The number of xff1f in 2021 has reached xff0c; xff0c as the price of xff0c has risen sharply; xff0c as the percentage of whales in xff0c; retail traders have also increased. The ETH 2.0 deposit target is fast achieving xff0c; reaching nearly 50xff05; xff0c; so demand for ETH may touch the sky. xff0c; prices may be as high as $1,000 xff0c; and there will be breakthroughs.
I. ETH Cattle has attracted potential new traders
Explosions in the past week ranged from close to $500 to close to $600. As the price surged in the past week, xff0c; a large number of cryptographers moved their focus from other encryption to Etheria. According to data analysis platforms & #xff0c; the smallest supply of whales in 11 months. Whales account for only nearly 12.1xff05 of total coins; xff0c; xff05; before, the figure has dropped from 18.6xff05; interestingly xff0c; xff0c; the passage of time xff0c; the number of small traders has also increased; and xff0c; and the daily activity address in the chain of the Ethio district has reached an all-time high.
II. ETH2.0 is likely to be achieved by 2020
Seeing the momentum rises on top of ETH 2.0, the second largest encrypted currency in the world, xff0c; witnessing the slow pace of development xff0c; and rapidly accelerating. The ETH2.0 deposit contract address xff0c to date; nearly 50xff05; has accumulated over 6,000 certifications.
Recently xff0c; at the AMA conference xff0c; Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of the eBay, also expressed his thoughts on the launch of phase 0 xff0c; and said that the main network had to start in 2020. xff0c; thus, the possibility of starting phase 0, which has disappeared, seems to have adapted xff0c; it will soon be achieved.
Bitcoin is expected to be replaced in the next few days by a very strong bitcoin price starting this week. One analyst argued that , traders behaved exactly as they used bitcoin & #xff0c; purchases and HODLs were exactly the same & #xff0c; there was no deal. & #xff0c; the initial price was $800 & #xff0c; and then a breakthrough of $1,000 was made.
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