金色Web3.0日报 | MetaMask将推出DAO并发布Token

资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:43 评论:0
1.DeFi代币总市值:1156.2亿美元1. Total market value of DeFi: $11.62 billion DeFi总市值 数据来源:coingeckoTotal...



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1. Total market value of DeFi: $11.62 billion

DeFi总市值 数据来源:coingecko

Total market value of DeFi Data source: coingecko


2. Transactions to centralized exchange over the past 24 hours: $4.428 billion

过去24小时去中心化交易所的交易量 数据来源:coingecko

The amount of transactions that have been going to the central exchange for the last 24 hours. Data source: coingecko.


3. Locked assets in DeFi: 2006.10 billion United States dollars

DeFi项目锁定资产前十排名及锁仓量 数据来源:defillama

DeFi locks top ten asset rankings and locks. Data source: defillama


1. Total market value of NFT: $34.169 billion

NFT总市值、市值排名前十项目 数据来源:coinmarketcap

Total market value of NFT, top ten items of market value Data source: coinmarketcap


224-hour NFT transaction volume: $5,082 million

NFT总市值、市值排名前十项目 数据来源:Coinmarketcap

Total market value of NFT, top 10 items of market value Data source: Coinmarkketcap

宣亚国际:尚在探索元宇宙,存在较大不确定性:12月17日消息,据宣亚国际工作人员表示,截至目前,元宇宙相关事项仍处于探索尝试阶段,未来实施情况以及能否达到预期效果存在较大的不确定性。元宇宙概念还处于早期探索阶段,相关技术也不够成熟,具有重大的不确定性。(鞭牛士)[2021/12/17 7:46:14]

Zhenya International: There is considerable uncertainty in the exploration of the meta-cosmos: according to the news on December 17th, matters related to the meta-cosmos are still at the exploratory stage to date, and there is considerable uncertainty as to their future implementation and whether they will achieve the desired results. The meta-cosmos concept is still in the early stages of exploration, and the relevant technology is not sufficiently mature and has significant uncertainties. [2021/12/17 7:46:14]


3.24 hours top NFT

24小时内销售涨幅前十的NFT 数据来源:NFTGO

NFT data source: NFTGO


1. 100 million NFT assets released on the BNB Chain chain


On 16 March, according to NFTScan data, the number of NFT assets released on the BNB Chain chain has passed 100 million, and now stands at 100,04268. A cumulative total of 23624 NFT asset contracts have been deployed.

2.瑞典足球明星Zlatan Ibrahimovic将11个NFT引入OVR元宇宙平台

2. Swedish football star Zlatan Ibrahimovic introduced 11 NFTs to the OVR dollar cosmic platform

金色财经报道,瑞典足球明星Zlatan Ibrahimovic宣布建立新的合作伙伴关系,将11个NFT引入OVR元宇宙平台,OVR是一个元宇宙平台,提供地理定位的AR/VR体验。 据悉,该系列的11个NFT与足球运动员的球衣号码一样,由来自绘画界及其他领域的11位杰出艺术家创作的11幅不同作品组成。除了Giovanni Frangi和Federico Guida等知名从业者,Giuseppe Veneziano、Giovanni Motta和Ivan Tresoldi等多种媒体的杰出艺术家也参与其中。

Gold money reports that Swedish football star Zlatan Ibrahimovic announced a new partnership to introduce 11 NFTs to the OVR dollar Cosmos Platform, a meta-cosm platform that provides geo-positioned AR/VR experiences. The 11 NFTs in this series, like football players’ jersey numbers, are made up of 11 different pieces from 11 outstanding artists in the drawing industry and other fields.


3. Issuance of NFT graduation certificates to graduates at the VANTAN School in Japan


On March 16, Japan’s VANTAN School issued its first NFT graduation certificate for third-year graduates on March 15. The release of the NFT graduation certificate was distributed on the Polygon public chain and distributed to the graduate’s digital wallet.

4.《南华早报》将NFT业务分拆为新公司“Artifact Labs”

The South China Morning Post splits NFT operations into a new company, Artifact Labs.

