今周回顧丨Web3板塊崛起,但市場進一步降溫,行情依然震蕩 本周大事件匯總(11.21

资讯 2024-07-11 阅读:54 评论:0
来源:雪球App,作者: 郭嘉不是锅,(https://xueqiu.com/3058429217/204353340)本周大事件匯總(11.21-11.27) Event Summary this week (11.21-11.27) 一...



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来源:雪球App,作者: 郭嘉不是锅,(https://xueqiu.com/3058429217/204353340)


Event Summary this week (11.21-11.27)



As a result of the South African epidemic, the market value of the encoded currency as a whole fell by $200 billion


On 26 November, as a result of the South African epidemic, the world’s leading stockhold contract collapsed, and the encrypted currency domain underwent a major overhaul, resulting in a decline in the overall market value of $20 billion.


Salvado will build the world's first “bitcoin city”: use volcanic land to heat electricity, only value added tax

11月21日消息,薩爾瓦多總統 Nayib Bukele 宣佈,計畫建造世界上首座“比特幣城”(Bitcoin City),以吸引外資。Bukele 稱,比特幣城”將利用火山地熱為能源,除增值稅外不徵收任何稅。此前消息,薩爾瓦多發行10億美元的比特幣主權債券,其中一半資金將轉換為比特幣,另一半將用於“比特幣城”建造。

On November 21, President Salvado & nbsp; Nayib Bukele announced plans to build the world’s first Bitcoin City to attract foreign capital. Buke claims that the city will use volcanic heat for energy, with no tax charges other than value-added taxes. Earlier, Salvatore issued a $1 billion bill of principal, half of which will be converted to bitcoin and the other half will be built in Bitcoin.


Three Arrow Capital Co-founder: Ether has given up user


On November 21, Zhusu, the founder of the Three Arrows Consortium, tweeted: “I want to soften this point, saying that giving up is a wrong word. It did support users in the past, but it is now moving further and further along the way to give up users.” The argument led to a public chain dispute, and then, later in the day, Zhusu said, “I want to soften it, saying that giving up was a wrong word.



Dollar: The wallet must be completely rebuilt and the DOGE is expected to be suspended for the next week

11月23日,針對暫停DOGE提幣一事,幣安官方發推稱,根本原因是最近升級過程中的技術問題,這個問題發生在幣安,而不是其他平臺;自事件發生以來,DOGE Network一直在為幣安提供支持,但幣安必須完全重建錢包,這造成了幣安預計可能會持續一周左右的延遲。

On 23 November, in response to the suspension of the DOGE raise, the government of the currency claimed that the underlying reason was a technical problem in the recent upgrade process, which had occurred in the currency rather than in other platforms; since the incident, the DOGE Network had been providing support for the currency, but the currency needed to completely rebuild the wallet, which had led to a possible delay of about a week in the currency security forecast.


Earlier, it had been reported that the currency had been updated on 10 November and that, following the upgrade, a minor problem had arisen with the currency on the DOGE, so the flat had suspended the doGE until the problem had been resolved.

Coinbase 收購加密錢包初創公司 BRD

Coinbase Purchase Encrypted Wallet Startup & nbsp; BRD

11月24日,據官方消息,Coinbase 已收購加密貨幣錢包 BRD(原 Bread Wallet)。

On 24 November, according to official sources, Coinbase had purchased encrypted currency wallets & nbsp; BRD (former & nbsp; Bread Wallet).


President Salvado: “100 extra” bitcoins were purchased by the Salvado government after the encoded currency was devalued.


On 27 November, President Salvatore stated that the Government of Salvatore had purchased “100 extra” bits after the encoded currency had been devalued.


616 BTCs were bought by the third-largest Bitcoins whales.


On 24 November, the third-largest bitcoin whale bought 616 BTCs valued at $35.3 million at $5.74 million.


EthioFoundation: it is expected that the testing network Kintsugi will be launched in early December


On November 23, the ETA Foundation announced that its testing network, Kintsugi, was due to be officially launched in the first week of December, and published the rules and plans for the testing network, which is now being finalized by the developers.


The total number of SHIB holders reached 1 million

11月25日消息,Shiba Inu(SHIB)持有者數量突破百萬大關。

On 25 November, it was reported that the number of Shiba Inu (SHIB) holders had crossed the threshold of one million.

