
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:69 评论:0
 [[332890]] 区块链 + 金融 block chain ˃ finance 案例一:央行区块链数字票据交易平台 Case I: Central Bank Block Chain Digital Billing Tr...



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区块链 + 金融

block chain >


Case I: Central Bank Block Chain Digital Billing Trading Platform


With the successful testing of the block-chain-based digital paper trading platform promoted by the People’s Bank of China, it is understood that the digital money institute under the central bank’s banner will also be officially listed. This means that, globally, the People’s Bank of China will be the first central bank to study digital money and real applications.


Digital money is an alternative currency in the form of electronic money, which has been recognized as a financial instrument by many countries around the world. The successful testing of the block-based digital paper trading platform promoted by the central bank means that, globally, the People’s Bank of China will be the first central bank to issue digital money and to implement real applications.


A senior industrial figure, U Jia, described digital currency as not equivalent to statutory currency, which could reduce the high cost of issuing and circulating traditional banknotes, enhance the ease and transparency of economic transactions, and combat tax evasion and evasion.


In 2014, the Central Bank set up a special study group on the issuance of statutory digital currencies; in 2015, it published a series of studies on the issuance of digital currencies and completed two rounds of revisions to the legal digital currency prototype. On January 20, 2016, the Central Bank held a seminar on digital currencies, the goal of which was to issue digital currencies publicly for the first time.

案例二:中国银联试水区块链 允许消费者跨行兑换奖励积分

Case II: China Silver Federation test water block chain allows consumers to exchange credits across lines


On 23 September 2016, IBM and the China Silver Federation pre-enacted & ldquo; the trans-line & rdquo system, which uses block chain technology; and the system, which allows for cross-line and cross-platform exchange of credit points, while consumers'credits in one bank can be exchanged for points in other banks and even for multiple airline miles and supermarket incentives, can significantly improve the efficiency of the use of bank credits.


Incentives are commonly used by banks as a marketing tool to improve user loyalty, but because of the often restricted way of using them, most consumers do not care about bank scores, and even 90% of users do not know their own bank scores. China’s Silver Union Electronic Research Institute, and the National Engineering Laboratory’s Chief Inspector of Block Chain Research, explained that, in 2015, bank users in China received about $40 billion in total, but only 50% of them were converted.

跨行积分系统可以解除积分的使用限制,但按照传统模式搭建该系统成本极高。“预测400亿积分中25%需要跨行兑换、兑换平台手续费费率1%的话,一年收入约1亿,但构建这个对接多个银行、商户的中心化平台,成本远不止一个亿,” 严翔翔指出, “但如果使用区块链,这一个亿可以全都省下来。“

& ldquo; projected that 25 per cent of the 40 billion credits would require a rate of 1 per cent for cross-line exchange and exchange platform handling fees, with an income of about 100 million a year, but with the construction of this centralised platform for multiple banks and businesses at a cost of more than one million, ” &msp; emsp; emsp; ldquo; & ldquo; but if you use a block chain, all of the billions can be saved. & & ldquao;

区块链 + 电商

block chain > electrician


Case I: Kyoto Global Purchase 2018 Strategic Plan & mdash; use block chain back-to-back


On 14 April 2018, the Gyeongdong Global Purchases Strategic Plan 2018 was published to upgrade the three chain quality assurance initiatives before, during and after sale.


During the pre-sale period, Gyeongdong Global Purchase through “ Buyers & & rdquo; shut down the source quality, select brands and products according to the highest standards, raise the threshold for commodity presence, and ensure quality standards for non-known brands and high safety requirements through testing agencies;


In the middle of the sale, Kyodong has set up a block chain anti-false retroactive solution that will gradually cover the global purchase operations in Kyoto and achieve & ldquo; the full-scale trace & & rdquo; the first identity information recorded for commodities by branders through block chain technology during the production phase, followed by entry into Kyoto offshore warehouses, export declarations, international logistics, entry into bonded warehouses or direct mail to Chinese customs posts for customs clearance, internal division, logistics distribution by Kyodong and consumer signing, all of which will be independently recorded by field staff, with staff digital signatures and time stampes, and all recorded information will ensure that it is true and cannot be tampered with.


Case II: China's E-Commerce Block Chain Normative Development Centre will be established


The China Centre for the Development of E-Commerce Block Chain Regulation, which is attached to the Ministry of Trade and Communications and is responsible for the China Electronic Commerce Association, is the China Electronic Commerce Applications Promotion Centre and is & ldquo; the China E-Commerce New Economic Industry Development Project Group and & & rdquo; and an important functional body working to regulate the segment chain market environment and to carry out technical research and professional training. The Centre comprises committees of experts, the Secretariat, the Training Department, the Activity Department, the Member Services Department, the Outreach Department, the Technology Promotion Department, the Industry Research Department, the Research Department, the Media Department, etc.


