PANews 6月20日消息,港股行情數據顯示,截至收盤,今日所有香港虛擬資產ETF成交額約1,587萬港元。其中,華夏比特幣ETF(3042.HK/9042.HK/83042.HK)成交額為637.97萬港元,華夏以太幣ETF(03046.HK/09046.HK/83046.HK)成交額為156.966.96港嘉實比特幣ETF(03439.HK/09439.HK)成交額為429.53萬港元,嘉實以太幣ETF(03179.HK/09179.HK)成交額為131.32萬港元,博時比特幣ETF(03008. .HK)成交額157.68萬港元,博時以太幣ETF(03009.HK/09009.HK)成交額73.89萬港元。
PANews reported on 20 June that, as of the date of receipt, all Hong Kong's virtual asset ETFs were paid in the amount of HK$15.887 million. Of this amount, ETF (3042.HK/9042.HK/83042.HK) was paid in the amount of HK$63.97 million in the amount of ETF (03046.HK/09046.HK/83046.HK) in the amount of HK$156.966.969696 in the amount of ETF (03439.HK/09439.HK) in the amount of HK$429.53 million in the amount of HK$131.3 million in the amount of ETF (03179.HK/09179.HK) in the amount of HK$131.3 million in the amount of HK$1,57.68 million in the amount of TT (0308.HK).
Note: The virtual asset EFT above has a Hong Kong currency counter and a United States dollar counter, while the two ETFs in Warsaw have a People’s Currency counter.
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