Axie Infinity上的一個Genesis地塊以230萬美元售出

A Genesis plot on Axie Intelligence sold at $2.3 million

11月25日,Axie Infinity官方發推稱,遊戲中的一個Genesis地塊以550 ETH的價格售出,出售時價值230萬美元,創下該遊戲中單一虛擬地塊的最高價格紀錄。

On 25 November, Axie Infinity officially claimed that a Genesis plot in the game had been sold at a price of 550  ETH worth $2.3 million at the time of sale, creating a record of the highest price of a single virtual plot in the game.


SushiSwap responds to the negative: AG has indeed left his post, and any word does not represent Sushi's official

11月25日,SushiSwap官方在社交媒體上針對其亞太地區負責人AG發表關於Sushi的負面言論一事做出回應。官方表示,AG 確實已經從 Sushi 團隊離職,離職團隊成員的想法只是他自己個人的,並不代表 Sushi 官方。 此前消息,SushiSwap 亞太地區負責人 AG 在社交媒體上發文表示很遺憾,Sushi失敗了,並指責SushiSwap管理層毫無作為。

On November 25, SushiSwap officially responded in social media to a negative comment on Sushi by its Asia-Pacific Regional Manager, AG. Officially, the AG did leave from   Sushi team, and the idea of leaving team members was his own, not & nbsp; Sushi official. & nbsp; previous news, SushiSwap Asia District Manager & nbsp; AG wrote in social media expressing regret that Sushi failed and accusing Sushi of doing nothing in SushiSwap management.



Submission of new ETF application for

11月26日,灰度投資提交了一份“the Future of Finance ETF”申請,該基金用於追蹤兼具金融、科技、數字資產賽道公司的股票。據悉,該基金能為投資者提供加密行業敞口,這也是灰度在將GBTC轉變為ETF嘗試外的首次ETF申請。

On November 26, the Grayscale Investment submitted an application for the Fund of Finance ETF, which is used to track shares of financial, technological, and digital companies. The Fund is known to be an open source of encryption for investors, and this is the first time that the Greyscale has been trying to convert the GBTC into an ETF.


11月21日消息,MicroStrategy創始人兼CEO邁克爾·塞勒(Michael Saylor)聲稱已經購買了30億美元的BTC,而且還會繼續下去。

On November 21,


Listed company

11月22日,納斯達克上市公司Phunware, Inc.宣佈以大約2380萬美元購買了額外398枚比特幣,平均價格約為59917美元/枚,該司現持有約529枚比特幣。

On 22 November, Nasdak's listed company BlackRock)和景順(Invesco)一樣,它們也在考慮推出提供比特幣等加密貨幣敞口的產品。

On 23 November, according to news sources, Fidelity, UBS and State Street Global Investments have confirmed that they are also considering offering products that provide an encrypted currency exposure, such as Bitco, as opposed to competition rival Belede.

新加坡基金管理公司Fintonia Group推出兩款受監管比特幣基金

Two supervised Bitcoin Funds launched by Fintonia Group, Singapore Foundation Manager

11月26日消息,總部位於新加坡的基金管理公司Fintonia Group推出兩款已獲新加坡金融管理局 (MAS) 批准的機構級比特幣 ( BTC ) 基金。新基金分別名為“Fintonia比特幣實物基金”和“Fintonia安全收益基金”,旨在為專業投資者提供簡單而安全的比特幣敞口。

On November 26, it was reported that the Singapore Financial Services Authority (MAS) & nbsp; approved institutional bitcoin & nbsp; & nbsp; BTC & nbsp; fund. The new fund is known as the Fintonia Currency Realty Fund and the Fintonia Secure Proceeds Fund, and is designed to provide a simple and secure Bitcoins exposure for professional investors.


Web retail giant Newegg confirmed that he was going to support SHIB payments

11月27日,網絡零售巨頭Newegg官方發推宣佈將接受Shiba Inu(SHIB)作為付款選項,但目前尚未透露具體支持時間。

On November 27, Internet retail giant Newegg officially announced the acceptance of Shiba Inu (SHIB) as a payment option, but no specific support time has yet been disclosed.


