“元宇宙”概念火爆出圈 相关产业链现状如何?

资讯 2024-06-25 阅读:58 评论:0
  备受资本追逐的元宇宙概念,已经让许多相关或不相关的公司获得了意料之外的投资,资金疯狂的涌入游戏、AR、VR等相关行业,大有元宇宙明天就能够建成并且被全世界用户所接受的态势。The concept of the meta-cosm, w...



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The concept of the meta-cosm, which is subject to capital pursuit, has already enabled many related or unrelated companies to obtain unexpected investments in industries such as the mad inflow game, AR, VR, etc., where the universe can be built tomorrow and accepted by users around the world.


A sudden eruption of the dollar universe


A wind blows out, and that's the meta-cosmos. So, what is the meta-cosmos, why all of a sudden? What are the prospects?


According to the future think tank, Metaverse originated in science fiction, defining a virtual world parallel to the real world. The concept of Metaverse was first introduced by science fiction writer Neil Stephenson in 1992 in the novel Avalanche. The next Hacker Empire, The Swordsword Door, The First Player, also has a concept similar to the meta-cosm. In literal terms, the metaverse is made up of two parts of Meta (exceeding) and Universe (cosmos), namely, a virtual world built on the real world by technological capabilities that create a parallel and lasting virtual world, in which people enter virtual time air life in digital form, and in which they have a fully functioning social and economic system.

“元宇宙”概念火爆出圈 相关产业链现状如何?


The reason for the sudden eruption of the meta-cosmos may be related to two variables:

  一是产品放量。根据IDC数据,上半年Facebook的Oculus VR产品全球出货量同比增长297%至226万台。据机构预测2021年出货量可达800万台左右,歌尔股份则是主要的代工企业。

According to IDC data, Facebook’s Oculus VR product has grown by 297 to 2.26 million worldwide in the first half of the year. According to the agency, it can reach about 8 million in 2021, and Gore shares are the main surrogates.

  二是大厂押注。猎云网消息称,有多家媒体报道,字节跳动将以50亿元人民币收购Pico正式入局VR。彭博社援引知情人士的说法称,相关谈判仍在进行中,双方还没有做出最终决定。一位接近交易的人士表示:“收购金额或许能达到15亿美金(折合人民币约90亿元)。”7月29日,扎克伯格在财报电话会议上宣布,Facebook将在五年内转型成为元宇宙(Metaverse)公司,并从各业务部门抽调得力干将推动落实。8月19日,马克·扎克伯格邀请媒体记者体验了Facebook旗下虚拟办公空间Horizon Workrooms的最新测试版本,感受虚拟和真实交融的沉浸式办公体验。

On 29 July, Zuckerberg announced at the finance conference that Facebook would be transformed into a Metaverse company within five years, and that it would be driven by the use of leverage from the various business sectors. On 19 August, Mark Zuckerberg invited media journalists to experience the latest test version of the virtual office space, Horizon Workrooms, under the Facebook flag.

  那么,这个产业前景如何?招商证券认为,目前VR技术在产业应用领域不断地扩大,产业链条不断地完善,据IDC预测,2020-2024 五年期间,VR/AR终端出货量增速将达到约86%,全球虚拟现实产业规模年均增长率将达到约54%。随着新技术的不断开发,虚拟现实元宇宙相关产业或将迎来爆发。

So, what are the prospects for this industry? The securities offer the idea that VR technology is currently expanding in industrial applications, that the industrial chain is constantly improving, and that, according to the IDC, VR/AR terminals will grow by about 86% over the five-year period 2020-2024, and that the global virtual reality industry will grow at an average annual rate of about 54%.


According to WIND data, the market value of the entire virtual reality plate is currently 1.8 trillion. But there are also analysts who argue that, in the current context of stress in the game industry, it is also prudent whether virtual reality can continue to erupt.


The 2021 Won cosmopolitan concept is so hot that it continues to heat the technosphere and create circles. Some technology leaders and creative institutions see the future of the metacosystem earlier in order to pre-empt the next Internet era. Among them, Roblox, with its game platform, enables users to create their own virtual world and experience, perfected the economic biosphere between 7 million game developers and payers, and is seen as exploring the business models that are closest to the metacosystem.


So when can the Woncosmos spread on a large scale?

