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2003年,硅谷工程师艾伯哈德和塔本宁创立电动汽车制造公司,为致敬交流电发明者尼古拉·特斯拉,公司取名为特斯拉(Tesla Motors)。2004年,硅谷新贵马斯克在特斯拉A轮融资中领投650万美元,成为特斯拉最大股东和董事长,并在2006年8月提出贯穿特斯拉发展的路线图“Master Plan”,

In 2003, Silicon Valley Engineers Abhard and Tabonin founded the Electric Motors Manufacturing Company, a company named Tesla Motors, to honour the electric innovator. In 2004, Silicon Valley's new Guimsk led $6.5 million in Tesla A Round financing, became Tesla's largest shareholder and chairman of the board, and in August 2006 presented Master Plan, a road map through Tesla's development.


Step one.


The construction of a full-scale, dead-end, limited-size electric super-drill, which is expensive, goes beyond conventional fuel to obtain additional financial support.


Step two.


Client-supported money is used to develop and produce a modest and relatively low-cost luxury car to put it on the market and make some money.


Step three.


With the money it earns to create a large-scale, pro-people model, open up the market. In doing so, it also offers a zero-emission option for generating electricity.





1、Tesla Roadster

全球首款量产版电动敞篷跑车,由坐落于美国加利福尼亚州硅谷的Tesla Motors生产。2008年二月,Tesla公司的创办者之一埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)购得第一辆Tesla Roadster。这是第一辆使用锂电池技术每次充电能够行驶320公里以上的电动车。

In February 2008, one of Tesla’s founders, Elon Musk, bought the first Tesla Roadster. This was the first electric vehicle that used lithium battery technology to charge more than 320 kilometres a time.

2、Tesla Model S

由Tesla汽车公司制造的全尺寸高性能电动轿车,预计于2012年年中投入销售,而它的竞争对手则直指宝马5系。该款车的设计者Franz von Holzhausen,曾在马自达北美分公司担任设计师。

The full-sized high-performance sedan, manufactured by Tesla Motors, is expected to be marketed in mid-2012, while its competitors are directed to BMW-5. Franz von Holzhausen, the designer of this car, was a designer at the North American branch of Madheda.

在Tesla汽车公司中,Model S拥有独有的底盘、车身、发动机以及能量储备系统。Model S的第一次亮相是在2009年四月的一期《大卫深夜秀》节目中 。

In Tesla Motors, Model S has a unique chassis, body, engine, and energy storage system. Model S’s first appearance was in the April 2009 issue of David’s Late Night Show.

3、Model S P85D?

2012年2月9日,美国Tesla Motors公司发布了全尺寸纯电动SUV车型Model X,其后门采用设计前卫的鹰翼门造型,而依靠动力强劲的电动机驱动,其0-96公里/小时加速时间为5秒内。 这款全尺寸纯电动SUV在2015年量产。Model X 将MPV的大空间、SUV的优势、电动车的优点融合在一起。这是一辆格调上乘,围绕驾驶者建造的车。

On 9 February 2012, the United States company Tesla Motors released the full-size electric SUV-type Model X. The door behind it was shaped using a design front-wing door, with a zero-96 km/hour acceleration driven by a strong power drive within five seconds. This full-size pure electric SUV was produced in 2015. Model X combines the MPV space, the SUV's advantages, and the advantages of the electric car.



The founder of Tesla is Martin Eberhard.


Martin Eberhard, born on 15 May 1960 in Berkeley, California, United States of America, graduated from the University of Illinois, Obana Champagne. United States engineer, entrepreneur, co-founder and first CEO of Tesla.


In 1982, Martin Eberhard obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois (UIUC) in the United States, and a year later he obtained a Master of Arts degree in Electrical Engineering from the same school. He started his career in WyseTechnology, where he developed his first product: the WY-30 ASCII computer terminal.


Development of Tesla:

特斯拉(Tesla)是美国一家电动汽车及能源公司,总部位于帕洛阿托(Palo Alto),产销电动汽车、太阳能板、及储能设备。2003年7月1日,由马丁·艾伯哈德和马克·塔彭宁共同创立,创始人将公司命名为“特斯拉汽车”,以纪念物理学家尼古拉·特斯拉。

Tesla is an electric car and energy company in the United States, based in Palo Alto, which produces electric cars, solar panels, and energy storage equipment. On 1 July 2003, it was founded by Martin Eberhard and Mark Tapenning, the founder of which named the company Tesla, in honour of Nikola Tesla, the physicist.


