
资讯 2024-07-04 阅读:56 评论:0
  文/尹宁/Yunning ˃   出品/陀螺研究院 Production/Girl Research Institute   平稳增长的产业区块链正泛起点点涟漪,今年以来,我国区块链产...



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Production/Girl Research Institute


Since the beginning of this year, the industrial block chain, which has grown steadily, has become dynamic, with policies, technologies, applications and other mature trends in technology, not only in modularization, componentization and integration, but also in the integration phase of professional applications, which is gradually being implemented on a scale pilot led by the top, as well as on a policy-oriented basis.


In addition, the Supreme People’s Court issued the Opinion of the Supreme People’s Court on Strengthening the Judicial Application of the Block Chain, suggesting that block-chain technology should be applied in four areas: enhancing judicial credibility, judicial efficiency, judicial synergy, and social and economic governance. As can be seen, block-chain policies are falling from strategic planning to economic and social governance.


In this context, with the exception of Suzhou, in recent days Wuhan, Zhengzhou, and Kunming have been granted permission by the Ministry of Industry and Communications to create a national block chain development pilot zone, which now has four main blocks. As a block chain pilot, the selection of the four sites will not only be extremely strategic, but will also create a model model for the development of the country’s block chain.


site common: regional gathering, policy direction


In terms of territorial selection, the four areas selected are located in the central, southern and western regions, with a high degree of dispersion, but with a strong concentration of urban clusters, with a strong radiation-driven and broad scope for collaboration. Suzhou is a typical southern city, with a triangular development zone with a significant location linked to it; Wuhan is the centre city of the central region, with nine provinces and transport facilities; Chung is the central city of the central city; and Kunming is located in the western part of the central city; and Kunming is home to the central city of the central city, where he is able to raise his head in the central city. In terms of the technical characteristics of the regional chain, it has a strong application value for credit collaboration, especially in the field of trans-local, inter-systemal and trans-spaced areas, so that, in terms of site selection, the four major cities are not the first stage of development of the immediate chain, but the strategic importance of urban outreach has been highlighted, followed by a large number of applications for interregional factor flow and collaboration through the technology piloting of the regional chains.


On the other hand, in terms of policy guidance, four major cities have introduced a policy-oriented policy-oriented orientation to accelerate the development of the sector-based innovation development system by 2021-2023 and to create Wuhan as a city with a nationwide influence. As Suzhou, which was the first region to be classified as a pilot area for the development of the sector-based infrastructure, has been given considerable attention, despite the fact that three policy-oriented and consistent policies have been introduced, both land-based and practical, from the overall objective to the path of implementation to the direction of policy support, with clear lines of responsibility and priorities, which are now in the phase of effectiveness tests. As a result, Chung County and Kunming have been preparing for the creation of a city-wide infrastructure.



In terms of specific block chain development, the four-area chain has evolved differently, but overall it is still at a fast-growing stage, with industrial chains, industrial carriers and industrial applications constantly being optimized and refined.


Suzhou: first seized window period with results highlighted


In 2021, Suzhou became the country's first officially approved city to create a national block chain to develop pilot areas, with the pilot being carried out mainly on a regional basis. Specifically, Suzhou uses the conjunct zone as its core, with the high-renovation and industrial parks as model areas for application, using as a benchmark the “industrial development belt” along the Aring Line and the “integration application belt” along the Sugahang high-speed, creating a “nuclear, bizonal and bizonal” development pattern that uses active industrial layouts to leverage the potential value of the block chain.

  在政策已实行约2年后,苏州区块链已迎来了成果检验期,区域发展成效已显。根据企查查数据,苏州已有区块链企业2874 家,涌现出苏州市相城区块链科技有限公司、苏州同济区块链研究院有限公司等代表性企业。在基础设施方向,昆山已成为国家级区块链基础星火链网的骨干节点之一,可信数据管理平台、中小微区块链供应链金融公共服务平台,相城区三资监管链等公共服务基础设施如雨后春笋般出现。而以相城区为重点发展对象的区块链发展区,已集聚区块链技术和应用企业近百家,其技术链条趋于完善,涵盖底层技术与协议、中层服务平台、上层融合应用的全产业链体系。

In terms of infrastructure, Quanshan has become one of the backbone nodes of the country’s basic grid of grids, a credible data management platform, a financial public service platform for the supply chain of small and medium-sized blocks, and a public service infrastructure such as the three-capital chain of custody in the city’s urban areas, which has developed in close to 100 enterprises with a focus on the city’s urban areas. The technological chain has been refined to cover bottom-level technology and protocols, mid-level service platforms, and whole-industry systems for upper-level integration.