At the end of 2017, the Ministry of Industry and Communications officially published the Standard Rules for the Forming of Block Chain Data, and in May this year issued the White Paper on the Sector Chain Industry of China 2018, which provides the basis for the data architecture of the Block Chain System and the application of uniform data standards for the Block Chain Industry, as well as an in-depth analysis and trend outlook on the location of the application of block chain technology in the financial field and in the real economy of the country, which is of great importance for the construction and development of standards for the block chain.


In the context of the current rapid development of the block chain industry, the establishment of the China Centre for the Development of the Regulation of the E-Community Chain will focus on research and training in the areas of technical regulation of the block chain, business regulation of the block chain, industry development norms. The Centre will build on & ldquo; the subject group & & rdquo; the strong resource advantages of further integrating technical areas of the block chain, applied enterprises, research institutions and media resources; and will form five central working mechanisms, namely, normative development studies, certification of skills training for practitioners, promotion of the application of innovative technologies, guidance on the development of the regulation of the block chain and supervision of industry standards.

区块链 + 文娱

block chain >


Case one: Hollywood will use techniques such as block chains to fight pirate films


Hollywood is gradually adopting a play with espionage techniques to counter film piracy, which is said to be based on espionage techniques because of the self-destructive nature of the new script.


Film companies are now reported to be using encryption techniques and tampering, anti-dismantling files to prevent film stories from being leaked. Piracy can cost the United States film industry approximately £22 billion a year, and includes the disclosure and dissemination of scripts, films, etc. online.


Pirates are like bad guys who steal film, and producers now not only use unconventional means to shoot large films, but also to fight them with unconventional methods. Disney spent billions of dollars in 2012 buying Lucasfilm, and Disney is currently preventing scripts from leaking the series of Star Wars on dark red paper that cannot be copied.

HBO电视剧《权力的游戏》是有史以来被非法下载次数最多的电视剧,这部剧的剧组位明星们提供了电子剧本,这些剧本一旦被读过就会消除。演员尼克拉·科斯特—瓦尔道(Nikolaj Coster—Waldau)对媒体说道:“制片方(在保密工作方面)非常非常严格。我们实际上在拿到(电子版)剧本和拍摄完相关场景之后,就会发现剧本被消除掉了。这种剧本就像《碟中谍》里表现的那样具备自我销毁功能。”

The HBO TV show, The Game of Power, was the most illegally downloaded television show in history, and the stars of the theatre provided electronic scripts, which, once read, would be eliminated. The actor Nikola· Kost— Nikolaj Coster— Waldau told the media: “ the producer (in terms of confidential work) was very strict. We actually realized that the script had been eliminated when we got the (electronic) script and finished the scene. Such scripts were self-destructive as shown in Disk. & rdquao;


Similar confidentiality measures are used in the Hunger Games series, where each script is unique and where text changes are made in order to facilitate the tracking of outlet versions.

美国电影协会(MPAA)主席Charles Rivkin在接受媒体采访时表示,电影行业所产出的有价值内容是行业自身的“命脉”。他说:“盗版商从创意公司窃取内容会导致这些公司的员工失业。这场(与盗版的)斗争必须进行下去。”瑞夫金还表示,加密区块链技术有可能改变好莱坞的内容共享方式,这项技术已被应用到了加密货币交易领域,他对此说道:“区块链是一项非常了不起的技术,我认为它在任何行业都将会富有成效并产生颠覆性的进步。我认为现在下结论为时过早,毕竟我也不是专家,但区块链技术可能会为数字产品的分销过程提供很可观的安全保障,同时这一技术也可能会协助我们去打击盗版。”

Charles Rivkin, president of the American Film Association (MPAA), in an interview with the media, stated that the industry itself produced valuable content “ lifeline & & rdquo; he said: “ piraters stealing content from creative companies could lead to unemployment for their employees. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & quo.


Case II: JAAK Development of Music Blocks


JAAK, a London entrepreneur, has developed a block chain for entertainment and media companies that can capture, store and validate metadata through Ether and Swarm.


This innovation aims to reduce the complexity and efficiency of the supply chain in order to achieve real-time, accessible transmission of pay information and use of data between media companies and creators. Creators prefer block chains, where the immediate use of block chain technology to connect creators directly with fans and users has become a major trend, and JAK is a formal participant.


