
资讯 2024-06-21 阅读:68 评论:0
加密货币(有时称为 crypto)是以数字或虚拟方式存在并使用加密技术来保护交易的任何形式的货币。加密货币没有中央发行或监管机构,而是使用去中心化系统来记录交易并发行新单位。Encrypted currency (sometimes re...



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加密货币(有时称为 crypto)是以数字或虚拟方式存在并使用加密技术来保护交易的任何形式的货币。加密货币没有中央发行或监管机构,而是使用去中心化系统来记录交易并发行新单位。

Encrypted currency (sometimes referred to as crypto) exists in digital or virtual form and uses encryption technology to protect any form of currency traded.


Encrypted currency is a digital payment system that does not rely on banks to verify transactions. It is a reciprocal system that allows any person anywhere to send and receive payments. Encrypted currency payments do not exist as physical money that is carried and exchanged in the real world, but simply as a digitized entry in an online database that describes a particular transaction.


Encrypted currency is named for using

第一个加密货币是 比特币,它成立于2009年,至今仍然最有名。对加密货币的大部分兴趣是为了利润而交易,投机者不时会推动价格飙升。

The first encrypted currency is , which was established in 2009 and is still the most famous . Much of the interest in encrypted money is in profits, and speculators from time to time push prices up.


The encrypted currency operates on a distributed public ledger known as the block chain, which is the record of all transactions updated and held by the currency holder.


The units of encrypted money are created through a process called mining, which involves the use of computer power to solve complex mathematical problems that generate coins. Users can also buy money from brokers, and then store and spend them using encrypted wallets.


If you have an encrypted currency, you will not have anything tangible. You have a key that allows you to move a record or measurement unit from one person to another without trusting a third party.

虽然比特币自 2009 年以来就存在,但加密货币和区块链技术的应用仍在金融方面不断出现,预计未来会有更多的用途。包括债券、股票和其他金融资产在内的交易最终可能会使用该技术进行交易。

Although Bitcoin has existed since 2009, the application of crypto-currency and block chain technology is still emerging in financial terms and is expected to be more useful in the future. Transactions, including bonds, stocks and other financial assets, may eventually be traded.


There are thousands of encrypted currencies. Some of the most well-known are:



比特币创立于 2009 年,是第一个加密货币,现在仍然是交易最多的加密货币。这种货币由中本聪开发,但是人们普遍认为这是一个人或一群人的假名,确切身份仍然不明。

Bitcoin was created in 2009 as the first encrypted currency, and is still the most traded one. This currency is developed by China-Hebon, but it is widely believed to be a man or a group of people whose exact identity remains unknown.



以太坊开发于 2015 年,是一个拥有自己的加密货币的区块链平台,称为以太(ETH)或以太坊。它是比特币之后最受欢迎的加密货币。

It was developed in 2015 as a block chain platform with its own encrypted currency, called Ether or Ether. It is the most popular encrypted currency after Bitcoin.




Such currencies are the most similar to bitcoin, but move faster when developing new innovations, including faster payments and processes, to allow for more transactions.


Ripple 是一个分布式账本系统,成立于 2012 年。Ripple 可用于跟踪不同类型的交易,而不仅仅是加密货币。它背后的公司与各银行和金融机构有过合作。

Ripple is a distributed account system that was created in 2012. Ripple can be used to track different types of transactions, not just encrypted currencies.


The non-bitcoin encrypt currency is commonly referred to as "altcoin" to distinguish it from the original encrypt currency.


You may want to know how to buy encrypted currency security. There are usually three steps involved. These are:


The first step is to decide which platform to use.

  • 传统经纪人。这些是在线经纪人,他们提供买卖加密货币以及股票、债券和 ETF 等其他金融资产的方式。这些平台往往提供较低的交易成本,但加密货币功能也较少。
  • 加密货币交易所。有许多加密货币交易所可供选择,每个交易所提供不同的加密货币、钱包存储、计息账户选项等等。许多交易所基于资产收费。


When comparing different platforms, consider which encrypted currencies they provide, what fees they charge, their security functions, storage and withdrawal options, and any educational resources.


