
资讯 2024-07-02 阅读:64 评论:0
文|PANews 冰棒Manji PaNews Popsicles 编辑|毕彤彤Edit Xiao Bing Bing. 交易所的竞争又添新事。Competition on the exchange adds to the new...



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文|PANews 冰棒

Manji PaNews Popsicles


Edit Xiao Bing Bing.


Competition on the exchange adds to the new story.


On the last day of February, it was announced that the public chain test network was officially online, and it was established that the currency exchange pass HT would serve as the only bottom pass in the public chain of the currency.


Less than two hours after the release of the public chain, a heavy pound of fire money was released, and the Global Station decided to permanently destroy the entire operational HT, as well as the investor protection fund portion of the second and second quarter 2018, which buys back from the secondary market and other revenues, and destroyed a total of 147,741.79 million HT, with a total value of $724 million, and the platform no longer issued additional HT, from which it officially entered a new phase of “absolute deflation.” The chain destruction plan was completed on 1 March.


The successive releases of several major offers, despite the late announcement of the public chain plan at the time of currency security and OKEx, have brought the public chain competition of the three major exchanges to a new stage.


HT destruction valued at $724 million, into absolute deflation


Compared to previously declared destruction platforms that did not see destruction actions, the action of the tender did not stop only with the release of the information, and the announcement made an early commitment to actual destruction on the morning of the second day.


According to WhaleAlert data, at 10 a.m. today (1 March) Beijing time, 147,417,900 HTs were destroyed on the Taiyo chain, with a total value of $724 million, from which HT officially entered a new phase of “absolute deflation”.


These destroyed passes include 9,734.23 million HTs in unissued HT operations; 5.0556 million HTs in investor protection funds derived from buybacks from secondary markets and other revenues in the first and second quarters of 2018. Subsequent risk incidents will be covered by the Platform's risk margin, no longer by the Investor Protection Fund, and will continue to achieve full protection of user interests.


In addition, HT, which was previously used for the employee incentive component, was repurchased and destroyed by 5 per cent of the platform's revenue and, according to the results of the vote in the third quarter of 2019, would not flow into the secondary market.


Why is this called “absolute deflation” by the Sensei Seven? After the January HT monthly destruction announcement, the total circulation of HT was 454 million, minus the total quantity of HT 147 million destroyed on 29 February, representing 38.6 per cent of the total number of HT destroyed, according to a total circulation of 500 million, and the total remaining quantity of HT is currently around 370 million, minus the portion of the employee's lock-down and about to be destroyed, with a total circulation of 239 million. Under the new HT pass code, there will no longer be any new circulation of HT, so that HT enters a new phase of absolute deflation.


“The destruction of the pallets is hard work compared to the non-circulation discs.” Mr. XVII provided a set of data during the media dialogue on the evening of 29 February, bringing the cumulative destruction of the pallets to 9,591.33 million, which is 32 per cent of the current palette, with the highest rate of destruction among the three platforms, more than twice that of the other two.



In addition to the absolute deflation of HT, an online cable announcement for the gun chain test clearly identifies another pound of information – HT will directly serve as the only bottom pass in the chain. This is different from the alternative to the release of the HT when OK Chain comes online, but instead injects the value of the chain into HT.


According to Mr. Xian, the decision was a collective consensus that the gun had drawn on many think tanks, including the top of the gun, the public chain, and so forth. In his view, the issuance of a new pass would lead to a dispersion of values, and the operation of the new pass would require considerable effort, as well as the risk of uncertainty.


In addition, Mr. Xian also made the point that “the combination of HT and the public chain would be imaginative, for example, by pledging a certain number of HT to become a gun-money public chain supernode.” The rules of this super-use scenario would be officially published on the main web line.


There is no empty value in the world, and the value of the platform’s fundamentals is the platform’s own profitability, and the higher the exchange’s income, the greater the buy-back destruction, and the more market support becomes apparent. And, in terms of the use of values, the expanding use scene is also injecting alive.


According to Lord Seven, the core strategy long maintained by the gun is “to inject long-term HT values, unify value carriers, and achieve a steady increase in the nuclear value of the HT.” The manipulation of platform currencies, such as single-plate calls, can only increase the value of short-term speculation and, ultimately, the market will be reconciled with its legitimate value.


Needless to say, the public chain of the gun is the new starting point for HT, and it also marks the official upgrading of HT from the signage of the conglomerate into a vast ecological translator with a more important mission to a wider audience of radiation and to absorb the more dynamic of development in the process of ecological openness.