Music can be placed on a decentralized server, and then embedded in a code, which means that anyone who downloads content via encrypted currency will automatically pay the creators, producers, singers, and other parties involved in many other musical creations. Music creators want more ownership of their music to ensure that they receive fair and rapid remuneration for the sale of their work, while simplifying the relationship between music creators and fans.

区块链 + 社交

block chain > social


Case I: Castbox— first & ldquao; + block chain & rdquao; audio content application


Castbox, an international version of Himalayan, supports more than 70 languages and has over 50 million audio content and over 17.2 million users from 135 different countries.


While data show that the willingness of users to pay for content continues to grow, and the real results are increasing, platforms tend to be too geese, with the fan economy alone benefiting only some users that already have a large flow of their own, while high-quality programmes that do not have access to a large number of fans in the short term may be difficult to survive because of the realization problem.


On June 1, 2018, Castbox launched a new encrypted currency wallet & mdash; — BoxWallet, BoxWallet will be embedded in Castbox, where users can convert directly into Tails and BOX in Castbox.


The purpose of embedding Token in the application is not just to reward but to create an ecology, but to pay must be the most central and important feature of the whole ecology. When you are on a podcasting platform, you do not need to charge the renminbi or the dollar, you need to use ETH or BOX to pay for what you like, you use the same currency to settle without exchange rate conversions, and all payment information is traceable, unaltered, open, transparent and secure.


For readers, not only can they experience high-quality audio resources on the Castbox platform, but they can also obtain tokens through a range of official events or incentives that allow readers to maintain the platform and community as part of the platform’s operators. For authors or content-sharing, in content platforms based on Token, for example, an audio-based Castbox or a text-based currency platform, there is usually a higher and more transparent benefit that allows content-sharing to further share high-quality content, directly adding value to the platform itself. From the perspective of advertisers, for platforms with a stronger vertical field, a larger audience, a more sticky user, more willing to advertise, either by buying Token in a secondary market, or by paying directly to the platform operator, who can then use these funds to better run the platform itself.


Case II: The formal ENT chain of Korea's first world-class entertainment project


ENT is the country’s first block-chain-based entertainment industry platform, which provides a one-stop solution for the global distribution of communities and is co-sponsored by two listed companies. ENT is a large ecosystem, a decentralised block chain property exchange platform, a smart contract platform that not only addresses cross-border payments, including for entertainment in the entertainment industry worldwide, but also a content distribution platform and mobile media platform, a game distribution platform and a trading platform for virtual items in the game.


In view of the current market situation, the global market value of the entertainment industry is over $2 trillion. The entertainment industry, as a consumer industry, has a great demand for the use of digital assets to pay. The product will be used first and foremost in the sale of star concert tickets and derivatives. It will also be combined with the real economy and payment systems and credit systems.

ENT生态的参与者一般包括:偶像明星、经纪公司、广告商、平台、粉丝观众、投资者等。其中的ENT Cash作为生态代币将在手续费、交易、支付、抵押物等环节,在各个参与者之间流通,并代表明星专属代币的出入口,与ENT生态外的其他资产进行贸易和交换。

The participants in ENT ecology typically include: idol stars, brokers, advertisers, platforms, fans, investors, etc. ENT Cash, as an ecological token, will circulate among the various participants in the chain of fees, transactions, payments, mortgages, etc., and represent the entrance and exit of the star’s exclusive token, trading and exchanging with other assets outside ENT.

区块链 + 搜索

block chain > Search


case: Tokenview


Tokenview, with its top block chain development team, has officially started the process of building a decentralised search engine. Tokenview, the block chain search engine versus the old Google, who will be the ultimate winner?


Tokenview aims at the core functions of the block chain browser and fully supports queries about multi-currency transactions at the full node, including: high, hash, trade ID, balance, wallet address, etc. This means that mainstream electronic currencies such as BTC, BCH, DASH, LTC, ZCASH, etc. can be consulted simultaneously in Tokenview and completely removed from the cumbersome process of frequent cross-checking in individual browsers. The latest blasts will also be available in the short term. Clients can log into their official webs and enter keywords so that they can search with precision. The next version of Tokenview will support all white papers and exchange queries and customize the unique professional data analysis modules of each person based on user search habits to integrate and retrieve large amounts of data.

区块链 + 媒体

block chain >


The media of the first three generations, represented by classical media, are a central platform, with no transparency in the censorship mechanism. For example, in the Wetwe public, whether an article can be published requires a machine or manual editing, all articles go through a central platform, and the censorship criteria of the platform influence the author’s creation; if the subject matter of the article is sensitive, the review time will be greatly prolonged, and even if the review is passed, the article will be deleted as soon as it is reported.