Tesla seeks to provide every ordinary consumer with a pure electric vehicle within its capacity to consume; Tesla's vision is “accelerating the global shift to sustainable energy”.


Reference above: Bermuda-Martin Eberhard



I know a car brand every day.




I. Basic information


Brand name: Tesla, English name: Tesla, Country: United States, Headquarters: Texas I, United States, brand type: United States Department, 2003 Founder: Martin Eberhard, Mark Tapenning.


II. Introduction to brand names


Tesla is a well-known company of electric cars and energy in the United States, with flag cars covering cars, SUVs, running cars, and solar panels and storage equipment. In 2003, Tesla was officially established, with its headquarters in California (now in Texas) and its founders, Martin Eberhard and Mark Tapenning, both named the company “Tsla cars” in honour of Nikola Tesla, the physicist.


The brand vision is “accelerating the global shift towards sustainable energy.” Tesla’s original new energy car start-up team, mainly from Silicon Valley, uses the T concept to build cars rather than traditional car manufacturers, represented by Detroit, invested in Tesla in 2004 and became the company’s director, and over the years Tesla has become the world’s most well-known electronic car brand.




Tesla’s logo is well known, not only in the initials of the inventor Tesla’s name, but also in the back. Some “T” like a small hammer is actually an indication of the company’s product, and the T-type logo represents the cross-section of the electric motor. The main part of the letter T represents part of the switch, and the line at the top represents part of the perimeter.




The Tesla flag exits cover areas such as sedans, SUVs, running cars, including Modl3, ModelS, where Model:3, through nationalization, significantly lowers entry prices, gives new options to more car buyers, has a clear advantage in the competition for autonomous brands such as Biadehan, Ping P7 and, in the area of SUV, Modely and ModelX, where hotly sold Modely leads the rumour of competition with vehicles such as Es6 and Mercedes EQC.


Prominent sales performance is also evidence of consumer recognition of their products.


V. Tesla's selling cars.


1. Model3,22.99-329.9 million.


2. ModelS, 78.99-10.99 million.


3. Modely, 26.19-351.9 thousand.


4. ModelX, 87.99-10.39 million.




1. Representational car: ModelS.


Signal price: 78.99-10.99 million.


ModelS is second only to the Roadster sub-ship, and the latter has the strongest presence under the brand before the official delivery of the replacement product. Its three-power-driven system has a maximum power of 809 KW, and even with a large lithium battery with a ready mass of more than 2 tons, it can achieve a zero-acceleration rate of 2.1s, with 840 km's NEDC re-entry, which is relatively simple to run beyond a tradition.


2. Representational car: Model3.


Guidance price: 22.99-329.9 million.


Genuine technology, the fast-paced TeslaMode3, has received a lot of attention since it came to the market, thanks to excellent product power, high brand style, and a subsidized start-up price of 22,99 million to make its sales high. The front-face design with a closed front grid and pre-integration encirclement has helped improve the aerodynamic performance of the whole car, reducing wind resistance and noise, and making Tesla Modl3 seem more technocratic.


Concomitant with the dynamic light formation, the blacked-in chromium-plating strips, which create a ferocious motion, the interior still leads to the very simple design style of the appearance, and the 15-inch multimedia screens become multifunctional and highly intelligent.


3. Representational car: Modely.


Guidance price: 26.19 - 36.19 million.


Tesla Modely has been very popular with a variety of users since it came to the market. On the outside, Tesla Modely can be seen as an amplification version of Model3. In addition, Tesla’s pressurization process is worth mentioning that, in addition to the integrated body of the car, the pressure cast of the Tesla Mody section of the panel is also distinctive, and the wide body of the tail is very visible in terms of the visual effects of the person, narrowing from behind, and having a very good visual effect on the front and back.


The power component, Tesla Modely's rear wheel-drive, with a single power set of ion magnetically synchronized machines, a total power of 202 kW, a maximum of 404 N.m., a CLTC continuation mileage of 545 km, a battery that provides a quality guarantee of 8 years or 160,000 km, a fast-loading time of 1 hour, is a very good option, regardless of the performance of the continuation or the ease of charging.


4. Representational car: ModelX.


Guidance price: 87.99-10.399 million.

