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The most up-to-date search engine terminology is collated into the six major parts of "search engine, website construction, page optimization, link building", /span>, other. There are currently 65+30+30+17+22+8=172 term explanations. The label “*” is personal or web interpretation, for information purposes only. Part of the calculation relates to the ratio calculation being omitted “*” and self-repaired.


i. Introduction to Terminology

搜索引擎优化(SEO:Search Engine Optimization)


SEO by Search

Engine Optimization缩写而来,

This post is part of our special coverage Egypt Protests 2011.


In Chinese, the word “search engine optimization” is translated into “search engine optimization.” SEO refers to site-based optimization, such as site restructuring, site content development, website code optimization, etc., and off-site optimization, which enables the site to meet the need for search engine rankings, and raises the key word ranking in the search engine, thereby bringing the accurate user to the site, obtaining free traffic, and generating direct sales or brand promotion.

白帽SEO(White hat SEO)

White hat SEO


The White Hat SEO is a fair way to optimize using SEO, which is consistent with the mainstream search engine distribution guidelines. It is contrary to the Black Hat SEO. The White Hat SEO has always been regarded as the best SEO method in practice, operating in such a way as to avoid all risks, while avoiding any conflict with the search engine distribution guidelines, which are also the highest ethical standards of SEOer practitioners.

黑帽SEO(Black hat SEO)

Black hat SEO(Black hat SEO)


In general, all those who use cheating or suspicious means can be called Black Hat SEO, for example, garbage links, hidden pages, bridge pages, keyword stacks, etc. The main feature of Black Hat SEO's profitability is that it is short and flat. This cheating against search engine loopholes can always be punished for changing search engine algorithms.

灰帽SEO(Grey hat SEO)

Grey hat SEO(Grey hat SEO)


The grey hat SEO grey hat, which is the middle zone between the white hat and the black hat, is operated in a certain way, as opposed to the white hat, as these acts are not illegal, but also in non-compliance with the rules, which are grey areas.

搜索引擎营销(SEM:Search Engine Marketing)

search engine marketing(SEM:Search Engineering)


Sem by Search

Engine Marketing缩写而来,

This post is part of our special coverage Egypt Protests 2011.


Chinese is translated as “search engine /span>. Simply put, search engine marketing is based on search engine platform /a>/span>, using reliance on and usage of search engines to transmit business information to target users when people search for information.

点击付费广告(PPC:Pay Per Click)

Click to pay ad (PC: Pay Per Click)

PPC是英文Pay Per Click的缩写形式,其中文意思就是点击付费广告。点击付费广告是大公司最常用的网络广告形式。提供点击付费的网站非常多,主要有各大门户网站(如搜狐、新浪)搜索引擎(Google和百度),以及其它浏览量较大的网站。

PPC is an acronym for English Pay Per Click, which means clicking on a pay ad. Clicking on a pay ad is the most common form of online advertising used by large companies.

百度竞价排名(Baidu Bid)

Baidu Bid


The 100-degree competitive ranking is a 100-degree-based web-based extension that provides businesses with a large number of potential customers and effectively enhances their visibility and sales. More than 100 million people search for information every day, and businesses are actively looking for potential customers of these products after 100-degree registrations of product-related keywords.

需求方平台广告(DSP:Demand-Side Platform)

Demand-side Platform Advertisement (DSP: Demand-Side Platform)


In the Internet advertising industry, the DSP is a system and an online advertising platform. It serves advertisers and helps advertisers to advertise on the Internet or on the mobile Internet. The DSP can make it easier for advertisers to follow uniform competitive bidding and feedback methods and buy high-quality advertising stocks in real time at a reasonable price for online advertisements located in multiple advertising trading platforms.

*需求方(DSP)提出广告需求,由交易平台(Ad Exchange)连接供应平台(SSP),通过数据管理平台(DMP)找到精准用户,实时竞价(RTB)计算出该次广告展示需求方需要出的价格。

* Demand-side (DSP) offers advertising needs, links to supply platforms (SSPs) from the trading platform (Ad Exchange) to identify accurate users through the data management platform (DMP), and real-time bidding (RTB) calculates the price required for the demand side to present the advertisement.

互联网广告交易平台(Ad Exchange)

Internet Advertisement Trading Platform (Ad Exchange)

AdExchange是互联网广告交易平台,像股票交易平台一样,Ad Exchange联系的是广告交易的买方和卖方,也就是广告主方和广告位拥有方。

AdExchange is an Internet advertising trading platform and, like a stock trading platform, Ad Exchange contacted buyers and sellers of advertising transactions, i.e. advertisers and advertisers.