The importance of a public chain as an infrastructure for a block chain industry is beyond question. Even a “public chain, a block chain,” it can be called. The success of a public chain requires the combination of technology, regulation, and multiple dimensions of users.


Technology, regulation, and users are like the “new impossible triangle” of block chain projects, which makes most of the public-chain project parties deeply anxious about entrepreneurship. The pace of technology overlaps, often beyond the road map originally planned for public-chain projects.

而在区块链市场上拥有最多用户的不是公链,而是交易所。火币从2018年开始打造Huobi Chain,中间历经战略调整,这一举推出,能否高举高打,打破这“新不可能三角”呢?

It is not the public chain that has the most users in the block chain market, but the exchange. Since 2018, the tender has built Huobi Chain, which has been strategically adjusted.


The recent closure of FCoin has had a chain reaction, causing some of the projects to suffer collateral losses. The exchange also appears to be facing a crisis of trust, and data from the chain can be seen that the gun price captures the confidence of its users.


data source: Chain.info


According to the Chain.info data, there are 395,115.61 BTC balances in the chain of the gun, higher than Binance and OKEx, the second highest on the global exchange, after Coinbase. After the Fcoin incident, the BTC balance in the chain of the gun did not change much, and instead, on 20 February, after the Fcoin incident, there was a net influx of BTCs into 12234. The data show that the Fcoin incident did not threaten users’ trust in the gun.


User trust is one of the most expensive assets of an enterprise, and it is foreseeable that, when the gun chain is connected, the gun's users will become direct potential users of the chain, which is a great advantage that many public-chain projects are expected to have unreachable. A good public-chain performance, with no developers or users involved, is the current embarrassment for most public-chain products.


regulatory compliance is the focus of the surge


Why is the gun trusted by its users? This may be related to the importance it has attached to compliance since its inception.


In terms of compliance, it has also been observed that the gun is now licensed in important markets such as Japan, the United States, Thailand and European Gibraltar.


The importance attached to regulation and compliance is also reflected in the design of the tender public chain. In June last year, Li Lin, the founder of the coin, highlighted six core positions and features of the chain, among which regulatory compliance is an important link.


1. Global monetization of assets and financial market infrastructure based on block chains


2. Provision of chain-based compliance and regulatory frameworks that fully and in-depth support compliance and regulation


3. Provision of high performance chain transactions to meet high performance requirements for financial transactions


4. Support different types of block chain assets and traditional asset chains


5. Support third-party development and operation of sub-chains based on a tender public chain agreement

6.支持第三方为链上资产提供 DeFi 服务

6. Support for third-party DeFi services for assets on the chain

从这个定位看,火币公链的主要任务包括:打造金融基础设施、探索链上合规和监管、支持各类资产上链和子链运营、提供 DeFi 服务。

From this perspective, the main tasks of the public chain include building the financial infrastructure, exploring compliance and regulation on the chain, supporting the operation of the upper and subchains of various types of assets, and providing the DeFi service.

火币公链将在技术底层集成去中心化数字身份(DID),并设计了将智能合约执行权限、用户的身份特征结合的整体监管解决方案,为各国监管提供 KYC 和 AML 支持等等。

The tender public chain will be integrated at the bottom of the technology to decentralize digital identity (DID) and design holistic regulatory solutions that combine intellectual contract enforcement, user identity features, KYC and AML support for national regulation, etc.


These foundations guarantee openness and pave the way for compliance. Compliance and regulation are a major factor in the choice of the public chain for developers and users, and a necessary condition for the large-scale introduction of traditional institutions and traditional users, as compared to the “naked” public chain project.


From experience, effective regulation of transactions in the chain requires the full use of RegTech, which requires regulators and infrastructure builders to work together.


HBTC will test water and become DeFi's base card


Since 2019, DeFi has gradually become a hot spot in the block chain industry, with a steady increase in the number of locked-in assets. As the market continues to warm, mortgage lending will continue to drive the outbreak.


“The future competition of block chains will become competition for distribution mechanisms, and the DeFi individual will become the subject of value behaviour.” Li Lin argues that “the block chain will bring about significant changes in three areas: cross-organizational collaboration, credible value allocation, and value Internet.


Since the public chain of the gun is positioned in the “financial public chain”, it is natural not to miss the big cake of DeFi.


