The Bitcoin average trading strategy is a mobile mean trading strategy based on bitcoin prices. It determines the point of purchase and sale by calculating the moving mean line over different time periods.
The specific steps are as follows xff1a;
Determines the mean line to be used. The usual mean line consists of 5 days, 10 days, 20 days, 50 days and 200 days. The shorter mean line can react faster to price changes xff0c; the longer mean line is more stable.
Observe the intersection of average lines. xff0c when the shorter mean line crosses the longer mean line; forms a “gold cross” xff0c; shows that the price upward trend may begin. This is a sign of purchase. xff0c when the shorter mean line crosses the longer mean line down; forms a “death cross” xff0c; shows that the price decline trend may begin. This is a sign of sale.
Determines the time of purchase and sale. Different traders may have different preferences xff0c; e.g. wait after the mean cross-point to buy or sell xff0c; avoid short-term price fluctuations.
Sets a break and a break. & #xff0c should be in place for any transaction; #xff0c should be in place to control the risk and protect the profit.
What needs to be noted is xff0c; the Bitcoin average trading strategy is merely a reference xff0c; there is no guarantee of profitability. Dealers should make decisions in combination with other technical indicators and market conditions xff0c; and always pay attention to risk management.
API, you need to install the relevant Python library & #xff0c; e.g., so you can use the following codes to access APIxff1a.
This code refers to API, for Euro-Eiline K-line data; the bitcoin price data in minutes have been returned.
Next xff0c; these price data can be used to achieve a simple bitcoin mean-trading strategy. Here's an example of the mean-line policy code xff1a;
In this example, xff0c; we used a simple mean-line strategy xff0c; calculated short-term mean xff08; 3 units xff09; long-term mean xff08; 6 units xff09; moving average xff0c; produced a buy-in signal xff1b if short-term mean-line xff0c; produced a sale signal xff1b; otherwise xff0c; did not send a signal.
Note & #xff0c; this is just a simple example & #xff0c; the actual transaction strategy may require more consideration & #xff0c; e.g. transaction costs, risk management, etc.. In practical application & #xff0c; you may also need to add other functions & #xff0c; check account balances, etc. #xff0c below. & #xff0c; also need to consider some risk and compliance issues xff0c; e.g. legal compliance, financial security etc. & xff0c; ensure that you have sufficient knowledge of the risks and compliance issues before the actual transaction.
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