供应方平台(SSP:Sell-Side Platform)

Supply-side platform (SSP: Sell-Side Platform)


A supply-side platform allows media owners to engage in advertising transactions, making their stock advertisements available. Through this platform, media owners want their stock advertisements to be presented at the highest effective cost per thousand, without having to sell them at a low price.

数据管理平台(DMP:Data-Management Platform)

Data management platform (DMP: Data-Management Platform)


The data management platform can help all parties involved in the purchase and sale of advertising inventories to manage their data, make easier use of third-party data, enhance their understanding of all such data, transmit data back or transfer customized data to a given platform for better positioning.

实时竞价(RTB:Real Time Bidding)

Real-time bid (RTB: Real Time Bidding)


RBB is a technologically accurate marketing tool, and when a user visits a product on the whole web or clicks on ads for specific types of items, its browsing marks are recorded through cookies, and through the advertising trading platform, you will be pushed to the preferred ad when you visit the web page.

应用商店搜索优化(ASO:App Store Optimization)

Apply shop search optimization (ASO:App Store Implementation)

ASO是“应用商店搜索优化”的简称。ASO(App StoreOptimization)就是提升你APP在各类APP电子市场排行榜和搜索结果排名的过程。类似移动APP的SEO优化。

The ASO is the acronym "Application store search optimization." The ASO is the process of upgrading your APP rankings and search results in various APP electronic markets.

基于位置的服务(LBS:Location Based Service)

Location-based services (LBS:Location Based Service)


Commonly speaking, location-based services are, first, to determine the geographical location of the mobile device or user; secondly, to provide a variety of location-related information services, such as LBS and O2O. Users search their surroundings for business information via LBS services, and then follow navigation to the physical consumption point, which is the online procedure; and to complete consumption at the real store, which is the offline procedure.

每点击成本(CPC:Cost Per Click)

Cost per click (CPC: Cost Per Click)


The cost of each click on a web advertisement is the most common form of pricing in the Internet advertising community.

每销售成本(CPS:Cost Per Sales)

per sales cost (CPS: Cost Per Sales)


Advertisements that calculate the cost of advertising in terms of the number of products actually sold, which are more suitable for shopping, piloting and web-based navigational sites, require precise flows to bring about transformations.

按时间成本(CPT:Cost Per Time)

at time cost (CPT: Cost Per Time)


This approach is characterized by user time-to-use or life-cycle fees, which can eliminate traffic and activate fraud altogether, and is one of the most real and effective marketing methods.

按事件成本(CPA:Cost Per Action)

by event cost (CPA: Cost Per Action)


This method of pricing refers to the actual effect of advertising, i.e. charging to pre-defined conversion targets, without limiting the amount of advertising.

每千人成本(CPM:Cost Per Mille)

Cost per 1,000 population (CPM: Cost Per Mille)

即Cost Per Thousand Impression每千次印象数成本;广告主为它的广告显示1000次所付的费用。

That is, Cost Per Thusand Impression’s cost per thousand impressions; the advertiser shows the cost of 1,000 for its ads.

每回应成本(CPR:Cost Per Response)

per response cost (CPR: Cost Per Response)


The advertising bill, which is charged for each of the visitors' responses, fully reflects the “timely response, direct interaction, accurate recording” of web advertisements, but it is only a formula that supports sales.

每用户平均收入(ARPU:Average Revenue Per User)

Average income per user (ARPU:Average Review Per User)


ARPU focuses on the profits each user earns from /span>. Clearly, the higher the number of high-end users, the higher the ARPU.

日活跃用户数量(DAU:Daily Active User)

Number of active users (DAU: Daily Active User)


The number of users who log in or use a product within one day (statistical day) is usually used as an important indicator to measure the stickyness of the product's users.

投资回报率(ROI:Return On Investment )

Investment Return (ROI: Return On Investment)


The return on investment (ROI) = annual profits or average annual profits/total investments x 100 per cent, is usually used to assess the value of an enterprise for an activity, and ROI is a high indicator of the high value of the project.


II, show style


Consolidated Search


The combined search results, i.e., content search, picture, video screen search, etc., are grouped together and displayed in the display blocks of the search engine.


Site Point Subchain


Site chain submission tool to encourage website administrators to submit quality subchains in their websites to 100 degrees. This information can be presented in the 100-degree search results in the form of "site subchains", enhances website authority, helps users to browse through your website, enhances website traffic and User Experience.



Box Calculating






Data label



Cognitive Search



? Knowledge="wpcom_keyword_link" /span/b>



? 100% fee style (slightly)




iii. Rationale

全文搜索引擎(FullTextSearch Engine)

FullTextSearch Engineering


The full-text search engine is the mainstream search engine that is currently widely used. Its working principle is that a computer indexing program creates an index of each word by scanning every word in the article, indicating the number and location of the word in the article. When a user queries, the searcher searches on the basis of a pre-established index and returns the search results to the user's search mode. The most commonly used full-text search engines are 100 degrees, Google, etc.