On the basis of such a mechanism, the author receives a TOKEN reward for each article published, and the articles are transmitted to him by others. Readers also benefit in the sector media, and when you see an advertisement or a post, you get a TOKEN split. This is different from any previous media, which, even if reading increases, does not reflect the value of subsequent communications because authors and the media are sold as hammers; in the age of smart media, an advertising share is available from the media, but only a fraction of the platform’s income & & ldquo; the platform eats meat and the authors drink soup: the reader’s chain of media can bring a new mechanism of creation and sharing as if there were no outsiders’ sense of participation.


In May 2018, the online media published an article on “ the story of the #rdquao &rdquao, a beautiful reporter on the #strap, which caused a sensational shock and was carried out in a crazy way, but later proved to be false news. Soon, more than 50 block-chain media criticized their irresponsible pursuit of traffic and attraction and joined together to speak out against the online media. The event was a media practice of block-link thinking, and in a block-chained world, once you had faked a node, everyone stopped playing with you, & & ldquao; a fake, life-long penalty & rdquao;


The block chain is opening the fourth industrial revolution, while the block chain media are charged with the responsibility and mission of disseminating knowledge of the block chain, transforming the media and society. The block chain media are meant to provide the original source, tell us what the block chain is, and think about transforming and operating the media using the block chain to reflect the true value of the block chain media.


The media revolution has arrived, and it is expected that China will be able to create a real block-chain media that will create a new ecology based on block-chain technology and decentralize the media in a world of information that is highly quantitative and cocoonized.

区块链 + 品牌

block chain > brand


Case I of : & mdash; — “ brand planet & rdquo; DAP application site


& mdash; — “ brand planet ” and DAPP are officially online. The launch of the branding planet DAPP heralded the birth of the world’s first branding chain, the advent of block chain technology in the 3.0 era, and the new chapter in block chain distribution commercial applications.


The branded planet DAPP has officially landed at the Apple application store, and currently includes, inter alia, personal and business block identity and credit building functions based on block chain technology, decentralised value exchange functions, virtual asset acquisition and management functions, point-to-point enterprise branding distribution functions, etc. In later versions, social games, brand promotion assignments, online click-and-view advertising, user community (organization) modules, etc., will also be added to enable the ecological closure of branding through mission systems, consumer awards, social sharing, brand interaction, online shopping, and cross-link technology.


The co-sponsor of the brand planet project, Xu Jinhui, noted: “ the brand planet is the first global brand value-sharing platform based on block chains, linking hundreds of millions of new Chinese to millions of personal brands, mini-brands, regional brands, red brands, medium brands, and engaging people in branding and working to create a quality life circle in an era of rising consumption; and ”


The new demand for brand development calls for the emergence of new technologies. Block-chain technology is revolutionizing globally, and its commercial value is becoming more and more prominent, & & & & & & & & & & & ; applications match the future business development trends of multiple participation, resource sharing, value integration, and transparency of models.


& & ldquo; you're brand & rdquo; you're branding the value proposition of the brand planet. The DAP will be a brand planet that gathers hundreds of millions of new mediums, where everyone can publish their own brands, where every team of entrepreneurs can hatch their own brands, small brands, small and beautiful brands will grow to meet the needs of different groups of people on the brand planet. In the future, the brand planet will also perfect virtual properties, virtual life, and so on, creating a virtual world of symbiotic sharing, non-traditional circulation.


Case II: The first block chain ad in the world was posted at .


The world’s first block chain ads were picked up by the Gui Gon, the ad language & ldquo; the Gui Goon, the fragrance of big countries; the year’s magma, the world shared the rewards & rdquo; and the ETH (Etheria) public chain platform. The ad chain was another major breakthrough in block chain technology, reaching 3.0 in the history of the world’s advertising.

“世界首个区块链广告上链发布会”在北京盛大举行。在国内主流媒体和区块链领军媒体的见证下,“古井贡酒,大国浓香;年份原浆,世界共赏”世界首个区块链广告登上ETH公链,被永久记录于以太坊高度6653585(5764 Block Confirmations),此广告语将永久留存,不可被更改和删除。

& ldquo; World's first block chain poster & rdquo; held in Beijing. & & ldquo, witnessed by mainstream and block chain leading media in the country. & & ldquo; Guai Goon, a great country's fragrance; Year's magma, the world's share of & rdquao; and World's first block chain advertisement on the ETH public chain, permanently recorded in Tai's height of 6653585 (5764 Block Contributions), which will remain unalterable and unalterable.


