51WORLD 地球克隆计划 5 元宇宙大会开启,全面赋能 Web3.0 新时代 | 爱范儿

资讯 2024-06-23 阅读:65 评论:0
  2022 年 8 月 18 日,51WORLD 在全新开放的 25.5 万平元宇宙空间,举办了一场充满科技感、未来感的地球克隆计划 5(EC5)元宇宙大会。会上,51WORLD 发布了全新升级的产品矩阵,...



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2022 年 8 月 18 日,51WORLD 在全新开放的 25.5 万平元宇宙空间,举办了一场充满科技感、未来感的地球克隆计划 5(EC5)元宇宙大会。会上,51WORLD 发布了全新升级的产品矩阵,包括 1 个平台、2 款产品及 3 大行业应用,引领数字孪生行业进入 “L4+W4” 阶段,全面助力 Web3.0 新时代数字化升级。

On August 18, 2022, 51WORLD organized a science- and future-sensitive Earth Cloning Plan 5 (EC5) cosmos conference in the newly opened 255,000-dollar space. At the conference, 51WORLD published a new and upgraded product matrix, including 1 platform, 2 products and 3 major industry applications, leading the digital twin industry into the “L4+W4” phase, which contributed fully to the digital upgrading of the new era of Web3.0.


51WORLD 创始人兼 CEO 李熠提到:“面向 Web3.0 时代,我们必须有足够强的技术能力来赋能合作伙伴,并为行业带来具有全新价值的产品及应用。目前,51WORLD 已形成了从平台到产品再到生态的新一代产品矩阵,帮助企业迭代新需求,解决新问题。”

51WORLD Founder and CEO Lee-Jing said, "For the age of Web3.0, we must have sufficient technical capacity to empower partners and bring new value products and applications to the industry. At present, 51WORLD has formed a new generation of products, from platform to product to ecology, to help businesses meet new demands and solve new problems."


作为本次大会的重磅环节,李熠现场发布了一个全新迭代的数字孪生 PaaS 平台 WDP;两款升级应用元宇宙应用 MS2、自动驾驶仿真平台 51Sim;以及三大行业应用新一代行业仿真算法平台 51ISE、孪生空间运营服务平台 TOC 和 51CIM 城市信息模型平台。

As a weighty part of the Congress, Li Xing launched a new digital twin-breeding PaaS platform, WDP; two upgrades applying meta-cosm applications MS2, autopilot simulation platform 51Sim; and three major industries applying a new generation of industry simulations platform 51ISE, twin space operation service platform TOC and 51CIM City Information Model platform.


基于新一代产品矩阵,此次发布会可谓亮点频出:AES 全要素场景进入 L3 级别全面量产,百城计划正式启动;元宇宙应用 MS2 新升级,全面赋能大型会议会展在元宇宙落地;51Sim 继续保持开放+开源初心,以国产化自研平台数据驱动闭环赋能自动驾驶量产;三大应用方向标杆案例首次对外,行业应用实现纵深发展。

Based on the new generation of product matrices, the launch could be described as a high-profile event: the AES full factor scenario into the L3 level and the 100-city plan was officially launched; the meta-cosm application MS2 was upgraded and the full-empowerment major conference exhibition landed in the meta-coastal; 51 Sim continued to be open + open-sourced, with data from the national production self-research platform driving closed loop-enabling auto-drive output; and the three application directions were developed for the first time externally and industry applications developed in depth.


自 2021 年 9 月新一代数字孪生 PaaS 平台 WDP4.0 发布以来,51WORLD 一直保持着三个月一次的版本迭代速度,致力于为全行业提供 “低门槛、高质量” 的数字孪生创作平台。截至目前,已有超过 25000 名开发者参与其中,与 51WORLD 一起,不断打磨升级全新的数字孪生 PaaS 平台。

Since its launch in September 2021, the new generation of digital twins, the PaaS platform WDP4.0, 51WORLD has maintained a three-month iterative pace, dedicated to providing the industry with a “low-threshold, high-quality” digital twin creation platform. To date, more than 25,000 developers have been involved, together with 51WORLD, constantly grinding and upgrading a completely new digital twins platform, PaaS.


作为 PaaS 平台的重要底层支撑,AES 全要素场景不断升级突破,现已正式投入批量生产,全面进入到 L3 量产时代。

As an important bottom-line support for the PaaS platform, the AES whole-factor landscape is escalating and is now officially in bulk production into the L3-volume age.



