
资讯 2024-06-24 阅读:71 评论:0
目录2023年Web3.0的五大发展趋势1、去中心化的 metaverse2、实用 NFT3、去中心化的社交网络4、绿色 Web35、政 府在Web3领域的干预和监管日益增...



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Web3 这个词有时被称为 "去中心化的互联网",涵盖了一些重要的互联网发展趋势。Web3 的愿景是创造一个不受大公司控制的互联网,如Alibaba、baidu、Google和Facebook,这些公司制定了互联网的大部分规则,掌控着我们今天可以和不可以在网上做什么。

The word Web3 is sometimes referred to as & quot; decentralised Internet & quot; and covers some important Internet trends. The vision of Web3 is to create an Internet that is not controlled by large companies, such as Alibaba, Baidu, Google and Facebook, which have developed most of the rules of the Internet and control what we can and cannot do online today.

Web3 背后的技术很多,如区块链、加密货币、不可伪造代币(NFT)和去中心化自治组织(DAO)等等,它给了我们所需的工具,以创建我们真正拥有的在线空间,甚至是实施数字民 主制度。

The technologies behind Web3 – such as block chains, encrypted currency, non-false money and decentralised autonomous organizations (DAOs) – give us the tools we need to create the online space that we really have, and even to implement digital mastery.

为什么是Web3?简单回顾一下网络的历史就知道,Web1 是互联网的最初时代,它主要是由静态网站组成的只读网络。Web2(或通常称为web2.0)指的是用户生成的网络,随着微博、微信等社交媒体平台的到来,以及最终Facebook 的出现,这给我们带来了 Web3--去中心化的网络。

Why Web3? A simple look at the history of the network shows that Web1 is the early age of the Internet, and that it is mainly a read-only network of static sites. Web2 (or what is commonly known as web 2.0) refers to user-generated networks that, with the advent of social media platforms such as microblogging, microblogging, and eventually Facebook, bring us Web3 -- decentralized networks.


However, this idea is not without critics, because there are fears that in reality it may simply mean a shift of power from a group of technocrats to another group of technocrats. It is also stressed that technologies that make decentralization possible, such as the operation of block chains, often require a great deal of arithmetic. These are, of course, challenges that need to be addressed before the concept can be accepted by society, which is what it needs to realize its potential. In 2023, we may see progress in this area and not keep pessimizing. So let us look at some of the trends that will affect the future of Web3 in 2023.

现在,metaverse 几乎是一个热门趋势,从Facebook到微软MSFT,每个人都在为互联网的 "下一个发展"推销他们的概念和想法。然而,Web3未来的支持者们有自己的想法,而且不涉及这些巨头和大厂控制的平台。

Now, Metaverse is almost a hot trend, from Facebook to Microsoft MSFT, where everyone's & Quot; next development & & quot; marketing their ideas and ideas. However, the future supporters of Web3 have their own ideas and do not involve platforms controlled by these giants and big factories.

DecentralandMANA +6.7% 和 The Sandbox 可能是去中心化 metaverse 平台的两个最明显的例子。构成这些数字世界的数据被储存在区块链上--事实上是 EthereumETH 的区块链。这意味着,理论上只有那些有权限的人才能进行编辑、添加和删除内容。构成整个世界的数据所在的服务器没有个人所有者,他们可以审查不符合其政 治观点的活动。这显然不适合 Facebook 这样的公司,这些拥有服务器的公司将永远拥有最终的发言权。

Decentraland MANA + 6.7% and The Sandbox are probably two of the most obvious examples of decentralizing the metaverse platform. The data that make up the world are stored on the block chain -- in fact, the EtheumETH block chain. This means that in theory only those with access can edit, add and delete the content. The servers that make up the entire world have no individual owners, and they can review activities that are not in keeping with their political views. This is obviously not appropriate for companies like Facebook, which will always have the ultimate say.

去中心化的虚拟环境,是 Web3 下一个十年核心部分,它将带给我们美好的愿景。在2023年,我们可以期待先驱者们继续奠定基础,最终使其成为现实。

Decentralizing the virtual environment is the core part of the next decade of Web3, which will give us a good vision. In 2023, we can expect the pioneers to continue to lay the groundwork for making it a reality.


A non-false token is a unique token that exists in the chain of blocks. Unlike an encrypted currency, it may have millions of the same tokens in the chain, and the NFT can be used to represent something unique.


Most people may have heard of NFT, a computer art that is often sold for thousands or millions of dollars.


However, the promotion of the sale of digital works of art is just one example of them, and for those who believe in the future of decentralized networks, their true value lies in the monetization of items, data and even ideas in the digital and physical fields.


In decentralised Internet, NFT may be the key we use to unlock and interact with the digital products and services we buy. They may also represent our contracts with other parties to obtain goods and services, which are called smart contracts.

在2023年,重点将放在 "实用NFT" 上,而不是简单代表虚拟艺术品类似的NFT。希望这将导致人们改变对这种潜在的高度变革性技术的看法,并更好地理解它们在新生的 Web3 生态系统中的位置。

In 2023, the focus will be on &quat; functional NFT&quat; rather than simply representing virtual art-like NFTs. It is hoped that this will lead to a change in perceptions of this potentially highly transformative technology and a better understanding of their location in the nascent Web3 ecosystem.

