
资讯 2024-06-30 阅读:158 评论:0



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The block chain will be another new information revolution following the Internet and, to some extent, will change existing productive relationships and business logic, as the Internet does, in order to advance the high-quality development of human society. On the afternoon of 24 October, the Central Political Bureau of the Communist Party conducted its eighteenth collective learning session on the current state and trends in block chain technology, and the Central Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, delivered an important speech on block chain technology in his lead. The Secretary-General stressed that integrated application of block chain technology plays an important role in new technological innovations and industrial transformations, bringing block chain technology to the top of national strategies.


Why is the block chain an information revolution? What can this technology do? The block chain is now an early-stage, bottom-of-the-line technology that is not easily understood by ordinary people, coupled with years of virtual currency market speculation and misleading propaganda, which often leads to a lack of comprehensive scientific understanding of the core technical logic of the block chain.


This paper does not provide a technical detail, but focuses mainly on the way the block chain is processed, contrasting with the traditional information systems, and thus explains how such a difference would lead to significant optimization of production relations and business processes.

  首先,从正本清源方面,先说明一下区块链技术的分类,以及区块链与虚拟货币的关系。根据国际通用标准,区块链技术主要分为两类:公有链(Permissionless Blockchain)和许可链(Permissioned Blockchain)。公有链主要用于虚拟货币(Cryptocurrencies),到目前为止,世界上基本上没有非虚拟货币的其他广泛使用的公有链应用。公有链的特点就是常说的去中心化和匿名性等。但因为公有链和虚拟货币不符合中国现行的法律法规和监管要求,原则上在中国无法合法落地和运营。

First, in terms of original sources, a description of the classification of block chain techniques and their relationship to virtual currency is provided. In accordance with international common standards, block chain technologies are divided into two main categories: public chains (Permissionlessles  Blockchain) and licensing chains (Permissioned  Blockchain). Public chains are mainly used in virtual currency (Cryptocurrences), and so far there are virtually no other widely used public chain applications of non-virtual currencies.


This central upgrade of the block chain to the national strategic level is entirely focused on the licensing chain, as well as on the union and private chain technologies that are included under the licensing chain. The licensing chain applies mainly to applications at the enterprise, industrial, and industry levels. After this national policy, bitcoin rose, and currency rings went blind, but in practice, the national block chain strategy has nothing to do with virtual currency, or even professionally, with China’s currency ring being a major asset.


The licensing chain, especially the coalition chain technology that applies to multiple collaborations and consensus, is very different from the public chain mechanism. The union chain is not decentralized, but rather a system that is either centralized or referred to as multi-centralized, and cannot be completely anonymous and transparent. Anything that is central to the block chain is basically not clear as to the difference between the union chain and the public chain. So, what is the union chain? Simply put, the union chain is a shared book (shared database) mechanism between multiple business parties by means of encryption technology and point-to-point transmission, which significantly reduces the cost of data processing and improves the efficiency of transmission. In order to be able to speak more directly, it is possible to simply assume that the structure of data interactions between several operators connected through the Internet can be linked by a chain structure, while transforming the same business into a structure based on the technology of the block chain, as shown in the figure below.



In the figure above, the left is the network structure of the current information system in many operations, where each party has its own independent system and independent database, and where each party has processed the business data within its own system and transmits it to the next party. Separate interface development is required between upstream and downstream of the chain, so that the data can be transmitted between different systems. The right is the same stream, the difference being that it is changed to a link in the chain of alliances. Each party has a fully structured ledger (database), synchronized between the ledgers by a consensus sorting node, increased or modified data from either side, and the books of the others are updated in real time.


The Internet is a second-class transmission of data between computers, rather than, as in the 1990s, requiring one of the parties to copy the data from a computer to a CD-ROM, to post it to the other, and then to read the data. Internet technology is easier to say, but in the last two decades, it has completely changed the human society and completely changed business processes and logic. The data transmission and storage of the chain is based on a major upgrading of the Internet and has further optimized the inefficiency and high cost of the way Internet data are transmitted. During the period of research and construction of the BSN, participants have discussed the following seven ways to optimize Internet data transmission:


I. Reducing reconciliation costs


In almost all information systems involving financial operations, payment operations, contribution operations and transactional operations, reconciliations are an important means of preventing data fraud, data loss and data error in the context of Internet connection structures. In the preceding diagrams, in this connection, business party 2 receives data from business party 1 and processes it and then issues it to business party 3. Because of the fact that the data are not interacted directly with business party 1, it is impossible for business party 3 to guarantee 100% of the data authenticity of business party 2. The two pairs in the connection are a key data security measure.


Reducing development costs


In the context of the links, systems have their own separate databases and data structures; therefore, when data are transmitted, interface development between systems is necessary. Because of the uniqueness of the respective systems, interface development is essentially only available between the two systems and cannot be reused.




Even if there is a more rigorous reconciliation mechanism between the business systems under the chain, the database of each other is completely invisible to each other, let alone separate several of the systems’ operators, and therefore data fabrication cannot be eliminated under the chain. The real-time synchronization mechanism of the block chain allows any party in the stream to know at any time the changes in data from all other parties.


IV. Facilitating access to data


Under the network structure of the Internet, data are transferred gradually from one business system to another. That is, if, for any reason, the operator does not transmit the data to business 3, then the business of the operator 3 and the business 4 are halted, and they have no way of obtaining the data transmitted by the operator 1. That is to say, either party’s business data capture is entirely upstream proactive and willing, otherwise it may be completely inaccessible.


V. Cancel the middle segment


In any business process, many parties do not deal with business, but simply transmit business information or data, which is also referred to as intermediary or broker. In a chain structure, in many cases, there must be an intermediate link in the business, for reasons such as geography, specialization, and a shortage of sales personnel.


VI. Enhancing tolerance for error


The biggest problem is that any system cannot be connected or disconnected, or the entire process is completely disrupted. The only way to solve this problem is to make heat and cool, as well as a series of fault mechanisms and equipment. This significantly increases the costs of building and maintaining an information system. In the context of the connection of a block chain, any system jamming or disconnecting does not in any way affect the proper functioning of other systems or the processing of data. When the system is restored, the missing data is automatically synchronized without any adverse consequences.


VII. Expansion of the scope of regulation


Under the network structure of the Internet, any regulation can take place only at one or more points of the entire line, and not all data on the entire line can be monitored. Many violations can be committed as long as they avoid the point of control, which is an inevitable problem under linear data transfer patterns.


Any of the benefits of the above-mentioned alliance chain have a dramatic impact on the global information industry, combining seven sets of implications for the future, globally and socially, to the extent that it is possible to define block chain technology as a new information revolution. Strictly speaking, the network structure of the block chain is not a traditional conjunctural structure, but the use of links and linkages allows for a more intimacy of the internal mechanisms of the block chain.


Thus, reducing the cost of block chains, especially entry costs, is the most important task in developing the current block chain industry. Building a website in comparison with the development of the Internet in 1995 was also costly, especially in the early local area network environment.





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