As society evolves, we will find new technologies and concepts, one of which is the concept of meta-cosm. Many people are already familiar with the concept of meta-cosm for small partners who often access the Internet. The meaning of meta-cosm, in English, is , which can also be understood as multi-space, primarily virtual space.
One, you can understand the meta-cosmos as the meaning of parallel universes.
我们都知道现实世界是现实宇宙,如果我们把虚拟世界算入在内的话,我们就可以把一个个虚拟世界算成源宇宙。我随便举个例子,不过我们在手机上玩一款游戏,当我们沉浸其中的时候,我们在游戏中的角色本身就是一个元宇宙 。
We all know that the real world is a real universe, and if we take the virtual world into account, we can count a virtual world as a source universe. I give just one example, but we play a game on a cell phone, and when we do it, our role in the game is a metaco. 二、元宇宙是一种沉浸式的互联网体验。 元宇宙这概念其实已经传了非常久了,早在上个世纪七八十年代的时候,有些人就开始讲述关于元宇宙的概念。只不过因为那个时候的技术不太成熟,互联网也没有那么发达,所以元宇宙始终存在于科幻小说中。随着互联网行业的不断发展,我们会发现元宇宙已经离我们越来越近了,元宇宙的概念也逐渐深入人心。 As the Internet industry evolves, we find that the meta-cosm is getting closer to us, and the meta-cosm is getting deeper. 三、元宇宙可以做到很多现实生活中做不了的事情。 如果我们把一个人的意识当成一个宇宙的话,不同的意识和角色会产生不同的宇宙,这一个个空间虽然是虚拟空间,但虚拟空间本身也可以理解为一种宇宙的意思。从某种程度上来说,现实世界和现实宇宙只有一个,而元宇宙可以有千千万万个,这正是元宇宙的魅力之一。我们可以把元宇宙理解为一种现实和虚拟结合的技术,这项技术将会重新改变大家对于互联网的看法。 If we treat a person's consciousness as a universe, different kinds of consciousness and roles can produce different universes, and the virtual space itself can be understood as a universe. To some extent, there is only one real world and the real universe, and there are tens of thousands of them, which is one of the charms of the metaco.
For the twenty-first century, it may be easier to understand seeing the film Player No. 1 or the moving Book of Little Black, by entering a virtual real world with equipment such as a realistic VR helmet, where social, competitive, living and other activities can be carried out and everything in the virtual world can be immersed.
In short, it is a virtual world based on modern technological equipment that is no different from the real world in which we can live, socialize, work, etc., and can be said to be a virtual real world parallel to the real world.
Origins >/strong
通过虚拟增强的物理现实,基于未来互联网的,具有链接感知和共享特征的3D虚拟空间。而元宇宙概念早在1992 年在尼尔·斯蒂芬森出版的科幻小说《雪崩》(Snow Crash)被提出,指在一个脱离于物理世界,却始终在线的平行数字世界中,人们能够在其中以虚拟人物角色 (avatar) 自由生活。
Through virtual-enhanced physical reality, a 3D virtual space based on the future Internet, with linked perception and shared features. The meta-cosm concept was advanced as early as 1992, when Snow Crash, a science fiction novel published at Neil Stephenson, was introduced to refer to a parallel digital world that is away from the physical world but always online, in which people can live freely as virtual characters (vatars).
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