Guaigon's wine is known as one of the eight most famous wines in the city of Chenzhou, Anhui Province, with a history of wine and culture for more than 1800 years, and has been awarded a gold prize in four successive editions. Gui Goon & ldquo; Year Plasma & rdquo; & & & ldquo; Peachflower, Non-Adromous Water, Nine Dynasty Law, Ming Dynasty Pool & & ldquo; excellent quality, which became the strategic partner of the Shanghai Expo 2010 & China & mdash; & & mdash; ASEAN Expo partners designated wine, South Korea's World Expo 2012, the South Korean Society of Water Xibo in Milan, Italy, 2015 and the Chinese Pavilion in Astana, Kazakhstan, 2017.


Li Gwang Do, the founder of the Guigon wine ad, China’s first brander, and a well-known brand strategic expert, noted that block chain technology is revolutionizing around the world, and its commercial value is becoming more and more evident. The Kui Goon advertisement is an innovative attempt to internationalize Chinese white wine brands, and is an important milestone in world advertising history, as well as & & ldquao; the block chain + brand & rdquao; and a great practice applied that will open up a new brand future of multi-stakeholder engagement, resource sharing, value integration, and transparency of models.


With the successful uplinking of advertising, the Guai Goon will also drive back the white wine, with all the nodes of white wine production, sale, and purchase going up the chain, and the unalterable distribution of the block chain will guarantee the true price of the Gui Goon wine. With the progressive application of the block chain, China’s white wine market will also make great strides toward a better future that is digital and transparent.

区块链 + 服务

block chain >


Catering: Block chains can address catering safety


Using block chain technology in the catering industry, real product traceability can be achieved. The traceability of block chains can make the supply chain more transparent. Through block chain technology, pork, beef, fruit and vegetables can be removed from the supplier to the commodity shelf, and finally to the consumer, digitally tracked, and the information traced can be digitalized and recorded on a section of the block chain, so that every piece of information can be quickly and effectively tested.


Hotel: Block chains can address information security


In order to go to hotel accommodations, documents such as identity cards are required, which means that the hotel has a lot of personal privacy information, like banks. If these information systems are attacked by hackers or there is a problem with the system, the consequences will be immeasurable.


Home Economics: It is possible to determine whether a domestic worker is credible and to resolve the employer's salary arrears


Many domestic companies now use Internet platforms to connect consumers to their nannies, sis-in-law, and so on. But many consumers are concerned that it is difficult to determine whether the identity, qualifications, credibility, etc. of domestic workers is true or not, based only on each other’s photographs. But the chain of blocks is centralized, everyone needs to prove their innocence, and everyone can prove their innocence, and all your behavior is stored online. If you have a gambling hobby, or even a drug addiction, you will never enter the domestic industry, and you will never find such a job.


The centralization of the block chain, the inescapability of non-diversion and intellectual contracts, has given the domestic industry the advantage of breaking down the market, and employees are not entirely dependent on the platform. If the platform violates the rules signed by both parties, the smart contract will be triggered automatically, the corresponding measures will be taken, and the income of domestic workers will be guaranteed.


Consumers can also easily assert their rights where domestic firms default or fail to meet standards.


Case of : by the quick founder; chain & rdquao;

2018年5月27日,快的创始人陈伟星宣布将推出“打车链”。两个月后的“乌镇·世界区块链大会”上,发起人陈伟星、杨俊等人正式对公众回应“打车链”,他们想打造的是一个完整的区块链经济共享平台,取名“VV Share”。

On May 27, 2018, the fast Founder, Chen Weissung, announced the launch of “ Carring Chain & rdquo; & & & rdquat; & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, two months later, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & ; ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; ; & & & ; & & & & & & &, & & & & & & & & &


Among them, v represents the worker's Victory, expressing the determination to win for real wealth to be shared; vv represents multiple victories, representing the win-win of all members of an economy; and Share represents the spirit of sharing and the values to be pursued by the team.

据介绍,VV Share将从“与劳动者共享的交易平台” “经济体内容资产的币改平台” “可治理与跨链全流通的经济体公链” 三个方面打造经济体。从陈伟星最为熟悉的打车领域VV Go切入,并逐步推动民宿VV Stay、外卖VV Eats、航旅共享VV Fly等品牌,并开放其借口2给社区,发动社区完善钱包、交易所、行情、数据分析等配套技术设施、币改相关产业内容,以逐步完善生态,打造公正且充满热情的“劳动者”社群。

It was reported that VV Share would build economies from & ldquo; a trading platform shared with workers & & & & & ldquo; a currency change platform for economic content assets & & & & & & & & & & ; a public chain & & rdquo of economies that can govern and circulate across chains & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; VV & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & ; ; ; & & & ; & & ; ; & ; ; & & & & & ; & & ; ; & & & ; & ; ; & & & ; ; & & & ) & & & & & & & & ; ; ; ) ) ) & & ) & & & ) & & & & & & & & ) ) ) ) & & & & & & & & & &

