
资讯 2024-07-12 阅读:51 评论:0
根据区块链去中心化程度的不同,分化出3种不同应用场景下的区块链:Depending on the degree of centralization of the block chain, the chain of blocks under...



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Depending on the degree of centralization of the block chain, the chain of blocks under three different applications is divided:


1. A web-wide open block chain, known as a public chain, without a user authorization mechanism;


2. Allow an authorized node plus network with access to information, often used in inter-agency block chains, known as chains of alliances or trade chains;


All nodes in the network are in the hands of one institution, known as the private chain.

公链—— Public Blockchain,也被称为“公有链”,指的是全世界任何人都有权限读取、发送且获得有效确认的共识区块链,去中心化程度很高。

The public chain, also known as the “public chain”, refers to the high degree of centralization of the consensual block chain, which anyone in the world has the right to read, send and validly confirm.


At present, most block chain projects are based on mainstream public chains such as Etheria, which provide the foundation and template for the Dapp development by creating a bottom platform for the developers-friendly block chain. In addition, the chain usually issues bottom hyphens to maintain network operations and security.


Since 2018, known as the first year of the public chain, there have been continuous public-chain projects that have emerged and occupy a place in the market. Why? This is largely determined by the “infrastructure” status of the public-chain sector as a whole.

比如各种DeFi、NFT、Dapp、Layer 2等概念的项目大爆发,离不开公链的发展完善。

For example, projects with various concepts such as DeFi, NFT, Dapp, Layer 2 have erupted, and the public chain is well developed.


Contrary to the public chain, the “private chain” is a block chain under the exclusive control of an organization or institution, where access to data is subject to the organization's requirements. The “federal chain” is between the public and private chains, applying to B2B transactions, such as transactions between different subjects, settlements, and the use of groups such as banks, insurance, securities, business associations, group enterprises, and upstream and downstream enterprises. For example, the Hong Kong Bank of China, in conjunction with the Great China Bank, uses the federal chain platform to construct a credible multi-centre POS electronic purchase order system.


On the other hand, decentralisation, security, and high performance chains “cannot be triangulated” also make public chain projects have to compete differently. In this context, there are different types and concepts of public chain projects that are subject to market tests and lead the entire industry forward. Looking at the entire public chain ecology, the future of the community will be challenged by at least four challenges: the challenges of interlink chains such as Boca, Cosmos, etc.; the challenges of new asset chains such as Flow; the challenges of high-capacity public chains such as Solana, Terra, and the challenges of exchanges such as OEC.


Chains: Eth, bsc, avx, polygon, polkadot, near, FTM, cosmos


As of October 19, 2021, the market value was RMB 28,511.44 billion, second only to Bitcoin. Market value, ecology, and TVL (total lock value) were among the top players in the public chain projects.


The original currency of Tai Ho is ETH, which currently costs about $3810 (19 October 2021), the scarcity of which stems from the pledge, DeFi, and the destruction mechanism’s three main engines. The first two refer, respectively, to the pledge and pledge of ETH to participate in the Difi project’s lock-down mines, both of which temporarily withdraw the ETH from circulation and lose mobility, while the destruction mechanism after EIP-1559 is on the line means that some of the EIP will be removed from circulation and that the ETH will enter the era of deflation.


Its greatest advantage lies in its comprehensive, prosperous ecology and wide acceptance, the functional services that public chain projects can provide are basically available in the community, the rich and diverse chain of projects and the extremely dominant TVL, which can easily generate the Matthew effect and prompt the rapid growth of projects developed on the ground.

但目前以太坊面临着两大难题:网络拥堵、gas费过高,这些问题正在制约着以太坊的发展,而目前Layer 2扩容方案及以太坊2.0的开发都在积极解决这两个问题。

But there are two major challenges facing Ether: cyber congestion and excessive gas costs, which are constraining the development of Ether, both of which are being actively addressed by the Layer 2 outreach programme and by Ether 2.0 development.

Polkadot ,简称DOT,中文为“波卡”,是将多个专用区块链连接到一个统一网络中的下一代区块链协议。它的主要结构由三部分组成:中继链、平行链、转街桥。通过XCMP协议,以中继的方式,联通私链、联盟链、公链、开放式网络、预言机以及尚未创建的未来技术等,将孤立的区块链串联起来,形成去中心化区块链网络,便于不同区块链上的用户通过Polkadot的中继链以无信任的方式进行数据及信息交换。

Polkadot, or DOT in Chinese, is an agreement to connect multiple dedicated block chains to the next generation of block chains in a unified network. Its main structure consists of three components: a trunking chain, parallel chains, and a street bridge. Through the XCMP agreement, the links between private chains, unions, public chains, open networks, foreword machines and future technologies that have not yet been created are linked together into isolated blocks, forming a network of decentralized block chains that allows users on different block chains to exchange data and information in a non-trustable manner through the Polkadot relay chain.

