USDT脱钩美元已10天 Tether直接销毁5亿枚减供

资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:57 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 独角区块链,(今日凌晨1时左右,也就是美国东部时间周三下午1点,USDT的发行公司Tether 在推特上宣布,已销毁5亿枚USDT。A...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 独角区块链,(

今日凌晨1时左右,也就是美国东部时间周三下午1点,USDT的发行公司Tether 在推特上宣布,已销毁5亿枚USDT。

At about 1 a.m. this morning, at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Eastern Time of the United States, Tether, the distributor of USDT, announced on Twitter that 500 million USDTs had been destroyed.


Although the sister company Bitfinex Exchange stated that it “does not have anything to do with defending the USDT dollar parity”, it has in fact led to a reduction in the supply of USDT.

这距离10月15日USDT大幅脱钩美元价格已经过去10天,当时,USDT在1个半小时里跌了 7%,让人们见识了稳定币也有不稳的一天。此后的日子里,USDT的价格再也没能1:1的钉在美元上。

Ten days have passed since the USDT significantly decoupled its dollar price on October 15, when it fell by 7% in an hour and a half, giving people an idea of a stable currency with an unstable day. In the days that followed, the USDT price was no more than 1:1 nailed to the dollar.

即使今日Tether销毁了占流通总量52.8%的USDT,这个稳定币“老大”仍然在 0.98美元附近徘徊,而GUSD这些竞争对手的币价对美元仍有溢价。

Even today Tether destroyed 52.8 per cent of the USDT in circulation, the stable currency, the “boss”, still hovers around $0.98, while the GUSD competitors still have a premium on the United States dollar.


The destruction mechanism of the encrypted currency does not appear to have saved Tether's eyebrows from the fire, and perhaps one way to do so is to prove that it has a corresponding amount of United States dollar reserves behind it.


In contrast, recent studies by the crypto-currency market research company Diar show that the recent market panic caused by Tether has allowed capital to flow from USDT to Bitcoin or other stabilizers.


Wen Wei Wen Knife


The editor asked.


USDT total supply reduced by 52.8%


According to the OMINI browser, after Tether announced the destruction of 500 million USDTs, it had a wallet reserve of 466,678,763.48. Omni was the bottom-of-the-line protocol from Tether. This data is consistent with Tether's external statement today.


Today, the company stated that, in addition to destruction, they “retarded” large amounts of money from the circulation supply of USDT.


Tether also indicated that $446 million was left for the preparation of future USDT releases, which means that 52.8 per cent of the total supply was redeemed and destroyed.


Today, USDT prices remain close to $0.98 and, although this was close to the price before the steady currency jumped on 15 October, the market panic of that day did not seem to have levelled off in the next 10 days.


This steady currency, which is a 1:1-fenced dollar, has been used by investors as a dollar, while on 15 days, USDT fell from $0.986 to $0.916 in an hour and a half, a decline of 7 per cent.


Together with the fact that Tether has never produced strong evidence to support its dollar reserves, it questions the entanglement of the short-term decline of the USDT, adding to its crisis of trust.


Today’s large-scale foreclosure and destruction has given rise to yet another vehement speculation about Teth. The USDT continues to delink from the dollar, leading some to accuse the company of being able to manipulate the market by redeeming itself and trying to profit at a low cost after the market rebounds.


In addition to the challenge of copying the USDT, Tether's move was seen in the market as a reloading of the USDT to US$ 1 through a reduction in supply.


The encrypt currency commentator WhalePanda used to say, "USDT is scarce. It's gonna be $1.01 soon."


In the 10 days preceding Tether's “foreclosure and destruction” 680 million USDTs were transferred to the company-controlled wallets, all of which came from the address controlled by Bitfinex. The exchange had a high overlap in ownership and management with Tether.


Frequent transfers reduced the flow of USDT by 25 per cent in less than 10 days, with a value of about $2 billion.

Bitfinex的通信主管Kasper Rasmussen在接受媒体采访时表示,此举“与捍卫USDT平价美元无关”,他的理由是交易所和Tether都保证1对1的赎回,以此否认Tether故意缩减供应量。

In an interview with the media, Kasper Rasmussen, the communications manager of Bitfinex, stated that the move was “not related to the defence of USDT dollar parity” on the grounds that both the exchange and Tether guaranteed a one-to-one foreclosure, thereby denying that Tether had deliberately reduced its supply.


