
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:49 评论:0
  作者:夏春 By: Summer Spring & nbsp;  核心观点 1、比特币对传统货币体系的批评并不正确,对社会而言比特币本身的缺点可能大于优点,比特币会继续演化并具备存在价值,未来将主要面对来自央行法定数字货币的竞...



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By: Summer Spring & nbsp;

  核心观点 1、比特币对传统货币体系的批评并不正确,对社会而言比特币本身的缺点可能大于优点,比特币会继续演化并具备存在价值,未来将主要面对来自央行法定数字货币的竞争。2、维持今年美元兑人民币汇率在6.3-6.7之间波动的观点,未来,影响汇率的市场因素和政策因素很多,人民币既可能升值,也可能贬值。3、建议大家理性投资,应该以长期投资的预期收益,进出口的成本和预期收益,以及生活实际需要来引导外汇交易。现在我们知道,比特币的产生基于对传统货币中心化体系的批评,以及对量化宽松带来通胀的担忧,但实际上,传统货币中心体系作为人类经济金融发展不断演化的产物,其优点远远大于缺点,而量化宽松并没有带来高通胀。

Core view 1, Bitcoin’s criticism of the traditional monetary system is incorrect, and the shortcomings of Bitcoin itself may be greater for society than their merits, and Bitcoin will continue to evolve and have value, and will face future competition mainly from the central bank’s statutory digital currency. 2, Maintaining the view that the dollar’s exchange rate fluctuates between 6.3 and 6.7 per cent this year, with many market and policy factors affecting the exchange rate in the future, the renminbi may both appreciate and depreciate. 3, It is suggested that rational investment should lead to foreign exchange transactions with the expected return on long-term investment, the cost of imports and exports, and the actual need for life. We now know that Bitcoin’s generation is based on criticism of the traditional system of centralization of currencies and concerns about inflation arising from quantitative easing, but in fact, the traditional monetary centre system, as a product of the ongoing evolution of human economic finance, has far greater advantages than its disadvantages, while quantitative easing does not lead to high inflation.


Core perspectives


1. Bitcoin’s criticism of the traditional monetary system is incorrect, its own shortcomings may outweigh its advantages for society, it will continue to evolve and have value, and it will face competition mainly from the central bank’s statutory digital currency in the future.


2. In the future, there are many market and policy factors affecting the exchange rate, and the renminbi may either appreciate or devalue, maintaining the view that this year's exchange rate between the United States dollar and the renminbi fluctuates between 6.3 and 6.7.


3. It is suggested that rational investment should guide foreign-exchange transactions with the expected return on long-term investments, the costs of imports and exports, and the actual needs of life. Even if high-risk assets such as Bitcoin are configured, it should limit storage and avoid leverage.



Bitcoin emerged after a period of currency evolution, economic thinking, and technological reserves, as a result of the financial crisis that broke out in 2008 and the rise of anti-Wall Street, anti-inflationary thinking following the launch of the Federal Reserve.


Although the price of bitcoin has increased far more than any asset known to mankind in the last 12 years, it is also more volatile than all assets in the same period. Bitcoin has experienced four price surges and falls since its birth in 2009, each related to monetary easing, celebrity star-driven, and each to Bitcoin’s inherent flaws, with tight financial conditions closely linked to strengthened regulation.


Now we know that Bitcoin is generated on the basis of criticism of the traditional monetary centralization system and concerns about inflation associated with quantitative easing, but in fact, the traditional monetary centre system, as a product of the evolution of human economic and financial development, has far greater advantages than its shortcomings, and quantitative easing has not brought about high inflation.


In fact, the debate on inflation in the market since this year has largely remained in the traditional mindset that over-epidation of currencies necessarily leads to inflation, and I have written many times about the inadequacy of this view.


Conversely, the “decentralized” advantage claimed by Bitcoin has brought down such disadvantages as high transaction costs, high energy consumption and a sharp price boom and drop in the concentration of pricing power, and the current consensus is that for society the shortcomings of Bitcoin may outweigh their advantages.


This does not mean, however, that Bitcoin does not exist (Bafit's judgement is emotional as well), that, with the emergence of the virtual world, playing an increasing role in our lives, bitcoin and other encrypted currencies have developed a trading ecosystem of assets like stocks, bonds, gold, and so on. Although the total market value of encrypted money is still small relative to financial markets and gold, Bitcoin’s high market value can rank as the world’s sixth largest listed company.


Bitcoin has also shown tenacity and anti-vulnerability over the past 12 years. So I think there are three possibilities for Bitcoin to develop in the future:


1. Become the anchor of a virtual world with a dual function of virtual currency and virtual goods, corresponding to the role of gold in the current legal currency;


2. An asset with its own returns and risk characteristics that may be an institutional investor's asset allocation and risk against inflation or the United States dollar;


3. Intermediary between cross-border and cross-border transactions involving large quantities of commodities, as such transactions have traditionally been bank-dependent, with longer transaction times and relatively higher costs.


The future development of bitcoins will be closely linked to regulatory attitudes, as well as to the development of central banks’ statutory digital currencies. Indeed, the criticism of traditional monetary systems by bitcoins’ supporters can be well addressed through legal digital currencies to further optimize the existing monetary system.