Polkadot的愿景是实现一个完全去中心化的互联网,用户拥有完全控制权。它构想的互联网是每个人的身份和数据是由自己来掌控 ,不受任何中心机构的影响。

Polkadot’s vision is to achieve a completely decentralised Internet, with users having full control. The Internet is designed to be owned by everyone’s identity and data and not influenced by any central agency.


Therefore, Polkadot builds on the revolutionary commitments of the previous block chain network while providing several basic advantages, including: the scalability of the multi-chain network; the provision of interoperability and cross-linkage communications to enable users to work across chains; the ability of each project team to customize block chains according to their needs; the ability of the project community to govern its own network in accordance with its own will; and the need to support unbroken upgrades to better adapt to the development of new technologies.


Pocca’s structure determines that the project party needs access to the slot to become a parallel chain of Pocca, but Pocca’s network has limited resources, so it has introduced a slot bidding mechanism that requires the project party to pledge the original Pocca coin DOT in order to gain access to the slot. Polkadot has officially opened the slot auction in November 2021, and Euro-El has access to channels to support the slot auction, and users can participate in the “DeFi/Money-making” process. If you look at a project, you can lock in your DOT token to help the project to compete and get a corresponding award.


Cosmos is a hesitant network launched by the Tendermint team to support cross-chain interaction. It is a stand-alone parallel block chain network system, a multi-chained block chain universe of multiple hubs (Hub). As one of the multi-chained male and male (Polkadot, Cosmos), Cosmos'vision is to break the barriers between block chains, create a block chain Internet, and become a preferred selection platform for a variety of practical scenarios.


The Tendermint Consensus algorithm, adopted by Cosmos, is a functional Byzantine error consensus engine, characterized by high performance, consistency and so on, and capable of preventing malignant participants from mishandling under its strict separation of responsibilities.


At the beginning of this year, Cosmos successfully upgraded the Stargate main network. As a result, Cosmos completed its original White Paper road map, with the capacity to cross the chain through a standardized protocol (IBC).

ATOM是Cosmos中最重要的一种代币,ATOM能够捕获到Cosmos项目成长的长期价值,大家平时所谈论的Cosmos价格也就是指的ATOM币价。组成Cosmos的众多Hub是有优先级之分的,其中「Cosmos Hub」是Cosmos整个体系运行的核心,而ATOM就是这个核心枢纽的原生代币(同时,其他Hub上也会有自己的原生代币)。

ATOM is one of the most important tokens in Cosmos, where it captures the long-term value of the development of the Cosmos project, and the prices of Cosmos, which are often discussed, refer to ATOM. Many of the Hubs that make up Cosmos have priority, of which "Cosmos Hub" is at the heart of the entire system of Cosmos, which is the original currency of the core hub (and other Hubs also have their own progeny).

Flow由Dapper Labs团队推出,旨在支持游戏应用,以驱动整个数字资产生态。Flow采用名为“秘密知识专业证明(SPoCK)”的密码学技术,更加针对去中心化游戏应用的需求,同时也使开发者能够安全、轻松地在彼此的代码上进行构建,以更快的速度创建全新的产品与服务。

Flow, launched by the Dapper Labs team, supports the application of games to drive the entire digital asset ecology. Flow uses cryptography technology called “SpoCK” and is more responsive to the need for decentralised game applications, while also enabling developers to construct each other’s codes safely and easily to create new products and services at a faster pace.

Flow主打娱乐与NFT,它的目标很明确,就是要成为新一代的游戏、应用以及数字资产的运行平台,目前在细分领域有显著的龙头优势。2017年以太坊上曾经风靡一时的加密猫,以及现象级的NFT游戏NBA TOP shot都是Flow背后的Dapper Labs团队所创建的,Dapper Labs在NFT发展过程中的几乎每一个关键环节都扮演过重要的角色。而近期元宇宙和NFT领域的快速发展也为Flow提供了充足的需求。

Flow, which focuses on entertainment and NFT, has the clear goal of becoming the operating platform for a new generation of games, applications, and digital assets, and now has a significant advantage in the area of disaggregation. The recent rapid developments in the field of the dollar universe and NFT in 2017, and the phenomenon-based NFT game, NBA Top, were created by the Dapper Labs team behind Flow, which played an important role in almost every key aspect of NFT development.