特斯拉作为电动车阵营的领导者,科技智能配置一直都是自身的强项。而特斯拉(进口)旗下的中大型SUV-Model Xi有这较高的知名度和认可度。在外观方面,整体依旧保持着特斯拉家族式设计风格,呈现出较为前卫个性的车身姿态。在硬件方面,我们完全可以看作是特斯拉Model X的杀手锏。它有着强劲的性能表现的同时,续航里程也十分能打。

Tesla, as the leader of the electric-car camp, has always been a strong techno-intellectual configuration. And the medium-sized SUV-Model Xi under the Tesla flag has this high visibility and recognition.


The power mix of the three power generators, with a maximum power of 750 kW (1020 Ps), a 2.6-second break-up, is no less than a mainstream super-runner, combined with a three-dollar lithium battery, capable of achieving a 536k range.


VII. Core technologies



Heathla has a high degree of autopilot technology, of which chip technology is critical, and Tesla’s FSD has left Tesla completely out of third-party suppliers in the core field of technology and has greatly contributed to the development of autopilot technology. The FSD single chip has a capacity of 72 Tops, Clip 144 TopS, compared to the former most powerful AGXXavier autopilot algorithm of AGXXavier, which is only 21 TOPS.

完全自主设计的硬件体系加之软件开发游刃有余,使得特斯拉的综合自动驾驶性能得以提升,目前特斯拉Model3、Model Y等车型均应用此技术。

A fully autonomous hardware system coupled with software development has enabled Tesla to improve its combined autopilot performance, which is currently being used in Tesla Model3 and Model Y models.


2. Battery Management System (BMS).

特斯拉可以实现了超7000节电池的一致性管理,在电池冷却、安全、电荷平衡等领域拥有140项核心专利技术。同时特斯拉将小数量电池局部泡在一个装有冷却液的电池盒内,由更多小电池盒组成一个完整大电池组,替代原先蛇形导管来控制电池组温度,电池组能力密度和电池管理系统的安全性大幅度提升,Model3、Model Y等车型均使用这套系统。

Tesla has been able to achieve a consistent management of over 7,000 batteries, with 140 core proprietary technologies in the areas of battery cooling, safety, and charge balance. At the same time, Tesla has partially soaked small cells in a battery box containing coolant, with more small batteries forming an entire large battery, replacing the former snake catheter to control the temperature of the battery, with a significant increase in battery capacity density and the safety of the battery management system, which is used in the Model3, Model Y, etc.


VIII. Brands and China


On 18 October 2017, Tesla (Beijing) New Energy Research and Development Ltd. was established, and on 17 October 2018, one year later, the Shanghai City Harbour Management Committee stated that Tesla (Shanghai) Ltd. had successfully recovered 864885 m2 of industrial land in the Shanghai Equipment Area of Q01-05 and that it had entered into land concession contracts with the Shanghai City Planning and Territorial Resources Authority, and that the Tsla Shanghai Super Plant had officially opened the process of nationalization from that date onward.


On 9 March 2021, Tesla, China's main operator, Tesla (Shanghai) Ltd., underwent a business change that reduced the scope of operations by reducing “new-energy car-to-power sales”, “cell sales”, “photo-voltaic equipment and parts sales”, etc., and on 1 November 2021, Tesla's share price rose by over 8 per cent, to an all-time high, with a market value of over $120 billion, which also laid the foundation for Mask to become the world's richest.


On December 31, 2021, Tesla announced the opening of the largest Westgate shop on the mainland of China, as well as the Tslamen shop in Xinjiang, the centre of Urumzitsla, which is selling, selling, and delivering as one. In 2022, Tesla’s remedial facilities covered more than 60 cities and areas throughout the country.



In fact, the origin of each logo is mainly related to the Chairman's experience, and professional designers will be asked to combine their own experiences with desired elements, and will eventually finalize them numerous times in order to be able to select works that are more satisfactory to all.

特斯拉汽车公司是一家以美国硅谷为基地,在纳斯达克上市的电动车生产及设计公司,其总部位于加州。特斯拉由斯坦福大学的硕士辍学生埃隆·马斯克与硕士毕业生J.B. Straubel于2003年创立,特斯拉汽车公司是世界上第一个采用锂离子电池的电动车公司。其推出的首部电动车为Roadster。特斯拉Tesla汽车集独特的造型、高效的加速、良好的操控性能与先进的技术为一身,从而使其成为公路上最快且最为节省燃料的车子。

Tesla Motors, a company based in Silicon Valley in the United States and listed in Nasdak, has its headquarters in California. Tesla was founded in 2003 by Elon Mask, a master's dropout from Stanford University, and J.B. Straubel, the world's first electric car company to use lithium ion batteries. Its first electric vehicle was Roadster. Tesla Tesla car was created as the fastest and most fuel-efficient motor vehicle on the road.