3月16日消息,《南华早报》将其NFT业务分拆为新公司“Artifact Labs”。根据一份新闻稿,《南华早报》将继续成为“Artifact Labs”的股东,并将寻求第三方资本来帮助资助该公司的发展。据悉,其NFT系列基于Flow区块链铸造,买家可以对某一历史事件的特定NFT进行竞拍,或者购买一盒选定事件的头版。在上一次拍卖中,该报售出了1000多份NFT,获得了大约127,000美元的收入。 《南华早报》主席Joe Tsai(蔡崇信)表示,“《南华早报》创建‘Artifact Labs’,探索区块链在媒体方面的应用潜力,对我们这个有118年历史的组织来说是一个转型的步骤。”

According to a press release, the South China Morning Post will continue to be a shareholder of the “Artifact Labs” and will seek third-party capital to help finance the company’s development. According to the news, its NFT series is based on the Flow block chain, where buyers can compete for a particular NFT from a historical event, or buy a first edition of a selected set of events. During the last auction, the South China Morning Post sold more than 1,000 NFTs and earned about US$ 127,000 in revenue.

中办、国办印发方案:推动区块链等新技术基础设施建设:1月31日消息,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发《建设高标准市场体系行动方案》。方案提出,在强化市场基础设施建设方面,加大新型基础设施投资力度,推动第五代移动通信、物联网、工业互联网等通信网络基础设施,人工智能、云计算、区块链等新技术基础设施,数据中心、智能计算中心等算力基础设施建设。结合京津冀、粤港澳大湾区、长三角及海南自由贸易港等区域市场发展需求,针对跨境电商、跨境寄递物流、跨境支付和供应链管理等典型场景,构建安全便利的国际互联网数据专用通道和国际化数据信息专用通道。(新华社)[2021/1/31 18:32:22]

In the context of strengthening market infrastructure, China has increased investment in new types of infrastructure, promoting secure and accessible international Internet data access and internationalized data information access. (2021/1/31:32:22]

5.Mutant Ape Yacht Club成为第五个成交额超过10亿美元的NFT系列

5. Mutant Ape Yacht Club became the fifth NFT series with more than $1 billion

金色财经报道,根据CryptoSlam数据, Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC)成交额突破10亿美元,成为第五个进入10亿美元俱乐部的NFT藏品。 Axie Infinity以超过40 亿美元的成交额位居榜首,其次是CryptoPunks、Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC)和Art Blocks。

Gold money reports that, according to CryptoSlam data, Mutant Ape Yacht Club (MAYC) traded over $1 billion, making it the fifth NFT collection to enter the $1 billion club. Axie Infinity ranked first with more than $4 billion, followed by CryptoPunks, Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) and Art Blocks.

6.马克·扎克伯格:NFT即将登陆 Instagram

6. Mark Zuckerberg: NFT is about to land Instagram

金色财经报道,据Engadget高级编辑Karissa Bell在推特上称,Meta (FB) 首席执行官马克·扎克伯格表示,我们正在努力在短期内将NFTs引入Instagram,不过,我还没有准备好今天就宣布具体的内容”。此前消息,Meta正在制定计划,让Facebook和Instagram的会员都能在他们的资料中显示NFT。

Gold money reports that, according to Senior Editor Karissa Bell of Engadget on Twitter, Chief Executive Officer Mark Zuckerberg of Meta (FB) said that we were working to introduce NFTs into Instagram in the short term, but I was not ready to announce the details today.” Earlier, Meta was planning to have both Facebook and Instagram members show NFT in their files.

1.Cosmos生态DeFi项目Marble DAO将开启空投

1. The Cosmos EcodeFi project Marble DAO will open the drop


On 16 March, the Cosmos EcodeFi project MarbleDAO announced that three snapshots would be conducted on 18, 23 and 29 March to distribute a total of 100 million BLOCK drops to MRBLE holders, LP, voters, DAO and NFT holders, 60% of which would be distributed to voters and DAO pledgeers.

2.数据:全网DeFi TVL持续下滑,较历史高点下降29.6%

2. Data: Netwide DeFi TVL continues to decline, by 29.6 per cent over historical heights


According to the masters of the Ocowin chain, the total locking capacity of the Web-wide DeFi to date is $154.4 billion, a 1.48 per cent decline in ring comparison and a 29.6 per cent decline from the historical height of $21.447 billion (19 January 2022).

