
资讯 2024-07-10 阅读:49 评论:0
又逢岁末,2023年即将画上新的句号。这一年,是变局之年、也是复苏之年。我们回顾一年来中国经济领域的热点人物、热点字词,用“热度”下的思考解读2023年,也寻找2024年前行的方向。At the end of the...



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At the end of the year, a new end will be drawn in 2023. This year is the year of change and the year of recovery. We look back at hot spots and hot spots in China’s economy over the past year, using “ heat & & rdquo; and thinking about 2023, and looking for the direction to be taken before 2024.

今天,浙商发展研究院(浙商智库)、《浙商》杂志、推出年度系列总评榜,今天是第三期“2023浙商年度囧人” ,一起来回顾过去的这一年都有哪些留下印记的年度人物。

Today, the Institute for the Development of Businesses (IBD), the magazine Chest, and the launch of the annual series of general awards are today the third & & ldquo; the 2023 annual & rdquo; and, together, a review of the names of the year figures that have been marked for the past year.


The price of barbarism;


In September 2023, market rumours confirmed that Xu’s family had been captured. In the past two years, the stupendous self-help campaign of the Helium Group has also failed.


As one of the few super-rich people who came out of the countryside, Xu’s head of the board of directors of China’s long-standing group had a lifetime of legends and sadness. As a once-business giant, China’s great collapse was all the more grotesque.


In 2018, the price of Xu was more than 300 billion, the richest in China at the time. In 2021, the thunderbolts lasted more than a year, and despite numerous calls for reorganization, the reality was that he and his elders would never rise again.


The high levels of indebtedness have broken the long chain of capital, which has caused huge volatility in the market. Xu’s ignorance of and contempt for financial rules, lack of awareness of the big business, short-sighted and greedy decision-making & Hellip; & Hellip; is clearly a huge failure today.


If he was a hero in 2018, Xu’s hairdresser seized the moment and made a fortune in China’s booming real estate. Unfortunately, no one could save Xu’s life.


&ldquao; Neighbors&rdquao; Fall & mdash; & mdash;


On 7 December, the Hsien Shenzhen House announced a first-instance judgment in the case of the illegal collection of funds by P2P Platform Red Ridge Innovations in Electronic Commerce Inc. (hereinafter & & ldquo; Red Ridge Investment & & & rdquo;) Chairman Zhou Shiping of the Red Ridge Investment Board was sentenced to life imprisonment and confiscation of all personal property for the crime of pooled funds fraud and unlawful appropriation of public deposits. The Court found that, between 2009 and 2021, Queens Zhou had illegally absorbed about $109 billion in public deposits to more than 480,000 people through the distribution of funding funds on the Red Ridge Internet platform.


In 2008, when the concept of P2P net lending began to enter China’s market, a major financial-lending venture was set up. For the benefit of the full advance and large-scale model, the first year of its creation, it achieved more than $8 million in transactions, making it a leading business in this area. A single-week exchange of $100 billion in 2015.


In 2016, four ministries, the Silver Ridge Supervisory Board, the Ministry of Trade and Communications, the Ministry of Public Security, and the National Internet Information Office, jointly issued a provisional scheme for managing the operations of the Internet-based lending and information intermediaries, stipulating that the same borrower should have a ceiling on the balance of borrowing by the same and different credit institutions, and that the large model of the Red Ridge initiative should be hit. This has led to a move away from a single model of investment to a small and decentralized operation.


In July 2017, Zhou Shiping announced that it would clear Internet lending in three years, but that it was not going well. By March 2019, Zhou Shiping suddenly released & ldquo; although it was clean, it did not say goodbye & rdquo; and a clearance statement and introduced a full payment plan within three years of full borrowing.


After all, this statement was a futile & ldquao; struggling & & rdquao;. This year, the Red Ridge initiative failed to meet the original 20% payout target, only 9.3% of which was achieved, and some of the lost investors took extreme measures to collect their debts, as a result of slow clearance plans.


On July 22, 2021, Zhou Se Ping’s deep south shares (002417.SZ, which withdrew from the market in July 2023) revealed that he had been subjected to criminal coercion by the Shenzhen police.


&ldquao; live broadcast of First Brother & rdquao; in conflict with the law & mdash; & mdash; Chen Shang Jing


At the end of the day, there will always be industries affected by & & & & & & & & & ;. The game live platform, the P2P industry, and currency circles are particularly affected by the growth and decline of the past.


