In the Chinese version of Bitcoin: an electronic cash system for point-to-point, China’s Bentley has combined many innovations in cryptography, such as as asymmetric encryption, distributed electronic encryption of currency systems, workload validation, point-to-point network technology, Hashi cash. These pioneers’ knowledge base eventually gave birth to Bitcoin.
I. The code punk. Bitcoin pioneer.
Bitcoin, based on cryptography, is not an encoded currency. As early as the 1980s, cryptographic punks had the original idea of an encrypted currency.
蒂莫西·梅(Timothy May)第一个提出了不可追踪的电子货币——加密信用(Crypto Credits),主要用于奖励那些致力于保护公民隐私的黑客们。
Timothy May was the first to introduce non-traceable electronic money — Crypto Credits — primarily to reward hackers who work to protect the privacy of their citizens.
1982年莱斯利·兰伯特(Leslie Lamport)等人1982年提出的拜占庭将军问题(Byzantine Generals Problem)。试图建立具有容错性的分布式系统,即使部分节点失效仍可确保系统正常运行,也可让多个基于零信任基础的节点达成共识,并确保信息传递的一致性。
The Byzantine Generals Problem, raised in 1982 by Leslie Lamport et al., seeks to create a distributional system that is faulty and that ensures the proper functioning of the system even if some nodes fail, allowing consensus to be reached at multiple nodes based on zero trust and ensuring consistency in the transmission of information.
1990年,大卫·乔姆(David Chaum)提出注重隐私安全的密码学网路支付系统,具有不可追踪的特性,就是后来的电子货币Ecash。但由于Ecash并非去中心化系统,即使后来很多电子加密货币继承了Ecash重视隐私安全的特性,以盲签名技术为基础,都没有流行起来。
In 1990, David Chaum proposed a privacy-sensitive web-based payment system with non-traceable features, i.e., a later electronic currency, Ecash. Since Ecash is not a decentralised system, even later, many e-encrypted currencies inherited the privacy-safe character of Ecash, which was not popular and based on blind signature technology.
二、非对称加密、点对点技术、哈希现金 比特币的三项关键技术。
II. Asymmetric encryption, point-to-point technology, Hash cash, three key technologies for Bitcoin.
The true foundation of Bitcoin's encryption theory stems mainly from several cryptography technological innovations, of which asymmetric encryption, point-to-point technology, and Hash cash are three key technologies of Bitcoin.
1. Asymmetric encryption algorithms
These encryption algorithms, which form the basis of the current asymmetric encryption theory, are widely applied in the area of network communications.
1988年,戴伟(Dai Wei)提出了匿名的、分布式的电子加密货币系统-B-money。分布式思想是比特币的重要灵感来源,在比特币的官网上,B-money被认为是比特币的精神先导。
In 1988, Dai Wei introduced the anonymous and distributed electronic encryption system, B-Money. Distributive thinking is an important source of inspiration for Bitcoin, where B-Money is considered to be the spiritual leader of Bitcoin on the official web.
2005年,尼克·萨博(Nick Szabo)提出比特金(Bitgold)的设想:用户通过竞争解决数学难题,再将解答的结果用加密算法串联在一起公开发布,构建出一个产权认证系统。
In 2005, Nick Szabo put forward the idea of Bitgold: users solve math problems through competition, then link the results of the answers to the public publication of the encryption algorithms, and construct a title certification system.
The system is very similar to the Bitcoin concept and the publication date is very close to Bitcoin.
2. Point-to-point technology
非对称加密技术的发明以及创立Napsterl的肖恩?范宁(Shawn Fning)与肖恩?帕克( ShawnParke)点对点网络技术的开发,使比特币的出现成为可能。
The emergence of Bitcoin was made possible by the invention of asymmetric encryption technology and the development of the Shawn Fning and Shawn Parke point-to-point network technology that created Napsterl.
Through these two technologies, distributed transaction books can be created and broadcast on the Internet through call and question-and-answer mechanisms, with nodes continuously checking the data received to avoid tampering with the data.
The entire process of technological development is like an infuriated football attack, with each of the first punches of Jom, Dave and Sabo, but a little bit closer to the touchdown. That's the distance: Hashi's cash.
Three. Hash's cash.
The last difficulty — the solution of “double payment” — was to clear up all the obstacles to the eventual advent of Bitcoin.
1977年,亚当?拜克发明了哈希现金(Hash Cash)算法机制。虽然最初的设计是用于用于限制垃圾邮件发送与拒绝服务攻击。
Adam Baker invented the Hash Cash algorithm in 1977. Although originally designed to limit spam sending and denial of service attacks.
2004年经哈尔?芬尼改进,将哈希现金算法改进为“可复用的工作量验证(Reusable Proofs of Work)”后,标志着比特币所有的技术都已成熟。
The improvement of the Hashi cash algorithm in 2004 to “Reusable Proofs of Work” marked the maturity of all the technologies in Bitcoin.
In 2008, the “Dialogue” was completed by Nakamoto, introducing the RPOW (reusable workload validation) into an encrypted currency, and Bitcoin was born!
III. The birth of Bitcoin
2008年11月1日,中本聪在秘密讨论群“密码学邮件组”发了一个帖子:“我正在开发一种新的电子货币系统,采用完全点对点的形式,而且无须受信第三方的介入”。该帖的署名就是塞托西?中本聪(Satoshi Nakamoto)。
On November 1, 2008, a post was sent by China-Bumbon to the secret discussion group, the cryptography Mail Group: “I am developing a new electronic money system in a completely point-to-point form, without the involvement of a trusted third party.” The post was signed by Setoshi Nakamoto.
Bitcoin was announced at the time of the global financial crisis in 2008.
2009年1月3日,中本聪发布了开源的第一版比特币客户端,宣告了比特币的诞生。同时通过“挖矿”得到了50枚比特币,产生第一批比特币的区块就叫作“创始区块”(Genesis block)。
On 3 January 2009, China’s first version of the open-source Bitcoin client was released, declaring Bitcoin’s birth. At the same time, 50 bitcoins were obtained through “mining” and the first bitcoin blocks were called Genesis Block.
Nakamoto was the programmer who studied digital money at the time, and he had the technical thinking to invent bitcoin:
There is a very deep thinking about the currency;
Knowledge of cryptography;
A system such as Bitcoin was considered to be theoretically feasible;
There is enough incentive to develop this idea into a practical product;
Excellent programming capacity and product safety;
Enough social skills.
— This paper is edited by IT Xu Swe, and the article concerns a source of information on the Internet.
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