
资讯 2024-07-09 阅读:40 评论:0
在这里我们要区分两种“比特币”:一个是通常理解的比特币,也就是在去中心化网络中流通的协议基础代币;另一个含义指的是比特币网络,也就是比特币区块链的运作机制。为了作出明确的区分,下文将后者称为“比特币网络”。Here we draw a di...



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Here we draw a distinction between two kinds of “bitcoin”: bitcoin, which is commonly understood, i.e. the basic token of the agreement that circulates in the decentralized network; and bitcoin, which is the mechanism for the operation of the Bitcoin block chain. To make a clear distinction, the latter is referred to below as the “bitcoin network”.


During the period following the advent of Bitcoin, participants in the encrypt currency community found that the Bitcoin network could do more than distribute and circulate bitcoin. Similar to the Internet, we could use bitcoin as a bottom protocol and build other protocols on it. At this point, the Bitcoin network is merely a “consensus layer” and its block chain is only a data storage layer.


“bitcoin 2.0” means that it can serve as a layer of agreements that are more fundamental than transfers. While financial applications are almost the most important direction of exploration under this concept, there was still no clear idea of which applications were suitable for the Bitcoin network.


It is five to six years before “DeFi” really becomes a concept. But the concepts that emerged from this historical phase have laid the foundation for the later deFi popularization.

1.?DApp。指的是去中心化应用(Decentralized Application),一种在区块链之上构建的应用。这是一个宽泛的概念,后来被称为DeFi的应用只是DApp的一类应用。

1. DApp. This is a decentralized application, an application built on a block chain. This is a broad concept, and the application later known as DeFi is only a DApp type of application.


2. Smart assets. Smart assets at the time refer generally to tokens issued on the block chain, which represent a certain asset. These assets can be intangible, such as shares, bonds, or tokens of ownership of tangible assets, such as real estate, cars, etc. They can even express some of the rights to be used, such as concert tickets, hotel room occupancy, etc. The concept is almost identical to “monetization of assets”, emphasizing that the liquidity of assets can be significantly enhanced through the monetization of assets.


Innovations applied during this phase are concentrated in 2013-2015.

Colored Coins(中文名为“彩色币”)指的是一种在比特币上用来表示现实世界资产的一种方式。实现方式是在比特币上通过附加的数据来进行代币的发行和流通。所谓的Colored(着色)的意思很简单,就是当发行新代币时以新的代币编号来表示,用来与其他代币作区分,那么不同的代币就已经被着上不同颜色了。Colored Coins的使用者除了获取比特币区块链数据之外还需要使用另一个客户端来读取Colored Coins的数据并按照数据格式要求发送交易。

Caroline Coins (Chinese called “colour currency”) refers to a way of expressing real world assets in bitcoins. This is achieved by using additional data on bitcoins for the distribution and circulation of tokens. So-called Colorado (colouring) means simply that, when issuing a new currency, it is expressed by a new currency number, which is used to distinguish it from other currencies, different ones have become different colours. Colorado Coins users need to use another client to read Colorado Coins data and send transactions according to the data format.

Colored Coins相关的项目并没有获得成功,但是它表示了一种智能资产的最小化的功能:资产发送和转让。

The Colorado Coins-related project did not succeed, but it expressed a minimalist function of smart assets: asset dispatch and transfer.


One direction for achieving decentralised financial functions is directly based on the development of the Bitcoin network, while the other direction is to open a new decentralized network alone. The former’s representative project is MasterCoin, and the latter is Bitshares.

先来说说Bitshares。Bitshares开发的初衷是实现一个“资产交易系统”。它的创始人是争议人物Dan “Bytemaster”?Larimer。另一个知名公链的Cardano的创始人Charles Hoskinson在此项目的历史中也扮演了重要角色。

First of all, Bitshares. Bitshares was developed to achieve an “asset trading system.” Its founder was the controversial figure Dan “Bytemaster”?Larimer.


BitShares’ most important innovation is BitAsset. By encumbering assets at 1.5 times or more of BTS, the corresponding other assets can be issued. For example, by issuing BitUSD, which can be obtained 100 BitUSD with a mortgage value of $200. When the value of the collateral falls below the set threshold, such as when the BTS price drops, causing the value of the collateral to fall below $150, and below the established 150% collateral ratio, the miners will launch a forced silo to sell the collateral back to 100 BitUSD and return the excess to the mortgager.


This currency, which is tied to the dollar, is referred to as the “soft nailing” of the dollar. It can be described as the “hard nailing” of the dollar, such as the USDT issued by Tether. The “soft nailing” is more volatile than the “hard nailing” because the following three conditions are required if BitUSD is to function:


Markets need to “be convinced” that a BitUSD is equal to US$ 1. In fact, BitUSD only sets out the conditions for mandatory silo triggering and triggers the repurchase and destruction of BitUSD, not other bindings on BitUSD’s tie to the dollar. Market belief is an important link, i.e. the market believes that BitUSD’s symbol has the same value as the dollar.


2. The market arbitrator is needed to generate and destroy BitUSD. When 1 BitUSD is less than $1, the mortgager achieves arbitrage through this process by using less dollars to buy BitUSD and redeem it. For example, when 100 BitUSD is issued, the exchange rate is 1:1 when the sale takes place; when BitUSD falls to 0.9, it buys back 100 BitUSD and redeems the collateral with only $90. If interest is not calculated, 10 dollars is earned. If BitUSD prices are higher than the dollar, then it is possible to reverse operations by releasing more BitUSD waiting for the price to fall.


