
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:64 评论:0
以太坊就是一个通用的虚拟货币平台,每个人都可以利用以太坊的工具开发出自己的虚拟货币体系 。阅读完今天的内容,你将掌握以下三个问题的答案: is a universal virtual currency platform where ever...



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以太坊就是一个通用的虚拟货币平台,每个人都可以利用以太坊的工具开发出自己的虚拟货币体系 。阅读完今天的内容,你将掌握以下三个问题的答案:

is a universal virtual currency platform where everyone can develop their own virtual monetary system using Taicha's tools. After reading today's content, you will have the answer to three questions:


What's Ether?


What does it have to do with ICO?


What does it have to do with bitcoin?


How are the investment opportunities associated with the Etherms viewed and what are their prospects?

以太坊(Ethereum)是2013年底由一个叫作 Vitalik Buterin 的90后小伙子提出来的技术。以太坊和比特币相似,是一个开源的,基于区块链技术的分布式计算平台,它强调自己是一个智能合约系统 。

At the end of 2013, the technique proposed by a young man after 90, called Etheeum, was presented by a young man named

通常只要有一套密钥系统,也就是加密系统,让交易可跟踪,这种结构就可以称为“智能合约”。基本上所有的虚拟货币都是这样的结构。所以智能合约也就是一套生成虚拟货币的系统, 它的本质和比特币是一样的,只不过,你可以在这个平台里自己生成任意多个不同的比特币系统而已 。

Usually, as long as there is a key system, i. e. an encryption system, that allows transactions to be tracked, this structure can be called "intelligent contracts." Basically, all virtual currencies are. So a smart contract is a system that generates virtual currencies, and its essence is the same as that of bitcoins, except that you can generate any number of different bitcoins on this platform.


In support of the system, Vitalik and his team sold their own currency on the ETH system to the public between July and August 2014 (Ether, ETH).


They went ahead with the so-called “mining” and, after digging up a lot of it, made public sales at the time of fund-raising, selling a total of 11.9 million pieces of it (about 13% of the total). Users could have bought it in bitcoin, so you had to have bitcoin before you could buy it.



The process of obtaining a virtual currency is referred to as “mining mining” when the computer that provides it to the virtual currency system is operational.

以太币,可以简单理解成以太坊的股份 ,它把股份货币化 。

Ethercord, understood simply as the shares of Etherm, which monetizes the shares.

刚才说到的用比特币买以太坊的好处是,以太坊收入了很多比特币,所以当比特币涨价的时候,以太坊也会赚钱。当然,它的核心目的是通过发行自己的虚拟货币来融资 。

The advantage of buying it in bitcoin is that it earns a lot of bitcoin, so when bitcoin increases it also earns money. Of course, its central purpose is to finance it by issuing its own virtual currency.

以太坊是全球第一个用发行自己的虚拟货币的方式来融资的案例。这种方式现在被叫作首次货币发行(Initial Coin Offering,简称ICO),简单说就是第一次对外发行自己的虚拟货币。

It is the first case in the world to be financed by issuing its own virtual currency. This is now called the first currency issue, simply the first time that it has been released.


At the time of ICO, in July-August 2014, a bitcoin could be exchanged for 1,337 taels. At that time, bitcoin was about 3,800 yuan, so you can deduce that one at that time was less than three dollars. Today, a taco is more than 5,000 yuan, that is, more than 2,000 times more growth in three years, and the return is certainly quite good. So, most of those who invested in taco were already free of wealth.


Of course, Vitalik, the founder of the Taiku, made a fortune of his own. He owns eight out of a thousand pieces in a tusk, amounting to about seven million, which, at a recent price, is worth more than $5 billion, close to the $20 billion in market value that the founder of Bitcoin had.


On 30 July 2015, after having raised enough money in the form of ICO a year ago, it was officially launched a year later.


In order to enable the Ethermian ecology to develop favourably, they have set up a public interest organization, the Etherm Foundation, which works with the various Ithermaya application developers to develop the Etherm ecology, which is a feature of the programme.


Compared to Bitcoin, there are three main features of the Etheria:

1. 以太坊的管理更加严密

1. . .


Although Etherm management is not corporate, corporate, and not for profit. But it is more closely managed than Bitcoin, and it provides a system developer and a system upgrader. If you can help this Etherm system find Bug, it will reward you with Ethercopic. That would undoubtedly give more developers a higher incentive to maintain Ether's ecosystem.

2. 以太坊通过成立联盟,保证应用的开放和标准化

2. Etherworld guarantees openness and standardization of applications by forming alliances

以太坊的第二个特色是成立了企业以太坊联盟( Enterprise Ethereum Alliance,EEA )。 这些联盟的成员一起来开发以太坊应用,而且能保证以太坊应用的开放和标准化。

The second feature of Etheria is the establishment of the Enterprise Etherium Alliance (EEA), whose members work together to develop Etheria applications and to ensure their openness and standardization.


Alliance members are strong, ranging from schools such as Cornell University in the United States to well-known developers of block-chain applications such as ConsenSys, as well as a large number of large companies, including Microsoft, Intel, Samsung, Toyota, JP Morgan, Essenjör and others, which are active importers of Taiku applications and provide services to their business clients by using Taisun for open applications.

3. 企业可以借助以太坊来发行自己的虚拟货币完成融资

3. Enterprises can finance their own virtual currency by issuing it.


The difference between this and bitcoin is greater because bitcoin is a single currency.

而在以太坊的平台上,你可以制造出自己的虚拟货币,而且可以发行自己的虚拟货币,也就是卖自己的虚拟货币来实现融资 。

On the Ethio platform, you can create your own virtual currency, and you can issue your own virtual currency, that is, sell your own virtual currency to finance it.


If a company were to make its first public release on the Taiyet platform, it would have to be used to buy its own currency in too much currency.


China has always kept pace with new technologies, especially open-source technologies, so it has followed them closely, including the Etheraya technology, and even the ICO. For example, the famous Mandarin Group, which set up a block chain laboratory early in the day, and the founder of the block chain laboratory, Vitalik, the founder of Etheria, was also a co-founder.

最后要说一句,虽然我们讲了那么多,看起来好像很让人兴奋。但是,大家一定要小心。现在业内一直有对以太坊等区块链技术的强烈批评 —— 随着技术的标准化把门槛降低,也使得庞氏骗局的门槛被降低了 ,那么,庞氏骗局也更可能简单地被系统实施了。

Finally, while we talk so much, it seems exciting. But, you have to be careful. There's been a lot of criticism in the industry about block chain technology such as Etheria -- as the standardization of technology lowers the threshold and lowers the threshold of Ponzi's scheme, then Ponzi's scheme is more likely to simply be implemented by the system.


You used to run a Ponzi scheme, and you had to find a reason to fool around. Now, if you do an ICO, that's the first money issue, you might finish your Ponzi scheme. So, you have to be careful.

当然任何新生事物一出来一定会有不完美的地方,随着时间的发展ico一定也会越来越正规化。 其实投资ico的本质就是在投资一个企业的信誉,团队怎么样,曾经有过什么样的成绩等等都很重要。高风险的同时也会伴随高收益,你唯一能做的就是跟紧团队的脚步,快速提升你的认知,这个钱才值得你赚。

Indeed, the essence of investing in meco is to invest in the credibility of a business, what a team does, what a team has done, and so on. High risks are accompanied by high returns, and the only thing you can do is to keep up with your team and raise your awareness quickly, and that money is worth your money.




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