一个月大跌超40%,扶不起的ETH 一个月前的今天,ETH的价格涨至本轮牛市的最高点366.5美元(据火币行情数据),然后就是一路下跌,一个月的时间跌去了4...
资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:122 评论:0一个月前的今天,ETH的价格涨至本轮牛市的最高点366.5美元(据火币行情数据),然后就是一路下跌,一个月的时间跌去了41%。
Today, a month ago, the prices of ETH rose to the highest of $366.5 in the city (according to the information on the signage), and then fell all the way down to 41 per cent in one month's time.
Compared to Bitcoin’s bright performance, the ETHs appear to be much worse, even in the current round of calves. And now, by far, they have largely missed the entire cow market.
What the hell's wrong with ETH?
Ether is not only the most sophisticated decentralised application and smart contract public chain in the market, but also the most dynamic public chain at the moment. The Etherm is definitely a C-place in the currency circle in the field of landing applications, and the price is not as good as the price.
Can't afford an ETH, so too many people can't see it.
Ethel, that's awesome!
Etheria has been held to high expectations by many, and it has been performing well in terms of technological innovation, Dapp ecology and trade volumes.
Let's look at a few sets of data first:
On the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the hosting of the sale, the technologists of the block chain, ConsenSys, published a report entitled “The first half of the year 2019 Ether” in the media, which addresses the exploration and achievements of businesses, governments, and investment agencies in the world of the block chain, building on the achievements of Etherbank in the first half of the year.
Over the past six months, the Ethionet network has processed 130 million transactions, pushing the total number of transactions through the 500 million mark, which is a huge figure. On average, network utilization has stabilized at 90%.
以太坊上有超过7000 万个唯一地址,其中有 1600 万个 (占16%) 是今年年初以来创建的。6月1日,以太坊上有616,000个活跃地址在交易,这是2019上半年最繁忙的一天。ETH总供应量为1.06亿,平均每个地址为2.28 ETH。
There are more than 70 million single addresses in Etheria, of which 16 million (16%) have been created since the beginning of this year. On June 1, there were 616,000 active addresses in Etheria, the busiest day of the first half of 2019.
以太坊社区从区块链的早期开始,就一直在致力于创建“杀手级 Dapp” 而竞争,如今也证明其做到了。据Fluence网络的研究,绝大多数分布式应用程序(DApp)运行在以太坊平台上。87%的应用程序使用以太坊区块链,19%使用EOS,8%使用Tron。同时,6%的应用同时使用两个区块链,4%的应用同时使用三个区块链。
At the beginning of the block chain, the community has been working to create a “killer-level Dapp,” which is now proven to be successful. According to research from the Fluence network, most distributed applications (DApps) operate on the Etheria platform. 87% use the Ether block chain, 19% use EOS, and 8% use Tron. At the same time, 6% use two block chains at the same time, and 4% use three block chains at the same time.
在按 Dapp 状态排名的前 50个Dapp (排名基于“包括活跃用户、tx交易量、开发者活动、CTR 和用户推荐等多种因素”) 中 ,有29个Dapp是基于以太坊搭建的。
Of the top 50 Dapps ranked in Dapp status (ranked on the basis of “multiple factors including active users, tx transactions, developers' activities, CTRs and user recommendations”), 29 Dapps were built on the basis of the Taiku.
在排名前50的金融类 Dapp 中,有42个是基于以太坊的,包括 MakerDAO 和 OmiseGO。
Of the top 50 financial category Dapps, 42 are based on Etheria, including MakerDAO and OmiseGO.
在排名前50的交易所类 Dapp 中,有44个是基于以太坊的,包括 Augur 和 Uniswap。
Of the top 50 exchange categories Dapp, 44 are based on Etheria, including Augur and Uniswap.
在排名前50的证券类 Dapp 中,有42个是基于以太坊的,包括 Quantstamp。
Of the top 50 securities class Dapp, 42 are based on the Etherm, including Quantstamp.
在排名前50的开发类 Dapp 中,有43个是基于以太坊的,包括Kauri、Golem 和Cryptozombie。
Of the top 50 development category Dapp, 43 are based on Etheria, including Kauri, Golem and Cryptozombie.
在所有类别和平台中,具有最活跃开发者活动的前50个 Dapp,有44个 (88%) 是基于以太坊搭建的。
Of all categories and platforms, the top 50 Dapps (88 per cent) with the most active developers'activities were built on the basis of the Taiku.
The above data show that the Etherms are still the strongest community of developers. This performance is linked to the Etherm’s relentless effort to build ecology and many large companies.
CoinDesk reports that 90 different projects were supported in 2018, with grants of up to $27 million. Of these, the largest 23 donations were devoted to outreach projects.
以太坊基金会发布了2019年春季报告。透露在未来12个月,基金会计划为整个以太坊生态系统上的关键项目投入3000万美元。预算中的1900万美元计划用于支持ETH 2.0开发,800万美元用于支持“ETH 1.0”开发,300万美元用于开发人才引进及激励。
In the next 12 months, the Foundation is planning to invest $30 million in key projects across the ETA ecosystem. The $19 million in the budget is intended to support ETH 2.0 development, $8 million to support ETH 1.0 development and $3 million to develop talent introduction and incentives.
