资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:51 评论:0
(重定向自Real Time Bidding) 1 什麼是RTB模式 2 RTB模式的優勢 3 國內RTB模式所面臨的問題 4 國內RTB模式的發展策略 5 關於RTB廣...



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(重定向自Real Time Bidding)

  RTB模式是Real time Bidding的縮寫,即實時競價模式。

RTB mode is an abbreviation of Real time Bidding, i.e., a real-time competitive model.


It is an online commercial buy-in that allows advertisers to cross online trading platforms and media transactions.


In the RBB system, advertising posts are time-sensitive, and the advertising owner’s choice of traffic is time-sensitive.


In practice, the competition allows advertising to compete for each of the and for each ad. Once the bid has been successful, the advertisement will appear on the publisher's website. This technology that allows for business transactions is referred to as “billmarkers” and can be embedded in the technology floors needed for each RBB model.

  RTB的操作模式就是潛在用戶在瀏覽網頁時,與網頁合作的SSP平臺就會向網路廣告交易平臺(AdExchange)發出請求,網路廣告交易平臺會迅速向所有的DSP平臺發出公告,這個時候DSP平臺會通過DMP平臺瞭解到這個用戶是否符合廣告主的需求,然後決定應該是否出價,出價應該出多少,為廣告主出什麼創意。最終,將會由網路廣告交易平臺通過競價做出決定,誰出的價格高就會投放誰的廣告。並且,全部過程會在100毫秒以內完成。RTB模式所需技術平臺:網路廣告交易平臺(Ad Exchange)就是為廣告主和媒體之間實現交易而搭建的一個橋梁;DSP平臺是Demand-Side Platform的縮寫,即需求方平臺;SSP平臺是Sell—SidePlatform的縮寫,即供應方平臺;DMP平臺:Data-Management Platform的縮寫,即數據管理平臺。

The mode of operation of RTB is that when users are browsing the web page, the TSP platform, which works with the web page, will quickly advertise to the DSP platform (AdExchange), trade platform will quickly make an announcement to all the DSP platform (AdExchenge > 電子雜誌的主頁上放了14個廣告主的Banner,也從這一天起,互聯網廣告誕生了。美國成型的RTB模式正式上線是在2009年,中國的RTB模式出現的也不算晚,在20lO年創辦了傳漾的“四君子”就開始在臺灣籌備建設RTB模式的廣告業務,算是中國第一家使用RTB模式的企業。而在2011年,淘寶率先推出了中國第一個AdExchangexT台淘寶TANX。淘寶的加入為中國的RTB模式的發展帶來了新的生機。同時,在RTB行業中還誕生了RTBChina.com和Adexchanger.m這樣的專業媒體,對RTB在國內的傳播做出了創舉的貢獻。

On 14th of 1994, an online version of Hotwired was launched in the new magazine Wiref , which was born on the day [編輯]

  1. 更精準的定位

1. More precise positioning


RTB has helped advertisers to achieve a more precise orientation, with the main groups now in the direction of people's orientation and behaviour.


In the case of ad master x, he uses the RTB technique to say that the conversion costs have been reduced considerably.


The first is crowd positioning.


Using a large amount of , RBB technologies can classify users as different types of people according to specific sub-categories, and place different types of advertisements on different groups.


In practice, the advertiser can define parameters, such as age, sex, geographical location, behavioural preferences, and then transmit them to the RBB system; the system then uses these parameters as a basis for real-time analysis of the data to identify and match the user that meets the requirements.


advertiser x/a's decision to launch the first channel was unfinished and did not know which users to place;


So he carefully analysed the user structure of and found that young male users on the platform had a higher share of young male users, most of whom were on line one or two, were more expensive and liked new things;


Then, according to the user's structure, he divided the group into several groups, each of which was tested separately;


The results of the test were more surprising.


One of the users was most prominent in its new performance, whose parameters were female sex, older than 30, second-line cities, etc., and were not matched by app users.


In addition, RTB technology can be operationally oriented.


The advertiser can use the user's search, browse and , and then post those who have been identified as targets.


x will learn about user interests according to user behaviour, like clicking, searching, browsing, collecting, etc.


User A is a sports-loving college student who often searches sports shoes on X platforms;


As a result, A was marked with signs such as "tidal shoes", "students", "potential users" etc.


