
资讯 2024-07-16 阅读:46 评论:0
原文作者:@Zixi41620514Original author: @Zixi41620514 原文来源:XOriginal source: X 一周过去了,感谢推友们给我的意见,我...



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Original author: @Zixi41620514


Original source: X

一周过去了,感谢推友们给我的意见,我们完成了以下14个项目从0-1的时候,他们到底做了什么的总结,感谢@DGZbro@JimsYoung_对我的帮助,其中部分内容是这两位兄弟帮我贡献。我们选取了Avalanche, Fantom, Solana, Luna, Arbitrum, Merlin, Berachain, Celestia, Eigenlayer, Axie Infinity, Blur, FT, BAYC和小企鹅。横跨上个cycle和这个cycle的公链和产品。

One week later, thanks to the protagonists for their advice to me, we completed the following 14 projects from 0-1 and what they did, and thanked @DGZbro@JimsYoung for their help to me, part of which was the contribution of these two brothers. We picked Avalanche, Fantom, Solana, Luna, Arbitrum, Merlin, Berachain, Celestia, Eigenlayer, Axie Infinity, Blur, FT, BAYC, and Penguins.


Let's start with a summary:

1. Avalanche: 团队背景不错+技术手段独树一帜,所以融资能力强,造就了不错的生态


The year 2021 is an undeniable winter season, especially the second half of the year. With the 4000+ in Ether, the cost of the main network gas was too high and there was no L2, users and funds began to spill out into the other L1.


At the time, Solana was the strongest of the lacquer, and since it was a cow market and the market was still looking for other targets, the market gradually fell on Avax because:

1.Avalanche团队不错。CEO Emin Gün Sirer:康奈尔大学计算机科学家、副教授。Sirer 开发了 Avalanche 区块链平台底层的 Avalanche 共识协议,目前是 Ava Labs 的首席执行官和联合创始人。他曾是康奈尔大学计算机科学副教授,并且是加密货币和智能合约倡议 (IC3) 的前联合主任。他以对点对点系统、操作系统和计算机网络的贡献而闻名。

1. Avalanche was a good team. CEO Emin Gün Sirer: Computer Scientist, Associate Professor, Cornell University. Sirer developed the Avalanche Consensus agreement at the bottom of the Avalanche block chain platform, currently the CEO and co-founder of Ava Labs. He was an associate professor of computer science at Cornell University and a former co-director of the Encrypted Currency and Smart Contract Initiative (IC3). He is well known for his contributions to point-to-point systems, operating systems and computer networks.

2.技术手段独树一帜。可以说是最早的“模块化”思路,利用XCP三链,X 链用于创建和交易资产,C 链用于创建智能合约,P 链用于协调验证者和子网,利用gossip雪崩来确认共识。在当时来看脑回路很大,很好的idea。

2. The technological tools are unique. The first “modularization” idea, , using the XCP 3 chain, the X chain for creating and trading assets, the C chain for creating smart contracts, the P chain for coordinating certifying officers and sub-networks, and the Gossip avalanche to confirm consensus.


3. Financing capacity is strong because of 1+2. completed 12 m private fundraising and 46 m public fund raising in 20 years. In September 21, the Foundation made $230 million, and in November, the ecological accelerator melted 18.5m.

4.当时的avalanche,生态中有王牌项目Defi kingdoms,这在当时是非常有创造力的DeFi+GameFi项目,用游戏(还不错的)精美画面表现出DeFi的含义,随后DFK又从生态项目变成了Avalanche的Appchain,这一个项目使得avalanche名声大噪。其次,还有不错的项目例如GMX,traderjoe等。

4. At the time, DFK was transformed from an ecological project to an Appchain of Avalanche, which made it famous. followed by a very creative DeFi+GameFi project, which displayed the meaning of DFI with the most beautiful (and good) video of the game.

2.Fantom: 灵魂人物带领公链走向巅峰,也走向谷底

2.Fantom: Souls lead the public chain to the peak and to the bottom of the valley

Fantom的灵魂人物是AC,AC是DeFi老OG,是Yearn Finance, Phantom等的创始人。YFI在牛市创造了千倍神话,因此社区对AC的期待非常高,以至于社区称他为DeFi之父。

Fantom’s soul figure is AC, AC, the old OG of DeFi, the founder of Yearn Finance, Phantom, etc. YFI created a thousand-fold myth in the cow market, so community expectations of AC were so high that the community called him the father of DeFi.


AC is Fantom's front door.

