
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:45 评论:0
目前,有关管理部门对境内ICO行为及“虚拟货币”交易场所的清理整治工作已基本完成,期间有部分投资者转向境外开展相关活动。视觉中国供图At present, the clean-up of ICO b...



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At present, the clean-up of ICO behaviour and “virtual currency” trading sites in the country by the relevant authorities has been largely completed, with some investors moving outside the country to carry out related activities.


After just four months, the “currency circle” (a group of people using block chain technology to develop, distribute, operate and trade in virtual currency) has rekindled, with more new entrants and more games.


On January 10, the digital asset trading platform Binance announced that it had more than 5 million registered users worldwide, and that it had jumped to one of the world’s largest exchanges, only about six months before it started operating. And, because new users grew too fast, it had to temporarily shut down registration.


However, the myth of a “one-dollar house” ended on September 4, last. A joint ICO policy of seven ministries, such as the “one-line triad,” defines the ICO of the virtual currency as “in essence an unauthorized act of public financing”.


Since then, the “currency circle” has experienced short-term silence, but hot tides such as “fibbing” “disguised ICO” have continued to flourish, with a growing number of meetings and exchanges on block chains, digital assets, virtual currency, and participation in “fibbing booms”.


How is this “frozen boom” re-emerged? More and more newcomers, with numerous forms of currency and trade, will bring about a “currency circle” and society?



“梭哈”,原本是赌博牌局游戏中的名词,指的是将所有赌资都押注,希望通过一把“All in”博得最大收益。而在“币圈”群里,“梭哈表情包”更多地被用来鼓励投资者投入更多资金参与“炒币”。

“Sho-ha,” originally used as a name for gambling games, refers to betting on all gambling assets in the hope of maximizing returns through a “All in.” In the “currency circle” group, “sho-ha-bags” are used more often to encourage investors to invest more money in “money-baking.”


Ponxia has invested tens of thousands of dollars in various tokens since June 2017, when she began to focus on block chains and digital currencies. But, as a wage-earner with modest incomes, Pang Xiao has not dared to enter her entire home, Sokha, and she knows that there are too many risks in this circle.


“The resources of the “currency ring” are highly monopolized, the information is highly opaque, the level of participants varies, and the term “cuttering” is not an empty word. Not just the outside world, but the “currency ring” is the same idea.” Pang Xiaoqiao said.


Benefits and risks are always positive. The currency circle, though risky, is not uncommon when currency prices rise by 50 or 60 per cent or even double within a week, and the super-high return on profits continues to attract more Xiaoqiao-like new players.


For months now, Pang Xiao has been in the same mood as the currency's price movement. But more often, she's excited about the currency circle. “As soon as she gets into the circle, seeing her own money or other unpurchased money rises by 20 or 30% in one day, she's getting stronger when she wants to invest more money in speculation.”


The direct factor that many newcomers continue to join is the fast-fought myth of various virtual currencies, which can be promoted as high-priced virtual currencies even if they are bogus.

2013 年被推出的“狗狗币”,原本只是创始团队借此筹款做公益的一个项目,在公益活动结束后就处于相对停滞的状态。但在2017年12月,“狗狗币”的价格稳步走高,市值上涨超过400%。“狗狗币”的创始人之一杰克逊·帕尔默曾对媒体表示,担心这会是一场恶性通货膨胀骗局。

But, in December 2017, the price of “dog coins” rose steadily and the market value rose by more than 400%. Jackson Palmer, one of the founders of “dogbills”, once told the media that he feared it would be a vicious inflation scam.


In the view of the investment community, cases such as “dog coins” are not really new in the re-emerging “currency boom”.


“I believe that the vast majority of people did not think that, in that short period of time, the ICO would return to fanaticism, even more than it did last time.” As Chairman Kwok of Starling Capital said, there must be no shortage of people who believe in virtual money and know how to do it, but most people are not determined to hold some virtual money.


“It is clear to all involved that the logic behind many of the coins is fragile. As soon as there is a wind blowing, it's more serious than the stock market, because it's not going up or down.” As cosmos Guo said, “We are all involved in this game with a bit of speculation, but with the feeling that we're not the last ones.”


Logic for the up and down of the currency


How, then, did this round of “frozen booms” develop quietly after the ICO ban and spread more widely?


Professor Deng Jianjun, Faculty of Law, University of the Central Nation, has been studying virtual currency and its regulation for a long time. The recent round of “frozen currency booms” has, in his view, been somewhat related to the concentration of virtual currency by the regulatory authorities in September 2017, but more so because of the fact that bitcoin wealth attracts more ordinary investors, even traditional financial institutions, thus pushing up price increases in bitcoin and other virtual currencies.


According to Kwok, the main driving force behind the rise in virtual currency prices, such as Bitcoin, is the continuous influx of newcomers into the market. He estimates that, after two rounds of “cow bear swaps” in the virtual currency field in recent years, the total number of domestic “currency rings” has increased from hundreds of thousands to millions. Given the limited amount of bitcoins and the fact that many of them have been lost, or are in the hands of a very small minority, their concentration is far greater than traditional wealth, and that the rising number of new investors will continue to raise the price of Bitcoin and other virtual currencies.


“When the whole “currency circle” market has expanded rapidly from 200,000 to 1 million, there are indeed a lot of “currency” hard currency, such as bitcoin and ETH (in darlin’s) unit prices, which rise in natural waters.” As such, Kwok explains the “rich effect” of bitcoin and other virtual currencies.