X then informs the advertising stand that it will place ads related to tidal shoes for A, such as , , .


In any case, the RTB technology allows advertisers to better target the population and deliver more accurate, sophisticated and effective advertising.

  2. 更有針對的曝光

2. More relevant exposure


Previously, had essentially been purchased in the form of packages, i.e. ads that the media had agreed to place X on certain ad posts for a certain period of time. There are three problems with this model:


(1) First of all, there's a time period that can't be singled out.


The ad owner x bought the 26th all-day commercial, but from 12 a.m. to 8 a.m., everyone was asleep, users opened App with low frequency and low turnover;


Therefore, x does not want to advertise at 0-8 p.m., which is simply a waste of money.


But for x, it's an all-day contract ad, which is hard to avoid.


Second, ad posts can't be divided as needed.


During the same period of time, the price of displays of different advertising slots varied considerably.


(a) The advertising seat is 10,000, the advertising slot is 50,000 and the advertising slot is 40,000;


For , x wishes only to advertise placesb;


However, the ad agreement provides for three advertising slots to be bought together and $120,000 to be purchased on a single basis;


As a result of that, x accepted the entire package slot at the time of the purchase.


(3) Finally, the advertising contract is heavily invested.


Contract purchases are mostly bulk-based and require higher budgets from advertisers, with greater pressure on .


The ad owner X wants to fix a contract ad for a two-thirteen-year period.


The billing counter has a price of $10 million, two months in advance of the order to pay the down payment of $2 million, and the advertiser has to pay the final payment within the week before the announcement ;


x feels that the conditions on the platform are too harsh, but does not want to give up the perfect promotional node of two or eleven;


So negotiations with the media led to an ;


After more negotiations, the media attitude was strong and agreed to reduce the down payment to 1.8 million;


X finally accepted the terms of the advertising platform;


This has resulted in increased pressure on the cash flow of the company and a significant reduction in publicity expenditure elsewhere.


However, , which easily solves the problem.


The RTB ad divides the entire presentation into the smallest “single presentation” where an ad is presented once in front of a single user at a cost; the advertiser can choose to release it at any time and no longer subject to the rules of the contract;


All advertising places are marked according to the characteristics of the user, classifying the user according to specific rules; the advertiser may select the appropriate user according to his/her needs.


The competition was the occasion for a presentation by an advertising post, , and did not require a large number of advertisers to attract more advertising participants;


The emergence of the "single presentation of opportunities" function solves the problem of the contractual ads "unscrewable time split" and "unable to distribute on demand:


“User tagging” also provides a guarantee for “single presentation opportunities”.


The advent of the “single presentation of opportunities” has reduced the promotion of advertising and solved the problem of “advertisement co-financing”.


In any event, the RTB ad has made the placement of the ads more relevant and has increased the rate of conversion of the ads .


According to admaster x's statistics, the rate of transmission of RTB advertising has increased by about 20% compared to the contractual advertising rate.


iii, more reassuring purchases


RBB ads provide a clear and transparent way to compete, making advertising transactions more fair, fair and open.


For admaster x, the RTB commercial purchases are reassuring.


(1) The RTB purchasing process is efficient and can be completed in a few minutes; in contrast, the contractual advertising process is somewhat complex and lengthy, and the entire process may take weeks, if not months, and time-consuming;


(2) In terms of the effectiveness of advertising, mention must be made of the accuracy of advertising displays, which can be presented to the right crowd at the right time; this reduces X by a lot of ineffectual flows;


(3) does not simply improve advertising efficiency, save unnecessary costs. By using technology >


All in all, the speed, precision and cost advantages of are the reasons for the admaster x's push for RTB.


The development of the RTB model has been overwhelming, and the year 2012 has seen many advertisers try to use the RTB model for advertising in China. Similarly, during the year, the RTB model has become more popular. These developments have helped China’s ‘a href=https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/%E4%BA%92%E81%94%ED%91%E5%BF%E5%E51%91%A’title = Internet ad’ network has been expanding for years.


In addition to the investment in capital, there are technical requirements such as the accumulation of user data and the quality of user data to reach the level required by the RTB model. And, in terms of the development of the RTB model now in China, 互聯網營銷的新趨勢和新動力,而相比國外的RTB產業鏈,我們可以看到國內孕育RTB模式的市場環境要複雜的多。

Viewing the international Internet commercial market, the RTB model has become , and we can see that has more to do with the domestic RTB model.