会上,李熠正式对外发布了 “百城计划”,并指出,从 2022 年 8 月起,截至今年 12 月底,51WORLD 将实现 100 个城市数字孪生底图升级至 L3 级精度。

At the meeting, Li Xing officially released the 100-city plan, noting that, as of the end of December of this year, 51 WORLD will have upgraded 100 city digital base maps to L3 level from August 2022.


其中,效果更好层面,AES 自动化生成效果将大幅超越 L2,模块化生成 L3 效果可媲美手工建模精度;空间更省方面,存储空间仅为传统 L2 的三分之一;而速度更快层面,L3 模块化生成时间仅为传统 L2 生成的 1/2,效率大幅提升。

Of these, the AES automating effect will be significantly greater than L2, the modularization effect L3 is more accurate than the manual modelling; the space is less expensive, with a storage space of only one third of the traditional L2; and the faster speed, the L3 modular generation time is only 1/2 of the traditional L2 generation, with a significant increase in efficiency.


除 AES 全要素场景外,基于 WDP 平台的 DaaS 数字资产库、Editor 非线性编辑、API 及 Cloud 云原生也实现了同步升级。

In addition to the AES full factor scenario, the DaaS Digital Asset Library, Editor non-linear editor, API and Claude Clouds, based on the WDP platform, have also been synchronized.


51WORLD 元宇宙应用具有三大核心亮点:包含身临其境的真实感场景、独一无二的数字化身,及开放便捷的创作工具。

51WORLD meta-cosm applications have three core bright spots: a real sense of where they are, a unique digital incarnation, and an open, easy-to-manufacturing tool.



此次升级的 MS2 是专为会议、会展等大型活动打造的元宇宙应用,包含 25.5 万平超大空间。整个场馆呈现五片瓣花造型,每个花瓣均为 5.1 万平独立展馆。

This upgrade of MS2 is a meta-cosmos application designed for major events such as conferences, exhibitions, etc., and contains 255,000 squares of superspace. The entire complex is made of five petals, each of which is a 5.1 million separate pavilion.


除 EC5 率先开放的 A 馆外,其他四个展馆将在 9 月-12 月逐月开放。

In addition to EC5 House A, which is the first to open, four other galleries will open on a monthly basis in September-12.


不同于 2D 视频会议带来的千篇一律的交流感受,元宇宙中具有彰显个性的交互能力,更有着无法预测下一秒会发生什么的乐趣。

Unlike the one-size-fits-all sense of communication brought about by the 2D videoconference, there is an interactive capacity in the meta-cosm, which is more fun than it can predict what will happen in the next second.


51Sim 是 51WORLD 经 5 年超亿元研发投入搭建的国产汽车工业仿真软件。目前,51Sim 已形成完善的产品生态,具备自主可控数据驱动闭环云仿真落地,软硬件深度整合高置信度感知仿真,并通过开源开放,实现软硬件一体化全栈仿真。

51 Sim is a 51WORLD home-grown auto industry imitation software that has been developed and built over a five-billion-year period. Currently, 51Sim has developed a well-developed product ecology, has autonomous controlable data to drive closed cloud imitation, integrates high confidence perception simulations in software and hardware depth, and is fully integrated with hardware and software through open-source openness.


当前,自动驾驶正处于量产前夜,而 51Sim 已针对市场需求,形成了完整的行业生态,并打造了系列标杆案例,包括毫末智行数据驱动云仿真、地平线计算平台感知仿真、上机检多车互动等。未来 51Sim 也将紧贴市场需求,以行业深度整合、国产开源可控及数据驱动闭环助力中国自动驾驶量产更快实现落地。

Currently, autopilots are on a pre-natal night, while 51 Sim has developed a complete industry ecology in response to market demand, and has built a series of poles, including a millisecond-line data-driven cloud simulation, a horizon-based computing platform perception simulation, and on-board multi-carried interaction. 51 Sim will also focus on market demand in the future, allowing China’s auto-drive output to be landed faster with deep industrial integration, open-source control of national production, and data-driven closed-ring support.



精度等级和应用维度是描述数字孪生行业应用的两大关键词,其中场景精度可划分为 L1-L5 五个等级,应用阶段则包含 W1-W5 五个阶段。李熠在演讲中表示:“当前,行业应用已进化至 L4+W4 阶段,面向新趋势,我们将带来三大行业应用的标杆案例首秀。”

Precision levels and application dimensions are two key words that describe the applications of the digital twin industry, with the scenes being divided into five levels of L1-L5 and the application phase containing five phases of W1-W5. Li Xing said in his presentation: “For the time being, industry applications have evolved to the L4-W4 phase and are oriented towards new trends, and we will bring the first examples of poles applied by the three major industries.”


