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Digital money trading platform with windfall profits: over $5 billion a year and the risk of self-inflicted theft difficult to control


Wang Junjian/Secret Times


Currently active in the block chain world, not in traditional Internet companies or financial institutions, but in many start-up companies, where turmoil in capital markets is prevalent.


When we talk about block chains, what are we talking about? Is it a decentralized, tamper-proof, bottom-of-the-line book, or a bitcoin technology? Is it a white paper that can hold 1 billion dollars in ICO, or is it a mind-blowing monet? A fact that cannot be ignored is that some of the technology that was buried began to issue its own coins in the form of the first ICO. The divisions between the once-several “chain” and “currency” are becoming increasingly blurred.


Now active in the block chain world, and non-traditional Internet companies or financial institutions, are many start-up companies. These companies collect money through the ICO, and the money they issue is online on the trading platform, generating a large and complex secondary market for digital money. Project parties, investment funds, trading platforms, investors, etc. constitute a complete ecological chain of interests, where the rules of the capital market are complete, and where the chaos once prevailed.


The trading platform is over 5 billion dollars a year.


The trading platform is the most important link in the digital monetary interest chain. It connects a secondary market for block-chain investment, as well as project parties and ordinary investors. After the clean-up of the domestic trading platform in September 2017, the digital currency transactions became low.


“We're not going to NASDAQ, we're in a competitive relationship with NASDAQ.” A man who was close to the gun coin, in a party about the chain of blocks, said something like that about a gunship executive.


The number of users, the scale of the transactions, the cost of the upper currency, and the speed at which they are made have increased more than one step. At the same time, because of the tightening of domestic policies, these trading platforms have explored additional development paths in the context of regulated games, continuing with the centralization of the exchange function in a world called “decent” in terms of “wiping the edges” in a variety of ways.


It's hard for people who are not in the “currency circle” to imagine the profit space in it.


Fees are the main source of profit for the trading platform, with most trading platform processing rates of around 0.1 per cent, far higher than those for coupons in secondary market transactions, and are all the more alarming.

  据数字货币大数据平台非小号数据,1月21日,币安成交金额全球排名第三,24小时总成交额为176.7亿元,按其公布的0.1%的手续费计算,每日仅交易佣金即可收入1760万元。如果保持这个水平,仅手续费年收入将超过64亿元。当日排名第四的OKEX 24小时总成交额为112.5亿元,火币pro排名第六,成交额为62.7亿元。

According to data from the Digital Large Currency Data Platform, on 21 January, the currency was ranked third in the world, with a total of 17,670 million yuan in 24-hour transactions and 17.6 million yuan per day on the basis of the fee of 0.1 per cent announced. If this level were maintained, the annual revenue of the fee alone would exceed $6.4 billion. The fourth-ranked, 24-hour, total, 11,250 million yuan, and the sixth, 6.27 billion, respectively, of the tender pro.


In the case of currency security, for example, the current number of users has reached 6 million and is still growing at a high rate. The number of users has surged and even created pressure on website operations. On January 5, a currency security announcement suspended the registration of new users and opened a limit on an indefinite basis on January 8. According to overseas media reports, the number of new users in currency security is 250,000 per day, in Coinbase 100,000 per day, and in Kraken 50,000 per day. If the number of new users in the exchange is conservatively estimated to be at least 1.5 million per month.


Even more inconceivable and incredible is the fact that today the volume of transactions is the third largest in the world, with such a lucrative currency that it has been in place for only six months.


Second, the project costs a certain amount of money to be connected to the platform, which is more cost-resilient. A senior investor told the securities reporter that the platforms would be robbed of a particularly hot project, with little charge; general projects, ranging from 1 million to 5 million dollars, or 1 to 5 per cent of the total amount of money; and symbolically, if they were one of their own circulators.


In addition, there are insiders who tell the securities Times journalists that 100 bits of money are needed for the high cost of the upper currency; in an interview with the founder of a project, they are told that the current project’s tokens are worth 10 million yuan on a platform. The above-mentioned investors believe that the 10 million project is to be boycotted.


Because of the lack of regulation of the current block chain project, the decision on whether to go to the transaction platform is entirely in the hands of the platform, and if a well-known exchange on the project line can obtain a potential endorsement and increase the volume of transactions. The operating space is as if any of these were to be known.


Although various platforms have stated in public statements that online projects have been subject to rigorous scrutiny, it is clear that a large number of low-profile projects, such as wave sites, have also landed on well-known trading platforms, including currency security, and currency coins, and that the pace of the upper currency of the trading platforms has increased considerably.


In addition to the transaction fees and the conventional profit-making methods of billing, the new game of “platform coins” is also the current hotspot and, despite the name of the platform's “innovation”, cannot escape the challenge of “disguised ICO”.