Russian encryption transactions amount to $5 billion a year


On November 25, the Central Bank issued an updated assessment of financial stability, stating that the total annual amount of encrypted transactions by Russians reached 350 billion rubles, or $5 billion. Moreover, according to



Central Bank Officer: Establishment of a virtual asset-trading traceability and location tracking system


On November 26, the Director of the China People's Bank's Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring and Analysis Centre, Cho, stated at the 2021 National Financial Security Summit and the 11th China Anti-Money Laundering Summit that the risk management of virtual assets should be addressed in four ways: (a) a clear non-financial nature of virtual assets, and improved oversight of new virtual assets.


U.S. OCC: Banks can do encryption with the approval of the Supervisory Authority


On November 24, the U.S. Monetary Supervisory Authority (OCC) stated that banks could do encryption with the approval of the regulator, and that banks should inform the regulator before opening encryption.


The European Central Bank has extended the scope of electronic payment supervision to digital wallets and encrypted assets


On 22 November, it was reported that the Central Bank of Europe had approved a new regulatory framework for electronic payments, which would include stable currency and other encryption coverage.


The United Kingdom and the United States joined forces to fight against the illegal use of encrypted currency


On November 23, the British and US authorities recently promised to enact laws to increase the illegal use of encryption technology. These reforms are motivated by the increase in cyberattacks and encryption fraud in both regions.


The Korean Financial Services Commission has called for the inclusion of in the Capital Market Act or will overturn the ICO ban


On November 23, the Korea Financial Supervisory Authority called for the inclusion of 特斯拉CEO埃隆·馬斯克瞄準了加密貨幣交易所。他發推表示支援從中心化交易平臺提取資金,以便狗狗幣持有者控制自己的私密金鑰。這並不是馬斯克第一次支持 "不是你的私密金鑰,不是你的加密貨幣 "的人群。今年2月,他在推特上說,任何不允許用戶控制其資金的加密貨幣錢包都應該 "不惜一切代價避免"。

On November 24,


Zhao Changjun: There's no need for Buffett to invest in encrypted currency


On November 25, Zhao Changjun (CZ) stated that Buffett was not interested in encrypted currency, and he was not disturbed because Buffett had been critical of digital currency. CZ added that the billionaire was at different stages of his life. Zhao Changjun said, “I will not convince him to invest in encrypted currency. I don't think it is necessary for everyone to invest in encrypted currency. He's very successful, and I respect that. We don't need to let him enter the encryption domain.

MicroStrategy CEO:比特幣是“數字財產”

MicroStrategy CEO: Bitcoin is “digital property”

11月25日,MicroStrategy首席執行官Michael Saylor表示:“比特幣是數字財產,將被每個允許公民擁有私人財產的國家作為價值資產的存儲方式採用。穩定幣是作為交換媒介使用的數字貨幣,將由特許銀行發行。”

On November 25,


People's Network: Some actions

11月25日, 人民網刊文《NFT:通往元宇宙,還是走向大騙局? 》出,今年以來,明星、大V、企業紛紛打造推出自己的NFT產品,數字藝術品儼然成為NFT落地最快的應用場景之一。 元宇宙概念持續熱炒,讓市場看到了NFT的商業機會。 在一些行業人士看來,元宇宙為NFT提供了更加多元的應用場景,NFT將成為實現虛擬物品數字資產化和流通交易的重要工具。 值得注意的是,目前對於NFT、元宇宙概念的炒作已經蔓延至上市公司和二級市場。 一些蹭熱點、炒概念等行為,也正在引起監管部門的警惕。 行業人士認為,目前國內對於NFT的法律性質、交易方式、監督主體、監督方式等尚未明確,NFT存在炒作、洗錢和金融產品化等風險,對於NFT投資應該保持謹慎態度,警惕"擊鼓傳花"式的金融騙局。

25 November, & nbsp; People's Net, NFT: To the metaspace, or to the Great Conspiracy? & nbsp; This year, stars, big V, entrepreneurs are building their own NFT products, and digital artifacts have become one of the fastest applications of the NFT. & nbsp; & nbsp; the concept of the meta-cosmos continues to flourish, allowing the market to see NFT's business opportunities. & nbsp; some players see the universe as providing a more diverse appliance for NFT, NFT will become an important tool for the digitalization and circulation of items.




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