  应用方向,苏州更是可圈可点,在电子政务、金融服务、社会治理、工业互联网等多个领域落地典型示范项目,据披露,苏州开放各类应用场景50余个,完成市级及以上试点示范项目25个。在近日公布的江苏省区块链产业发展试点示范项目名单中,苏州市以8 个项目数占据试点总数的40%,位列全省首位。

In the application direction, Suzhou is more relevant, with model demonstration projects in various fields, such as e-government, financial services, social governance, and the industrial Internet. It has been revealed that Suzhou has opened up more than 50 applications and completed 25 pilot projects at the municipal level and above. In the recently published list of pilot pilot projects for the development of block-chain industries in Jiangsu province, Suzhou city accounted for 40 per cent of the total number of pilot projects, ranking first in the province.


Wuhan: Focus on infrastructure, political field


Wuhan, a mega-cities with natural locational linkages, has placed greater emphasis on nodes as central levers in the development of the block chain, thus highlighting the advantage of Wuhan in the direction of the block infrastructure compared to other cities. In infrastructure development, Wuhan has worked with two major national block infrastructure facilities, becoming not only one of the six super-nodes of the Starfire Chain Network, building the BSN network of the Wuhan City backbone, but also taking into account the bottom-of-the-line network of indigenous applications.


In the area of government, the central hub of the urban brain block chain, organized by the Wuhan Municipal Service and the Big Data Authority, has been on the line last year. The platform provides a chain-of-custody user and data-access certification service for the entire municipal system, supporting rapid chain-building by users, while providing easy development tools for the re-engineering of third-party business processes. A number of institutions, such as the Wuhan Administration, the Tax Administration, the Public Prosecution Service, and the Red Cross Hospital, have begun to apply the chain to their operations.


In addition, Wuhan is actively promoting industrial alliances, industrial bases, research institutions, and the development of innovative ecology in building block chains. It has been revealed that there are 143 block-link companies in Wuhan, of which 47 are core companies, with multi-industry space carriers such as the Jianghan sector block-chain estate, the East Lake Development Area Light Valley sector grid-building spaces, and parks and incubators such as block-chain industrial parks, along with research institutes such as the Wuhan Urban Area Chain Industry Institute and the China Central Zone Chain Integration Innovation Centre.


Chengzhou: Strong scientific research, followed by significant advantages


In comparison with other cities, the development of Chengzhou has been somewhat lagging behind in the development of the block chain, but because of its strong digital economic base, large markets and strong R & D capabilities, it still has some backward edges, and in recent years it has been developing rapidly.


As far as enterprises are concerned, the city of Chengzhou has registered more than 600 enterprises engaged in block chain operations, and there are more than 5,200 block chain application services throughout the city. In the area of block chain innovation, supported by strong scientific institutes and institutions such as the Army Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou University, China Electric Section 27, and the National Super-Computing State Centre, Zhengzhou is at a national advanced level in the theoretical, technical and applied research aspects of the block chain, in particular in the field of technical cryptology and security at the bottom of the block chain, with one of only five cipher demonstration institutes in the country and one of the network security model institutes, which has developed a relatively concentrated industrial cluster of two network security industries, namely, the High New District of Chengzhou and the Golden Water District.


It is worth noting that Chengzhou, drawing on the experience of Suzhou, launched the China-China Science-Technology City initiative to promote science, technology and innovation and industrial development as its main development point, in order to promote technological innovation and industrial development by providing policy support for the formation of clusters of enterprises. In recent days, the Henan Sector Block Chain Industrial Park was officially inaugurated in Chengdong District. It also marked the addition of a new member of the country’s sector chain of industrial parks, such as Shanghai Haegar software, Hangzhou interesting chain of science and technology, Bubi (Beijing) network, Kyushu Canton’s chain of blocks, Shenzhen’s super-county, China’s top view network, and China’s shield Yunan, among others, as the first companies to enter the business.