The “Global Common Score” (HT) is a value system based on block chain issuance and management introduced by the tender, which can be used and circulated in multiple scenarios, amounting to 500 million, promises never to be increased, only to be sold, and 20 per cent of the profits will be spent on buy-back every quarter by Pro.


In both official announcements and propaganda, the gun money defines HT as “no private collection, not ICO, only non-sale”, but “no-sale” is not a free gift to the user, but rather a gift through the purchase of a pre-positioned card set. In addition, the platform will open up transactions between HT/USDT, HT/BTC and HT/ETH, which means that HT, like other digital currencies, can be traded and circulated on trading platforms.


The tender is not the first to issue a pyrotechnic like it.


On 14 July last year, the digital asset trading platform was set on the line. Before going online, the currency board issued a white paper to collect the ICO. According to the white paper, the currency platform promoted 200 million copies of BNB, 100 million copies of which were distributed through ICO, 1 ETH for 2700 BNB, 1 BTC for 20,000 BNB, and on July 15 for online transactions.


BNB's ICO was launched on 24 June and is now more than 100 times the price of the ICO, at the prices of ETH and BTC at that time.


There are also in-house analysts who argue that the Platform's primary objective of introducing its own tokens or credits is not to make money, but to attract and retain users and build its own community and ecology.


Swipe ball with the supervisor.


In a “decentralized” world of block chains, trading platforms play a “centralized” role, and the risks associated with the theft of trading platforms that not only cause serious losses to users but also trigger a sharp fall in digital currency prices cannot be ignored. Moreover, trading platforms, because of their highly opaque operations, tend to be involved in insider trading and the manipulation of markets, such as joint ventures.

  1月28日,日本数字货币交易平台Coincheck上5亿枚NEM(价值约5.33 亿美元)遭黑客窃取,涉及用户26万人,是继2014年Mt.Gox事件后,史上规模最大的虚拟货币被窃案之一,随后Coincheck暂停平台上除比特币之外的加密货币取款,币市普跌。

On 28 January, 500 million NEMs (with a value of approximately $533 million) from Coincheck, the Japanese digital currency trading platform, were hacked, involving 260,000 users, one of the largest virtual currencies ever stolen following the events at Mt. Gox in 2014, and then Coincheck suspended the platform for encrypted currency withdrawals other than Bitcoin, resulting in a fall in the currency market.


A number of insiders have told the Securities Times that it is well known that a well-known trading platform can provide up to 10 times the leverage by manipulating prices in secondary markets on the one hand and leverage transactions on the other, and that the digital currency itself is highly volatile, with more than 20 per cent of the increase or decline being common, and that in the case of currency fluctuations, the platform has a significantly higher amplitude than the other platforms, so that users are extremely vulnerable and the platform can be well rewarded by leveraging. In this case, journalists have received a positive response from multiple sources and have pointed to the same trading platform.


Under the relevant regulatory policy of September 2017, domestic trading platforms are prohibited from providing a collection of French and digital currency, and digital currency transactions encounter short periods of depression. In order to continue related operations, platforms have developed a number of designs for overseas placement and for circumvention of regulation, on the one hand, by providing digital currency trading services through off-site transactions, currency transactions, etc., in a more tangled and covert manner; and, on the other hand, by moving their registrations abroad to avoid domestic policy risks.


In order to resolve the exchange of French currency with various digital currencies, the platforms link foreign and currency transactions through USDT tokens.


First, in off-site transactions, the parties to the transaction usually carry out direct transactions through payment of treasures, micro-mails, bank card transfers, etc., without security guarantees.


Secondly, with regard to the USDT, practitioners have indicated to the security Times journalists that it could be a time bomb that, once detonated, could create a systemic risk in the digital currency market.


The USDT, issued by Tether, claims that it will strictly adhere to the $1:1 dollar reserve guarantee. At the same time, among the company’s identified risks are that it will store all its assets as a central pledge, that it may fail or roll out, that the company’s bank opening its accounts may fail or freeze funds, and that the risk of centralization may paralyse the system as a whole.


In addition, according to the Securities Times journalists, in addition to the above-mentioned exposure risks, there are the following hidden risks for the USDT. First, users do not have legal access to the sufficiency of payments made in Tether's bank account; second, Tether does not undertake to guarantee payment and, in its exemption clause, also refers to exemption from the duty to pay French currency under any conditions, including when the company closes the liquidation; third, the control factor in the USDT distribution is not disclosed and its destruction mechanism is not genuinely operational and cannot be verified. (formerly called Digital Currency Trading Platform: Self-rust Risk Control)



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"Knock on the technology" is anecdotal.





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