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& & ldquo; titanium confession & rdquo; #38 on-line classroom, we once again invited three titans to share challenges and innovations in block chain technology. , founder of the titanium block chain, CEO Yellowstep , a Ph.D. in Computers, IEEE, ACM, and China Computer Society, one of the best candidates for the 2016 100-person Award. There are more than 20 patent applications for inventions in areas such as data mining, virtualization of operating systems, block chain technology, etc.

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Hello, I am the founder of the cloud block chain, Yung Jian, and I am very pleased to share with you the technological development of the block chain and the location of the site in the practical application landscape.


At the outset, let me introduce clouds. Clouds is a technical service provider of block chains, dedicated to building a technology platform for business-level alliances. Clouds University and the National University of Singapore set up joint block chains laboratories in both places, with more than 90% of the team comprising Ph.D.s and Masters, including thousands of Chinese & ldquo; five & rdquo; young medal winners, 100-persons of excellence, top-of-the-world numeracy winners, global Topcoder winners, etc., with strong research and development capabilities.


Clouds have done much in the area of block chain storage, protocol layers, component layers, service levels, in particular high-performance optimization, consensus mechanisms, and privacy protection, and have applied for nearly 30 patents on inventions, which have been very effective in their practical application. Clouds have now provided financial institutions with a technological platform for the federated block chain, and business-related business scenes in the booming banks are already online.


What are the problems faced by block chains in commercializing applications to land?


First, how do the bottom of the block chain be selected? Everyone knows how the current technical route of the block chain, including HyperLedger, Ether, Corda, etc., chooses ? What development architecture is chosen to allow the functionality to be performed? How are technologies such as privacy protection strategies and multiple signatures applied to financial institutions?


In the course of block chain applications, there are still a lot of errors in the country, and there is a problem with


In addition, block chain technology has a number of governance, risk and control problems for financial institutions . The original technology was centralized, mainly through a credible third-party institution, as a way to endorse it. By adopting block chain technology, it turned into a multi-group, multi-agency group endorsement, where compliance was not enough for financial institutions to focus on a number of issues. Another characteristic of the block chain technology itself is that transactions in the field are not currently appropriate, and is more often off-site transactions .

在区块链技术应用过程中是不能一蹴而就得。我们在跟一些机构合作的时候,一般是怎么一个过程呢?首先做POC,叫概念验证(proof of concept),一般这个周期可长可短,可能短的一个月,有的可能两三个月都有。做完所有相关的技术验证测试之后,并论证相关的技术风险,这个过程做完之后,我们再真正去考虑在一些生产系统中怎么去应用的问题。

What kind of process do we do when we're working with some of the agencies? First, the POC, called concept validation, usually a short cycle, maybe a month, maybe two or three months. After all the relevant technology validation tests have been completed, and the associated technology risks have been demonstrated, then we really think about how to apply them in some production systems.


How can the painful problems in the area of supply chain finance be addressed through the current overcapacity of some productive enterprises, the high credit levels of upstream and downstream enterprises, competition and the increased demand from financial institutions to provide services to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)?


The pains in the financial application of the supply chain are mainly four points: 1; the number of participants and the length of the industry chain. 2; centralized platform data are easily tampered with. 3; centralized platform data are easily leaked and business information privacy is not effectively protected. 4; inefficient industrial chains and financial flows are slow.


In conclusion, a real trade asset is a central issue in supply chain finance, and secure and efficient data-sharing is the key to wind control.


So how do we guarantee the true reliability of trade data? We put the core business, financial institutions, financing platforms, distributors, suppliers, logistics, warehousing together to build a chain of alliances that allows the major players to become nodes, share books, break islands of information, multi-point transaction data, without central agency control, so that the system is highly reliable.


We can also use asymmetric encryption to protect some of the privacy of the business. So how do we do that? Big documents are encrypted and stored on the chain through a summary of the document. Small documents are stored directly on the chain through some asymmetric encryption, which is the basic model currently applied to large and small documents in the block chain.


At the same time, we can simplify the process, reduce costs, and do what? What are the benefits of having all parties involved, for example, in order contracts, warehouse receipt contracts, paper contracts, etc., where these business logics are negotiated through smart contracts, where the terms are satisfied and the transaction is done automatically?


In the first place, transparent and non-frozen contracts can greatly simplify the flow of transactions, increase efficiency and reduce the risk of operations. Through block chains, we can make the external data of the entire industrial chain available safely and efficiently and ensure that the data of the entire network is not tampered with, making the flow of all data credible. If traditional methods are used, we cannot guarantee the reliability of the data transfer process.


We can build the biosphere of the entire chain of blocks based on multi-chained structures to achieve cross-industry, cross-platform, cross-regional integration. How can a platform like the entire supply chain finance be implemented?


starts with building a block-chain alliance , identifying its members, identifying consensus mechanisms and certification agencies, and establishing its contractual rules on the basis of business. It is particularly important to note that, throughout the process of creating a supply chain financial union, the sponsors must be strong and have the resources to do so, because in the process of building such a system, you must be involved with the relevant sources or some of its participants. If your initiators are not strong enough, it will be difficult to build a coalition system.


goes on to look at the overall architecture of the block chain system and, at the basic service level, we provide membership management functions, including changes, additions, deletions, etc., as well as smart contract services that support editing, compilation, deployment, etc. of related contracts based on the Smart Contract Developer platform; consensus validates this section by providing options for a number of related consensus agreements, Noops, BFT, PBFT, etc.; and the platform also provides node state monitoring functions that allow operators to view the status of each node and give alerts if the blocks are highly inconsistent.


