
资讯 2024-06-28 阅读:53 评论:0
●区块链技术将是互联网金融乃至整个金融业的关键底层基础设施。它将低成本地解决金融活动的信任难题,并且将金融信任由双边互信或建立中央信任机制演化为多边共信、社会共信,以公信力寻求解决公信力问题的途径。• Bl...



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• Block-chain technology will be a critical bottom-up infrastructure for Internet finance and, indeed, the financial sector as a whole. It will solve the problem of trust in financial activities at low cost, and transform financial trust from bilateral mutual trust or the establishment of a central trust mechanism into a multilateral, social, and credible search for solutions to problems of credibility.


• In the future exploration of financial science and technology, the Chinese financial sector should strengthen research, development, practice and application, strengthen international cooperation in block-chain finance and the creation of international block-chain alliances and standards, strengthen top-level design, actively pursue high-level international financial strategy, enhance the core competitiveness of our financial system and make finance better serve the real economy.


President Schwab of the World Economic Forum, in his publication Industrial Revolution IV, noted that the digital revolution was radically changing the way individuals interacted and collaborated with institutions. For example, the block chain, often referred to as the “distributed ledger,” was a very secure deal that would soon destabilize the traditional way the financial sector operated.


Why say the block chain is a subversive technology? What are the transformative implications of the block chain? What are the applications in the area of finance? On these issues, journalists interviewed the Party Secretary of the Beijing Financial Work Bureau, Hau, who said that the block chain would become the bottom technology of financial science and technology and would reshape the financial industry in many ways. The financial sector should strengthen research, development, practice and application, strengthen international cooperation in block-chain finance and the creation of international block-chain alliances and standards, strengthen top-level design, actively pursue high-level international financial strategy and enhance the country's financial core competitiveness.


The essence of block chain technology is decentralisation.

霍学文表示,区块链(Block Chain)是一个由不同节点共同参与的分布式数据库系统,是一个开放式的账簿系统(ledger),它是由一串按照密码学方法产生的数据块或数据包组成(即区块,block),对每一个区块数据信息都自动加盖时间戳,从而计算出一个数据加密数值(即哈希值,hash)。每一个区块都包含上一个区块的哈希值,从创始区块(genesis block)开始链接(chain)到当前区域,从而形成区块链。

According to Huo, the block chain (Block Chain) is a distributed database system involving different nodes, an open book system (ledger) consisting of a string of data blocks or data packages (i.e. blocks, Blocks) generated by cryptographic methods that automatically stamp time in each block data information to calculate a data encryption value (i.e. Hashi value, hash). Each block contains the Hashi value of the previous block, linking (chain) from the founding block (genesis block) to the current area, thus forming a block chain.


Bennett, the founder of Bitcoin, made a foundational contribution to the application of block chain technology. In block chains, any transaction must be verified collectively by a group of computers before being recorded and approved.


“The biggest problem in market economy activity is the question of trust between the two parties to the transaction, the root cause of which is the asymmetry of information, and the ultimate solution to the problem of the block chain technology is the question of the trust mechanism (the issue of “General Byzantine”). Mobile Internet, big data, cloud computing are the infrastructure of the block chain technology, algorithm trust is the key mechanism, and encryption algorithms are the technological basis.” Hole, op. cit.

拜占庭将军问题(Byzantine Generals Problem),是由美国著名计算机科学家莱斯利·兰伯特提出的“点对点”通信中的基本问题。莱斯利·兰伯特定义的“拜占庭将军问题”起源于:由于当时拜占庭罗马帝国国土辽阔,为了防御目的,因此每个军队都分隔很远,将军与将军之间只能靠信差传消息。在战争的时候,拜占庭军队内所有将军和副官必需达成一致的共识,决定是否有赢的机会才去攻打敌人的阵营。但是,在军队内有可能存有叛徒和敌军的间谍,左右将军们的决定又扰乱整体军队的秩序。在达成共识时,在已知有成员谋反的情况下,其余忠诚的将军在不受叛徒的影响下如何达成一致的协议,拜占庭问题就此形成。

The issue of Byzantine Generals Problem, an essential issue in the “point-to-point” communication, was raised by a well-known American computer scientist, Leslie· by Lambert; by Leslie· and by Lambert's definition of “General Byzantine” because of the size of the Roman Empire of Byzantine at the time, each army was far apart for defensive purposes, and the question of the Byzantian army came to light with the consensus that all generals and deputy generals in the army had to agree on whether there was a chance of winning. However, there might be traitors and enemy spies in the army, and the decision of the generals disrupted the whole army. In reaching the consensus, the remaining loyal generals reached an agreement without the influence of the traitors.


According to Huo, the essence of block chain technology is that, in the case of information asymmetry, letters of credit are not subject to mutual security trust or approval by a third party (the so-called “centre”) and nodes created by encryption algorithms based on big Internet data are generally modified by means of an established node trust mechanism. Any institution or individual can participate in the creation of confidence mechanisms as nodes, and the creation of blocks must be made public on the whole web, and any node is visible to participants. The more the node is, the more the count is required, the more the node is passed, the more the node is required, the more the node can be established, the more the node can be accepted; and, in order to tamper with or falsify, more than 51% of the node may be modified.