元搜索引擎(METASearch Engine)

meta-search engine (METASearch Engineering)


The meta-search engine, the polymer search, is a global control mechanism for a wide range of search tools distributed through the network through a single user interface that helps users to select and use suitable (or even several) search engines in multiple search engines. China’s first meta-search engine is a bi-cat, but it has now collapsed. There was a time before 360 comprehensive searches, which were basically equivalent searches, and the search results were presented as a comprehensive page of the results of all engines, 100 degrees, 360, Google, etc.


Catalogue Search Engine


The search engine, although searchable, cannot be called a real search engine in the strict sense of the term, but simply a list of links to the site classified by the directory. Users can easily find the information required by the catalogue. The search engine of this type is accurate, high-navigation quality because it incorporates human intelligence. The disadvantage is that it requires manual intervention, maintenance, low-volume information, and information that is not updated in a timely manner. For example, the early Yahoos, search foxes.


Web site Spider


Web spiders (also known as web reptiles, web robots, search engine spiders) are an automatic web access program or script according to certain rules.

蜘蛛陷阱(Spider trap)

Spider trap


The Spider Trap, which is a barrier to spider programs climbing their web sites, is usually a technical way of showing web pages, and many browsers are currently designed to take these factors into account, so the web interface may seem to be quite normal, but these spider traps can create barriers to spider programs, and if these spider traps are removed, they can allow spider programs to include more web pages.


Grab frequency


Retrieval frequency is the total number of times that a search engine captures on a website server during a unit time (senior level). If the search engine overtakes a site with excessive frequency, which is likely to cause server instability, Baiduspider automatically adjusts the capture frequency according to such factors as the frequency of site content updates and server pressure.


Search request (Query)


Search request, also referred to as a search query, refers to the process by which the user types a keyword in the search engine and attempts to obtain a return result. Search request represents the search intent of the searcher.


Index (Index)


Commonly known as " pre-processing ". Spiders capture page files that are broken down, analysed and placed in a database in the form of large tables, which is the process of indexing. In the index database, relevant information is recorded on the text of the page, where the keywords appear, fonts, colours, coarses, italics, etc.


Site Index Number


The number of pages in the site that can be used as search candidates is an index of a website.


The site content page needs to be captured and filtered by the search engine before it can be displayed to the user. The page is filtered through the system and is used as a search candidate, that is, the process of indexing.


The value of the site syntax is currently indexed estimates, which are not accurate.




The search engine indexes the site to its own database, with regular search engines such as 100-degree, Google, Dog, Yahoo, Exaggerate, Zehhu, etc.. Users can attract spiders to the website through the search engine submission portal or external links to the search engine to access the site page, and when the search engine considers that the page meets the intake criteria, the page will be posted on the website page.




To create an index library for the new index page. The first is to search for a web link; the second is to search directly for a web title. When a search engine appears only for a web link and the search title cannot find a link, we call it “The page is not in a library”, which means the search engine finds your URL, but it does not put it in the index. In this case, searching for any Query associated with the page does not allow the page to appear in the search results, except for the URL itself.


Invalid acceptance


With regard to invalid entries, the 100-degree station manager @hanbelt says: First, literally, the word “ineffectiveness” is not the same as the one that does not bring any search traffic. For example, there are already 50 W pages in the 100-degree index library on what to do with a child fever, and there is no new content in this subject for a short period of time, unless technology breaks out, 100-degrees believe that this index page is sufficient to meet user needs, and that more indexing is a waste of resources.


Bottom library


Your goddess has 50W boyfriends, you're a 50W-placer. How can it be right? When half of 50W dies, you'll probably have a chance. Those who can't rank are in the bottom bank. So, if you want information not to be placed in the bottom bank, you have enough influence to ignore you, like a new wavenet or something, and even if you put an ad on it, Doo will be a nice index, and as a regular boyfriend, you won't be able to be a spare. Second, you want something new, Doo will be bored, and good things won't be missed.





Enter a key word in the search engine, usually with a lot of search results, which are ranked in order of rank, which is the search engine ranking.


Natural ranking


Not related to payment and advertising, but based on the per se relevance and importance of the page in the search engine results page, advertising or fee rankings are usually named as corporate promotions, sponsors'links, etc., while natural rankings do not have such labels.




The search engine backs up the page when it takes the page, has its own server cache, and when the user clicks on the Webshot link in the search engine, the search engine displays the content of the page that was captured and saved by the Spider system at that time, known as the Webshot.