According to yesterday’s online cable announcement, the public chain supports the self-defined DeFi business, providing users with bottom-line support such as assets, supervision, and financial data. It also relies on its asset-management capabilities to provide asset-linking and cross-linking services through decentralized and decentralized technical means that provide a rich asset-management service to users in the public chain.


On February 14, the news came to HBTC, which did not attract much attention in the market. Now it seems that HBTC is not just a simple cross-link BTC, it is a “beautiful storeway” for future DeFi assets.

据官网介绍,HBTC是火币全球站推出的以太坊区块链上的比特币代币,通过向去中心化金融市场注入占比最大、流动性最高的比特币资产,提高了去中心化市场的资产上限,促进整个去中心化市场的繁荣。HBTC严格遵守1 : 1的担保资产,即每发行1个HBTC,其资产所在地址都会有1BTC的资产保障,确保用户可以随时使用HBTC与BTC进行1 : 1的兑换。

According to the Network, HBTC is a bitcoin token in the chain of the district blocks launched by the Gear Global Station, raising asset ceilings in decentralized markets by infusing the largest and most mobile bitcoin assets into decentralized financial markets, and promoting prosperity in decentralized markets as a whole. HBTC strictly adheres to 1:1 of the encumbered assets, i.e. 1 HBTC, each issue of which has an asset with an asset at its address, ensuring that users can exchange 1:1 with BTC at any time.


Screenshot from : hbtc.finance

目前HBTC已经有了很高的市场占比。据DeFi Pulse数据显示,截至3月1日,DeFi中总锁仓了1800个BTC。而HBTC的锁仓达到了710个BTC,已经达到624.8万美元市值,占所有BTC锁仓量近40%。HBTC大概率会迁移到火币公链,这无疑将会是火币公链未来的一大核心卖点。

According to DeFi Pulse, as of 1 March, there were 1,800 BTC lock-ups in DeFi. HBTC has 710 BTC lock-ups and has reached the market value of $6,248 million, accounting for nearly 40% of all BTC lock-ups. The HBTC is likely to move to the tender public chain, which will no doubt be one of the key points in the future.


Auto-innovation, how can the financial public chain be hard-core


On June 30, last year, the tender announcement, together with Nervos, “the strongest” in the country, developed the public chain of the gun, and explicitly launched the test network in February of this year, and the main web site in May, which is now on schedule. At the end of the day, however, the article is supported by hard nuclear technology.

不同于币安公链,火币公链开始便支持智能合约部署,并且是多语言高性能的,可以满足不同的用户需求。虚拟机采用开源的 RISC-V 指令集,工具链相对比较完善,兼容性更强(gcc/gdb/llvm兼容),目前社区已有许多开发者正围绕 RISC-VM 开发Ruby、Python、TypeScript、Go、Rust 等解释器,未来生态将会更加丰富。目前测试网支持用 C 语言编写智能合约,未来火币公链将为用户提供丰富的智能合约开发语言,尽最大可能的扩大开发者生态。

Unlike the currency chain, the gun public chain begins to support the deployment of smart contracts and is multilingual and high-performance to meet different user needs. Virtual machines use the open source RISC-V command set, which is relatively well developed and more compatible (gcc/gdb/llvm compatible), and many community developers are now developing Ruby, Python, TypeScript, Go, Rust, etc. Ecology will be enriched in the future.


The public chain also has cross-chain properties that support third parties in developing and operating sub-chains based on the public chain agreement. The public chain is open to side-linking, providing side-linking services to users with special needs, such as special compliance and high performance, to meet the need for in-depth customization.


The public chain of gun money is located in the financial public chain. It is autonomously developed in a number of areas at the bottom of the block chain, such as virtual machines, smart contract compilers, consensus agreements, message signatures, cross-chain agreements, asset management systems, etc., and independently innovates to meet the technical requirements of the next generation of financial public chains.

同时,在保证金融公链和应用的安全性(交易上链即不可回滚)与确定性输出和低延时要求的前提,最大限度地拓展了吞吐能力。2月26日,火币与Nervos 共同进行1 小时的压力测试,目前TPS已经达到2900,目标出块确认时间为3秒。

At the same time, it maximizes the capacity for vomiting by ensuring the safety of the financial public chain and applications (the trading chain is non-rolling) and the certainty of output and low delay requirements. On February 26, a one-hour pressure test was conducted with Nervos, and TPS has now reached 2900, with a target mass confirmation time of three seconds.


The era of the official chain of arms has entered, and the accelerated empowerment of HT is now in sight.




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