什么是区块链跨链技术?为什么需要跨链? 跨链技术有哪些?

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跨链(Cross-Chain)即是容许加密货币资产,跨越不同的区块链使用和保存。目前通用的区块链不止一条,除了最有名的区块链比特币和以太坊之外,各种大大小小的公链陆续冒出,当中不乏有潜力、越来越多人使用的公链,例如Solana、Avalanche、Terra、Binance Smart Chain 等等。

Cross-Chain is an encrypted monetary asset that is allowed to be used and preserved across a different block chain. At present, more than one chain of blocks is common. In addition to the most famous chain of blocks, Bitcoin and Etheria, large and small public chains emerge, with potential and increasing use of public chains, such as Solana, Avalanche, Terra, Binance Smart Chain and others.

但这些区块链是独立和互不相通的,例如在以太坊上的资产,若不使用跨链技术,就无法转移到其他区块链,如Binance Smart Chain上使用。因此,跨链技术就是为了方便不同公链资产及资讯能够互相传输。

But these block chains are independent and interconnected, for example, assets in Etheria that cannot be transferred to other blocks without the use of cross-chain technologies, such as Binance Smart Chain. Cross-chain technologies are therefore designed to facilitate the transfer of assets and information across different public chains.


It's like a hundred years ago, we couldn't use bank A's certificates to exercise bank B's deposits or credit, but since the creation of various cross-bank and national financial systems, such as VISA, Silver Union, SWIFT, and so on, the funds between the different banks are more or less interoperable. The "cross-link" is a new technology that seeks to connect different public chains.


Cross-linkage bridges are the "bridges" necessary to connect blocks, provide information and transfer assets, allow interaction between different encrypted ecosystems and make the network of blocks compatible.


The bridge is not a server that physically connects different locations, but rather a number of protocols and technologies that allow for the transfer of information and assets between blocks using different consensus mechanisms, such as the ETH, which is located in the Etherm block chain, to become wETH in the Avalanche block chain.


When investors invest in different block chains, pledge, GameFi, etc., they are constrained by the use of their own consensus mechanisms in different block chains and the inability to consolidate assets.


If investors need to consolidate or transfer assets, they need to cross the chain. With the emergence of encrypted assets, the number and size of emerging block chain ecosystems have increased dramatically, and investors do not necessarily use a single block chain alone, increasing cross-chain demand.


Cross-chain technologies are not necessarily officially initiated, they may exist in the public chain, or they may be provided by third parties. In terms of the functions of cross-chain technologies, they are broadly divided into the following five types of cross-chain technical functions:

链对链跨链桥(Chain-to-Chain Bridge)主要作用是支援两个主要区块链之间的资产转移。

The main role of the chain-to-chain cross-link bridge (Chain-to-Chain Bridge) is to support the transfer of assets between the two main blocks.

例如Polygon 官方推出的桥PoS Bridge,主要支持以太坊和Polygon 之间的跨链;Avalanche官方推出的Avalanche Bridge,主要支援Avalanche和以太坊链ERC-20 标准的跨链资产转移。

For example, PoS Bridge, a bridge officially launched by Polygon, supports mainly the cross-linkage between Ether and Polygon, and Avalanche Bridge, officially launched by Avalanche, supports mainly the transfer of assets across the chain standard of Avalanche and Ether's chain of ERC-20.

多链桥(Multi-Chain Bridge)能够跨多个区块链转移资产,可以被应用到任何Layer1 或Layer2 区块链上。

Multi-chain bridges (Multi-Chain Bridge) are capable of transferring assets across multiple block chains and can be applied to any Layer1 or Layer2 block chain.

例如:cBridge,能够连接Ethereum、Polygon network、xDai chain、Binance Smart Chain、Okex Chain、Arbitrum、Avalanche、Fantom、Heco,等等超过9 条大型区块链。

For example, cBridge can connect more than nine large block chains such as Etherum, Polygon Network, xDai Chain, Binance Smart Chain, Okex Chain, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Fantom, Heco, etc.