2.Fantom18年ICO融了4000万。在21年的牛市中,连续融资3轮,Alameda投了35m,Blocktower投了20m,Hyperchain投了15m。在经历了5月的大回调后, Ftm一路高歌猛进的原因是:

In the 21-year-old cattle market, Alameda spent 35 m, Blocktower 20 m, and Hyperchain 15 m. After a big turn back in May, the reason why Ftm sang:


AC has been calling out the list, and everyone believes AC. 2. A lot of money has been amassed, so Fantom has a bottom line of 370 million tokens (approximately $200 million) to stimulate ecological development and high-speed DeFi development in the chain.


Why did Ftm start falling in 22:


The lack of a soul figure causes the community to lose faith;


2. Ecology is very common. It's basically defi. It's all coppycat.


3. Solana: Developments have come up and gone, hackers have created the miracle of the project, the bear market has come back to life, and the ecology is unique .


In an increasingly cautious market for high-performance public-chain stories, Solana had to compete with other projects, when Solana was not widely known. However, by insisting on products and adopting a pragmatic approach, Solana gradually attracted the attention of investors.


In the development of Solana, there was a key difference, which involved strategic choices by the founders of Multicoin and Solana. Multicoin, as an early investor, insisted that Solana needed to travel as quickly as possible to build a brand community consensus.


Several key reasons for the follow-up from 0-1:

1.SBF参与对Solana的崛起起到了决定性作用。SBF不仅投资了Solana,还带领他的团队开发了基于Solana的Serum项目,大幅提升了Solana的可见度和正统性。后期甚至流传出Solana 70%的TVL都是靠SBF一个团队撑起来的。

SBF's involvement has been decisive in the rise of Solana. SBF not only invested in Solana, but also led his team to develop a Serum project based on Solana, which has significantly increased Solana's visibility and orthodoxy.

2.Solana的黑客松项目创造了不少奇迹。通过黑客马拉松和各种激励措施,Solana培养了一个活跃的开发者社区,这为其生态系统的发展提供了动力。后续出现了Magic Eden, Stepn, Jito等Top项目。

Solana developed an active community of developers through hacker marathons and various incentives, which provided an impetus for the development of its ecosystems. This was followed by the Magic Eden, Stepn, Jito and other Top projects.


In the hands of the SBF, Solana creates miracles with a zipper, and the wealth effect is the best marketing tool.


Despite the fall of the follow-up FTX and the high volatility of prices, Solana maintained developers' ecological and community activities and, through sustained incentives and hacker marathons, Solana continued to improve the infrastructure and stimulate the development of more innovative applications to further boost the prosperity of the ecosystem, demonstrating its resilience and the key to its ability to survive the bear market. and we saw on Solana that its ecological development was gradually different from that of the Etherno community, in particular the collective migration of DePIN to Solana.


The good endorsement of + the wealth effect of the zipper + the existence of the SBF attracts many developers and ecological projects. And Solana attracts a lot of unique ecological projects because of her own high performance.


4. Terra: takes off due to ecological bigenerational spiral structures plus high interest rates, and also because ecological spiral structures die zero


There are several key reasons why Terra is from 0-1:

1.在团队方面,Do Kwon斯坦福毕业,团队背景还是不错的。而且个人在推特很活跃,很会搞事情。

1. On the team side, Do Kwon Stanford graduated with a good team background, and the individual was active on Twitter and good at things.


2. Korea’s national chain is extremely fumo in Korea. Korea VC, 3AC, etc. due to Terra taking off, and Terra’s zero. Financing is pretty good, with 77 million dollars in two rounds.


3. Ecologically, Luna+UTT used arbitrage mechanisms and supply-and-demand relationships to regulate and stabilize prices, while LUNA, as a UST stabilizer, became the most visible double-currency stabilization system in the market at the time, and the two interacted in a spiral. Terra followed up with the launch of the important DeFi project, Anchor, which provided 19-20% of the over-time yield, once aired as the “gold standard of Crypto passive income”, attracted a large number of investors as a big light, laying a fall for the back thunderstorm.


3.2022年,加密货币市场整体下跌,导致投资者将资金从其他加密货币转移到UST以获取高额利息,使得Anchor的存款规模远高于借款规模,产生巨大的收支差额。2022年5月8日凌晨,LFG正从 UST-3Crv 池中撤走了 1.5 亿美元的 UST 流动性为组建 4Crv 池做准备,有地址突然将 8400 万 UST 抛售,严重影响了 3Crv 池平衡,之后多个巨鲸帐户开始不断在 Binance 抛售 UST,导致UST出现了短暂的脱锚。

In the early hours of 8 May 2022, LFG was removing $150 million of UST liquidity from the UST-3Crv pool in preparation for the formation of the 4Crv pool, with the sudden sale of 84 million UST addresses, severely affecting the balance of the 3Crv pool, when several giant whale accounts began to sell UST in Binance.


