2014 年初,由以太坊创始人 Vitalik Buterin ( V 神)发表,从技术方面来看,白皮书只是描述了一种新技术的理论。
In early 2014, by Vitalik Buterin (V God), the founder of the Etheria, the White Paper, technically speaking, merely described the theory of a new technology.
2014 年 4 月,由 Gavin Wood 博士(以太坊联合创始人兼 CTO )发布,号称以太坊的技术圣经,将以太坊虚拟机(EVM)等重要技术规格化。
In April 2014, published by Dr. Gavin Wood (a co-founder and CTO) called the Taijin Technical Bible, will be tailored to key technical specifications, such as the EVM.
2016年,V 神发布了一份紫皮书,为解决区块链的效率和能耗问题,提供了一种将 POS 和基于分片证明进行合并的解决方案,包括提高可扩展性、确保经济终结性和提高计算机抗审查等。
In 2016, God issued a purple book to address the efficiency and energy consumption of the block chain, providing a solution for merging POS and piece-based evidence, including increasing scalability, ensuring economic sustainability and increasing computer resistance to censorship.
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