专用桥(Specialised Bridge)专注在特定的生态系统,专门支援资产在特定区域之间的转移。

Specialized Bridge focuses on specific ecosystems and specifically supports the transfer of assets between specific areas.

由于这些桥的专用性,专用桥通常可以提供更快、更便宜的跨链服务。例如Hop Protocol 的跨链桥方案是Rollup-to-Rollup 的通用资产桥,专门实现Layer 2 网络之间和以太坊主网之间的资产转移。

Because of the dedicated nature of these bridges, dedicated bridges can often provide faster and cheaper cross-linkage services. For example, Hope Protocol’s cross-linkage program is the Rollup-to-Rollup generic asset bridge, which specializes in asset transfers between the Layer 2 network and the Etheria home network.

打包资产桥(Wrapped Asset Bridge)专门用来将非原生资产转移到不同的区块链上,方法是在目标链上创建出打包资产(wrapped assets)。

The Wrapped Asset Bridge (Wrapped Asset Bridge) is specifically used to transfer non-original assets to different block chains by creating packaged assets (wrapped assets) on the target chain.

例如用以太坊上的Wrapped Bitcoin(WBTC)为例,就是由托管方持有BTC,再根据持有的BTC量,在以太坊上用ERC-20标准,铸造WBTC。

For example, Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) in the Taihouse is the hosting of BTC by the trustee, which, according to the amount of BTC held, forms WBTC using the ERC-20 standard in the Tai House.

数据专用桥(Data Specific Bridge)是专门为跨多个区块链传输任意数据而设计的互操作性协议,这些协议通常会成为dApps 的基础层,令dApps 能够实现跨链组合。例如Celer 的Inter-chain Message Framework 和IBC。

Data-specific bridges are interoperable protocols designed for the transfer of any data across multiple block chains. These protocols usually serve as the base layer for dapps, enabling dapps to achieve cross-chain combinations. For example, Inter-Chrain Message Framewerk and IBC at Celer.


In the case of cross-chain core technologies, the most dominant current use of cross-chain technologies can be divided into four categories:

  • 公证人机制(Notary schemes)

    Notary notaries (notaries)

  • 侧链/中继链(Sidechains / relays)


  • 哈希锁定(Hash-locking)


  • 分布式私钥控制(Distributed private key control)

    Distributed private key control (distributed private key control)


Most of the current cross-chain projects use these four technologies as basic technologies at the bottom of the contract, which are briefly described below, as well as their respective cross-chain approaches.

公证人机制(Notary schemes)是通过寻找一个公正独立的第三方来作为两条链之间的中介,由公证人来协助验证交易。

Notary notaries (notaries) act as intermediaries between the two chains by seeking an impartial and independent third party, with notaries assisting in the validation of the transaction.

公证人会负责确认资产在两条链上的状况,并且传递资讯。例如当需要将100 USDT 从以太坊转到BSC 时,公证人会确认这100 USDT 的价值,并且把这项资讯转传到BSC 上,确认BSC 上收到100 USDT。

The Notary is responsible for confirming the condition of the assets in the two chains and for transmitting information. For example, when it is necessary to transfer 100 USDTs from Etheria to BSC, the Notary recognizes the value of 100 USDTs and forwards this information to BSC, confirming that 100 USDTs are received on BSC.


A third-party notary, which may be a centralized presence or decentralised nodes, may be divided into the following three categories:


Centralized Notaries


A single node or a centralised organization is chosen as a notary notary, although it is easy for a notary to stop in the event of an attack or accident.


Multi-signature notary


A number of notaries are required to complete the cross-linking, de-centre and security after all notaries have completed their signatures and reached consensus.


Distributed notary for signature


The mechanism involves both public and private cryptographic keys, so it is more complex and secure than multi-signature notaries.


Sidelinks (Sidechains): A smaller chain of blocks attached to the public chain, which can be seen as an external hardware in the public chain.