3月15日消息,Curve发起社区提案,计划引入一个新的“FundRaising Gauge”,旨在使Curve生态系统和社区资助计划中的资金需求者,能够通过CRV释放来筹集资金,从而实现更有效的融资模式并丰富Curve赠款框架。如果提案通过,将进行链上DAO所有权投票。

On March 15, Curve launched a community proposal to introduce a new “FundRaising Gauge” designed to enable those in need of funds from the Curve Ecosystem and Community Support Scheme to raise funds through the release of CRV, thus achieving a more effective financing model and enriching the Curve grant framework. If the proposal is adopted, there will be a chained DAO ownership vote.


1. Giant Network: the company identifies the meta-cosmos game as one of the directions of the long-term layout


On March 16, in response to a question from the Secretary of State, the Giant Network (002558), said that the meta-cosmos was widely recognized as the next-generation form of the Internet. Companies attached great importance to the meta-cosm trend and its opportunities for the game industry. After prior research and argumentation, companies identified meta-cosm games as one of the long-term layout directions.

2.NFT赛车游戏F1 Delta Time宣布于3月16日停止运营

The NFT racing game F1 Delta Time announced that it would be out of operation on March 16th.

3月16日消息,近日,由 Animoca Brands 开发的 NFT 游戏 F1 Delta Time 宣布将于 2022 年 3 月 16 日停止运营,该公司表示「无法与赛车联盟续约我们的授权」。据 OpenSea 数据显示,截止目前,约有 1800 个唯一钱包拥有该游戏的 NFT。 公告中还表示,Animoca Brands 将为 NFT 持有者提供替代 NFT 以用于另一款赛车游戏 REVV Racing,所有 F1 Delta Time 车主都将收到替换车型,并根据原有 F1 Delta Time 车的稀有性和动力在 REVV Racing 中等价转换。

On 16 March, according to OpenSea, the NFT game developed by Animoca Brands, F1 Delta Time, announced that it would cease operations on March 16, 2022, and that it was "unable to renew our authorization with the racing league". According to OpenSea, as of now, there are about 1,800 single wallets with the NFT. The announcement also states that Animoca Brands will replace NFT holders with another RVV Racing, all F1 Delta Time owners will receive replacement models and convert to RVVV Racing at a medium price based on the rare nature and motivation of the original F1 Delta Time vehicle.


1. MetaMask will launch DAO and release Token

金色财经报道,以太坊基础设施开发公司ConsenSys周二宣布,以太坊钱包MetaMask现拥有超过3000万月活跃用户,MetaMask在过去四个月中增长了42%,ConsenSys 在一份声明中表示,全球用户群依赖MetaMask来铸造和收集 NFT、加入DAO并参与DeFi协议。美国、菲律宾、巴西、德国和尼日利亚是MetaMask最活跃的市场。 此外,作为实现其目标的一部分,MetaMask将很快推出DAO,ConsenSys首席执行官Joe Lubin表示,在MetaMask的背景下,现在正在形成一个DAO,它不会管理MetaMask,但它将为创建新的MetaMask提供资金。Lubin没有提供有关DAO的更多细节或发布日期,但确认MetaMask将发布Token。

In a statement that the global user community has relied on Metamask to forge and collect NFT, join DAO, and participate in the DeFi agreement. The US, the Philippines, Brazil, Germany, and Nigeria are the most active markets in Metamask.


1. AAPENFT Constellation Show, opening of the Decentraland Museum

3月15日,APENFT基金会发布公告,APENFT联合TRON耗时3个月在去中心化虚拟空间Decentraland上打造的艺术展馆已经开启。整个展馆的设计以一颗包裹着红色晶体的漂浮原石作为构想,融合了各种互动技术和创意,体现了Web3梦想与加密艺术的完美融合。 APENFT的艺术展馆陈列着APENFT基金会各式各样的NFT艺术藏品,漂浮在起伏的数字海洋上空。其中位于正中央的巨大雕塑是贾科梅蒂的超现实主义作品“鼻子”,作品将超现实主义和非洲雕塑元素结合。 该展馆是APENFT在Decentraland上的首秀,也是构建艺术元宇宙的重要一环。

On March 15, the APENFT Foundation issued an announcement that APENFT United Tron had spent three months de-centralizing the virtual space Decentraland, where the art gallery had been opened. The entire exhibition was conceived with a floating stone wrapped in red crystals, combining various interactive techniques and ideas, reflecting the perfect integration of Web3 dreams with cryptography. The art gallery of APENFT displays a variety of items of NFT art collections of the APENFT Foundation, floating over the floating digital ocean. The giant sculpture in the centre was the "nose" of Jakometi’s superrealist work, which combines superrealism and African sculpture elements.