1. 新一代行业仿真算法平台 51ISE

1. New-generation industry simulation algorithm platform 51ISE


W4 作为数字孪生不断纵深进化的新阶段,亟需一个跨行业的仿真平台来支撑。51ISE 应运而生,集行业算法仿真、工程系统仿真、自然环境仿真、社会活动仿真及应急模拟仿真于一体,目前已应用在工业、能源、水利、轨道、交通等领域,目前已有众多案例落地。

W4 as a new phase in the evolution of digital twines, there is an urgent need for an inter-industry simulation platform to support it.51 ISEs should be created, integrated with industry algorithms, engineering systems, natural environment simulations, social activity simulations and emergency simulations, which are now being applied in such fields as industry, energy, water, orbits, transport, and so on.


以智慧工厂为例,51ISE 可将每一个机械臂、每一个零件、每一个工艺都处理为同真实世界一模一样。这种先进的制造方式,可高效率且低成本构建数字孪生工厂,并应用于早期工厂设计、中期工厂建设、以及后期工厂运营的模拟仿真全生命周期。

In the case of intelligent plants, 51ISE can treat every arm, every part, every process exactly the same as the real world. This advanced way of manufacturing can be efficient and low-cost in constructing digital twin plants and can be applied to early plant design, medium-term plant construction, and the simulation of the entire life cycle of later plant operations.


在中铁盾构机智慧工厂建设中,51WORLD 以 ISE 平台为基础,以数字孪生技术为核心,帮助工厂在生产流程优化、生产质量把控、生产设备运维、能源双碳管理等方面实现辅助决策,助力工厂数字化转型。

In the construction of an intelligent plant with a medium iron shield, 51 WORLD is based on the ISE platform, with digital twin technologies at its core, helping factories to achieve complementary decision-making in the areas of production process optimization, production quality control, production equipment maintenance, energy double carbon management, etc., and contributing to the digital transformation of power plants.


2. 孪生空间运营服务平台 TOC

2. Twin Space Operations Service Platform TOC


区别于传统 IOC 产品,TOC 平台兼具真实感场景、时空化计算、开放性编辑、全流程仿真、临场感服务、多终端互动六大核心能力。

Distinguished from traditional IOC products, the TOC platform has six core competencies of real sense, time and space computing, open editing, full process simulation, improvisation services, multi-end interactions.


率先集成 51WORLD TOC 平台能力的海南省重点三亚崖洲湾科技城,以数字孪生赋能园区管理,全面反映各项发展态势,助力数字化建设提速。

Henan Province's priority Sanya cliff Bay Science and Technology City, which is spearheading the integration of the 51WORLD TOC platform, is managed in digital twin enabling parks, reflecting developments across the board and contributing to the acceleration of digital construction.


此外,TOC 低碳智慧社区也实现二次升级,以全域碳监测、碳规划模拟及碳排放预测,为管理者提供更多基于绿能建设与投资智能化的决策支持。

In addition, the TOC low-carbon intelligent community has been re-upgraded to provide managers with more decision support based on green energy construction and investment intelligence through global carbon monitoring, carbon planning simulations and carbon emission projections.


3. 新一代数字孪生城市信息模型平台 51CIM

3. New Generation Digital Twin Cities Information Modeling Platform 51CIM


李熠认为,“一座城市要发展,首先得建设基础设施。同样,要发展数字经济,也需要构建数字经济的基础设施。毫无疑问,城市级 L4 正是未来数字化城市的基础设施之一。”

Lee said, “A city needs to grow, first and foremost by building infrastructure. Similarly, building infrastructure for a digital economy requires building infrastructure for a digital economy. There is no doubt that city-level L4 is one of the infrastructure for a digital city in the future.”


51CIM 从数据使用路径、场景使用路径、场景精度与交互深度等方面出发,打造了进一步推进智慧城市建设的基础设施底座。

51CIM built the infrastructure base to further advance the construction of intelligent cities from the point of view of data use paths, landscape use paths, scene accuracy and depth of interaction.



It has multi-source data integration, multi-accurate landscape operations, high-performance computing, maintenance of efficient openness, five major features of data element reuse that meet the requirements of a wide range of system-building projects, a large number of cycles, high data security requirements and the reuse of results data.






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