In mid-November, the Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Fish Fight Board, Chen Shao Jie, was arrested.


The guilty Chen Shaoji and the fish have also suffered from a decline in performance. Before the fall, the fish had a brilliant moment of rapid growth, and the evangelism was the biggest capital pusher.


In 2014, Chen Shakjie led a team out of the country's first second dollar community and the first screen video site, Station A, to create a fish-fighting TV. On July 17, 2019, the fish-fighter was listed on the NASDAQ Exchange in the United States, with a financing of $891 million, becoming the largest IPO company in the middle of the year. It was valued at $3.7 billion, 53% higher than the tiger teeth listed the previous year, sitting & ldquo; live one brother & rdquo; and the throne.


However, the wind is fast and fast, and during the same period, medium and short video platforms, such as station B, fast hand, shivering, have risen, and the game live platform has been hit hard, with & & & & & & & & & & ; and it is fast and hard to find the north. The live platform, which used to be the top three, such as tiger teeth, has even collapsed, and it has become more chilling for its peers.


The tragedy of Chen Shauji is an appearance, and the failure to find a new point of growth is the root cause of the risk.


&ldquao; rich currency; guilty plea & mdash; & mdash; Zhao Changjun

2023年3月,CFTC对币安和币安创始人、前首席执行官赵长鹏提出指控,理由包括币安在赵长鹏的指示下,积极非法招揽美国客户,并直接在币安平台及量化交易公司上进行数字资产衍生品交易等13项指控。美国证券交易委员会主席加里·詹斯勒(Gary Gensler)表示,赵长鹏和币安的实体参与了一个广泛的欺骗、利益冲突、缺乏披露和蓄意逃避法律的网络。

In March 2023, the CFTC filed charges against Zhao Chang Peng, founder and former CEO of the currency and currency, for 13 charges, including the active and illegal recruitment of American customers under the direction of Zhao Chang Peng, and direct trading of digital asset derivatives on the currency platform and quantitative trading companies. The Chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission, Gary & Middot; and Gary Gensler, stated that Zhao Chang Ping and the currency entities were involved in a wide network of deception, conflict of interest, lack of disclosure and deliberate evasion of the law.

2023年11月,赵长鹏宣布卸任币安CEO职务。当时他说:“今天,我辞去币安首席执行官职务。诚然,情感上的放下并不容易。但我知道这是正确的做法。我犯了错误,我必须承担责任。(I made mistakes,and I must take responsibility) 这对我们的社区、币安和我自己都是最好的。”

I made mistakes, and I must take responsibility. This is best for our community, for the currency and for myself.


By the way, in 2021, the Forbes Chinese were on the top of the list of rich people, with Zhao Chang Peng at the price of $573.3 billion at the time. It became the richest code, the crypto-currency. The currency company he created, once the world’s largest trader, was an encrypted currency exchange. The company, founded in 2017, raised $15 million through the issuance of its first token.


By the end of 2022, the currency had more than 120 million subscribers, processing transactions valued at some $65 billion a day, or 70% of the market. Currency security charged a fee from it and issued its own encrypted currency BNB. By size, BNB is the fourth largest encrypted currency in the world.


Today, the biggest suspense faced by Zhao Chang Peng is whether he will face prison sentences after confessing guilt. He may still face up to 18 months in prison. After the sentencing hearing on February 23, 2024, the suspense will reveal the outcome.


&ldquao; lipstick First Brother & rdquao; live rollover & mdash; & mdash; Li Jiaji


In 2023, Li Jia Qi turned over the car.


Underlying the anger of fans is the arrogance of the industry that carries the goods. The slots between Li Jiaqi’s live broadcasts are expensive and rare, and many brands beg for cooperation only to attract more people through Li Jia Qi’s live broadcasts. We see Li Jia Qi or & ldquao; enough effort and sincerity & & rdquo; Li Jia Qi? Is Li Jia Qi like & ldquo; forget the past & & rdquao?