2. The Japan Won-Cosmos Organization was established to develop guidelines for relevant industries


On 16 March, the Japanese Yuan Cosmos Organization (MVJ), established on 14 March as a legal person of a general association, will work on the development of guidelines for relevant industries, in addition to organizing cross-productivity study sessions and exchanges in areas such as scientific research and the integration of reality with the XR of the virtual world.


3. Amazonian-like meta-cosm games guide users on how to use AWS

3月16日消息,亚马逊发布了一款类似元宇宙的在线角色扮演游戏。在这款名为“AWS Cloud Quest”的游戏中,用户可以创建自己的虚拟角色,在虚拟城市中穿梭,帮助居民解决与云相关的技术问题。亚马逊表示,推出Cloud Quest是为了帮助解释亚马逊云服务(AWS)核心服务和类别,包括计算、存储、数据库和安全服务,以及指导基本云解决方案的构建。

On March 16, Amazon released an online role-playing game similar to the meta-cosm. In this game called AWS Cloud Quest, users can create their own virtual roles and travel in virtual cities to help residents solve cloud-related technical problems. The Amazon states that Cloud Quest was launched to help explain the core services and categories of Amazon Cloud Services (AWS), including computing, storage, database and security services, and to guide the construction of basic cloud solutions.

4.汇丰银行宣布进驻The Sandbox元宇宙

4. HSBC announced its placement in the Sandbox universe

3月16日消息,The Sandbox宣布与汇丰银行达成合作,汇丰银行成为首家进入The Sandbox的全球性金融服务机构。据悉,汇丰银行已购入The Sandbox元宇宙中的地块,旨在与体育、电子竞技和游戏爱好者互动并建立良好联系。 汇丰银行亚太区首席营销官 Suresh Balaji表示:“元宇宙是人们使用增强现实、虚拟现实和扩展现实等沉浸式技术体验下一代互联网 Web3 的方式。通过与 The Sandbox 的合作,我们正在进军虚拟世界,让我们能够为新老客户创造创新的品牌体验。”

On March 16, the Sandbox announced cooperation with the HSBC Bank, which became the first global financial service agency to enter The Sandbox. The HSBC Bank is known to have acquired land in The Sandbox, designed to interact and establish good links with sports, electronic competition, and game fans. The HSBC Asia Pacific Chief Marketing Officer Suresh Balaji said, “The metaspace is a way for people to experience the next generation of Internet Web3 using impregnated technologies such as enhancing reality, virtual reality, and expanding reality. Through cooperation with The Sandbox, we are moving into a virtual world where we can create innovative brand experiences for new and old customers.”


5. Adobe launched multi-tools for AR and VR applications in the metacosystem

3月16日消息,在近日举行的2022年Adobe峰会上,Adobe首席执行官Shantanu Narayen表示,Adobe将元宇宙或虚拟世界和其他沉浸式体验视为数字交互的新浪潮。Adobe为元宇宙的发展推出了包括Adobe Substance 3D和Adobe Aero在内的3D内容创建产品,以及包括Adobe Creative Cloud和Adobe Experience Cloud在内的服务平台,帮助创作者在元宇宙中创建AR(增强现实)和VR(虚拟现实)体验。

On March 16, at the recent Adobe Summit in 2022, Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen stated that Adobe saw the meta-cosmos or the virtual world and other immersion experiences as a new wave of digital interaction. Adobe launched 3D products for the development of the meta-cosmos, including Adobe Substance 3D and Adobe Aero, as well as service platforms, including Adobe Creative Cloud and Adobe Exchange Cloud, to help creators create AR (enhanced reality) and VR (virtual reality) experiences in the meta-cosm.

标签:NFT元宇宙ETAANDdogenft元宇宙遭到中国官方批评ENTERMETA币Lyfe Land





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