
资讯 2024-06-22 阅读:66 评论:0
史上最猛概念!指数3天暴涨30% 原创 辣笔小强 东方财富网The biggest concept in history! The index surged by 30% in three days.这几天,元宇宙概念突然火爆,概念指数3天...



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史上最猛概念!指数3天暴涨30% 原创 辣笔小强 东方财富网

The biggest concept in history! The index surged by 30% in three days.


In the last few days, the concept of the meta-cosmos has suddenly burst and the concept index has risen by 30% over three days, and it has now reached a point where stock prices can be boosted by one word or another. There are institutions that say that the meta-cosmos is still in its infancy, that there is still a long way to go from the product to the product, and that caution should be exercised about the concept, after all, that there are too many cases of chicken hair in the past.



The concept of the Won-Cosmos continues to explode.


To say what's the hottest concept, Yuan cosmos says second, and no one dares to say first. Today, the concept of Yuan cosmos continues to erupt, with an all-day index rise of 14.7%, which is what makes history. After all, it is hard to imagine that the concept of a single increase of more than 10% per day.


In addition, with the eruption of the meta-cosmos, the concepts of cloud games, hand-walking concepts, network games, enhancing reality, virtual reality and so on are among the concepts that are on the rise today.


In fact, since the beginning of this week, the concept of the meta-cosmos has risen three days in a row, with a cumulative increase of 30.46 per cent in the concept index, with a sharp increase of 6.52 per cent on Monday and 6.78 per cent on Tuesday, in addition to today’s 14.7 per cent increase. In terms of shares, the current 17 concept units, with six companies today, five of them 20CM, have risen by more than 10 per cent.



A reply.


20CM up and down.


As the concept of the meta-cosmos broke out, the usual “hot spots” of the market appeared again, with remarkable results.


In response to investors' questions this afternoon at around 1.17 p.m., the Enterprise's Tom Cat, “The Talking Tom Cat Family” business, stated that the company was firmly committed to the direction of the meta-cosmos and had set up a dedicated working group on the direction of the meta-cosmos to coordinate research and development teams both within and outside the country and to conceptualize and project specific products.


As a result of this, Tom's cat is on a flat course today. Suddenly, it's on a straight upward spiral. It quickly closes and closes. At one point, more than 1 million hand seals were sealed and stopped. At the time of the closing, 341,000 hand seals were closed and suspended, amounting to approximately $139 million at the latest collection price of $4.06.


According to the list, 30,397.2 million dollars is bought for two seats today by deep equity companies. One is on Humpton Road in Hangzhou, with 444,439 million dollars in net purchases.


At the end of the round, a letter of concern was sent to Tom's cat, requesting clarification from the company on the relevance of the main business, the main product and the meta-cosm concept.



One of the shares went down to V.


Similar to Tom's cat, Starfleet Entertainment (principal games, football clubs and toy business, holding Spanish football clubs), the company, responding to investors' questions on interactive platforms shortly before 2:30 p.m., said that a meta-cosm game combining new technologies, such as VR, AR, cloud computing, would bring the physical world to the depth of the virtual world, bringing players a immersional game experience and a new stage in game development.


For the first time, the share price of Starfleet entertainment also rose rapidly, rising by over 19 per cent at a time, reaching a maximum of $3.96, which is only one cent off the price of $3.97. Since then, however, the share price of Starfleet entertainment has fallen rapidly, rising by only 11.48 per cent at the time of the cut-off.



Two days in a row.


With regard to the long line of ideas on the universe of the current round, the Chinese Qingbao had risen and stopped today, with a new market value of $3,309 million.


According to the data, Qingbao is one of the country's first players in the development, operation and conduct of online games. It is also one of China's first A-stock listed game companies, which is underpinned by patriotic red net, hand-to-hand and cloud games.


For two days in a row, the marketers generally agree with Monday’s news. On the same day, China said on its official microscopic signal that the company would launch a meta-cosmographer, a virtual-real-dream simulation-type meta-cosmos game.


At the time of the closing today, there were still 143,000 hand seals, amounting to approximately $169 million at the latest collection price of $11.81.


However, based on the data from the top of the list, Singbao was bought and sold by the Ministry of Commerce, with the largest net buy-in in Hangzhou, a treasury security, and a net buy-in of $6,6583,000 for three days.



Gale's shares are at an all-time high.


Today, Gore shares are also strong and flat, and the stock price is at an all-time high. But, based on data from the bottom of the list, deep shares sold 684 million dollars, the largest single stock in Japan.