As reserves run out, market confidence in UST starts to shake, and a large number of USTs are sold, causing UST prices to break down further. In order to stabilize UST prices, a large number of LUNAs have been boosted, resulting in LUNA prices falling sharply, creating so-called death spirals. In order to prevent Luna and UST from falling sharply, LPG would have to sell BTC and other tokens of the treasury, resulting in a massive collapse of the market.


The good Tokenomics (in fact, ponzi of the cow market) plus a unique ecology created Terra. But Tokenomics also created Terra's crash, and if the ecology keeps up, will Terra not?

5.Arbiturm: 最早讲OPL2的团队+牛市获得了巨量融资,造就了出色生态

5. Arbiturm: The original OPL2 team + Cattle City received a huge amount of financing to create an excellent ecology


Arbitrum has several key causes from 0-1:

1.团队offchain labs在2018年就开始做L2,19年融完天使轮,是最早一批的L2团队。团队的先发优势极其明显。随后21年4月,21年8月连续完成两笔累计1.4亿美元融资。团队技术背景先发优势明显。

Team offchain labs started working as L2 in 2018, and in 19 it melted the Angel wheel as the first group of L2. The team's advantages were very clear. In April 21st 21st year, two successive financings totalling $140 million were completed. team's technical background had a clear advantages first.

2.最早最早的一批上线OP L2主网,21年9月正处在牛市,用户和生态积累相对容易,很容易积累生态的先发优势。

2. The earliest network of online OPL2 hosts, , was in the cattle market in September 21, with relatively easy user and ecological accumulation and easy accumulation of ecological advantages.


3. . has money to do ecological work and attract developers.


4. Airdrops were very good, creating a lot of wealth at first in March 2022. Unlike a 90% drop in DAU since the start of the strike by Starkware, DAUs have not lost much since the end of the drop by Arbitrum.

5.生态上有一个王牌项目,GMX。GMX有多牛逼不再赘述,在熊市期间,逆势上涨100%,用spot dex做perp dex的创新idea。GMX在早期给Arbitrum贡献了大量的用户和交易数。团队背景好+故事的引领者——》容易融资——》在“合适的时候”推出主网——》因为融了很多钱,所以能给开发者撒钱——》直到有一个王牌项目能站出来,给公链撑腰。

5. There's an ecological ace project, GMX. GMX is so powerful that, during the Bear City, the reverse rises by 100%, using spot dex as perp dex's innovative ideaa. GMX contributed a lot of users and transactions to Arbitrum at an early stage. team has a good background and lead story > > > > easy to finance > launched the main network > because of the amount of money saved > > < /strong > >.


6. Celestia: Clear location but ecologically weak


There are several key reasons why Celestia is from 0-1:

1.Celestia故事讲得好,作为首个提出模块化区块链网络的项目,Celestia采用模块化设计,将共识与执行分离,提供DA服务。在成立之初,模块化区块链和专注于DA的方案很少,因此 Celestia 几乎没有直接竞争对手。这为 Celestia 提供了一个独特的市场定位。

1. Celestia, as the first project to propose a network of modular block chains, adopted a modular design that separates consensus from implementation and provides DA services. At its inception, modular block chains and programs focused on DAs were rare, so Celestia had little direct competition. This provided Celestia with a unique market location.

2.Celestia 的成立恰逢市场明确向更高可扩展性和效率迈进的时期,它通过提供一个专注于数据可用性的解决方案,满足了市场对于更高性能 Layer 2 解决方案的需求。Celestia非常适合作为 Rollups的数据可用性层。它允许 Rollups 将状态执行推离链,依赖 Celestia 来实现共识和数据可用性,从而提高整体的扩展性。

2. Celestia was established at a time when the market was clearly moving towards greater expansion and efficiency, and by providing a solution focused on data availability, met the market's need for a higher performance Layer 2 solution. Celestia is well suited as a data availability layer for Rollups. It allows Rollups to push state execution off the chain, relying on Celestia to achieve consensus and data availability, thereby increasing overall expansion.


