加州聖塔莫尼卡 -- (美國商業資訊) -- 現在在Android和iOS上都已可用,Sense.Chat允許您與全球通訊社群中的朋友,家人、甚至陌生人安全地聊天和交易。Sense.Chat加密協定使用進階加密技術與EOS區塊鏈相結合來傳遞訊息,以便使用者能夠在無與倫比、高度安全的應用程式中保持隱私。用戶可以在幾秒鐘內創建一個無需手機號碼或電子郵箱的私人帳戶,開始聊天,並用內建數位錢包分享加密貨幣。
Santa Monica, California - (US Business Information) -
「世界正變得越來越分散。我很高興能夠支援這款令人驚奇的應用程式。Sense.Chat允許私密無縫的訊息傳遞和支付,可改善人際關係。」著名投資者和Sense Chat 實驗室董事長Tim Draper說道。 "The world is becoming more and more fragmented. I'm glad to be able to support this amazing application. Sense.Chat allows for the transmission and payment of confidential messages, which improves relationships." The famous investor and director of the Sense Chat lab, Tim Draper, said.
Sense.Chat是植基於EOSIO 軟體的dApp(分散式應用程式),最初由Block.One創建,其科技長 Daniel Larimer是可擴充區塊鏈技術的知名先驅。他開發的產品是迄今為止創建的最成功的社群區塊鏈解決方案,現在他繼續與 Voice合作。 Sense.Chat is based on
Sense.Chat的功能和好處 Sense.chat
-私密聊天:使用我們的進階加密協議安全地與您的朋友和家人以視訊和文字聊天。與微信不同,我們從不閱讀或審查您的聊天訊息。 Private chats: We use our advanced encryption protocol to safely talk with your friends and family in video and text. Unlike micro-letters, we never read or scrutinize your chat messages.
-加密錢包:在聊天時發送,接收和儲存加密貨幣。 - Encrypted wallets: Send during chat, receive and store encrypted currency.
- 超級安全:各方都可以使用公開金鑰在真正的點對點連接中加密訊息。只有您和您的連絡人才能解密訊息。 Supersecurity: Public keys can be used to encrypt messages in real point-to-point connections. Only you and your contacts can decrypt messages.
- 公共頻道:可在公共頻道聊天,發現令人興奮的對話,新朋友並獲得SENSE代幣。 - Public channels: chats can be held on public channels, exciting conversations can be found, new friends receive SENSE coins.
- 安全連接:即時視訊和語音通話聊天,透過資料或wifi連接,無需付營運商話費。 - Security connection: instant video and voice chats, through data or wifi, without payment for business calls.
「您不應該為了線上聊天而犧牲數位自我」, Sense.Chat執行長Crystal Rose說。「利用區塊鏈技術,數位世界的反應方式與實體世界相同。在Sense.Chat聊天就像在現實生活中對話一樣。沒有中間人監視您的訊息、審查您或銷售您的資料。」 "You should not sacrifice your digital self for chatting online," says Sense.Chat, Executive Director Crystal Rose. "The digital world reacts the same way in the real world, using block-link technology. At Sense.Chat, chatting is like talking in real life. There is no middleman watching your messages, censoring you or selling your data."
請造訪www.sense.chat瞭解更多有關Sense.Chat、視訊、截圖、社群媒體、新聞等資訊。 Visit https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20190818005018/zh-CN/ The original version of the press release is available at:
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Zac Harding
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