傳涉案賭資超1萬億元 全國最大網絡賭博案開庭

资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:52 评论:0
原標題:傳涉案賭資超1萬億元 全國最大網絡賭博案開庭  “9年非法獲利6.89億,涉案金額超過1萬億元人民幣……”今年4月,溫州龍灣區警方通報的一起特大網絡賭博案中,出現了這樣驚人的天文數字。“Nine years of illegal p...



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原標題:傳涉案賭資超1萬億元 全國最大網絡賭博案開庭


“Nine years of illegal profits of over 689 million yuan in which more than 1 trillion yuan has been involved...” In April this year, in a mega-net gambling case reported by the Hong Kong District Police in Wenzhou, there was an astronomical amount of this amazing amount.


This is known as the country's largest Internet gambling case, which was scheduled to be heard in open court yesterday at the Dragon Bay District Court in Wenzhou.


A total of 22 defendants were brought before the Court. Because of the influence and interest of the case, the principal defendants recruited mainly state-level criminal lawyers, including at least the head of the Criminal Commission of the Provincial Council, the Hangzhou City Bar, the Taizhou City Bar and the Winzhou City Bar, as well as two defence attorneys who were directors of the province's only two specialized criminal lawyers'offices, which are known as the Luxury Bar.


Surprisingly, as nearly 30 defence lawyers, “groups” questioned the jurisdiction of the case, the existence of torture-related confessions by the investigative authorities, and asked the court to initiate the “unlawful evidence exclusion” procedure, the court took the impending decision to turn the trial into a pre-court session.


Just yesterday, media reports that “unlawful evidence is ruled out” were expected to provide details, including such methods as seduction, deception, confessions, threats against oneself, threats against witnesses, threats against the defendant’s family, etc., were also included in the discussion of the request for comments.


He was accused of gambling more than $1 trillion, profiting 689 million illegally in nine years.


The biggest online gambling case in the country opened yesterday.


was “stopped” by the luxurious group of lawyers just after the trial.


's top criminal defense attorney applied for “unlawful evidence exclusion” on behalf of the defendants


Replay the case.


Police alert April.


It's worth over $1 trillion.


In April of this year, the Wenzhou Dragon Bay Police launched a press conference on a country-wide, rare, mega-net gambling case.


In 2005, Jan went to Hangzhou, where Zhejiang Kai United Technology Ltd. operated the “game456” chess platform.


Under this platform, players can play 32 games of chess, such as upgrading, fielding, gold-diggering, Soho, mahjong, cow, port five, chess, etc. After entering the “game456” platform, they can buy the website’s virtual currency, silver, and participate in board games for gambling purposes.


It was found that a company based in Yang was not authorized to issue and trade services in virtual currency.


After several years of operation, the “game456” platform registered 24.37 million users, covering more than 30 provincial administrations throughout the country, mainly in more than 10 provinces in the east of the country.


The day before the press conference, it was reported online that the online gambling case involved more than RMB 1 trillion in gambling. The police said, “because of problems with the way in which calculations are calculated, the actual gambling is still being calculated. But it's not much different from the figure of RMB 1 trillion.”


court sitting > /strang >


The prosecution charged the amount involved with a substantial “shrunking” .


According to the original plan, the trial would take place in three days, from yesterday, 12 December and 19 December. Yesterday, the trial was scheduled to take place between 9.10 and 16.30.


In comparison to the amounts previously reported by the police and the amount of illegal gains, the press yesterday observed in the prosecution's indictment that the final charges against the accused had resulted in a significant “collapse” in the amount of money and illegal gains.


According to the complaint, the public prosecutor examined it in accordance with the law: as of 14 October 2013, there were more than 24.37 million registration numbers for the 456 games platform; between 19 August 2010 and 24 September 2013, the players charged 456 games to 490 million yuan yuan.


In addition to profiting from the user's enrichment of the website, the accused Yang Qai also made substantial gains from the sale of virtual currency to the defendants Yang In-wu and Lin Qing and Rin Bin (both dealt with separately) through the modification of the data for a specific account in the back office, and from 1 to 26 October 2012 alone, the accused Yang Qai sold to the accused Yang Qin Qin ́s counterfeit currency worth more than $1.685 million.