However, long-standing opposition to the anonymity of Bitfinex #39; ed, expressed doubts that Teth had described the transfer as “foreclosure”, and he wrote on Twitter that “no one could stand up and say that they exchanged USDT for dollars and received remittances from Tether”.


"United States dollars" in the sensitive words of Tether and Bitfinex


Tether, who has always been proud of the United States dollar, is now burdened by the United States dollar, and the hard currency of the real world, like a sensitive word, keeps it from sisterly company Bitfinex.


One of the most recent interesting things is that the transaction “USDT/United States dollar”, the two parties involved are CoinMarketCap, a service provider of encrypted money market data, and Bitfinex.

有媒体发现,CoinMarketCap收集的Bitfinex实时交易量统计表上,显示了一个USDT/USD 的交易对,这似乎是对USDT和美元之间的兑换表达,因为它以1美元显示了USDT的价格,比其他交易所上USDT的价格都高,且这个交易对的交易总量在本周二时达到了4800万美元,排在比特币之后。

The media have found that the real-time volume list of Bitfinex transactions collected by CoinMarketCap shows a USDT/USD transaction pair, which appears to be an expression of exchange between USDT and the United States dollar, because it shows USDT prices at US$ 1, higher than the USDT prices on other exchanges, and that the total volume of transactions for this transaction amounted to US$ 48 million at Tuesday this week, after Bitcoin.


CoinMarketCap later reported to the media that the data had been captured from the API interface at Bitfinex.


You know, few exchanges in the market offer direct transactions in US dollars and USDT. Bitfinex clarifies to the media that they do not have such a deal, let alone a direct exchange between USDT and US dollar, and that the quantities shown on CoinMarketCap are supposed to represent the sum of advances and deposits on USDT on Bitfinex.


If Bitfinex did not have the right deal, why did it appear on CoinMarketCap? Ultimately, the question was not right with CoinMarketCap deleting the transaction.

Bitfinex对“美元”敏感,Tether也毫不例外。两家公司对于外界追问的“是否存在对应数量美元的银行账户”这个问题上一直讳莫如深,这也成了USDT 信任危机的根源。

Bitfinex is sensitive to the United States dollar, and Tether is no exception. Both companies remain silent on the question of whether there is a bank account equivalent to the United States dollar, which is the root cause of the USDT trust crisis.


Funds flowing from USDT to Bitcoin


The obvious impact of the USDT decline was an increase in Bitcoin prices and volume of transactions, most notably on 15 October, when Bitcoin made a rapid breakthrough of $7,000.


On 22 October, Diar, an crypto-currency market research company, described this trend with an updated study, which showed that funds moved from USDT to BTC and other competitive stable currencies in a panic.


Diar's data show that, on exchange currency security, the volume of USDT transactions fell by 25 per cent, from the beginning of the “peak crisis” on 15 October, to 17 per cent earlier this month (see figure below).


Coin: USDT turnover innovation is low, down 17% from early this month


OKEx is the largest exchange for USDT transactions, and the volume of transactions for this transaction has also declined, with a relative increase of 8-10 per cent in the volume of transactions for BTC transactions.


OKEx: BTC transaction-to-transaction volume increased by 8-10%


Following the loss of the USDT, other stable currencies, such as GUSD, TUSD and others, have begun to accelerate competition, including the entry of mainstream exchanges such as OKEx, tender, currency security, etc.


Despite the impact of the USDT, the USDT dominates due to the relatively small comparison of transactions in support of other stable currencies. Diar, for example, says that USDT transactions still account for 98 per cent of total transactions.


Binance: USDT still accounts for 98% of the rest of the steady currency.


At the same time, Diar noted that while Bitcoin had a premium on USDT, its United States dollar value remained unchanged “because the market value of Bitcoin/USDT/United States dollar was equal”.

? ? ?市场对比特币/USDT/美元的估值相等

♪ The market is valued equally in bitcoin/USDT/dollar




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