More than that, we have seen a growing number of large international companies begin to develop their own block chain applications based on the Taiwan platform. For example, , J.P. , 除此之外,还有支持和扩大以太坊社区的组织和联盟。2017年成立的以太坊企业联盟(EEA),经过两年的发展,已由原来仅有的30个创始成员发展到如今500多个会员。 In addition to this, there are organizations and alliances that support and expand the community of Etheria. The Ether Business Alliance (EEA), established in 2017, has grown over two years from its original 30 founding members to more than 500 members today. 以太坊的底层技术已经渗透入巨型企业当中,并在持续不断延伸发展,枝繁叶茂,已经远远领先于竞争者! The bottom-of-the-ground technology of Etheria has infiltrated the giants and is continuing to expand and flourish, far ahead of the competitors! 对于未来的发展,以太坊也是可以期待的。就以太坊协议本身而言,计划将于2019年10月进行伊斯坦布尔硬分叉升级。并且Serenity 阶段0 (信标链) 计划也将于2020年初启动。 As far as the Etheria agreement itself is concerned, the Istanbul hard fork upgrade is planned for October 2019. And the Serenity phase 0 (beam chain) will be launched in early 2020. 6月29号,V神在“2019第二届以太坊技术及应用大会”以主题为“以太坊2.0之跨分片交易”的演讲,介绍了以太坊2.0最核心的分片技术和信标链机制。根据V神的说法,Serenity将提供巨大的可扩展性,并使以太坊每秒15次交易成为历史。 On June 29, at the Second Ethio-Technology and Applications Conference in 2019, the V God gave a presentation on “The Trans-Physics 2.0 Trade” and described the semi-sectical technology and beacon chain mechanism at the heart of Taith-Physics 2.0. According to V-God, Serenity will provide great expansionability and make 15 transactions per second history. V神没有给出Serenity发布的确切时间,但他说 “发行基本上是我们一直在等待的里程碑,我们在过去的四到五年里一直在努力,这是一个真正不再遥远的里程碑。” God V did not give the exact time of Serenity's release, but he said, "It's basically a milestone we've been waiting for, and we've been working on it for the last four to five years, and it's a milestone that is really no longer distant." 正因为以太坊在各方面有着出色的表现,所以不少投资者对其寄予了厚望。 It is precisely because of its outstanding performance in all areas that many investors have placed high expectations on it. ETH,很迷茫! ETH, confused! 然而,ETH在这轮牛市中的表现却让人大失所望,尤其最近一个月的走势更是让人大跌眼镜。 However, the performance of the ETH in the bull market has been disappointing, especially in the recent month. 以太坊作为市值排名第二的数字货币,与比特币的稀缺性相比,其不设发行总量一直是它的一大“软胁”。 The second-highest digital currency in the market value of Tai Pa has been its total undistributed volume as a “soft threat” compared to the scarcity of Bitcoin. 因而,比特币依靠永不增发带来的稀缺性,成为人们心中的价值储值工具;而以太坊每年增发,其代币的定位,则是充当挖矿激励与DApp运行的“燃料”,也可以理解为它是一个前所未有的区块链生态——“全球计算机”。 As a result, Bitcoin has become a value-storage tool in people's minds, relying on the scarcity that never increases; instead, it has been added annually by the Taiku, which is positioned as a “fuel” for mining incentives running with Dapp, and can also be understood as an unprecedented chain ecology — “global a computer ”. 在币价表现方面,比特币因产量减半,逐步形成通缩,币价一路走高。而ETH的价格则需要不断地利好刺激才能提振投资者的信心。 In terms of currency performance, bitcoin has been reduced by half in terms of output, gradually becoming deflationary, and currency prices have been rising all the way. The prices of ETH require constant stimulus in order to boost investors’ confidence. 7月18日以太坊核心开发者会上,以太坊团队表示考虑将EIP-2025作为伊斯坦布尔升级的一项改进。这一想法就是建议在18个月内增加每个区块创建的ETH,而此举将相应提高通货膨胀率,但提出此次增加的人并没有想好如何利用这些增加的资金,因而在社群中引发争议。 The idea of considering EIP-2025 as an improvement in Istanbul’s upgrade was suggested at the ETA Core Developer’s meeting on July 18. The idea was to increase the ETH created in each block within 18 months, which would raise inflation accordingly, but the people who proposed the increase did not think about how to use the increased funds, thus creating controversy in the community. 表面上,新增加的资金会流向一个资助组织,去推动以太坊生态系统的发展。但“无端”的增发,还是让很多人担心资金被私自挪用,而不是去建设以太坊生态。 On the surface, new and additional funding flows to a funding organization to promote the development of the Etherm ecosystem. But the increase in “unprovoked” flows has led many people to fear that money is being diverted from their own interests, rather than building the Etherm ecology. 如果ETH沦为以太坊网络发展的“造血”机器,而且是源源不断地抽血,这是大家所不愿意看到的。 If it turns out to be a “blood-building” machine developed by the Etherm network and is a source of constant blood pumping, this is something that you would not like to see. 虽然最近以太坊一直是负面消息缠身,基金会混乱、以太坊2.0遥遥无期、币价疲软,提议增发被群嘲……看似以太坊四面楚歌,但这些都不足造成ETH的价格一直走低。无底线地增发才是一个长久的隐患。 Although the recent negative news has been entangled in the Etheria, where the Foundation is confused, where the Ether 2.0 is distant, and where the currency is weak, the proposed increase has been taunted... It seems as if it were evaporating, but none of this is enough to keep the prices of the Ethletics low. 也许,ETH对以太坊网络而言是成功的,但对于投资者来说,却不是一个很好的价值投资品。 Perhaps the ETH was a success for the Etherm network, but not a good value investment for investors. 文 | 内参君 Mr. Ignatius. 特别声明:区块链行业ICO项目鱼龙混杂,投资风险极高;各种数字货币真假难辨,需用户谨慎投资。《链内参》只负责分享信息,不构成任何投资建议,用户一切投资行为与本站无关。
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