“元宇宙”概念火爆出圈 相关产业链现状如何?


How's the meta-cosmos coming?


As the market’s understanding of the meta-cosmos deepens, it is certain that the consumer-to-industrial Internet will in the future meet the age of the meta-cosmos, where the dominant view of the market is that the meta-cosm model will be a completely new pan-recreation model, unique to the meta-cosm, immersed in real time, and diversified patterns of identity will be more welcome and positive for the market.


The greatest problem with the meta-cosm concept is still at the technical level. The social needs of the meta-cosmos and the intense immersion experience require a steady and sustained flow of communication technology and computing capabilities for the processing of big-time data.


At the hardware technology level, the normal cellular end and pc end are not today able to perform well the fictional and immersion tasks required by the meta-cosm. So the 3Ds that VR/AR technology can have show that the high resolution level, the equipment base of the large viewing angles, further enhances the intuitive interaction and is currently the best reality to interface with the virtual world. So the development of VR/AR technology directly affects the state of the meta-cosm industry.


VR/AR state of technology and industrial chain


VR and AR are two different forms of product.


VR: Virtual reality, the product is defined as the output of video, etc., in a closed space environment. VR devices are therefore not highly mobile - users need to move in small areas of closed space to ensure user safety.


AR: Enhancement shows that products are defined as the output of relevant video, etc., in a realistic open environment, requiring real-time interaction with the real environment.


The journey to development


The VR/AR industry has gone through three different periods:


The period 2012 - 2016 is a period of high expectations, while the VR/AR concept has just entered public view and is subject to high expectations;


The industrial slump of 2017-2018. The industry has achieved an important process of upgrading hardware and building up content, breaking the vicious circle of “lack of content – bubble collapse – weak hardware sales – uninvested.”


The 2018-2019 VR/AR industry is entering a recovery period, and with the upgrading of network communication technologies, the iterative nature of optical technology, the value of VR/AR products has been increasing, and quality content has begun to move into public view.

  如今VR和AR行业进入高速发展期,设备出货量和市场规模有望实现高速增长。从2019年起,随着光学技术的迭代、网络环境升级、产品体验升级同时性价比提升以及热门VR内容的推出,驱动VR/AR行业重回增长快车道。根据IDC预测,2020年全球AR和VR出货量达706万台,而未来4年CAGR有望达到81.5%。同时根据BCG和Mordor Intelligence预测,2024年全球AR和VR市场规模有望扩张至2969亿美元,2021-2024年CAGR可达113%。

Since 2019, the VR/AR sector has been driving back to the fast-growing fast track with the succession of optical technologies, the upgrading of the network environment, the upgrading of product experience and the introduction of popular VR content. According to IDC, the global volume of AR/VR shipments reached 7.06 million in 2020, while the CAG is expected to reach 81.5% in the next four years.


VR/AR Industrial Chain


The VR/AR industry has broadly similar industrial chains and smartphones, including hardware, software, content production and distribution, and applications and services. The main difference is that smartphone applications are aimed at individual consumers, and VR/AR, in addition to individual consumers, permeates applications in all walks of life and is therefore relatively complex in application.

  硬件环节:按照功能划分可分为终端设备、配套外设以及上游的核心器件三部分。终端设备分为PC 端设备、移动端设备和一体机三种类型。配套外设包括手柄、摄像头(全景摄像头、)和体感设备(数据衣、指环、触控板、触/力觉反馈装置等)等。上游核心器件则包括芯片(CPU、GPU、移动SOC 等)、传感器(图像、声音、动作捕捉传感器等)、显示屏(LCD、OLED、AMOLED、微显示器等显示屏及其驱动模组)、光学器件(光学镜头、衍射光学元件、影像模组、三维建模模组等)和通信模块(射频芯片、Wi-Fi/蓝牙芯片、NFC 芯片等)等。

Hardware components: Functionally divided into end equipment, accessories, and upstream cores. The terminal equipment is divided into three types: PC end-of-end equipment, mobile end equipment, and a single machine. The accessories include handles, cameras (overview cameras,) and body sensors (datacoats, rings, touch panels, touch/power feedback devices, etc.). The upstream cores include chips (CPU, GPU, mobile SOC, etc.), sensors (image, sound, motion capture sensors, etc.), display screens (LCD, OLED, AMOLED, micro-screens, etc.) and their drive modules, optical devices (optic lenses, diffusing optical elements, image modelling, three-dimensional modelling units, etc.) and communication modules (radio-frequency chips, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth chips, NFC chips, etc.).