特斯拉的英文名称是TESLA,中文名译为特斯拉,目前特斯拉的CEO是埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk),TESLA这个名称来源于埃隆·马斯克最崇拜的科学怪才尼古拉·特斯拉 –出身于塞尔维亚与举世著名的大发明家。其知名度虽然不如爱迪生如雷贯耳,但是历史上论起对全人类的贡献却丝毫不亚于爱迪生。众所周知爱迪生发明了直流电让全人类进入电气时代,而特斯拉的交流电技术才是迄今广为使用的输电形式。因此马斯克以特斯拉为名来命名他的第一款纯电动 汽车,希望这款电动汽车能最终改变人们的未来生活。

Tesla’s English name is Tesla, and its Chinese name is Tesla, and the current CEO of Tesla is Elon Musk, and the name Tesla is named after the most admired scientific freak of Elon Musk, Nicola Tesla – a famous inventor from Serbia and the world. It is not as famous as Edyson, but it is not as popular as Edyson, who invented direct current electricity to bring all of humanity into the electrical age, and Tesla’s communication technology is the type of transmission that has been widely used so far. So Masc, named after Tesra, named his first pure electric car, hopes that it will eventually change people’s future lives.

电动汽车的英文是 Electric Vehicle,缩写是 EV。Logo 中间的豁口就是字母“V”,中间是一个侧着的字母“E”。另外,整个的字母T 代表电动机的转子 rotor,上面的一道弧线代表电机的定子 stator。

The English language of the electric car is Electric Vehicle, with the acronym EV. The middle of the logo is the letter "V" and the middle is the side letter "E". Moreover, the entire letter T represents the rotor of the motor, and the arc above represents the stator of the electric machine.



Founded jointly by Martin Eberhard and Mark Tapenning, the founder named the company Tesla, in honour of the physicist Nicolas Tesla. Elon Mask entered the company in 2004 and led round A finance.


The first Tesla car product, Roadster, was published in 2008 for a two sports car.

2012年,特斯拉发布了其第二款汽车产品——Model S,一款四门纯电动豪华轿跑车; 第三款汽车产品为Model X,豪华纯电动SUV? ,于2015年9月开始交付。

特斯拉的下一款汽车为Model 3,首次公开于2016年3月?[6]?,已于2017年末开始交付。

Tesla's next vehicle, Model 3, was made public for the first time in March 2016?[6]? The delivery began in late 2017.




Tesla’s first car, Roadster, was developed on the basis of the lotus car. The three most important technologies for electric cars are batteries, electric machines and transmission systems.

特斯拉的传动技术来自AC Propulsion公司;它的电池采购自松下生产的18650电池;它的电机,采购自台湾富田电机。

Tesla's mobile technology comes from AC Propulsion; its batteries buy 18650 batteries produced from the loose; and its electric machines, which purchase power from Toyota in Taiwan.

这种交流电机的源头,可以追溯到一百五十多年前的天才发明家尼古拉·特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)——特斯拉的公司名正是以他老人家的名字命名。

The source of this power exchange goes back to Nikola Tesla, a genius inventor more than 150 years ago, whose name was named after his elderly family.


Reference? Pepsi-Texra.


? 现在一提到特斯拉(Tesla),我们的脑海中立即浮现出MODEL款这样的电动车的代名词。但其实美国的这家著名公司的创始人将公司取名Tesla是为了纪念发明家尼古拉·特斯拉(Nikola Tesla)的,这位永不该被埋没和遗忘的20世纪的伟人。他的背后有许多不为人知的故事,被世人公认为是一个谜。尼古拉·特斯拉作为人类历史上可以和爱因斯坦齐名的天才科学家,被他的敌人称作疯子,被钦服他的人称为天才。

But, in fact, the founder of this famous American company named it Tesla in memory of the inventor Nikola Tesla, a great man who should never be buried and forgotten in the twentieth century. There are many unknown stories behind him that are recognized as a mystery.

? 尼古拉·特斯拉(Nikola Tesla,1856年7月10日~1943年1月7日),塞尔维亚裔美籍发明家。正是这么一个人,却被科学界的人们称为“发明了现代世界的人”。而毫无疑问,他是一位开拓性的发明家,创造了一系列令人惊叹、甚至是让世界改头换面的装置。

Nikola Tesla, Serbian-American inventor, 7 January 1943. That's the man who was called the “inventor of the modern world” by people in the scientific community.


