ETH is a digital currency based on a block chain that can be obtained in a number of ways.
1. 挖矿:以太坊采用了工作量证明(PoW)的共识机制,因此可以通过挖矿获得ETH币。挖矿是通过为以太坊区块链处理交易并创建新的区块来获得区块奖励,即以太币。挖矿需要投入大量的计算资源和电力,并且随着时间的推移,挖矿难度会逐渐增加。
Mining: Etheria uses a consensus mechanism of workload proof (PoW), so Ether can obtain Ether currency through mining. Mining is rewarded with block incentives by processing transactions and creating new blocks for the Etherm block chain.
2. 交易所购买:可以通过在各大加密货币交易所购买ETH币。需要注册一个账户,完成身份验证,并将法定货币(如美元或欧元)充值到交易所账户中,然后使用这些资金购买ETH币。购买ETH币时,需要关注交易所的手续费、买卖价格以及交易所的信誉度。
The purchase of ETH currency requires the registration of an account, the completion of identification and the charging of the legal currency (e.g., the United States dollar or the euro) to the exchange account and the purchase of ETH currency with those funds.
Once you have an ETH currency, you can choose to hold it or sell it.
1. 购买ETH币:
1. Purchase of ETH currency:
If you wish to purchase ETH, you can do so in accordance with the following steps:
Step one: Select a reliable encrypted currency exchange, register an account and complete identification.
Step two: Fill the legal currency (e.g., United States dollars or euros) in the exchange account.
Step three: Find ETH on the exchange and choose the quantity to be purchased.
Step four: confirmation of transactions as required by the exchange and payment of corresponding costs.
Step five: Upon completion of the transaction, ETH will appear in the exchange account.
2. 销售ETH币:
2. Sale of ETH:
If the ETH currency is to be converted into a legal or other encrypted currency, the following steps can be taken:
Step one: log into the account of an ETH-owned encrypted currency exchange.
Step two: &ldquao found on exchange; &rdquao sold; or &ldquao; &rdquao sold; &rdquao; ETH currency option.
Step three: Select the amount to be sold and the legal or other encrypted currency to be converted.
Step four: confirmation of transactions as required by the exchange and payment of corresponding costs.
Step five: When the transaction is completed, the corresponding funds will appear in your exchange account.
When you purchase ETH, you need to choose a reliable exchange, paying attention to fees and prices. Once you have ETH, you can choose to hold or sell it. When you sell ETH, you need to log in to the exchange account and complete the sale as required by the exchange. With the development of the ETH market, the purchase and sale of ETH will become easier and more common.
That's how Ethcoin gets it. How does Ethcoat buy and sell it?
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