The US web site is clean, and the rules of the advertising posts are simple, with an ad amounting to twenty-three ideas, but China has nearly a thousand advertising slots, and the size of each ad is changing. Second, the RTB chain needs to be successfully turned around, , AdExchange~, the DSP platform and the advertiser’s four major festivals. The whole chain needs to be put in place, first of all, to build the most important AdExchange platform, so that the DSP can be useful, so that the DSP’s %93’tele= ‘media’ is not a good flow.


So if we really want the RTB model to be universalized in China, then we need to start by collating the web site within the country so that the advertising space can be as large as possible. The second is the need for a complete and sufficient flow of resources for the development of the RTB model. The second is the need to build a complete RTB platform. A RTB-compliant `DSP' = 90% "B" %2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%


1. Magnetic development strategy


According to a study by , global advertisers are investing more money in Internet media. According to a report by , an increase of 14.6% over the same period last year, accounting for more than 21% of the total.


As we can see from this report, the investment of the RTB model in the Internet ads is growing at a very high rate, as is the case now in society after 8O and after 90, and the RTB, with its own unique features now at technologies are no longer available.


2. Micro-development strategy


The growth of the RTB-style marketing model in the country can be described as overwhelming under the whole good environment. But how the media industry and advertisers manage the operation of this model is a big question.


This advantage depends mainly on its advantages in the whole chain of the RBB model. Because the development of the RBB model is different from that of the United States, domestic firms do not focus on one element of the entire chain, as in the United States, but rather on a combination of several elements, which require additional financial and human inputs, and technical requirements that are commensurately enhanced. This is why the RBB model in the country is becoming more competitive.


There are fierce competitions among domestic firms, but there is a need for collaboration between firms if they are to maximize the impact of the RBB model in the country. As mentioned in the paper, the network advertising system in the country is too diverse, making the RBB model very complex to operate in itself, but it may require thousands of .


For the advertisers of , the pressure on the new web marketing model of RTB may be smaller. For the advertisers of RTB’s new advertising model, the advertisers need only see whether their ads are up to date. However, they believe that none of the advertisers =A5%Atwww/ %E5%A%B%B %B %B %B = up to 90% B’B %B %B = up to < > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > <.


Of course, since these problems arise when the RBB model is advertised, the advertisers should think about how to deal with them. In this case, the development of the RTB model in the country is already well understood. So the advertisers need to be careful not to be trapped in the ads on the side of the border, which will necessarily affect the company's credibility when the RBB model is advertised and the company . So, at the same time as the RTB model is launched, we also need to put in a number of hot spots that will not be captured by society, so that the company will be able to make a public announcement of 4%B8%B2%B2%B2%D2%E2%Eb/C2%E2%Eb/Ew%Eb/Ew%Ew%Eb/Ew%Eb/Ew%Ew%Eb/Ew%Ew%E.


After the announcement of the RBB model, it is important to evaluate its impact. It is clear from the impact evaluation that advertisements for this model have a greater advantage than other Internet ads after the same investment. It is possible to decide whether to increase the input into the RBB model campaign in the future


1, what's the right business for an RTB ad?


RTB uses a real-time competition to purchase a demonstration announcement that the advertiser can determine whether to bid for the advertisement and set the price based on data from , including websites and locations from interviewers. Since RRTB can significantly increase the accuracy of the offer, all businesses that pursue the real impact of the advertisement are suitable for RTB.


Do you have the lowest budgetary requirements for 2, RBB ads?


There may be no theory. But in order to achieve a certain result, there is a need to invest some budget, such as tens of thousands of yuan, in the initial tests. With , RBB ads will be better and better.


3, how do I start if I want to put an ad in RRT?


Since only RTB can compete on the platform, advertisers can work with advertising agents who own or have access to the DSP, especially those with a high level of knowledge of your business, because full use of RTB requires an analysis of sales data in advance.


What's the difference between 4, RTB advertising and general display advertising?