To date, however, fewer projects have been implemented on the Blow, the entire ecology has not been completed, and there is a lack of liquidity solutions and accompanying public-chain infrastructure. These problems are gradually being addressed with the development of the Blow.


Solana is a single chain commissioning interest certification agreement that focuses on providing scalability without reducing fragmentation or security.


As a public chain known for its high TPS, high expansion, Solana aims to achieve up to 710,000 transactions per second on 1GB network in the absence of data partitions.

在TVL(总锁定价值)超过100亿美元的公链中,只有 Solana 不与以太坊兼容。

Of the more than $10 billion worth of TVL (total lock value), only Solana is not compatible with Etheria.

自2021年5月起,Solana生态快速扩大,截至2021年9月该链上已经建立起超过400个项目,囊括了DEX、衍生品、预言机、NFT、借贷、IDO平台等多个板块,根据DeFi Llama的数据,Solana链上TVL达到33.3亿美元,相比7月初的6.3亿美元增长了428.5%。这也推动了其原生代币SOL大幅上涨,自7月中下旬以来,SOL从22.1美元涨到216美元,最高涨幅877%;成为近期市场中表现最亮眼的资产。

Since May 2021, Solana's ecological expansion has been rapid. By September 2021, more than 400 projects had been built on the chain, including DEX, derivatives, prophecies, NFT, lending, IDO platforms, etc. According to Devi Llama, the number of TVLs in the Solana chain amounted to $3.33 billion, an increase of 428.5 per cent compared to $630 million at the beginning of July. This has also contributed to a significant increase in the SOL in its original currency, which has risen from $22.1 to $216 since mid-July, a peak of 877 per cent; it has become the most visible asset in recent markets.

币安链由币安在2019年4月推出,主要重点是促进快速去中心化(或非托管)交易。理所当然的事,这个链上最大的去中心化应用程序(或DApp )是币安DEX,也是最友好的去中心化交易所之一。您可以通过binance.org上的网页界面或通过Trust Wallet 来使用它。

The currency security chain was launched by the currency in April 2019, with the main focus on facilitating fast decentralisation (or non-hosting) transactions. Of course, the largest decentralisation application (or Dapp) on this chain is the currency security DEX, and one of the most friendly decentralization exchanges. You can use it through the web interface on binance.org or through Trust Wallet.

但由于区块链系统固有的局限性,在优化快速交易的系统时,该链没有很大的灵活性– 智能合约在为快速交易而优化的系统中,可能会严重阻塞网络。还记得CryptoKitties事件吗?在用量高峰时,曾使以太坊区块链陷入停顿。

But because of the inherent limitations of the block chain system, the fast-trading system does not have much flexibility - smart contracts, in systems optimized for fast-trading, may seriously block the network. Remember the CryptoKittys event?


Scalability remains one of the most challenging barriers to the development of block chains. It is the entry point for currency security smart chains into the market.


A currency security smart chain (BSC) can be described as a block chain parallel to a currency security chain. Unlike a currency security chain, the BSC has an intelligent contract function and is compatible with the Etherm Virtual Machine (EVM). The design here is to maintain a full currency chain of high throughput, while introducing smart contracts into its ecosystems.


Essentially, both block chains are parallel. It is worth noting that BSC is not the so-called second-tier or outer-chain extension solution. It is an independent block chain that can function even after the delineation of the currency. From a design point of view, the two chains are very similar.


Since the BSC is compatible with the EVM, it supports the ETA tool and Dapp. Theoretically, this allows developers to easily transplant their projects from ETA. For users, this means that they can easily configure applications such as MetaMask to be used with BSC, just by adjusting a few settings.

OE是由欧易OKX开发的基于区块链技术的去中心化、无边界的价值交换生态系统,集合了区块链浏览器、欧易 OKX 插件钱包、跨链桥等链上工具,承载了众多 DeFi 应用。OEC是开源、开放的去中心化公链,任何人都可自由部署项目。

OE is a decentralised, unbound value-exchange ecosystem based on block chain technology developed by OEOKX, bringing together tools on the chain, such as block chain browsers, OE OKX plugin wallets, cross-link bridges, and carrying a lot of DeFi applications. OEC is an open, open decentralized public chain, and anyone can deploy the project freely.


The original Token distributed by the OEC main network is OKT, with 10 million original copies distributed to OKB holders. OKT can be used to pay fees, make chain proposals, decentralize transactions, and build deFi applications.