  近期针对比特币方面的严监管规定很多,除了众所周知的以外,本周三,美国新任证交(SEC)会主席Gary Gensler在出席美国众议院听证会时表示:

There have been a number of recent tight regulations on bitcoin, and, apart from what is well known, this Wednesday, Gary Gensler, the new President of the United States SEC, stated at a hearing in the United States House of Representatives:


There are many challenges and gaps with respect to the protection of investors in the crypto-currency market. In the current market, tokens can be issued, sold and traded without complying with federal securities laws. Moreover, there is no exchange for the crypto-demonstration of transactions registered as an exchange in SEC.


In conclusion, the SEC, led by Gensler, looks forward to working with other regulators and Congress to fill the gaps in the crypto-currency market in the area of investor protection. This is not good news for supporters of encrypted currencies like Bitcoin.


We analyzed Gensler’s career in detail, he was one of the toughest regulators on Wall Street in the last 20 years. Previously, the currency circle considered Gensler’s appointment as Chairman of the SEC to be a bitcoin’s advantage, because the currency circle actually reached the point where regulation was needed, and Bitcoin, as the leader, would enjoy the benefits of regulation’s reduced rivals. However, such a view applied only to Bitcoin’s own full compliance, but that was not the case.


By the way, Gensler also pointed out at the congressional hearing that the regulation of SPAC should be strengthened. This is not surprising, as our previous research articles have pointed out, that the listing in the form of SPAC has been beneficial to SPAC sponsors and institutions involved in the first round of investment, but for the listed companies that have been merged with SPAC, the cost of listing is actually higher than the traditional IPO.



More importantly, Gensler also noted that studies had found that the second round of investors involved in the merger usually suffered investment losses.


Another topic of particular interest to investors in the recent past is the trend in shares A and the renminbi. It is clear that the recent trend in shares has benefited in part from the government’s stringent regulatory policies against encrypted currencies, as well as measures to curb commodity price increases.


We clearly pointed out in the investment strategy video at the beginning of the year that the exchange rate of the United States dollar against the renminbi should fluctuate between 6.3 and 6.7. On the fundamentals, the dollar is more likely to enter a devaluation cycle, but from a technical point of view, the dollar will not fall as fast and sharply as the market sees it. That is what we have always maintained this year.


However, one should also note that the renminbi has not increased significantly in relation to the euro, the pound sterling and the Australian dollar. Even if the dollar is weak, it is unlikely that the dollar will fall against the renminbi by 6.3 this year.


On the one hand, the strengthening of the renminbi is not conducive to exports, as is well known, and the argument that the appreciation of the renminbi is conducive to curbing the rise in commodity prices is not a good solution. If there is real global inflation in the future, the appreciation will now lose the space to reduce import inflation through exchange-rate policies.


Of course, if the US inflationary pressure rises further, it will be possible to eliminate some of the tariffs on Chinese imports, which will naturally benefit the renminbi, but inflation in the US also means a strong recovery in the US economy and an increase in the rate of return on US national debt, which will also benefit the US dollar. Moreover, the US government is unlikely to lift tariffs on Chinese imports until Biden’s US employment and family program is approved by Congress.


On the other hand, we would like to see that the dollar against the renminbi 6.3 is a low of the dollar’s exchange rate over the past few years, which continued to rebound after a brief fall at the beginning of 2018. The depreciation of the dollar following the global economic recovery in 2017 and the slowdown in the dollar’s appreciation in 2018 are consistent with the historical pattern of the dollar.


At present, the US economy is performing better than expected in terms of the global impact of the epidemic, as well as in other advanced economies, and the dollar index is likely to rise and fall. The dollar will not return to depreciation until the global economy is in a state of recovery.


It is worth noting that recent expectations of investors’ appreciation of the renminbi have been largely encouraged by statements made by central bank officials at last month’s meeting in Mohan Hill, the central argument being that the renminbi will be internationalized in the future, and that the renminbi’s exchange rate will continue to appreciate relative to the dollar in the medium to long term. Subsequently, the view of an economic scribe that the renminbi’s exchange rate could increase to 3 in 2024 was widely disseminated, prompting some to consider selling the dollar.


I have already commented on this point in "Why the Exaggeration of the renminbi Exchange Rate Forecasts? ". I have reservations about the word “continuing” and I want you to know that the “medium- and long-term” is in the economic and policy context, probably three to five years later, or 5 to 10 years later. I stressed, in particular, that exchange rates are difficult to predict in the short and medium- and long-term.


Just this Wednesday, the seventh working session of the National Self-Regulation Mechanism for Foreign Exchange Markets was held in Beijing.


In the future, there are many market and policy factors affecting exchange rates, and the renminbi may either appreciate or depreciate. No one can accurately predict exchange rate movements.


A system of managed floating exchange rates based on market supply and demand, regulated by reference to a basket of currencies, is appropriate to China’s circumstances and should be maintained for the long term. Under this exchange rate regime, exchange rates cannot be used as a tool to stimulate exports by devaluation or to offset the impact of commodity price rises by appreciation.


To sum up, we have always insisted on rational investment that should guide foreign-exchange transactions with the expected returns on long-term investments, the costs of imports and exports, and the real needs of life. Even if high-risk assets such as Bitcoins are deployed, they should limit the position and avoid leverage.


(authored by Noah's Chief Economist)




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