At the technical level, the biggest difference between RTB and all commercials is that they are purchased through a "competitive" price. Simply put, if you want to show an ad in front of user A, and just as well another advertiser locks user A in the same way, you actually need a "competitive" price. You may offer 0.05 dollars for this demonstration, while another advertiser may offer 0.04 dollars, then your ad will be shown that the cost you have to pay is not usually 0.05 dollars, but a little more than the second. In this example, the real price you need to pay for this demonstration may be 0.041 dollars.

5、廣告交易平臺(ad exchange)與廣告網路(ad network)之間有何分別?

5, what's the difference between ad exchange and ad network?


The ad-trading platform and the advertising network can also be easily understood as bringing together the public media sites (publishers) and the advertisers' trading market, but there is a great difference between them.

  隨著網站媒體數量倍增而且碎片化嚴重,廣告網路主要為大型門戶網站銷售大量剩餘的廣告位置、或者聚合眾多小型網站併為它們出售廣告位置。廣告交易涉及三方組織,包括媒體網站(賣方)、廣告網路(中介人)和廣告主(買方) 。廣告網路在投放的過程中﹐即使效果未如理想﹐也無辦法隨時變更﹐造成預算的浪費。

As the number of websites is multiplied and fragmented, the advertising network is dominated by the large /a>, which sells a large number of remaining advertising places, or by the amalgamation of a large number of small websites. The advertising deal involves tripartite organizations, including media websites (sellers), advertising networks (intermediators) and (buyers), even if the impact of the campaigning has not changed in time.

  當網路廣告技術愈漸成熟, 為了更精準的把廣告主的信息投遞給目標受眾,廣告交易平臺作為一個完全透明、全自動、實時競投的技術平臺順應而生,讓買賣雙方在平臺上作出即時競價交易。在廣告交易的過程中,廣告交易平臺,並非一個中介人,而只是作為一個協作平臺,讓多方組織在上方進行交易買賣,而重點是在廣告交易平臺上所買賣的並非廣告位置,而是訪客,廣告主可在交易前評估每一個訪客的“質量”﹐然後進行出價﹐實現預算零浪費。

When online ad ad ad ad , 廣告表現遠超於一般展示廣告,但是RTB絕對不是任何廣告主都應該投放的渠道。廣告主必須瞭解各個廣告渠道的特性與相互間的作用力,並作出有效的預算分配,以求擴大受眾覆蓋、同時提高定位精準度,實現廣告效果的最大化。

Although the ad much more than


7, what are the advertising and trading platforms in the country?


The country’s main advertising and trading platforms include Google DoubleClick, Booby Tanx, Pepsi, and others. There are also small advertising and trading platforms that focus exclusively on users on a single website, such as Adsvana, which is dedicated only to the development of a trading platform for the aphids, and the announcement that part of the advertising traffic will be sold in the form of RTB.


What's the difference between them?


A trading platform dedicated to a smaller number of sites, such as the media mentioned above, is generally of better quality or has better crowd coverage.


9. Where will the ads appear? I don't want my

  大部分的廣告交易平臺皆提供「品牌安全」(Brand Safety)的功能,以確保你的廣告只在你同意的網站(publisher)上出現,這與Google的AdSense廣告是類似的。

Most advertising counters provide " functions to ensure that your ads only appear on the website you agreed (publisher), which is similar to Google's AdSense.


10, what could be the reason for the error if my RTB is not ideal?


There are many aspects involved, and the reasons for the poor performance of the PPC are similar.


First, it may be that your investment is short and not sufficiently good. Second, your placement location may be problematic, and you lack a professional data analyst has set up an effective investment strategy for your business.

  或者是因為沒有在廣告或網站上安裝追蹤代碼。RTB需要大量的數據,來計算每一次廣告展示的競投價格,在過程中,所涉及的因素上百過千,像網站類型、廣告大小、形狀、用戶特征等,沒有足夠的數據,RTB 並沒有可能發揮最佳的優化效果。

Or because no trace code has been installed on the ad or website. RBB needs a lot of data to calculate the competitive price for each commercial display, and in the process it involves hundreds of factors, such as website type, advertising size, shape, user characteristics, etc., that do not have enough data, and RBB does not have the best possible advantages.


It may also be that the RTB service provider can provide a publisher resource that does not match your . Or, for the simplest reason, your creative form is not enough.

  • 金水.國內RTB 模式所面臨的問題與發展策略(J).數字技術與應用.2013,8



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