If the high price of “hard currency” is more due to scarcity, the logic of price increases in other forms of currency in the “currency circle” is more complicated.


Wu Changhai, Vice-President of the Capital Finance Institute of China University of Political Science and Law, told China’s youth newspaper China’s online journalist that the development of various other tokens has been growing in tandem with Bitcoin, including corporate and project financing by companies and individuals using encrypted digital currencies. As a result, various other tokens are associated with Bitcoin, and the price of Bitcoin’s transactions has moved in line with increases and decreases in the prices of other currencies.


For example, there are a number of factors that make up price movements, such as price movements in bitcoins, and people investing in doggie coins, all of which may affect price movements. In the real currency circles, the most obvious and controversial of the effects may be virtual currency transactions.


On the evening of 14 January, another digital asset exchange, the ETH/USDT (Ethio and Tedar) deal, which deals in OKEx currency, was sold quickly and at no cost to a large number of large amounts of prices. In response, the OKEx side stated that the huge amount was sold quickly five times in 12 minutes by a user who sold a large amount of ETH through a market price list.


But, according to Pan Xiao, the probability of such a careless ETH transaction price error is low. She believes that behind such a situation may be a means of increasing the liquidity and prices of some currency transactions within the industry.

事实上,最近不少交易所都推出了意在提高流动性、增加用户黏性的平台币。1月20日晚间,火币Pro宣布发行自己的平台令牌Huobi Token,短短几分钟内,OKEx就传出将要推出OKB,并且要把OKB建设成OKEx生态中的重要组成部分。加上此前币安推出的BNB(币安币),目前国内“币圈”的三大常用平台都已经推出相应的平台币。

In fact, a number of recent exchanges have introduced platform coins designed to increase mobility and stickyness among users. In the evening of January 20, the Coal Pro announced the release of its platform badge, Huobi Token, and in just a few minutes, OKEx announced that it would launch OKB and build it into an important part of the OKEx ecology.


According to Deng Jianjun, data from the world's major virtual currency exchanges are currently largely unconnected with financial regulators, and it is therefore difficult to prove whether such exchanges have joined forces with the “big miners” of the tokens to raise prices or to deal with insiders.


And many investors are more likely to fear artificial price hikes in the face of soaring virtual currency prices. “There is some reason and possibility for this fear, and Japan already has (virtual currency) exchanges that are found to be using robots to buy their own prices unilaterally.” Deng said.


Future regulatory options


Aware of the investment risks hidden in the “frozen boom”, regulatory authorities have recently made frequent moves, either through explicit requests or through risk alerts.


Previously, the Ministry of Operations Management of the People's Bank of China had issued a circular on the conduct of self-censorship and restructuring of payment services for illegal virtual currency transactions (hereinafter referred to as the " Reorganization Notice " ), which required payment agencies in the jurisdictions to carry out self-reconstructing and to strictly prohibit the provision of services for virtual currency transactions and to take measures to prevent the use of trade routes for virtual currency transactions.


On 12 January, the China Internet Finance Association (CIFA) issued an announcement entitled "Risk for Protection against Variable ICO Activities" (hereinafter referred to as "the reminder" ), calling on consumers and investors to understand the essence of the model, increase awareness of risk prevention, invest rationally, and not blindly. The reminder also named the digital currency “chain-gram” (formerly the “principal currency”) issued by the Thundergroup as “a substitute for the French currency payment obligation to contribute services to the participants, which is essentially a financing act and a disguised ICO”.


The Senior Researcher of the Sunning Institute of Finance, Hong Yong Ning, argued that the Reorganization Notice did not actually have an update and that, although it would cause some inconvenience to virtual currency transactions, because domestic in-house transactions were prohibited and current virtual currency investors were generally off-the-shelf transactions, the policy was not operational enough to block a few well-known, highly traded, virtual currencies.


Kwok also believes that the Reorganization Notice has had a limited impact on off-site transactions, and that the most important policy in the area of virtual currency – “one-size-fits-all” for ICO – has been on the ground for months, with more intergenerational transactions taking place, even on foreign trading platforms, increasing the risk of many virtual money projects. “The emergence of small exchanges ‘rolling’ – and the proliferation of worthless ‘air currency’ – is a mindset in which we all walk.”


The technical characteristics of virtual currencies determine that regulation is always behind schedule, so what are the references that past regulatory policies could provide for future regulation?


According to Hong Junning, virtual currency, as an important product of block chain technology, has huge market demand, and the imposition of a ban can only block technological development for a moment. “The regulators should study carefully the block chain and virtual currency, and the difference between real technology applications and fraud.”


Kwok also suggested that regulation of virtual currency should give more consideration to the possibility of “leaping”, for example, through a body of trust, to experiment with currency transactions on a small scale, strictly sifting the transaction process and people, and strictly sifting the currency of the transaction. “There is an exit that allows people to make a formal deal and put it in the sun.”


According to Deng Jianpan, a virtual currency issued by a private or enterprise may be a natural conflict between the country’s financial regulatory system for a long time to come. He had also predicted that, with the closure of the country’s Bitcoin trading agencies, the ultimate regulatory power might be new because of the difficulty of regulating off-site transactions.


In Wuhai’s view, the regulation of virtual currencies is still a major challenge after the “ICO One-size-fits-all” approach: since the chain of blocks and virtual currencies can transcend national boundaries, Governments’ attitudes to virtual currencies are not uniform, and less regulated countries may be able to reap additional benefits. “So, in the long run, countries should also work with regulation to prevent regulatory arbitrage.”




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