It's more than 500 times in the universe.


In addition to this intuitive sense of the conceptual share price, the question-and-answer session on the meta-cosmos has been quite lively on the interactive platform of the deep exchange in recent times.


The search found that in less than three days since 6 September at the time of the deadline, the words “metacos” appeared together 502 times on the interactive platform of the two cities, of which 464 were easy to interact with and 38 were handed over to the e.



What the hell is Yuan cosmos?


For sector shareholders, the concept of the meta-cosm may be hot, but what the universe is, it may not be clear.

百度百科显示,元宇宙即metaverse,其中meta表示超越,verse是宇宙universe的意思, 合起来通常表示,互联网的下一个阶段, 由AR(增强现实),VR(虚拟现实),3D等技术支持的虚拟现实的网络世界。

The encyclopedia shows that the metaverse is the metaverse, in which Meta means beyond what the universe means, and the verse is the universerse, which together usually means that the next phase of the Internet is a virtual reality world supported by AR (enhanced reality), VR (virtual reality), 3D, etc.


The data show that the concept of metaverse was first created by the American science fiction writer Neil Stevenson in the 1992 novel Avalanche. According to the novel, people of the future interact in a immersed digital world, in the form of virtual doubles.


And three years ago, Spillberg's number-one player presented the audience with an amazing virtual world: people in the future connected their consciousness to virtual space parallel to the real world, the game “Oasis”, where vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste and even sexual stimuli can be seen in the game.


The “Oasis” virtual space is fully in line with the standards of the meta-cosmos, based on the direction of the latest market booms and the representations of practitioners.



I'm not afraid of the concept.


So, what is the future of the now-exploited meta-cosm idea? Or, like block chains, web-red broadcasts and so on, it turns out to be a rooster, after a frenzy of frenzy.

首先,技术更加成熟。东吴证券指出, AR/VR等技术日趋成熟,搭建元宇宙的进出通道:AR/VR从技术上解决了虚拟世界与现实世界交互进出的问题,技术的成熟伴随着价格下调和市场普及,AR/VR将变得更加容易获得和使用,技术的提升也使得用户体验不断完善,5G、云计算、区块链等技术的发展也为搭建元宇宙虚拟世界提供了支持。

First of all, the technology is more mature. According to East Wu Securities, technologies such as AR/VR are becoming more sophisticated, providing access to the meta-cosm: AR/VR technically solves the problem of the interface between the virtual world and the real world, technological maturity is accompanied by price belows and market penetration, AR/VR will become easier to access and use, technology upgrades will also enable users to experience and technological developments such as 5G, cloud computing, block chains and so forth support the creation of the meta-cosm virtual world.

其次,发展进入快车道。天风证券认为,2020-2021年将成为虚拟现实驶入产业发展快车道的关键发力时窗,目前全球处于部分沉浸/ 成长培育期。Metaverse概念以虚拟现实硬件段及内容端作为技术基础,有助于实现虚拟现实产业两端协同发展。

The Skywind Securities believe that the period 2020-2021 will be a critical time window for virtual reality moving into the fast track of industrial development, and that the world is now partially immersed in/emerging. The Metaverse concept, based on virtual reality hardware and content, will help to create synergies between the two ends of the virtual reality industry.

据天风证券计算,全球虚拟显示市场规模近千亿,AR与内容应用成为首要增长点。20年全球虚拟现实市场规模约 为900亿元人民币,其中VR市场620 亿元,AR市场280亿元,预计2020- 2024五年期间虚拟现实产业规模年均 增长率约为54%,其中VR增速约45%、 AR增速约66%,2024年两者份额均为 2400亿元人民币。

According to Skywind Securities, global virtuals show a market size of nearly 100 billion, and AR and content applications become the primary growth point. The global virtual real market size for 20 years is about RMB 90 billion, of which the VR market is 62 billion, the AR market is 28 billion, and the average annual growth rate of the virtual real industry is expected to be about 54 per cent for the five-year period 2020-2024, with an increase of about 45 per cent in VR, an increase of about 66 per cent in AR and a share of RMB 240 billion in 2024.


However, industry also warns that the meta-cosmos is still in its infancy, and that the relevant products on the market are still far from realizing the concept and are wary of the concept. According to a paper published by Hwa'an, the AR and VR devices are still defective and, under the current 5G technology, the world is too big to see, once the equipment is running for too long, there is a visual window effect and a sense of dizziness.


For investors only and does not constitute an investment proposal


Original title: The greatest concept in history! The index surged by 30% in three days.





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