VV Share还将首次践行V/L rates(注:V为value,L为Liquidity流动性)模型,替代传统金融工程的P/E rates模型,用具有刚性需求的流动性(即消耗)来实现经济体价值升值。通过代币的“燃烧”,让利益回归劳动者。

VV Share will also implement for the first time the V/L Rates model (note V: Value and L: Liquidity Mobility) to replace the P/E Rates model of traditional financial engineering, using rigid demand liquidity (i.e. consumption) to achieve value appreciation in the economy. Through & ldquao in token currency; burning & & rdquao; and bringing benefits back to the workforce.

区块链 + 医疗

block chain > medical


Case of : Wal-Mart was patented for recording cases in block chains


The patent was granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on 14 December 2016. The patent is intended to store patient’s medical records in a block chain database.

沃尔玛专利申请书上显示,他们将这套区块链数据库系统称为“从可穿戴设备上获得存储在区块链上的患者病历信息”(Obtaining a Medical Record Stored on a Blockchain from a Wearable Device)。该系统由三种关键设备组成。其中之一是可穿戴设备手镯,它是区块链数据库的本地存储介质。第二是射频识别(RFID)扫描仪。通过扫描病人的手镯来实现病历的传输。第三是生物识别扫描仪,用于获取病人的生物特征信号(可以是脸、视网膜、虹膜或者指纹)进行解密。一旦解密,患者的医疗信息便可以与其他医疗机构共享,包括护理人员、医生等相关医疗人员。当然,也包括抢救时医院与患者之间的交易行为。

The Wal-Mart patent application indicates that they call this block chain database system “ obtain patient history information from penetratable devices stored on the block chain & & rdquo; Obtaining a medical report on a Blockchain from a Wearable Davice. The system consists of three key devices. One of these is a device bracelet that can be worn, which is a local storage medium for the sector chain database. The second is a radio frequency identification (RFID) scanner. The transmission of patient records is achieved by scanning a patient's bracelet. The third is a biometric scanner, which is used to decrypt a patient's biometric signal (which can be a face, a retina, a rainbow or a fingerprint). Once declassified, the patient's medical information can be shared with other medical institutions, including nursing personnel, doctors, etc.


Medical data are a very valuable resource in the medical field, including patient identity, past history, and medical payments, but these are patient privacy data. Currently, patient intimate information is stored in centralised databases or file cabinets in the health sector, and leaks occur. Moreover, the quality of medical records are a major problem for the medical profession.


The cases on the block chain database are not kept in the hands of doctors, hospitals and any third party, and all treated medical histories and treatment programmes, etc., will be chained to all nodes for maintenance and preservation, and once a patient needs first aid, complete medical information can be obtained by scanning and wearing equipment, and privacy can be protected.


In fact, it is easy to find that the patent is a combination of medical data and block chains and object networks. Through radio frequency recognition (RFID), infrared sensors, global positioning systems (GPS), laser scanners, etc., the Internet, as agreed, connects any item to the Internet, exchanges information and communicates in order to achieve a network of intelligent identification, positioning, tracking, monitoring, and management of the item.

区块链 + 农业

block chain >


The block chain not only tracks the entire production of agricultural products, but also provides ready access to the state of farm mechanical sensors.


The biggest characteristic of a financial or banking institution is that it is poor and rich, and ordinary farmers want credit, which makes it difficult because they lack the most collateral for credit. And if they have a block chain, they can record the entire process of agricultural production transactions.


In the case of agricultural insurance, past exposure to agricultural disasters often results in payment difficulties or fraudulent practices, all of which can be intelligently captured by a block chain that proactively identifies the extent of the disaster through smart contracts and initiates the process itself when payments are needed, thus making the payment more efficient.


Block chains can also better protect farmers’ rights and interests. By making every deal open, mutual monitoring, and fair and transparent. Preventing price-pressure behaviour. At present, when agricultural products are sequestered, they often rely on centralized platforms, including Ali, Kyundong, and Suning, that are working to reduce poverty on the Internet, and farmers need to sell their own products online and send them to the country.


Block chains + agriculture – with more room for imagination – can bring back agricultural products quickly in the future; users’ preferences can also generate big data feedback to growers and promote structural changes in the supply side of agriculture. The advent of block chains is another opportunity for development after the agricultural Internet.