Once the platform has been selected, the next step is to fund your account so that you can start trading.


Some credit card companies are also not allowed to encrypt currency transactions. This is because encrypted currencies are highly volatile and risk-taking liabilities (or potentially high credit card transaction costs) are not desirable for certain assets.

一些平台也将接受 ACH 转账和电汇。接受的付款方式和存款或取款所需的时间因平台而异。同样,存款清算所需的时间因支付方式而异。

Some platforms will also accept ACH transfers and wire transfers. The mode of payment and the time required for deposit or withdrawal will vary from one platform to another.


An important factor to consider is cost. These include potential deposit and withdrawal costs plus transaction costs.


The same process applies to sales orders.

还有其他投资加密货币的方法。这些包括 PayPal、Cash App 和 Venmo 等支付服务,它们允许用户购买、出售或持有加密货币。此外,还有以下投资工具:

These include payment services such as PayPal, Cash App and Venmo, which allow users to purchase, sell or hold encrypted currency. In addition, there are the following investment instruments:

  • 比特币信托: 您可以使用常规经纪账户购买比特币信托的股票。这些工具可让散户投资者通过股票市场接触加密货币。
  • 比特币共同基金: 有比特币 ETF 和比特币共同基金可供选择。
  • 区块链股票或 ETF: 您还可以通过专业从事加密货币和加密货币交易背后技术的区块链公司间接投资加密货币。或者,您可以购买使用区块链技术的公司的股票或ETF。


Your best choice depends on your investment objectives and risk preferences.


Once you have purchased an encrypted currency, you need to store it safely to guard against hacking or theft. Usually, the encrypted currency is stored in an encrypted wallet, which is either a physical device or an online software for the secure storage of the encrypted currency private key.


There are different wallet providers. People use the terms "hot wallet" and "cold wallet":

  • 热钱包存储: "热钱包"是指使用在线软件保护资产私钥的加密货币存储。
  • 冷钱包储存: 与热钱包不同,冷钱包(也称为硬件钱包)依靠离线电子设备来安全存储您的私钥。


Normally, cold wallets tend to charge fees, while hot wallets are not.


How to purchase encrypted currency.


When it was first introduced, Bitcoin was designed to be a medium for everyday transactions, allowing people to buy everything from a cup of coffee to a computer or even a big item like real estate. This has not been done much, although the number of institutions receiving encrypted money is growing, the large transactions involving it are rare. Even so, it can buy a variety of products from e-commerce sites using encrypted currency. The following are some examples:


Web site on science and technology and e-commerce:

几家销售科技产品的公司在其网站上接受加密,例如newegg.com、AT&T 和微软。电子商务平台 Overstock 是首批接受比特币的网站之一。Shopify、乐天和家得宝也接受它。

Several companies selling technology products receive encryption on their websites, such as newegg.com, AT&T, and Microsoft. The e-commerce platform Overstock was one of the first sites to receive Bitcoin.



一些奢侈品零售商接受加密货币为支付形式。例如,在线奢侈品零售商 Bitdials 提供劳力士、百达翡丽和其他高端手表以换取比特币。

Some luxury retailers accept encrypted money as a form of payment. For example, online luxury retailers, Bitdials, offer Rolex, Budas and other high-end watches in exchange for Bitcoin.




A number of car dealers (from popular market brands to high-end luxury dealers) have accepted encrypted currency payments.

2021 年 4 月,瑞士保险公司 AXA 宣布开始接受比特币作为支付方式,适用于除人寿保险(由于监管问题)外的所有保险产品线。在美国销售家庭和汽车保险的 Premier Shield Insurance 也接受比特币支付保费。

In April 2021, the Swiss insurance company , applicable to all insurance lines except life insurance (due to regulatory problems).