Once, he stood between consumers and brands to be a consumer & ldquo; a spokesperson & & rdquo; once, he was able to share his feelings with consumers and was kind to & & & & & rdquao; a product with higher recommended prices & Hellip; & Hellip; Li Jia Qi, who was sold from an ordinary counter as an electric dealer and is now taunted as & & ldquao; apparently with a completely different mindset & & rdquao;


It is difficult to predict how long this crisis of public opinion will last, and whether Li Jiaqi’s live broadcast will become subdued. But it is certain that the lack of respect for consumers will be reversed.


Debt crisis > & mdash; & mdash; Yeon Hee-yeon


The debt crisis is always the greatest risk to Beguio Precinct. How to survive this dark moment and test the Yang's father and daughter.


In 2023, Yang Huiyeon officially took over the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors from his father.


Five months later, & & & ldquo; Cosmos First House & & rdquo; declared risk by failing to pay two dollar debts as scheduled. Bei Qui Garden immediately opened a series of self-helps, openly accepting & & & rdquo; the company has encountered the greatest difficulties since its inception & & & rdquao. Yang hyun also said & & & ldquo; the family will certainly smash the pots and iron support companies. As the company's family and management swayed, the Bézie Garden tried to send positive signals to the market and investors, and the collective pay was even adjusted by the outside world to & ldquo; it turned into a beating worker overnight. & & & rdquao; and with the blades in the middle of the reform, could Bé Qi Garden stand up?


In the face of unprecedented difficulties, Bei Gui Garden needs more self-help. The debt problem is not solved, & ldquao; tight belts & rdquao; life is not difficult for Bei Gui Garden. The hard part is how to solve the difficult debt problem.


the fall of the car builder >mdash; — Shen


In the second half of 2023, the founder of Wilma's car, its chairman and CEO, nearly disappeared and lost his voice after burning down 41 billion dollars, leaving huge debts, arrears in employees' wages, and the sale of 100,000 users.


Although all the subsequent moves were silent: this new car builder & mdash; — Wilma is still alive and seeking life in the same ranks as the Peng, the ideal car. Indeed, Wilma’s headquarters is now empty, and 12 rounds of financing were no longer available, and the rhetoric of intelligent car promoters has long been forgotten in the long river of time.


Shen Jili, a former car builder. Joined the American auto parts giant, Bogwala, in 1996; made a profit by making Ningbo’s collapsing joint venture; brokered a joint venture between Fiat and Hiroshima; and joined forces to complete China’s largest overseas M&A in the history of automobiles.


As a result, they overestimated their capabilities, underestimated market risks, and gradually turned from pioneers to pioneers under the pressure of technological immaturity, too little orders for production capacity, and no longer subsidies.


The future of Wilma's car is no longer a self-help solution, and the experience of Wilma's car is enough to give the Chinese automobile industry a full warning, to engage in research and development on the ground, to work as hard as you can, and to give the answers you want in time and in the market.


30 billion fraud cases > & mdash; & mdash;


On 4 December, Kyoto passed through Weibo & ldquo; Jingdong spokesman & & rdquo; issued & & & rdquao; made statements about Noa's ill-intentioned prosecution of Jindong's wealth, misleading investors and the public & rdquao;


In business, Luo Jing used to be a high-profile name, as a member of the Women Business Leaders Club & ldquo; Mulan House & rdquo; once referred to as & ldquo; Business Mulan & rdquo; and famous in capital markets.


She used two & ldquao; radish & rdquao; a carefully planned & ldquao; an empty white wolf & rdquao; an & & & ldquao; a fraud & & & rdquao; and a sham for illegal possession.


In 2022, she was found guilty of contract fraud and bribery of non-State workers, and sentenced to life imprisonment. According to the second branch of the Shanghai People’s Procuratorate’s Office, as of the date of the case, the defendants had defrauded the victims of more than 30 billion yuan, resulting in a total economic loss of more than 8 billion yuan. Of this amount, more than 3.4 billion yuan was lost in Goofy, 900 million yuan in cash securities, more than 2.7 billion yuan in mosanto, more than 1.5 billion yuan in Yunnan Trust, and more than 99 million yuan in An Qin Xin.


There is no hiding from the world; time must be a knife, a lie that will break everything. & & ldquo ; & & rdquao ; a wake-up call that exposes the risks of fraud and individual fraud in the business environment.

来源:浙商杂志官方微信公众号 记者 姚恩育 施晓艳

Source: U.S. Wireless Journal, journalist Yao Eun-yung, Xiaoyan.




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