legal status of the block chain
New York and Ohio are considering a bill to clarify the legal status of the block chain.
The State of New York joined the ranks of a growing number of states in an attempt to clarify the legal status of block chains and EDCCs (also known as smart contracts) and introduced a state-level bill entitled “Modified design block chain technology and smart contract technology.” Last week, a similar bill — Senate Bill 300 — was just submitted to the Ohio Legislative Council.
Yesterday, the State of New York joined the ranks of an increasing number of states in an attempt to clarify the legal status of block chains and EDCCs (also known as smart contracts) and introduced a state-level bill entitled “Change design block chain technology and smart contract technology.” Last week, a similar bill — Senate Bill 300 — was just submitted to the Ohio Legislative Council.
Once passed, these bills will undermine the UETA version of the unified e-transaction bill in their respective states. UETA was created to ensure that electronic transactions have the same effect as paper-based transactions. Since its promulgation in 1999, it has been adopted by 47 states, including New York and Ohio.
The proposed bill seeks to update this law, which has been in force for almost 20 years, with the first task of establishing a legal definition of the term “block chain”. The definitions used in the two Acts are the same as those used in the earlier Acts passed in Arizona and Tennessee:
“block chain technology” refers to a distributed, decentralized, shared and replicable ledger, which may be public or private, licensed or not, encrypted by symbols or not. Data on the ledger are protected by encryption, are immutable and auditable, and provide an uncensored fact.”
3, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Commerce: promoting technology and supply chain integration /b>
4、Blocktonic平台今日开售1万台CMT Cube 40分钟售罄
4, 10,000 CMT Cube platforms sold today for 40 minutes /b>
EOS’s absence continues, from 360 to Tamhong to Zhaodong, a series of open-view competitions without benefits is impossible. Since that time, EOS has fallen to about 20%, and has rebounded, believing that the round is still far from over, and that the balance of capital will continue.
1. ZENIEX entered into strategic partnerships with the Etai Classic Cooperative
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