3. Mustafa was a good team. Mustafa was a doctor of UCL, a cofounder of Chainspace, and was later acquired on Facebook.

4.Celestia的生态构建较弱。但选择加入了cosmos ecosystem,后续staking tia的空投奖励非常丰富。因此tia有一定的价值支撑

Celestia's ecological structure is weak. However, it has chosen to add cosmos ecosystem, and the air drop reward for followed by stagking tia is very rich. Therefore, it has some value to support .


7. Berachain: Luna 2.0, whether a three-generation model can recreate the Luna Cow Growth Miracle


Berachain is now very concerned (after all), so to put it simply:


1. The team is an anonymous team, but it is 15 years old in the currency circle.


2. Also because the team should have a good background, he was able to get 42m financing from Polychain and Hackvc during the April 2023 bear period.


3. The whole chain of stories, while still serving Defi (the official who took the sword of the ex-Dynasty), was well designed by Token, with three-generation design bera/hoeney/bgt having a sense of design to step on the right foot. The interest design of Luna/UST was so vain that it relied on the loan interest differential of Ancor. Drawing on the failure of Luna/UST, Berachain’s three-generation model may be effective in mitigating (not avoiding) the death spiral of two-generation coins. The market rightly has high expectations for Berachain, referring to Luna’s frenzy surge in cattle.


8. Axie: a special product of the age of the epidemic, a tool for the survival of users in South-East Asia


Axie has several key causes from 0-1:


1. The effects of the epidemic at the time led to low daily incomes for users in South-East Asia. The P2E model created by Axie changed players' expectations of the game from recreational activities to possible sources of income, with an emphasis on income not too low, benefited from the context of the arrival of the cattle market, an increasing number of players joined the game, increased currency prices, and a weekly peak of earnings of $300-400, providing a new income opportunity in areas of economic instability or affected by the COVID-19 epidemic. The game not only provided entertainment, but also gave players control over the means of production by involving them in economic activities, which was particularly attractive to players in developing countries.

2.作为当时区块链游戏龙头,在2021年,在各社群公会以及投资机构的强力加持之下, Axie Infinity的日收入和活跃用户数量达到了巅峰,市场份额占据了区块链游戏的近2/3。这一阶段,游戏收入和代币价值达到了历史高点。AXS市值巅峰100亿美金。

2. As the vanguard of the block chain game at the time, in 2021, the number of daily earnings and active users of Axie Infinity reached its peak, with market shares accounting for nearly two thirds of the block chain game. At this stage, the value of the games and the tokens reached an all-time high. The market value of AXS peaked at $10 billion.


"Strange" is easy. The Ponzi game is not external. It's always zero.

9. Eigenlayer:符合用户资金加杠杆的大方向,并且DA很好的和restaking相结合

9. Eigenlayer: is in line with the general direction of leveraging user funds, and DA's good combination with restating


The story of Eigenlayer from 0 to 1 can be understood as:

1.这个故事讲的足够清真,2022年年初整个ETH staking ratio还不足5%时,就敢讲一个细分赛道的细分赛道。

1. This story is sufficiently clear that when was less than 5 per cent in early 2022, the entire ETH standing ratio dared to tell a breakdown of the track.

2. Kannan作为PR型CEO,能吸引VC的目光。

2. Kannan, as a PR-type CEO, attracts VC eyes.

3. Eth staking ratio正在肉眼可见的逐渐增长,3年的时间从0到现在的30%eth staking。

3. Eth standing ratio is gradually growing, visible, from 0 to 30 per cent of the present three years.

4. Eigenlayer的明星生态项目是EigenDA,Restaking的故事后来还能和DA结合,模块化区块链的DA成为restaking最好的用例之一。

4. Eigenlayer's Star Ecology Project is EigenDA. Restaking's story can later be combined with the DA. DA from the modular block chain is one of the best examples of restaking.


5. VC is willing to pay because of 1+2+3+4. And it also meets Ethholder's needs, constantly leveraging and increasing liquidity.


10. Merlin: The core figure + the wealth effect creates community solidarity, and the subsequent TVL is smart.


Merlin is now basically taking off and can briefly say the factor:


1. The founder's background is very nice, and has been able to communicate under multiple lines to understand how to think about entrepreneurship once over the past 10 years, have been rich, have a high level of awareness and understanding of the community, and can be a very good team in the upswing. , in addition, the founder's personal charisma, dived into the Ordinals ecology in March 2023, and looked forward to it very early.