At the operational level, we are basically working with partners in the supply chain finance platform, and in the actual integration process, we provide the relevant SDK, API services at each node, with access to the ERP system of the core enterprise, where the main software suppliers are currently SAP, Oracle, Golden Flutters, etc. Our previous participants must have adequate scientific and technical capabilities, and if they are not enough, there may be problems during the system's interface.


First, we design smart contracts at various points in supply chain finance, involving core firms, suppliers, financial institutions, logistics warehousing, etc.


If you look again at the process of depositing the corresponding accounts receivable, which is similar to the process described earlier, the business logic is different, such as applying for delay first through the supplier node, then through the bank node, and then confirming the signature through the core business, and if so, how the bank is going to issue the loan. Other smart contracts, such as staggering, advance financing, etc., are basically similar.


Finally, let us talk about how to build the system, usually using a public cloud-based platform deployment that includes key players, such as large suppliers, financing platforms, distributors, logistics warehouses, financial institutions, core businesses, etc., and we do not recommend that all participants deploy a node, because the more the nodes there are, the more inevitably, the slower the network as a whole.


Most of the block chain commercial landing projects known to us are based on chain of alliances technology, including Hyperledger, Corda, Enterprise Ether, etc., with major applications such as paper, letters of credit, securitization of assets, cross-border payments, trade settlements, asset determination, etc.


There are also consensus mechanisms used by block chain technology itself, such as the traditional public chain, typically workload proof of Pow, equity certification, etc.


Whether it's domestic or foreign, some of the main commercial applications of `strang' or the federal block chain. Why not use the public chain technology? There are some technical bottlenecks in the public chain technology itself, especially if all of its nodes are random and uncontrollable, which causes the entire transaction to be slow.


It will take a long time for us all to do this. This will require solid solutions to some of the technical bottlenecks and problems associated with the process of landing, such as performance, privacy protection, etc.; other financial institutions also have compliance problems, and the use of block chain technology has the potential to bring about organizational changes.


1, please teach Master Wong that there is a chance that the situation of the clitoris of the block chain will be one-size-fits-all, connected?


Wong Jian: In the long run, like the early communication systems, the PV brands include Hwang, Naking, Da Tang, Ericsson, and so on, it is only when there are enough block-chain technologies for some of the relevant applications that we will be able to establish some of the relevant technical standards.


2, please ask Mr. Wong, how can the accounts payable, to which you refer, sometimes not that information cannot be shared or trusted, but that the long period is in itself a good thing for the enterprise to do and the business is not willing to do from a financial point of view?


The accounts-receivable problem that we have just mentioned is also a matter of business itself. In the course of our cooperation with some of our partners, some of the producers themselves have been forced to borrow some of their loan credits because of the timing problem, which is very bad for the producers; for the core enterprises, too, if there is a problem with the financial chain of their own downstream production, it will cause instability in the entire supply chain; and for the financial institutions, if the trade information is true, they are willing to lend to them.


3, would the application of block chains be limited to development planning for the application of the original business system?


Yellowsteps: The block chain should not be ubiquitous; simply understood, it is a distributed and shared book that addresses trust among multiple agencies through a system. Of course, when we do business planning, if there are trust issues in the multi-agency context, we can think about introducing block chain technology.


4, practical supply chain finance applications encounter a number of operational problems. Everyone has receivables and payables that are long-term receivables for maximizing benefits. You want to know how to reconcile the various stakeholders in the supply chain in practical application?


Huang Qing: It is true that there are such bottlenecks in the process of applying the block chain to the ground. In our work with a bank, the bank has a good relationship with the local core business, and the coalition sponsors have enough resources on the ground, mainly on the side of the business and side of the business.


5, do you have any potential for destruction data at the time of connectivity?


Yellow Ribbon: It is possible, of course, that this depends on how a technology system is constructed in the future, such as some of the technologies associated with cross-linkages now, and mainly on finding solutions to the interaction between future chains and chains.


6, Multi-Institutional Credibility, if multi-agency information interchange is itself credible now, and if there is no interchange, that is, there is no natural need for credibility, then the block chain solves the question of credibility, specifically what?


Yellowsteps: This credible system of block chains allows multiple participants to negotiate rules on the line and to contract them intelligently. For example, a transaction link allows you to avoid clearing your transactions and auditing processes, because each one of my participants has a shared and distributed account book.


7 How do you do? You just mentioned the need for background and resources to initiate units in block chains, especially in the building of the union chain. But in the area of block chains, it seems that firms are now specialized in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), large enterprises and mega-enterprises with some layouts of block chains, but not as strong as AI (e.g. Internet giants).


It is true that some block chain technologies are still at an early stage, and there is some uncertainty throughout the development process; we can simply use block chains as a technical tool to address trust among multiple players. The original technology system was to address the integrability of one data by using data exchange protocols, which did not guarantee consistency between the data.


(the original titanium media, based on the sharing of titanium confessions by the founder of the cloud block chain, CEO Yellow Step)




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