如果您想在不直接接受加密货币的零售商处消费加密货币,您可以使用加密货币借记卡, 如 BitPay 在美国。

You can use an encrypted currency debit card, e.g. Bitpay, in the United States, if you want to consume an encrypted currency in a retail place that does not receive it directly.


Unfortunately, encryption money crime is on the rise. Encrypted currency fraud includes:

虚假网站: 以虚假证明和加密货币术语为特色,承诺巨大、有保证的回报,前提是您要不断投资。

false website:   under the guise of false proof and encrypted currency terms, promise a substantial and assured return, provided that you continue to invest.

虚拟庞氏骗局: 加密货币犯罪分子推销不存在的数字货币投资机会,并通过用新投资者的钱还清旧投资者来创造巨额回报的假象。一个骗局操作 BitClub 网络在其肇事者于2019年12月被起诉之前筹集了超过七亿美元。

Virtual Ponzi con: & nbsp > ; crypto-money criminals sell non-existent digital money investment opportunities and create the illusion of huge returns by paying off old investors with the money of new investors. A fraud-operated BitClub network raised over $700 million before its perpetrator

"名人"代言: 诈骗者在网上冒充亿万富翁或知名人士,承诺将把您对虚拟货币的投资增加一倍,而实际上窃取您发送的内容。他们还可能使用消息应用程序或聊天室散布谣言,说一个著名商人正在支持特定的加密货币。一旦鼓励投资者购买并抬高了价格,骗子就会出售他们的股份,货币的价值就会降低。

Celebrity:   fraudsters posing as billionaires or eminent persons online have promised to double your investment in virtual money and actually steal what you send. They may also use news applications or chat rooms to spread rumours that a well-known businessman is supporting a specific encrypted currency. Once investors are encouraged to buy and raise prices, fraudsters sell their shares and the value of the money diminishes.

浪漫骗局: 联邦调查局警告人们防范 网上约会诈骗,在这种骗局中骗子会说服他们在约会应用程序或社交媒体上遇到的人投资或交易虚拟货币。联邦调查局的互联网犯罪投诉中心在 2001 年的前七个月内收到了 1,800 份以加密货币为重点的浪漫骗局的报告,损失达 1.33 亿美元。

romantic scams:   FBI alerts people to   , in which fraudsters persuade people they meet on dating applications or social media to invest in or trade in virtual currency. The FBI's Internet Crime Complaints Centre received 1,800 reports of romantic scams focused on encrypted currency in the first seven months of 2001 at a cost of US$ 1.33 billion.


In other cases, the fraudster may pretend to be a legal virtual money dealer or set up a false exchange to lure people into giving them money. Another encrypted currency scam involves fraudulent marketing of an individual’s retirement account with an encrypted currency.


Encrypted currency is usually constructed using block chain technology. The block chain describes the manner in which transactions are recorded in a block and time stamped. This is a rather complex technical process, but it can generate a digital ledger consisting of encrypted currency transactions, which hackers are difficult to manipulate.


In addition, the transaction requires a dual factor identification process. For example, the system may require you to enter a user name and password to start the transaction.

虽然具有安全措施,但这并不意味着无法对加密货币进行黑客攻击。几次价格高昂的黑客攻击使加密货币初创企业付出了巨大代价。黑客们攻击 Coincheck 造成了 5.34 亿美元损失,攻击 BitGrail 造成了 1.95 亿美元损失,使他们成为 2018 年最大的两次加密货币黑客事件

Although security measures are in place, this does not mean that hacking of encrypted money is not possible. Several costly hacking attacks have taken a huge toll on encryption start-ups. The hackers’ attack on Coincheck caused $534 million in losses, and the attack on BitGrail caused $195 million in losses, making them 卡巴斯基安全软件能保护您免受恶意软件感染、间谍软件、数据窃取,并使用银行级加密保护您的在线支付。

One of the best ways to maintain online security is to use integrated antivirus software. Kabaski security software protects you from malicious software infections, spy software, data theft, and uses bank-level encryption to protect your online payments.


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