Kunming: Focus on physical integration, extending to with indigenous characteristics


As the provincial capital city, Kunming City is the main support point for the planning of the Yunnan sector block chain, which is slightly different from other cities. Due to the limited industrial diversity, Kunming sector chains develop more focused entity integration applications aimed at focusing on indigenous agriculture, extending the local application landscape to the outside, and promoting the construction of industrial ecology, particularly in the areas of tea traceability, specialty agricultural products and intelligent agriculture.


In particular, in the direction of retroactive application, Yunnan not only introduced the sector-based commodity code, the peacock code, from the provincial level, but also developed in the context of the state-level sector-based traceability platforms “Digital Mountain Thirty-seven” and “Munsan Thirty-seven Codes.” In addition, the Yunnan sector-based platform, the Yunnan Area-Service Data Platform, the Yunnan Area-Service Data Platform, and the Kunming City-Services Public Service Platform have been set up successively, with an emphasis on their effectiveness. The Yunnan Area-Service Data Platform, for example, aims to integrate, compile and manage data on sea-based living resources, has developed 109 data sets containing 18525 plants, 13346 animals, 5230 micro-organisms, and 12134 bio-medical and scientific resources.


It can be seen that Kunming is focusing on block chain technology to achieve accelerated catch-up at the level of local digitalization and to contribute to the construction of new infrastructure in Likunming City and the ecological development of block chain industries.


Follow-up trends: continuation of existing policies in line with the national block chain development pilot area development programme


At the present time, under the direction of the top-level design, the four block-chain pilot areas are aligned with indigenous characteristics and policies, with differentiated block-chain industry paths adapted to the local context, and with excellent results. Through the installation of the four-point pilot zone, on the one hand, the initial formation of the development path of the block-chain, which extends to the whole area, and on the other hand, the booming development of the indigenous block-chain industry, as well as the building of a demonstration model of the block-chain, and, on the other hand, as the bottom technological cornerstone of the digital economy, the energy efficiency of the linkages of the block-chain in the urban cluster has gradually begun to emerge, at the application level, cross-area systems such as the long-triangular and trans-provincial block-chain platform, further improving the flow of elements within the urban cluster and laying the foundation for digital industrialization and digital governance.


As the next step, and in accordance with the National Building Programme for the Development of the National Block Chains, it is clear that Suzhou, which continues to focus on the specific direction of the block chain, will continue to use the conglomerate of sub-blocks for research and development and application, using the conglomerates as nodes of 2023, with industrial parks and high-rises in Suzhou leading to the integration of the two wings into the “Sunning” and “Sugahang” poles of industry. For a period of time, Zhengzhou will focus on its pivotal role, focusing on the unique advantages of large local logistics, large industries, large markets, promoting the integration of the block chain with local industries, and leading to the development of interregional industrial industries.


Although Vuhan and Kunming have not yet published the details of the construction programme, other policy messages and high-level statements suggest that Vuhan is building on a strong research and development and information industry base, laying out a well-developed infrastructure of municipal block chains, promoting integrated applications, synergistic development in the areas of block chains and urban governance, the real economy, the digital economy, human services, etc., with follow-up or continued focus on infrastructure and people-to-people applications.


On the one hand, as Kunming, whose pace of policy lags somewhat behind, there is a need to strengthen policy support and improve top-level design and, in line with provincial policies, to actively consider the sinking of municipal block-chain development initiatives, identifying operational nodes and tasks; on the other hand, Kunming will always adhere to the principles of real economic technology, management, model integration and innovation, and will insist on the gradual formation of sector-chain industrial bases and demonstration guides for South-East Asia with national influence.


concluding remarks


While the above-mentioned four-sector development pilot cities are contrasted in terms of locational co-location, state of development, and policy direction, in general, according to different urban attributes, positioning roles and regional dimensions, the development of the block chain is accompanied by a geographically tailored and regionally coordinated strategy that promotes innovative development of the sector chain industry with different captures and priorities, creating a development environment for the sector chain infrastructure, application demonstration, innovation capabilities and market agents, and creating a favourable basis for the development of the sector chain on a national scale.


As can be seen from the wide range of policies and applications, despite the concentration of the lower block chain on the G/B side due to value attributes and technological constraints, the pre-government and post-market patterns highlight the fact that many people’s application of the block chain is still permeating, the technology of the block chain has begun to surface in social governance and economic development. And, in addition to continuing to sink in the area of social governance and new infrastructure in the long and deep direction, the sector’s development will continue to expand rapidly in a wider range of areas such as commerce, manufacturing, finance, justice, and energy.




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