Web3 的目标之一是创建一个去中心化的社会网络。如果这真的在 2023 年成为现实,它甚至可能是由于埃隆-马斯克的功劳。

One of the goals of Web3 is to create a decentralised social network. If this really became a reality in 2023, it could even be thanks to Ellen-Mask.

这位特斯拉首席执行官曾说过想要创建这样一个社交网络,用户每次发布信息时都要支付少量的加密货币,以阻止巨头和垃圾邮件的出现。这些想法的曝光,得益于围绕马斯克收购 Twitter 计划的法律诉讼。

The Chief Executive Officer of Tesla once said that he wanted to create a social network in which users pay a small amount of encrypted money every time they publish information in order to stop giants and spam from emerging. These ideas came to light, thanks to legal proceedings surrounding the acquisition of Twitter by Musk.

Web3 的支持者说,去中心化的社交网络的一个核心优势是,它可以抵 制审查制度。目前,Meta(Facebook、WhatsApp和Instagram的所有者)和Twitter等公司,对什么可以说和什么不能说有最终决定权。当然,如果Web3 用户说任何他们想说的话而不需要审查,那么到了一个时刻,政 府和立法者的权威将会受到挑战,这是否是一件好事。

Proponents of Web3 say that a central advantage of decentralised social networks is that it can counter censorship. At present, companies such as Meta (the owners of Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram) and Twitter have no final say or say anything.

即使是最热心的 Web3 倡导者也不得不面对这样一个事实:当涉及到绿色环保证书时,Web3 技术就会被质疑。在其高峰期,仅 BitcoinBTC 的区块链网络,使用的能源将达到每小时130兆瓦,一笔比特币交易产生了772公斤的二氧化碳排放。显然,这不是可持续的,由于这种巨大的能源使用量,特斯拉首席执行官埃隆-马斯克表示,这也是他的公司不再参与这项技术的原因之一。

Even the most passionate Web3 advocates have to face the fact that when green environmental certificates are involved, Web3 technology is called into question. At its peak, only BitcoinBTC’s block chain network will use 130 megawatts per hour of energy, with a Bitcoin trade generating 772 kg of carbon dioxide emissions.


Since then, people have been working together to reduce energy use, while retaining block chains and associated Web3 technologies. Perhaps the most noteworthy is the recent conversion of the TENA network from work certification to equity certification algorithms, which is said to reduce the total amount of energy used on the network by 98%.

除了减少Web3直接使用的能源量,在2023年,我们还可以期待越来越多的努力被投入进来,实现Web3技术的绿色目标。世界经济论坛已经强调了该技术所具有的潜力,使各组织能够协调和建立旨在加速减缓气候变化的协作技术,目前正在探索的一个被称为 "再生金融"(ReFi)的项目,提供财政激励,试图保护对地球人类福祉至关重要的资源。

In addition to reducing the amount of energy directly used by Web3 we can expect more and more efforts to be invested in achieving the green goal of Web3 technology in 2023. The World Economic Forum has highlighted the potential of the technology to enable organizations to coordinate and build collaborative technologies aimed at accelerating climate change mitigation, and is currently exploring a project called &quat; regenerative finance &quat (ReFi) to provide financial incentives to try to protect resources vital to the well-being of the planet’s people.

随着这项技术的变革性影响越来越明显,政 府介入监督和规范其对经济、社会和环境的影响的可能性(也有人说是必要性)越来越大。在美国,像怀俄明州这样的州已经利用其权力制定并通过了自己的立法,将自己定位为 "Web3友好 "区。其想法是,作为接受监管和监督的交换条件,参与Web3活动的企业将获得有利的待遇和特殊的税收考虑。同样在今年,科罗拉多州成为第一个正式接受加密货币作为税收和国家费用支付的州。

In the US, states like Wyoming have used their power to develop and adopt their own legislation, positioning themselves as &quat; Web3 Friendship & Quot; Districts. The idea is that, in exchange for regulation and supervision, enterprises involved in Web3 activities will receive favourable treatment and special tax considerations.

在美国之外,迪拜已经表明,它渴望成为一个对Web3和加密货币友好的社会。该酋长国制定了经济计划,旨在吸引参与Web3工作的公司在其境内开展业务,同时也在宣传自己是人工智能、云计算和 metaverse 领域创新的天然家园,所有这些技术都与Web3的新发展密切相关。2023年可能会看到其他国家将自己定位为Web3友好国家,通常是通过使用中央银行的数字货币手段,如印度即将推出的电子卢比,以及我国即将推出的数字人民币。

Outside the United States, Dubai has shown that it wants to be a friendly society for Web3 and encrypted money. The Emirate has an economic plan designed to attract companies involved in Web3 to operate on its territory, while promoting itself as a natural home for innovation in the fields of artificial intelligence, cloud computing and metaverse, all of which are closely linked to the new developments in Web3.


What are the trends in Web3.0? The details of the five main trends in Web3.0 in 2023, and more information on the trends in Web3.0, please focus on other relevant scripthouse articles!

Tag:Web3.0   趋势  



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