
资讯 2024-06-18 阅读:84 评论:0
  “老乡们,我们应注意提高防范意识,做到‘三不一要’:不轻信、不透露、不转账,要及时报案……”11月5日,河南省淅川县检察院检察官来到该县某社区,结合该院办理的一起虚拟货币传销案进行反诈骗宣传活动。“We should take care...



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“We should take care to raise our awareness of prevention, so that we can be `three by one': trustless, non-disclosed and non-transferred, and report it in a timely manner...” On 5 November, the prosecutor of the district prosecutor's office in Sasakawa, Henan Province, came to a community in the district to conduct an anti-fraud campaign in conjunction with a virtual money-distribution case handled by the court.


High-tech companies were commissioned to customize software, set up the Red Cow Decentralization Exchange website, developed the corresponding Red Cow Companion App, carried out distribution activities in the name of “virtual currency” “block chains” and set up the Red Cow College Group of Lecturers to carry out a front-line promotional campaign. In just one year, the groups involved developed 2,128 members, defrauding more than 120 million yuan.


On 27 June of this year, the mid-level court of Nanyang City, Henan Province, upheld the decision by dismissing the appeal of Zhang and Sun, and on 14 July, the mid-level court of Nanyang City quashed the verdict against Wang and sentenced him to five years and nine months' imprisonment and a fine of 500,000 yuan for organizing and leading distribution activities. With the final verdict, the case was finally settled.


Launching and distribution network development member


In the summer of 2020, Wang, who wants to make a fortune, set up the Red Cow Decentralization Exchange and developed Red Cow Cow App to use the Internet for distribution throughout the country. In order to set up a distribution organization and set up an organizational structure, Wang Cao made custom-made software for the Beijing Values Interconnected Company (hereinafter referred to as the Value Interconnection Company) where he was travelling in 2020.


In September 2020, the Red Cow De-centralized Exchange publicly distributed NB coins (coins) on the Internet. In order to promote publicity, Wang has commissioned Zhang to form a “lecter corps” and over 10 members of an organization, Sun-ae Zhang, Zhou-ae (other cases) and others, to form a “lecter corps” at the Red Cow Business School. Zhang is the actual head, Sun-e-eun is the “master” and Chow is the “ vice-president”.


In Tianjin, Chongqing, etc., one of Zhang's promoters, using the “virtual currency” of the block chain as a pseudo-promotion of the NB-trading market through a large number of false transactions, has attracted unspecific public registration accounts, charging values and claims that members can profit from NB-coin through `static gains' and `motivated gains', and that NB-currency conversion into a virtual currency such as USDT can be withdrawn from `red cow-to-centralized exchanges'.


In the course of operating the Red Bull De-centralized Exchange, which manages the system of wallets, collects and keeps USDTs and other virtual currencies, such as USDTs, which members submit to the Exchange for review and payment.


Exact determination of amounts involved


This case is not only a high-tech crime, but it is also of great value, and the victims are scattered throughout the country, making it difficult to obtain evidence.


The public security organs have found that the apparent provision of mainstream virtual currency trading services, under the guise of the “public chain” and under the guise of high interest-bearing earnings, has been used as bait to attract others to open accounts, while at the same time using a high proportion of the promotional proceeds to induce participants to continue developing their participation, establishing hierarchical relationships and directly or indirectly basing their return on the number of development personnel.


A total of 132,274 user-level relations information are available for the Red Cow Decentralization Exchange, with a total of 239,359 direct users meeting a total of 48,064 level information equal to three floors and a total of more than 30 floors. The number of users of the Red Cow Decentralization Exchange is USDT, BTC and other virtual currencies, of which USDTs amount to 20181988.4840085 (with a value of about 120 million yuan).


On 7 August 2021, the Prosecutor's Office of Sakakawa County issued a legal decision authorizing the arrest of Ho, Zhang, Sun and Wang.


In the course of the investigation of the case, the investigating authorities were advised to dig deeper into the evidence through a big data platform. In the end, the investigating authorities dug up the virtual currency, USDT 110166.0253, BTC 0.03672, TRX 61.33, ETH14.25968514 and seized the virtual currency USDT 31575.0178, BTC 3.70102122, ETH7.61, UNI506,4281, TRX1430 and fixed the evidence in a timely manner, in addition to the holding of the virtual currency, which was used to pay members' cash.


On 6 May 2022, the Sasakawa County Public Prosecutor’s Office charged Ho, Zhang, and Sun with organizing, leading and distributing activities. On 9 October 2022, the Court charged Wang with the same offence.


Four accused finally pleaded guilty.


In cases where three persons, Zhang and Sun, refused to confess guilt, the prosecutor of the case deceived them to take property and to disrupt the economic and social order. The facts of the crime were shown in a chain and in a clear manner. In the end, the three pleaded guilty in front of a large number of facts.


The court held a public hearing on 15 February. During the trial, Mr. Wang argued that his identity in organizing and leading the distribution campaign did not correspond to the facts and argued that he did not play a major role. The prosecutor pointed out that the “red cow to centralize the trading platform” was developed by someone at the request of Mr. Wang, who had paid for it, and that he had organized a market value studio to create artificially controlled prices that created the boom in the NB currency market, profited from it and dominated the profit money. In addition, he recruited Mr. Zhang to set up a group of lecturers to promote and motivate more people to participate.


On 19 April of this year, the court sentenced each of them to five to three years' imprisonment, with a fine of 300,000 to 80,000 each, for organizing and leading the distribution campaign, and to six years' imprisonment and a fine of 500,000 yuan. All four persons appealed against the first-instance judgement. On 27 June and 14 July, the lower court of the city of Namyang handed down a final decision and a sentence.




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