2. Communities are united. BRC420/ Merlin's community is very united, believing, but it's also made money on the blue box. The community's unity is still based on the miraculous pull-off of the blue box. The subsequent blue crystals, and the wealth effect of the music box, are excellent.


3. Eco-support. A building in Singapore is at its core, several subway stations are at their radius, and a circle of eco-projects is gathering, and everyone is supporting each other. So ecology starts quickly.

4.选择TVL起量的方法非常巧妙。除了BTC Staking,头部铭文+420 NFT均可质押冲TVL,因此TVL book value很大。

4. The method of selecting the TVL number is very clever. , except for BTC Staking, the head sign +420 NFT can pledge TVL and therefore TVL book value is very large.

5.因为1+2+3,所以融资迅速。而且创始人很懂MKT和branding,因此在合适的时候推出,造就了目前市场上最大的BTC L2。

Financing is fast because of 1+2+3. and the founders know MKT and Branding, so it was launched at the right time, creating the largest BTC L2 in the current market.

11.Blur:想透彻了NFT市场的核心就是MM和巨鲸,通过不断地token incentive激励

11.Blur: Thinking through the core of the NFT market is the MM and the giant whale.

在理解Blur为什么能从0到1,需要理解NFT Mktplace或者是exchange的核心竞争力只有一个,不是产品好不好看,好不好用,就是看如何吸引Maker。有了Maker以后,才能有Taker用户,才配讲产品体验。

understands why Blur can go from 0 to 1 and needs to understand that there's only one core competitiveness for NFT Mktplace or exchange, whether it's a good product, good use, or how to attract Maker. If you have Maker, you can have Taker users to talk about the product experience.


So what did Blur do?

1.利用挂单(Maker)和Bidding(Maker)吸引不同的maker,并且给予他们Token奖励。并且能用token incentive的,只有蓝筹NFT。这也很好理解。NFT绝大部分交易量就是蓝筹NFT,非蓝筹NFT最后的归宿都是归零。蓝筹NFT大量还是掌握在巨鲸和MM手里,散户手里其实没多少货。因此核心的核心,就是服务好蓝筹NFT的MM和巨鲸,散户压根不重要。

1. Harnessing the hangers and the Bidding (Maker) to attract different makers and give them the Token reward. And using token incentiv, only blue for NFT. This is understandable. The bulk of NFT deals are blue for NFT, and the final destination for non-blue NFT is zero. Blue for NFT is still in the hands of giant whales and MM. So the core is blue for NFT's MM and giant whales.

2.Token incentive模式和X2Y2和Looksrare不一样。X2Y2 Looksrare的直接吸血鬼空投是一次性的,意义真的不大。不断用token incentive来吸引巨鲸和MM来提供流动性,才是Blur胜出的最核心因素之一。

The Token Incentive model is different from X2Y2 and Looksrare. The direct vampire drop by X2Y2 Looksrare is one of the most important elements of Blur's victory. is the constant use of token incentivity to attract giant whales and MM to provide mobility.


? 3. Other things are minor, product aspects, such as being able to deal in bulk, making polymers, etc., but that's not the point.


12.BYC: The earliest NFT membership club to build consensus through celebrity effects


BAYC at the last cycle can be understood from 0-1 as:

1. 有BAYC NFT的人自动成为一个专属俱乐部的成员,这个社区提供了一种新的社交方式,创造了强大的归属感;项目方强大的BD,吸引了大量的投资者和收藏家,其中包括许多名人,这进一步增加了项目的曝光度和吸引力;在NFT牛市背景下,BAYC推出独特的商业模式,将NFT所有者的IP权利下放,让持有者能利用自己的猿来创造并销售商品,进一步推广BYAC;BAYC凭借其独特的艺术风格和强大的社区效用,在当时NFT市场中短时间内获得了文化标志的地位。

People with BayC NFT automatically become members of an exclusive club, a community that offers a new social approach and creates a strong sense of belonging; the strong BD of the project, which attracts a large number of investors and collectors, including many celebrities, which further increases the visibility and appeal of the project; in the context of the NFT Cattle City, the BAYC introduced a unique business model, decentralizing IP rights for NFT owners, allowing holders to use their apes to create and sell goods, and promoting BYAC further; and the BAYC of BAYC, with its unique artistic style and strong community utility, acquired the status of a cultural symbol in the NFT market for a short period of time.

