
资讯 2024-07-13 阅读:76 评论:0



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It is believed that many of the investors familiar with the currency circle will be able to predict their rise and fall mainly by looking at the currency’s movements, but for some currency circles, they will be done from the base. If we want to learn to judge the rise and fall of digital currencies, the K-line map is a necessary tool, and looking at the K-line map is an important skill that we should learn. First, we should know that the two main components of the K-line map are the wiring and the vagina, in which the green is the wiring, the red is the vagina, the wiring is the twilight.


1. 看阳阴,阳阴意味着发展趋势方位,币圈绝大多数的交易中心和分析系统全是绿色代表大阳线、红色代表大阴线,大阳线表明将再次增涨,大阴线表明将再次下挫,以大阳线为例子,在历经一段时间的多头空头努力,收市高过新房开盘说明双头占有优势,大阳线预兆下一阶段仍将再次增涨,起码能确保下一阶段前期能惯性力上冲。相反,大阴线下挫驱动力也是一样。

Look at the yang, the yang signifies the direction of the trend, the trading centres and analysis systems of the vast majority of the currency circles are green for the big yang, red for the big yang, the big yang indicates that they will rise again, the big yang indicates that they will fall again, for example, in the case of the big yang, after a period of multi-heading efforts, the closing of the market over the opening of a new house means that the next stage of the large yang id will continue to rise again, ensuring, at a minimum, that the next stage will be preceded by inertia. On the contrary, the same is true of the driving force of the bulge.


2. Looking at the size of the entity line, the size of the line means the power of the essence, and the larger the line, the more the drive of the increase or fall is, the less the drive is. The larger the line, for example, is actually the part where the market is higher than the opening of the new house, the larger the line indicates that the more the drive is, the larger the line means that the more the drive is, the larger it is, the larger it will be, the more the driver will be, the larger it will be. On the other hand, the same is true for the push under the big line.


Looking at the length of the film line, it means turning point data signals, the longer the line goes to one location, the less the stock price changes to that location, the longer it grows, the longer it rises, and the more the bitcoin is frustrated. For example, after a long line of empty struggles over a period of time, both headlines are broken, regardless of whether the K line is dark or sun, and part of the long line is part of the next stage of friction resistance, with prices being more likely to be adjusted.

一. 大阳线和大阴线

I. Big yang and big vaginal


The key components of the K-line map are two: the Great Sun, the Great Clan. Most trading centres and analysis systems in the currency circles are green for the Great Sun, red for the Great Clan. In general, the Great Clan means multiple (buy-in), the Great Clan means that there is more energy, and the K-line in the K-line map is matched by a match: today's buying energy exceeds the energy sold, so today's K-line in the Japanese curve is the Great Clan (Green Cube).


II. Average chart of lines


In addition to the large vaginal and yangial lines, there are several lines in the K-line: white, light yellow, blue purple, which are different lines from the moving mean lines. The lines in each colour mean different lines: the 5-day moving mean line, the 10 moving mean line, the 90-day moving mean line is very likely, because the moving mean line is randomly set.

三. 时间图

III. Time map


At the bottom of the K-line, we can see a lot of timing options, for example: one minute, one hour, one day, three days, the moon line, which means a different time range. If you order one day, you see the solar line, that is, the daily movement.


In addition to this information, there is some information on the top of the K-line, including the opening price and the closing price, as well as the 10-day price for the 5-day line within that time frame. It is also important for us to learn to understand the K-line, regardless of whether you believe in or admire the analysis of technical indicators.




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