The side chain is capable of receiving and reading information and data from transactions in the primary chain and, by " anchoring" it locks the contents to be verified and anchors the assets on the side chain in both directions. When the transaction information is authenticated, the assets in the main chain are locked and then released on the side chain in the equivalent amount of assets, which is more like cross-border currency exchange. On the contrary, when assets in the side chain are locked, the assets in the main chain are also released with relative value.


Relay chains (relays): The biggest difference between the chain and the side chain is that the side chain is attached to the main chain and is closely linked to the main chain; the relay chain is parallel to the other public chain and is not part of any public chain. The relay chain is similar to that of the notary mechanism and the side chain, which links the information dispatch centre of the different public chain to verify the transaction information between the public chain as a third-party notary. After reading and authenticating the information on the public chain, the chain locks in the assets in the original chain and then releases the equivalent asset on the target chain, achieves the asset anchoring function and ensures that the transaction information on both sides is matched.


Hash-locking sounds difficult to understand, but it is actually only in the cross-chain mode that an extra cryptography design has been added to process cross-chain information docking by means of a authentication mechanism that is encrypted for a patchwork function. The following are the operating processes:

1. 智能合约锁定使用者在A链上的资产

1. Smart contract lock-in of user assets in chain A

2. 智能合约用随机产生的数字和杂凑函数产生一组私钥

2. Smart contracts generate a group of private keys using randomly generated numbers and amortization functions

3. 使用者于规定时间内,在B链上提供正确的私钥

3. Users provide the correct private key on the B chain within a specified time frame

4. 智能合约在B链上释放出相对应价值的资产,完成跨链。

4. Smart contracts release corresponding value assets on the B chain and complete the cross-chain.


If the transaction fails or the correct number is not provided in time, the assets locked in the A chain are automatically unlocked and returned to the user.

分布式私钥(Distributed private key control)运用用智能合约,投射原链上的资产到其他不同的链上,同时产生一组控制这些资产的私钥。

Distributed private keys (distributed private key control) use smart contracts to project assets in the original chain into different chains, while creating a set of private keys to control those assets.


The private key is separated by different institutions or nodes, and is decentralised and secure. When the user needs to transfer the asset to another public chain, the asset can be locked and unlocked on different chains.


As to the nature of cross-chain techniques, the following three types of transfer of assets can be broadly distinguished:

这个方式是锁定原链上的资产,并且在目标链上重新铸造资产,例如Polygon 的PoS Bridge、Avalanche 的Avalanche Bridge (AB) 和Wrapped BTC (WBTC) 等。

This approach is to lock in the assets in the original chain and re-engineer the assets in the target chain, such as Pos Bridge of Polygon, Avalanche  Avalanche Bridge (AB) and Wrapped BTC.


The situation is as if you put currency A in a bank vault in State A, and when you obtain a storage certificate, you can swap currency B for value; when you need to use currency A again, you simply need to return the funds that are still available in State B, and you can re-use the equivalent value currency in State A.

这个方式是销毁原链上的资产,并且在目标链上重新铸造资产,例如Hop Protocol 和Across Protocol。

This approach involves the destruction of assets in the original chain and the re-engineering of assets in the target chain, such as Hope Protocol  and Across Protocol.


By way of example, it would be equivalent to writing off the currency of country A first, then applying for the same value currency in country B and then going back to country A to the contrary.


As far as “atomic swaps” are concerned, they do not need to be destroyed or locked in the same way as the above-mentioned two ways, directly through a certified intellectual contract mechanism, to convert two types of assets, that is, directly in A currency for B currency.

以上就是什么是区块链跨链技术?为什么需要跨链? 跨链技术有哪些的详细内容,更多关于区块链跨链技术介绍的资料请关注脚本之家其它相关文章!

What's the block chain cross-chain technology? Why cross-chain? What's the details of the cross-chain technology and more information about the block chain cross-chain technology?

Tag:区块链   跨链   技术  



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