He has gained about a thousand inventions in the field of science and engineering, and the system of scientific inventions in today’s world is still based on Tesla’s legacy.

? 特斯拉率先提出的概念还有电子显微镜、激光、电视、互联网和许多其他与我们日常生活紧密相关的事物。但事实上现今在我们能够认知和采用的发明,皆只是他四十岁以前的发明。而他在四十岁以后的发明均一律被压抑和封锁。甚至在1943年,他离世以后,所有关乎他的资料,不论是在报纸、杂志和书籍上的,皆被人有组织地删除和修改。致使这位伟大的发明家彷佛从未存在于世上一般,无人传颂他在科学上的贡献,甚至人们更从不会追问过交流电究竟是谁发明的。这一切不公的压抑,源自特斯拉在1889年所发明的特斯拉线圈,这可算是他一生中最受争议的发明,但亦是他对人类最大贡献的发明,因为特斯拉线圈是一项能够无限量供电的免费能源科技。

Even in 1943, when Tesla left the world, his information, whether in newspapers, magazines or books, was systematically deleted and modified. This great inventor was never present in the world, as if he had no scientific contribution, nor even had he ever been able to ask anyone who had invented it. All this injustice is due to Tesla’s invention in 1889, which is the most controversial invention in his life, but also his greatest contribution to humanity, because the Tesla ring is a free energy technology with unlimited power.

1.? 特斯拉晚年深居简出,独居于纽约市的一个旅馆里,偶尔会向新闻界发表一些不同寻常的声明。因举止怪异,特斯拉被普遍认为是“疯狂科学家”的原型。在他死后,特斯拉的大部分物品被外来财产的办公室没收——尽管他是合法的美国公民。材料多到被人形容为一个“装载着特斯拉材料的火车车厢”,特斯拉的一些文件和论文至今仍然是机密。

Tesla's late life, living alone in a hotel in New York City, occasionally makes unusual statements to the press. Tesla is widely regarded as a prototype of “crazy scientists” for acting strangely. After his death, most of Tesla's items were confiscated by offices of foreign property — although he was a legitimate American citizen. Much of the material is described as a “train carriage carrying Tesla materials”, and some of Tesla's documents and papers remain confidential.

2.? 特斯拉每天只睡2个小时,最终独自取得700多项发明专利。其他发明包括:收音机、雷达、传真机、真空管、霓虹灯管、飞弹导航、星球防御系统等。特斯拉还利用一台小型机电振荡器制造了一次小型地震,提出过海水发电。晚年研究死光武器。这种力量甚至可以消灭一支军队。有人怀疑他是来自外星球的高等生物,还有人认为地球上发生的许多神秘事件都与他的研究有关。

Tesla sleeps only two hours a day, and eventually gets a patent for more than 700 inventions alone. Other inventions include radios, radars, fax machines, vacuum tubes, neon tubes, missile navigation, planetary defense systems, etc. Tesla also created a small earthquake with a small machine electro-scillator, offering seawater power. Later, researching dead-light weapons.

3.? 特斯拉提出过反引力概念。这是一种可以驾驭宇宙的能量,后被FBI紧急封存。

Tesla has proposed the concept of anti-gravity, which is an energy that can manage the universe and is then blocked by the FBI on an emergency basis.

4.? 尼古拉·特斯拉更是人类史上的先知。他的预言精准无比,曾预言了第一次、第二世界大战和泰坦尼克号的沉没。

Nicolas Tesla is a prophet in the history of mankind. His prophecies were accurate and predicted the sinking of the First and Second World Wars and the Titanic.

5.? 出乎所有人意料的是,所有这些创造并无理论在先,他的天赋几乎是超自然的。17岁时,特斯拉惊奇地发现,自己能够充分利用想象力,完全不需要任何模型、图纸或者实验,就可以在脑海中把所有细节完美地描绘出来,和实际情况没有丝毫差别。他的理论、设计直到成品,从来没有失误,换言之,他经手的作品不需要去进行错误修正!后来特斯拉发明创造都依靠这种能力。特斯拉说:“从具有可行性的理论到实际数据,没有什么东西是不能在脑海中预先测试的。人们将一个初步想法付诸实践的过程,完全是对精力、金钱和时间的浪费”。从尖端脑科学的角度而言,他的境界是因为他开启了人类从未去使用过的某一个脑部特区,而这个特区如何的会被启用,至今仍然是个谜。

What everyone expected was that all of these creations had no theory at first, and his talent was almost supernatural. When Tesla was 17 years old, she was surprised to discover that she was able to take full advantage of her imagination, without the need for any model, drawing or experiment, and was able to perfect all the details in her mind, without any difference in reality. His theory, design until the finished product, was never wrong. In other words, his work did not have to be corrected.