2. BAYC在NFT热潮的高峰期推出,也利用了当时市场对新兴数字收藏品的高度兴趣。后续通过社交媒体和名人效应,BAYC迅速建立了强大的品牌认知度和社区。Yuga Labs继续扩大BAYC宇宙,包括新的NFT项目和游戏推出,如Mutant Ape Yacht Club和Bored Ape Kennel Club,进一步增加了收入,并且持续增加会员价值和社区参与度;和Adidas合作,推出了Adidas x BAYC NFT。但是有人认为BAYC的模式需要不断有新的加入和资金流入来维持其价值,这使得一些人将其称为猿宇宙骗局,但这也是当时币圈市场逐渐走进熊市,NFT难以破解的困局之一。BAYC在这个cycle逐渐落寞可以理解为:1.还是没有解决NFT到底有什么用的问题。并且熊市期间,Yuga Labs并没有为社区提供太多空投福利。

Yuga Labs continued to expand the BAYC universe, including new NFT projects and games such as Mutant Ape Yacht Club and Bored Ape Kennel Club, which further increased revenue and continued to increase membership value and community participation; and, in partnership with Adidas, launched Adidas x BAYC NFT. , but some believe that the BAYC model needs to be sustained by new entrants and inflows, which have led some to call it a swindle of the ape universe, but this was one of the difficult times when the currency market moved into Bears, and NFT was unable to break through.


13. Penguins: marketing combination boxing + zipper in the chain to bring the penguins back to life


It is understandable that penguins in this cyclé can be reborn in obnoxious ways:


1. The project was zero in 2022, but because the picture was really cute, Lukaz decided to take it.

2. 当时的NFT故事以Onboarding web2 user to web3为主,希望能复刻BAYC。投资人认为小企鹅链下用玩具零售的方式+链上NFT营销空投的方式,能够获取一定量的圈外用户。

The NFT story at the time was dominated by Onboarding Web2 user to web3 and hoped to re-engineer BayC. investors thought that small penguins could access a certain amount of off-the-shelf users using toy retail + NFT sales drops in the chain.

3. 因为Lukaz收购小企鹅,因此手上筹码很多。联合了做市商,轻松拉盘建立共识。

3. There's a lot of leverage in the hands of Lukaz for the small penguins. Together as a marketer, it's easy to build consensus.

4. 圈外的用户通过课外的玩具了解到crypto和小企鹅,圈内的用户因为拉盘/空投重新认知到小企鹅,因此小企鹅在2023年下半年起死回生,一度flip BAYC。

4. Users outside the circle learn about crypto and penguins through extracurricular toys. Users inside the circle rediscover the penguins because of a lass/aerial drop, so they came back to life in the second half of 2023, at a time of flip BayC.


4.Friend.Tech: Quantifying the social value of individuals using token, amazing echoes of the brain


The increase from 0-1 from http://Friend.tech can be summarized briefly as follows:

1.做了之前所有人都做不了的事——quantify personal social value。在Web2的世界受限于支付渠道以及合规问题(非法开设赌场罪)根本没办法来投放/大批量使用类似的产品。但是在crypto的世界,最好的盈利就是发行新资产。因此FT非常好的解决了上述的弊端,每个人都可以发行自己的key,用E本位+量化曲线来量化一个人的社交价值,最朴实简单的ICO,能有多少人买卖key完全取决于个人的branding。产品的脑回路非常惊人。

In the world of Web2, limited to payment channels and compliance issues (unlawful casino-opening) there is no way to deliver/substantially use similar products. But in the world of Crypto, the best profit is to distribute new assets. So the FT is very good at solving the above-mentioned disadvantages, so everyone can issue their own key, quantify the social value of a person with an E-bit plus a quantitative curve, the simplest ICO, and the number of people who buy and sell key depends entirely on the individual's branding.


2. Although products have been poorly experienced, websites often crush and accounts need Gas, which are cut off from within the circle, it is undeniable that this is a phenomenon-based product.


In terms of the number of interactions in the following figure, the FT is essentially zero, as a result of:


1. The pattern is not sustainable, it is completely inter-crowded, and everyone has to pay a significant proportion of their money to the FT project side and draw too much water. Stepn can tell a story about externality, and FT can't even tell a story about externality.


2. No new functionality has been developed and the money earned has come to an end, and there may be a different outbreak if the team has been able to add new ways of playing, such as posting on web2 and advertising, as well as taking positive external measures.


3. The late introduction of the Token mechanism and the absence of token incentives made it difficult to sustain the cross-cutting process.

如果参考blur的不断token incentive的方式,FT是否能持续?

Would the FT be sustainable if reference was made to the blur's constant token approach?






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