Case I: Use of block chain technology to provide fertilizer subsidies to farmers in India

印度国家转型研究所(NITI)是印度政府的主要决策机构,他已经与印度化肥业巨头Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited(GNFC)达成了意向(SOI),为化肥行业的补贴管理开发区块链解决方案。

The National Institute for Transformation of India (NITI), the leading decision-making body of the Government of India, has reached an intention (SOI) to develop a block-chain solution for the subsidized management of the fertilizer industry with Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited (GNFC) of India.


Under SOI’s terms, the two organizations will jointly study and develop a concept validation (PoC) application to improve the efficiency of current multi-layer, multi-agency distribution. Fertilizer subsidies are a $10 billion industry that provides smart contracts with block-chain solutions that allow for instantaneous and accurate transactions without the need for artificial supervision between multiple parties.


case II: block chain chicken & mdash; — &ldquao; step chicken & rdquao; full tracking


A new technology company joined the agricultural feast after the Ding Dynasty and the Jingdong running chickens. Not long ago, the first Internet insurance company under the umbrella of CPS announced that for the first time in the country, the chain would be applied to the chicken industry, and that it would support the introduction of “ walk chickens and & rdquo; and the project, which would provide consumers with more trusting food.


At the first stop of the step chicken, in the town of tea in Anisu County, step chicken farming integrates the network of things, block chains, artificial intelligence, and internationally patented anti-false techniques, wearing a network identity card & mdash; & mdash; and chicken cards for each chicken.


In order to ensure that chicken cards are not reproduced, the equipment is used to protect against forgery, combined with various techniques such as perjury and optical forgery, and is destroyed by disassembly and disassembly.


According to the information received, the block chain security labels are integrated into state secret algorithms, confusion principles, laser optical, mobile phone APP intelligent dynamic image scanning, cloud data matching techniques that are difficult to imitate, copy and recycle and guarantee the soleness of the commodity from source to end.


Based on characteristics such as non-frozen block chains and automatic collection of material-networking devices, this chicken-raising process ensures that every chicken is recorded from chicken to chicken, from chicken farm to table, and that all the resulting data is recorded in a true manner and is protected against perjury.

区块链 + 公益

block chain >


Case I: Full-scale introduction of block chain technology to pay-for-heart donation platform


Tourists from traditional public-interest institutions are actively involved in a new experiment to change the ecology of the public good. The ants gold-coated donation platform has now fully introduced block-chain technology and is open to public-interest institutions, which, after being certified, are free to issue public-interest projects based on block-chained projects.


A web-based fund-raising platform is based on easy access and flow, making public goods rapidly civilian, and how to guarantee & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; it is a focus where everyone wants to know when the money in their hands is going to be donated. On a traditional web-based fund-raising platform, it is difficult to trace good money when it enters the Foundation’s accounts, while public-interest projects with block-chain technology address the issue of good-money publicity & & & & ldquo; last kilometre & & & &.


& & & & ldquo; and rebuttal & & & & & & & & & Quo; on the project page, users click & & & & & & & & ; it is already possible to see the flow of funds. It records & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & ; ; & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & & & & & & ; & & & & & & ; & ; ; & & ; ; & & & & & ; ; ; & & ; & & ; ; ; ; & & ; ; & & ; ; & & & & ; ; ; & ; ; & & & ; ; ; ; & & & & & & & & & & & & ; ; ; & ; ; & & & ; & & ; ; & & & ; & ; & ; & & & & & & & ; ; ; ; ;

区块链 + 法律

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Case I: The Hangzhou Internet Court establishes a legal review of block chains for electronic record-keeping


On 28 June 2018, the Hangzhou Internet Court issued a public judgement in a dispute concerning violations of the right to disseminate information on the production network. For the first time, it confirmed the legal validity of electronic data recorded using block chain technology, and clarified the method of examination of block chain electronic records.


In the present case, the plaintiff, in order to prove that the defendant had published on the website in which he operated relevant works in which the plaintiff had copyright rights, carried out an automatic tort page grab and tort page source identification through a third-party record platform, and passed the two content and compressed packages, such as the call logs, through the relevant technology to the Fedom block chain and the Bitcoin block chain.


The Hangzhou Internet Court held that the use of technical means such as block chains to record fixed electronic data should be determined on a case-by-case basis in an open and neutral manner. Technology such as block chains should neither be excluded from or enhanced by the fact that they are themselves part of a new and complex technological approach, nor reduced by the fact that the technology is difficult to alter and remove, nor should its evidentiary validity be judged in a comprehensive manner in accordance with the relevant legal provisions on electronic data.