6.? 他精通八种语言:塞尔维亚语、英语、捷克语、德语、法语、匈牙利语、意大利语、拉丁语。

6. He is fluent in eight languages: Serbian, English, Czech, German, French, Hungarian, Italian and Latin.

? 尼古拉.特斯拉的传奇实在是太多了,无疑他是世界上最杰出的科学家之一。特斯拉一生的发明见证着他对社会无私的贡献。虽然他一生致力不断研究,并取得约1000个专利发明。但他晚年却是穷困潦倒,长年经济拮据。虽然有不少企业家利用了这位天才科学家的爱心和才华,骗取了他的研究成果和荣誉,可是晚年的他依然为着人类的幸福而努力研究和发明。也有人感叹道,特斯拉生不逢时,“伟大发明家”爱迪生的光环遮住了“有争议”的特斯拉。特斯拉逝世后,有关他的许多资料和数据大多遗失,即便在贝尔格莱德尼古拉·特斯拉博物馆里收集的15万件展品中,也很少有关于特斯拉的科研数据资料。

The legends of Nicola Tesla are far too many, no doubt one of the world's most outstanding scientists. The inventions of Tesla's life bear witness to his selfless contribution to society. Although he has devoted his life to research and has obtained about 1,000 patented inventions.


There is a general consensus in the scientific community that in the history of humankind there were two recognized geniuses: Da Vinci and Nikola Tesla, the heads of Yugoslavia and Serbia Nikola Tesla to date.


On February 8, 2021, Bitcoin prices rose by nearly 15%. For the first time, $44,000 was broken. The US company Tesla bought 1.5 billion bitcoins in one-time purchases to replace part of its future cash reserves, and Tesla may have used Bitcoins as a new way of paying for its products.


特斯拉创始人马斯克在大批量购入比特币之前在twitter上有过一次深入的交流,他试图想用特斯拉的资产负债表来转化成比特币,目的是为了给股东带来资产的去中心化,凭借个人的号召力野一路将比特币的单日涨幅带进了20%的大关,引导主流市场来接受未来将比特币作为主流资产和支付方式的信心。比特币有如此大的涨幅并非只靠特斯拉一家就能够带动起来,早在之前支付巨头Square也在2020年10月购买了5000万的比特币,资产公司Stone Ridge Holdings也购买了1万枚比特币。特斯拉如此大额的购买比特币在一定程度上也会为其股票带来更多的动力,在整体的估值上会有一个小幅的涨动。同时越来越多的投资者也会对特斯拉的比特币进行敞口估值,这种正式化的做法不仅会带来特斯拉兹升股价的上涨,也会让资本市场出现新的风向标。

The founder of Tesla, Mask, had an in-depth exchange on twitter before buying in large quantities of bitcoins. He tried to use Tesla's balance sheets to convert to bitcoins, to centralize assets for shareholders , bringing in 10,000 bitcoins from asset companies, with personal appeal. Tesla's large purchase of bitcoins would, to some extent, give more impetus to its stock, and there would be a small increase in the overall valuation.



Bitcoin was originally issued as a substitute for the legal currency, and 's believer was originally intended to decentralize, creating a world of utopia in which there was no need to regulate anything that was free. and this decentralised pattern of transactions was built in imaginations. After realizing the pattern of block chains, Bitcoin acted as an intermediary for conversion, to phase 2.0 of the block chain to solve problems of smart contracts and, to some extent, to cooperate with markets in our real world. Smart contracts resolve trust issues between people, makes assets safer through data encryption techniques.


The purpose of the large-scale purchase of Bitcoin by Tesla is to issue its own shares under the name of the block chain, or is it in essence? Under the eggs of chickens? And the Bitcoin market is currently facing a lack of regulation, which, despite the interest of the big guys, has been actively directed towards it as an acceptable issuing currency for the mainstream market, but the impact of this payment pattern on future markets is not known to us.

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