/strong's opening.
When we make a bank transfer, and if we don't show up for a long time, most people call the bank's customer service for advice, what happens when we do a digital money transfer for a long time?
答案当然是区块链浏览器了!因为区块链中的交易信息等数据都是公开透明的, 而区块链浏览器是查询区块链交易记录的地址,用户可以使用其查看自己的交易信息以及区块链存储的其他信息。
The answer is, of course, the block chain browser. Because data such as transaction information in the block chain are open and transparent, the block chain browser is a search for the address of the block chain transaction record, which users can use to view their transactions and other information stored in the block chain.
The following is an introduction to the use of the Etheraya block chain browser (https://otherscan.io/).
作者 | 币姐
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Ether Block Chain Browser First Page
1. Query through transactional Hashi value
(1) What is the Hashi value of the transaction?
Simply put, the Hashi value of the transaction is a transaction number for a bank transfer. By looking at this transaction number, we can trace the transfer progress.
(2) Content that can be searched by trading Hashi value
Verification of the existence of a transaction
Look at the time of the transaction
View transaction status (transaction progress)
(3) Where do you get the Hashi value of the transaction?
In the case of an exchange transfer, the exchange would provide a Hashi value, although each exchange would be given a different name and, if necessary, could provide it by direct contact with the exchange's customer service.
(4) How do you search through the Hashi value of the transaction?
Hashi is available for queries. Open the Etherpan block chain browser (https://otherscan.io/) and enter Hashi in the search input box and click on the query to show the transaction information.
In which,
Gas Limit(Gas最高限度):单个区块允许的最多gas总量,以此可以用来决定单个区块中能打包多少笔交易。目前使用的gas limit为21000。
Gas Used By Txn(实际消耗Gas数量):这笔交易实际消耗的Gas数量
Gas Price(Gas价格):用户可以自行设置的gasPrice的价格。由于网络拥堵等多种情况,此价格会动态变化,可根据交易字节数和当前区块中打包的平均值进行大概的预估。 Actual Tx Cost/Fee(实际支付的矿工费):Actual Tx Cost/Fee=GasUsed By Txn * Gas Price Nonce(交易标记):为了防止双花,可以不用管 Nonce: to prevent double flowering. Input Data(备注区):可以记录各种信息,感兴趣的可以看一下区块链式表白 Input Data (Remark area): can record information. 2、通过钱包地址查询交易信息 2. Accessing transaction information through wallet addresses (1)通过钱包地址可以查询的内容 (1) Content available through wallet address 这个钱包地址的资产总量和价值 Total assets and value of this wallet address 这个钱包地址的交易总量和交易记录 Total transactions and records of transactions at this wallet address (2)怎么通过钱包地址查询 (2) How do you search through the wallet address? 在搜索输入框内输入想查询的钱包地址,如果你输入的地址不完整,但是这个地址之前有在区块链上进行过ETH交易或者被查询过,那么输入框会自动把你查询的地址补齐。 Enter the wallet address you want to query in the search input box. If the address you entered is incomplete, but an ETH transaction has been made on the block chain or has been checked before, the input box will automatically complete the address you seek. 点击查询,就会出现这个钱包地址所有的信息。 Click the query and all the information about the wallet address appears. 点击交易哈希值还可以看到这笔交易的详细信息。 Details of the transaction can also be seen by clicking on the Hashi value of the transaction. 以上便是以太坊区块链浏览器(https://etherscan.io/)常用的交易信息查询功能。 These are transactional information query functions that are commonly used by the Etherm Block Chain Browser (https://otherscan.io/). 希望可以帮助到大家。 I hope I can help you all.
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