In May 2011, the accused Yang Qi transferred his share of KNU technology to the second defendant, Wu Jung-seung, who was the chief manager of KNU technology since June of the same year. During his administration, the player charged 456 games with more than RMB470 million, and he earned at least RMB11.9 million. Between April 2013 and July 2013, the accused Yang Dong-wu managed KNU technology in a situation where he had been chased by the police.


It is easy to find out from the above that, although the amounts involved are still surprising, they have been “reduced” significantly compared to the $1 trillion reported by the police.


lawyers' convocation for “unlawful evidence exclusion”


Twenty-two defendants, mainly from Zhejiang Province, appeared in the prosecution's indictment. These include four shareholders in Yang Qi, two official silver traders, five downstream silver traders, and the rest working for the company's finance, operations and even legal departments.


Prior to the opening of the trial, the presiding judge stated that, given the large number of accused in the case and given the limited police capacity of the court, only nine persons had been brought before the court (and then two more) and that the remaining accused would be tried at the detention facility via remote video.


At that time, lawyers argued that there was a difference of jurisdiction in the case and that there might be circumstances such as the use of torture to extract confessions, requiring the court to “exclude unlawful evidence”.


The defence lawyers for the first to fifth defendants have argued that there is a violation of the law in this case to take custody of a designated residence, and that the family was not notified as required by law. In addition, the investigatory authority is suspected of having subjected the accused to disguised corporal punishment, fraud, threats, and enticement for unlawful interrogation, and should initiate an unlawful evidence-exclusion procedure.


For example, Yang Dongwu's defense lawyer mentioned in court yesterday that the detective, in his interrogation of Yang Dongwu, showed him pictures of his wife (a co-defendant) handcuffed to the interrogation chair and told Yang Dongwu that “when you cooperate, we will report to your leader for protection. How can your wife take bail?” According to the lawyer, the police have repeatedly suggested that Yang Dongwu should be handed over to the Hubei police if he does not cooperate.

  多名辯護律師還提到,本案偵查機關的筆錄存在大量粘貼復制、 違反筆錄制作程序,缺乏客觀性,不能作為定案依據。

A number of defence lawyers also mentioned the existence of a large number of stickers, violations of written production procedures, lack of objectivity and failure to substantiate the case.


In addition, lawyers have argued that in the case in question, the K.S.T.C. was set up in Hangzhou, and the servers were in Hangzhou, where the company actually controlled Yang Qi, Ng and some employees worked and lived in Hangzhou for a long period of time, and Yang Dong-wu had been operating a hotel in Hangzhou for many years. According to the relevant regulations, the Yong Bay police have no jurisdiction over the case.


Finally, the court stated that it would take full account of some of the comments made by counsel at the pre-court meeting and that further notice would be given as to the next opening of the trial.


to connect to


What do you mean, "illegal evidence excluded"?


The rule of “unlawful evidence exclusion” usually refers to the rule in criminal proceedings that evidence obtained by illegal means by investigators and their staff may not be taken into account in criminal proceedings.


According to the information received, the Supreme Court drafted a rule on the exclusion of illegal evidence following the incident, since the document was not issued because there was no consensus on the issue. After Zhao’s case, the attention of the whole community was drawn to the exclusion of illegal evidence.


According to the Beijing Youth Journal, the Supreme Law is currently seeking advice on the strict enforcement of the exclusion of illegal evidence, concerning the widening of the scope of illegal evidence, the tiredness of interrogations and the exclusion of confessions of overstayed defendants, and it is hoped that the procedure for excluding illegal evidence will be further refined.


It was also revealed that the use of methods such as seduction, deception, confessions, threats against oneself, threats against witnesses, threats against the family of the accused had been included in the discussion of the request for comments.


In addition, tired interrogation is the key to the drafting of this study. A three-tier system should be created, with no more than 12 hours per interview; not less than eight hours of rest per day; and guaranteed reasonable rest, food, including convenient rights, for the interviewee.

  意見稿還提出了關於死刑案件當中訊問律師在場權的問題。記者 陳洋根 文/攝

The opinion also raises questions about the right of a lawyer to be questioned in a death penalty case.




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