  软件环节:包括支撑软件和软件开发工具包。支撑软件包括UI、OS(安卓、Windows等)和中间件(Conduit、VRWorks等)。软件开发工具包包括SDK 和3D引擎。

Software links: include support software and software development toolkits. Support software includes UI, OS (Andrew, Windows, etc.) and intermediate (Conduit, VRWorks, etc.). Software development toolkits include SDK and 3D engines.


Content production and distribution: Content production includes virtual reality games, videos, live broadcasts, and social content production.


Applications and services: These include manufacturing, education, tourism, medical trade, recreation, etc.

“元宇宙”概念火爆出圈 相关产业链现状如何?


VR market entering the release phase


Overall, the VR upstream supply chain has become complete, providing mature and stable product supplies such as optical, micro-realities, master chips, structural elements, and surrogate plants. VR downstream ecology is improving, and games are driving an increase in VR-active users.


The beneficiary residential economy, the VR industry, saw a boom in 20 years, with 6.7 million global VR shipments in 2020, an increase of 72 per cent over the previous year. Global shipments are expected to reach about 8 million in 21 and 14.8 million in 22 years, surpassing the most important threshold.


VR is expected to deliver 50 million units over the next five years. With the exception of VR, which is a major domestic entertainment terminal, the visual VR and various B-side applications are becoming more mature, especially the visual VR, which is currently growing rapidly, with a potential target population of around 600 million.


The main VR producers in the market today are Oculus, DPVR, Pico, and HTC. The city of Oculus, under the Facebook banner, accounts for more than 50%, while the share of HTC and SONY has declined faster.


AR Market bottleneck period

  AR行业与VR不同,AR产业链上游还未攻破核心零部件和技术的瓶颈期。微显示方面因为AR需要与现实环境的高互动性,所以需要高亮度的微显示功能产品,目前全球产品端中Micro LED为最佳解决方案,但是Micro LED还处于技术攻克阶段,无论是衬底、外延材料还是单片、集成驱动都还未有成熟的解决方案。主芯片方面目前市场主流使用高通骁龙8系列芯片,并没有针对于AR技术设计的主芯片。

The AR industry, unlike VR, has yet to break the bottlenecks in core parts and technologies upstream of the AR industry chain. Micro-indicatives require high-intensity micro-functional products because AR needs to interact with the real environment. MicroLED is currently the best solution on the global product end, but MicroLED is still in the technology offensive phase, and there are no mature solutions, be it bottom line, extension material or single, integration drive.


The downstream industry is also immature, the product lacks core positioning, and the product strategy is gradually moving to the end of B because C end sales are not expected. Most manufacturers are turning to the product application market.


VR/AR sector development prospects


With the breakthrough of the 5G technology, the infrastructure associated with the VR/AR industry has gradually improved, and the hardware+software+content+application system has grown more mature and has boosted the volume of shipments. As a result of the epidemic, the shortage of goods at all levels of the industrial chain has persisted in 2021. According to IDC data, the global semiconductor shortage faced by major companies, such as Facebook, is expected to affect the level of hardware delivery over the next two to three quarters.


On the basis of the above factors, Seaton Securities projects that VR exports will exceed the 10 million mark in 2021, with a combined 40 per cent growth rate in 2021-2023, a combined 31 per cent growth rate in VR markets, a combined 52 per cent growth rate in AR glasses and a 39 per cent growth rate in AR markets. The combined market growth rate for VR/AR markets as a whole will be 32 per cent in 2021-2023.


However, in order to achieve the VR/AR immersion experience, the following pain points remain to be addressed:


The visual comfort of VR/AR equipment is a long-standing pain point, and further upgrading of electronic and optical components is expected;


In addition to visual enhancement, there is a need for additional tactile or brain interfaces;


(b) Further light wireless simplicity, including freeing wireless transmission from link constraints and lightening the wearing experience;


The content-based ecology still needs to be enriched.

  资料来源: 券商中国,发现报告

Source: Certificater, China, Discovery Report.




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