Block chain technology will be widely applied in the financial field


The block chain technology, according to Schwab, will soon destabilize the traditional way the financial sector operates, because if applied to finance, the block chain technology can reduce settlement and transaction costs by $20 billion and change the way the industry operates. Sharing the database technology can also improve the efficiency of many operations, such as customer account data storage, cross-border payments, trade clearing and liquidation. It can also be used for products and services that do not currently exist, such as smart futures contracts that can be executed automatically without the involvement of traders (and credit derivatives that can be paid automatically if a country or enterprise defaults).


The area of finance is an important application of block-chain technology. As a bottom-up technology architecture for new finance, following the Internet, block-chain technology will reshape the foundation framework of the global financial industry, accelerate the pace of financial innovation and product rotation, significantly improve the efficiency of financial operations, and reshape credit transfer exchange mechanisms.


According to Huo, block-chain technology will be a key bottom infrastructure for Internet finance and, indeed, the financial industry as a whole (the bottom material technology base). Block-chain technology will solve the problem of trust in financial activities at low cost and transform financial trust from bilateral mutual trust or the establishment of a central trust mechanism into a multilateral, social, trust-building approach to finding credible solutions. Block-chain technology, because of its encryption algorithmic characteristics, will bring financial development into the arithmetic financial age.


“Bitcoin is a typical case of the application of block chain technology, which, although not considered a legal currency, provides the underlying technological basis for the advent of the digital-currency age and the widespread application of block chain technology to solve financial, economic, and social problems. That is the real reason why block chain technology is being extensively studied and explored in the area of finance, both at home and abroad.”


Block chain technology can now record financial transactions in digital currencies such as Bitcoin, and in the future it will be able to provide registration services for a variety of items, including birth certificates, death certificates, title certificates, marriage certificates, educational certificates, insurance certificates, medical procedures and voting. In essence, but all transactions that can be coded can be registered using block chain technology. Some countries and institutions have already studied the potential of block chains. For example, the Honduran government is using this technology to regulate land tenure, and the Isle of Man is testing its application to company registration.


According to Huo, the financial community, both domestic and foreign, is currently exploring the technological highs of this future bottom technology, and financial regulators in the United States, the European Union, and China are studying the financial applications of block-chain technology that R3 organizations have created in Europe, which Deloitte has applied to business audits, and the Nasdak market has tried to use block-chain technology to issue securities. China’s financial community is also following up on this issue, and Beijing has set up several block-link technology alliances, and the Alsan Financial Technology Corporation, which has been set up to promote block-chain technology finance applications, has set up an Internet-based Financial Security Industrial Park to focus on financial science and technology.


“Technology of block chains is of great strategic importance as a bottom-up technology for future financial science and technology. In future financial science and technology exploration, China’s financial sector should strengthen research, development, practice, and application, strengthen international cooperation in block-chain finance and the creation of international block-chain alliances and standards, strengthen top-level design, actively pursue high-level international financial strategy, improve the country’s financial core competitiveness, and make finance better serve the real economy.”


Internet finance will enter the era of block chains plus


According to Huo, as a bottom-up technological architecture for financial science and technology, block chains are bound to reshape the financial landscape in many ways, be they traditional financial services or P2P, or Internet finance innovations such as crowd-sourcing, or in areas such as strengthening financial regulation, preventing financial risks, combating illegal financing, etc., with very broad application prospects, and Internet finance is entering the “block chain plus” era.


In the Ripple system, all currencies are freely convertible, not only in national legal currencies, but also in virtual currencies. The first area of innovation in the chain is settlement of payments. In the Ripple system, for example, it is a relatively mature block payment service, although it needs to be refined and improved. It is an Internet-based open-source payment agreement that allows decentralised payments and clearing functions. In the Ripple system, all currencies are freely convertible, including not only national legal currencies, but also virtual currencies.


First, to enhance the credibility of the letters, the entire network of letters cannot be tampered with. Second, to significantly reduce the cost of the letters and provide accurate and multi-dimensional data. Finally, the block chain technology has the potential to break out of the problem of data islands, where data subjects exchange data information through some sort of transactional mechanism.


Block Chain Plus Exchanges: An exchange is a centralized trading market of some kind, tangible or intangible, and block chain technology will be widely used in a wide variety of stock exchanges. Decentralization, openness, sharing, anonymity, and immutable features of the block chain can significantly enhance the efficiency of registration, issuance, trading, transfer, handing over and clearing, as well as the security of information and privacy of individuals. The NASDAQ market and the Australian Exchange are now at the forefront of the application of block chain technology. In late 2015, NASDAQ, one of the world’s largest stock exchanges, used a block chain technology trading platform for the first time to complete and record private securities transactions.


“Cluster chain + digital currency”: The block chain technology was first applied to Bitcoin, where many invested in bitcoin, traded bitcoin, and where business activities were conducted and businesses were paid in bitcoin. However, Bitcoin was a natural non-legal currency, and provided a technical foundation and application model for the digital monetary age following the entry of statutory currency from paper currency into electronic currency. The People's Bank of China has conducted a digital monetary study, and many central banks have actively studied digital currency.


“We should also see that not using block chain technology automatically solves the problem of trust, but also the financial risks and the regulatory development of the financial sector. The application of block chain technology, the safety of bottom-level technologies must be addressed, the question of who will regulate block chain enterprises and their financial innovation must be resolved as soon as possible, and the regulation of block chain technology must be addressed as soon as possible in order to promote the healthy development of block chain technology in the financial field.”




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