Moreover, the Euro-OKX underlying the OEC has strong financial attributes, while Internet and block-chain technologies have naturally adapted scenarios in the financial field, and the OEC is even more relevant from the financial top-quality application. At present, the “business-chain alliance” logic put forward by the OEC provides an important reference for the future of the public chain.


Cardano, a Chinese translation into Caldano, ADA is the currency of its agreements, commonly known as Aidaco. Caldano can be used to send and receive digital assets and make it possible to ensure secure and direct transfers via encryption technology.

Cardano与其他项目的不同之处在于,它强调以研究为导向的设计方法,旨在实现其认为的学术严谨性,以推动其技术的采用。例如,其共识算法Ouroboros已经被正式审查过程认为是 “可证明的安全”,具有与比特币的PoW算法同等的安全性。此外,Cardano的代码是用正式指定的Haskell编程语言编写的,该语言通常用于银行和国防部门。

Unlike other projects, Cardano emphasizes a research-oriented design approach aimed at achieving what it sees as academic rigour in order to facilitate the adoption of its technology. For example, its consensus algorithm, Oroboros, has been considered by the formal review process as “proven security” and has the same security as the Bitcoin PoW algorithm. Moreover, Cardano's code was developed in the officially designated Haskell programming language, which is usually used in the banking and defence sectors.


Cardano divides the project into a clearing layer and layer: the clearing layer corresponds to bitcoin, which is the ADA in Cardano; and the layer is a smart contract with the Taiku. In the computing layer, users need identification if they want to use applications such as smart contracts. Cardano takes full account of regulatory needs, while taking into account, to the extent possible, the privacy of users, and seeks to achieve the optimal balance between the two.


Technical advantages have also made Cardano a firm “belief” of investors, with ADA now holding a pledge rate of more than 70%. On September 13, 2021, Cardano completed the Alonzo hard fork upgrade and started the formalization of the intellectual contract phase.


The AVAX public chain, commonly known as the Avalanche Agreement, is a public chain serving the DeFi application to initiate decentralised financial applications and enterprise block chain deployment in an interoperable, highly scalable ecosystem.

Avalanche 在设计之初发明了独特的三层网络结构,分为 X 链 (交易链)、P 链 (平台链) 和 C 链 (合约链)。基于Avalanche公链独特的三层网络架构以及特有的Avalanche共识,使得公链实现了高吞吐量、低延迟、高扩展性、高安全性的特点,TPS可达6000。

Avalanche invented a unique three-tier network structure at the beginning of the design, divided into X chains (transaction chains), P chains (platform chains) and C chains (contracting chains). Based on the unique three-tier network structure of the Avalanche public chain and the unique Avalanche consensus, the public chain is characterized by high throughput, low delay, high expansion, and high security, and the TPS can reach 6,000.

目前,Avalanche 生态内锁仓百万美元以上项目共有 11 个,超过 1 亿美元的有 Benqi (QI)、Trader Joe (JOE)、Pangolin (PNG) 和 Yeild Yak (YAK),其中 Benqi 锁仓量为 11.4 亿,占据半壁江山。

At present, there are 11 projects with more than $1 million in ecological lockdowns in Avalanche, with over $100 million in Benqi (QI), Trader Joe (JOE), Pangolin (PNG) and Yeild Yak (YAK), of which Benqi has 11,400 million locks and occupies half of the river.

值得一提的是,Avalanche 的经济模型类似以太坊的 1559 协议,包含交易费销毁的机制,这使得AVAX存在通缩的可能。目前 Avalanche 的交易费仅为以太坊的 1/10,燃烧效果不明显,但随着交易量的上升,流通市值的增长会得到一定程度的减缓。

It is worth mentioning that Avalanche’s economic model is similar to the Etherm fifteen59 agreement, which includes a mechanism for the destruction of transaction fees, making AVAX subject to deflation. At present, Avalanche’s transaction cost is only one-tenth of that of the Etherm, and the burning effect is not obvious, but as the volume of transactions rises, the market value of circulation will grow somewhat less.


TRON, the most influential public chain at present, is dedicated to building infrastructure for de-centralizing the Internet.

波场(TRON)是全球最活跃的公链TOP 3,主要由娱乐类的 DApp贡献,波场的高达2000的TPS也优于以太坊和EOS。

TRON is the most active public chain of TOP 3 around the world, with contributions mainly from entertainment-based Dapps, and a high of 2000 TPSs better than Ether and EOS.


As of September 2021, the total TRON (TVL) was $10,236,118,864, a breakthrough of $10.2 billion. As a high-quality public-chain platform that is more balanced in ecological, performance, and safety aspects, TRON has built up a deFi ecological closure.




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