Specifically, in the present case, the Hangzhou Internet Court found that a web-capturing, source-code identification by means of a more credible automatic grab procedure would guarantee the authenticity of the electronic data source; that the electronic data had been secured by the use of block chain technology that met the relevant criteria, ensuring the reliability of the electronic data; and that the electronic data had been made available on the basis of confirmation that the haash value was consistent with the calculation and that other evidence could be cross-supported.


& ldquo; blocks chain as a decentralised database with the characteristics of openness, distribution, irreversibility, etc., which has the advantage of cost-effectiveness, efficiency and stability as an electronic data storage platform, the legal effect of this type of electronic evidence storage should be determined in practice trials, based on the principles of technological neutrality, technical description, case review. & & rdquo; and the pure words of the Judge-in-charge of the Hangzhou Internet Court.


Case II: Arizona formally included the block chain bill as state law

2018年,4月3日,一项允许公司在分布式账本持有并分享数据的法案由州长Doug Ducey正式签署成为亚利桑纳州法律。

On 3 April 2018, a bill allowing companies to hold and share data in distributed books was formally signed into Arizona by Governor Doug Ducey.

亚利桑那州众议院以56票赞成、3票反对和1票弃权通过了HB 2603法案。亚利桑那州参议院一致通过了该法案。亚利桑那州参议院将对HB 2602法案和HB 2601法案进行第三次审核。HB2602法案将禁止城镇限制居民家中的加密货币挖矿行为;HB2601法案将解决证券和众筹问题,承认“虚拟货币”为“价值的数字体现”,并授权虚拟货币作为数字交易的交换媒介。

The Arizona Chamber of Deputies passed the HB 2603 bill by 56 votes to 3, with 1 abstention. The Arizona Senate unanimously passed the bill. The Arizona Senate will review the HB 2602 bill and the HB 2601 bill for the third time. The HB 2602 bill will prohibit municipal restrictions on the mining of encrypted money in the homes of residents; the HB 2601 bill will address securities and crowd bargaining, recognizing “ virtual currency & rdquao; & & & ldquao; values & & rdquao; and authorize virtual currency as a trade medium for digital transactions.

区块链 + 物联网

block chain >


Case I: IBM United Samsung & mdash; — ADEPT using the Etherm Protocol to create decentralised network

IBM与三星联合打造了ADEPT系统,利用比特币来打造去中心化的物联网。ADEPT的全称是“Autonomous Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Telemetry”(去中心化的p2p自动遥测系统),它旨在为交易提供最优的安全保障。

IBM, in conjunction with Samsung, has built the ADEPT system, using Bitcoin to create decentralised networks. The full name of ADEPT is & ldquo; Autonomous Decentralized Peer-to-Peer Telemetry&rdquo (the decentralized p2p automated telemetry system), which is designed to provide the best possible security for transactions.


IBM and Samsung hope that the system will allow the various devices in the network to operate automatically, and theoretically they can automatically send signals and update the software in case of power failures. Even the equipment itself can be used through ADEPT to connect to the surrounding equipment & ldquao; communication & rdqua; thus improving energy efficiency.

三星旗下的“W9000 型号”的洗衣机将纳入ADEPT体系,利用智能合约,这个洗衣机将会自动向洗衣液零售商发送订购单,并且还能自动向零售商支付账单。

Under the three-star flag & ldquo; W9000 model & rdquo; the washing machine will be integrated into the ADEPT system, using smart contracts, which will automatically send purchase orders to Laundry Retailers and will also be able to automatically pay bills to retailers.

案例二:电力领域的Uber——Power Ledger

Case II: Uber— — Power Ledger in the field of electricity

West Australian(西澳大利亚)软件开发商Power Ledger正在使用其基于区块链的软件,让整个网络上开放点对点(P2P)能源交易。

The West Australia (Western Australia) software developer Power Ledger is using its block-based software to open point-to-point (P2P) energy transactions throughout the network.


Many start-ups are trying to apply the diversity of block chain technologies to facilitate P2P power trading. Cloud-based trading would have excluded third-party profits from P2P electronic trading and would have allowed households and businesses to use solar power from other users on the grid if they did not have the right photovoltaic roofs or lacked the resources to install them.


Block chains are distributed protocols that support digital currency bitcoins.


In order to use block chain technology for power trading, communications hardware must be installed in a standard digital meter that tracks the generation, import, and export of electricity. It is then converted into block chain tokens, distributed to — — — consumers, producers and consumers & mdash; & mdash; because the transaction is between the parties.


The block chain is then monetized, converted into a standard currency such as the Australian dollar, or into bitcoin itself.


The block chain that is deployed in this way generates &ldquao; cross-references and time-specific databases & & rdquao; and is stored in clouds. The database cannot be changed to provide the trust necessary for both parties to the transaction to support the system. & nbsp;





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