3. Mortgage cannot fall significantly. Once the collateral falls significantly over a short period of time, resulting in the dollar value of the entire collateral being less than the distribution of all BitUSD, the whole mechanism will fail, and the assets will eventually be replaced by less than $1 per BitUSD holder.


Bitshares can be said to have created a new way of issuing stable currencies: using tokens as collateral to issue coins tied to the United States dollar. It can also be said that, on the basis of this principle, it is possible to issue tokens that bind other assets, such as BitGOLD, which binds gold. This mechanism has also been followed in subsequent projects such as Maker, Synthetix.


MasterCoin的愿景和Bitshares类似,只不过它的方式是在比特币网络上再附着一层协议。在这一点上,可以把它看成是高级版本的Colored Coins——除了资产发行之外,也实现了稳定币发行、去中心化交易、期货合约交易、预言机的功能。当然,此协议也有它自己的协议代币MSC,初始发行方式为通过比特币众筹。

MasterCoin’s vision is similar to that of Bitshares, except that it is done by attaching a further layer of protocol to the Bitcoin network. In this regard, it can be seen as an advanced version of the Colorado Coins – which, in addition to asset issuance, has achieved the function of stabilizing currency issuance, decentralizing transactions, futures contract transactions, and prophecies. Of course, the agreement also has its own protocol token MSC, which was initially issued through Bitcoin.


MasterCoin uses a procedural mechanism to operate the purchase and sale of mortgage assets to issue the asset to bind the asset. To issue GoldCoins, for example, which binds gold prices, the issuer needs to deposit a certain amount of MSC as an “administrate fund”, which is a “intellectual contract” to operate the collateral according to a range of parameters and requires the designation of a “regist data stream” to obtain the price of gold against MSC. “Registration data stream” is a mechanism to publish the price of an asset transaction in a Bitcoin transaction, which is later known as the “Oracle”.


The basic mode of operation of the escrow fund is as follows: comparing the price of the foreword machine and the price of the chain transactions. If GoldCoins price is lower than the price of the foreword machine, GoldCoins price is underestimated, and the escrow fund will use MSC within the fund to buy GoldCoins to raise its price and return it to the real price of gold. The level and frequency of the price to level the price difference are controlled by the parameters of the generation of the escrow fund. Because the mechanism is certain, when GoldCoins price is too low, market arbitragers expect GoldCoins to buy GoldCoins, so they will buy GoldCoins before the funds go out, waiting for their price to rise to a profit in line with gold.


Under this model, the operation of the Escrow Fund is low-cost and high-priced in cases where there is little volatility in the price of gold against MSC, which theoretically increases the reserves of the Escrow Fund and increases the amount of collateral. Does this approach resemble the operation of central banks – by freeing markets with expectations through monetary policy – to smooth price fluctuations among market participants?


But this mechanism can be achieved only if there is sufficient collateral to guarantee that the price of the issuing assets and the subject matter is the same. When the value of the collateral is insufficient to support the issuance of the assets, the mechanism fails even if the use of the tokens in all the escrow funds is not sufficient to fully buy back and destroy all issued assets. In this case, GoldCoins, for example, the escrow fund distributes MSCs to GoldCoins on a pro rata basis, based on the set thresholds, to them the amount held in the escrow fund at GoldCoins. Specifically, when the threshold is set at 98%, the total value of MSC in the contemporary administration fund is only 98% of GoldCoins issued, the escrow fund will automatically issue all MSCs in the fund to GoldCoins holders, and recover all GoldCoins at 2% of the net loss.

MasterCoin的预言机、期货交易、去中心化交易在此就不在赘述,有兴趣的可以查看MasterCoin的白皮书。同ColoredCoins一样,MasterCoin也需要使用特殊的客户端来读取附加的区块数据以及发送交易。MasterCoin最终也未成功,它后来改名为Omni Layer,功能简化为资产发行。2017年-2020年期间最为广泛使用的美元代币——Tether发行的USDT——最初是发行在比特币上的,所使用的就是Omni Layer。这里讽刺的地方就在于,最初被设计为用一种去中心化的抵押资产发行稳定币的协议,最终却成为了中心化发行的稳定币所使用的协议。

MasterCoin's foreword machine, futures transaction, decentralized transaction are not repeated here, and interested parties can view the White Paper of MasterCoin. Like Colorado Coins, MasterCoin also needs to use a special client to read the additional block data and send the transaction. MasterCoin did not succeed either. MasterCoin was later renamed Omni Layer, whose function was simplified to issue the asset. The most widely used United States dollar in the period 2017-2020 — the USDT issued by Tether — was originally published in Bitcoin, using Omni Layer. The irony here is that the agreement originally designed to issue a stable currency with a decentralized asset became the agreement used to centralize the issuing of the stable currency.


While the mechanisms achieved by the Bitshares and MasterCoin projects are still at a relatively rough stage from the present perspective, the basic functions required by DeFi — or, in legal terms, the “constituent elements” — are beginning to take shape: currency stability, prophecies, decentralized exchanges, asset distribution.


At the same stage, another part of the population is thinking about and trying another path. Some participants argue that the Bitcoin network is designed as a decentralized network used primarily to send bitcoin, and that it is not well suited to develop decentralized applications.




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