网站权重(Page Strength)

Page Strength


Website weight means that the search engine assigns a certain level of authority to the website (including the web page) and evaluates the website's (including the web page) authority. The higher the website weight, the bigger the search engine's weight, the better the search engine's ranking.

2、权重对排名有着非常大的影响 3、整站权重的提高有利于内页的排名。

The weights have a very strong impact on the rankings, and the increase in the overall weights has been favourable to the internal page rankings.


*Bases of error: For example, the centennial weight often discussed is not really a concept given by the authorities, but rather the ranking of website-specific keywords introduced by sites such as Love Stations, Chief Tools, etc., which are expected to lead to traffic to the site, with a ranking of 0-10 third-party website welcoming assessment data.




The search engine strategy is flawed, maliciously obtained from the quality of the page, and the conduct that causes the search results and the user's experience to decline is treated by the search engine as cheating, in accordance with the principle of “light and heavy penalties” that does not affect the quality of the user's experience and search results, removes the value of the rights obtained from the cheating part, has a serious impact on the user's experience and the quality of the search results, removes the value obtained from the cheating part and reduces the weight of the website until the search results are completely cleared.


K Station


The so-called 100-degree-K station is a website that kills you. Your reception is zero. You can't find any traces of your website from the 100-degree search engine. The K-station can be described as a 100-degree freeze, which usually takes a long time to recover.


Alexa is ranked


It refers to the website's world ranking, mainly in terms of consolidated and classified rankings, with Alexa providing information on multiple evaluation indicators, including consolidated rankings, access rankings, and page access rankings, most of which are used as indicators of current, more authoritative website access evaluation.

网站PR值(Page Rank)

Web site Page Rank

Page Rank,网页排名,又称网页级别、Google左侧排名或佩奇排名,是一种由搜索引擎根据网页之间相互的超链接计算的技术(级别从1到10),而作为网页排名的要素之一,以Google公司创办人拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)之姓来命名。

Page Rank, a website ranking, also known as web level, Google left or Pec, is a technology calculated by search engines on the basis of the interlinking of web pages (levels 1 to 10) and is named after Larry Page, founder of Google, as one of the elements of the web ranking.


:: 2014 Google official renunciation of PR


Robots协议(也称为爬虫协议、机器人协议等)的全称是“网络爬虫排除标准”(RobotsExclusion Protocol),网站通过Robots协议告诉搜索引擎哪些页面可以抓取,哪些页面不能抓取。

The Robots protocol (also known as the reptiles protocol, robotic protocols, etc.) is referred to as the “Robots Exclusion Protocol” and the website tells search engines, through the Robots protocol, which pages can be retrieved and which pages cannot be retrieved.


Map (sitemap)


Site maps, also known as site maps. There are two commonly used formats, one in xml format and the other in html format. Most of these are static pages, which are used to show users and help them to better search for what is needed on the site. The xml format is used mostly to submit to the search engine for the search engine to retrieve the page.




In the search engine results page (search results) determined by Google, the main search engine, the newly published site is ranked increasingly low. This phenomenon is known as the sandbox effect. They cool down sites with fast-growing links to prevent SEOer from over-optimizing. The web page can show what it wants, but it can be placed in the sandbox, and no search request has received the highest ranking after it has remained constant for some time, or has gradually risen, so the search engine starts to remove the cold treatment and give higher weights to the link prevalence, leading to higher search rankings.

搜索引擎结果页面(SERP:Search engine results page)

Search Engine Results Page (SERP:Search engine results page)


SERP is a list or result of particular search displays, and SERP is sometimes defined as the arrangement of search engine results (placement), which, for the purposes of this series, I refer to as a page rather than an arrangement, and in the area of SEO, good performance in SERP is everything.

搜索引擎垃圾技术(SPAM:Stupid Person Advertising Method)

Search Engine Garbage Technology (SPAM:Stupiderson Advertising Method)


Search engine garbage technology uses immoral techniques to raise the ranking of your own search engine. Unhonest webmasters use such techniques to deceive the search engine to achieve higher rankings. This way your website will be ranked in the short term, but the consequences will be severe. It could result in the search engine permanently removing your site from his database.


iv. Web site development

互联网数据中心(IDC:Internet Data Center)

Internet data centre (IDC: Internet Data Centre)


The data centre is not only a network concept, but also a service concept, which forms part of the network’s basic resources and provides a high-end data transmission service and high-speed access service. The data centre provides a comprehensive solution for users, providing professional services for government access, enterprise access, and enterprise IT management.

互联网服务提供商(ISP:Internet Service Provider)

Internet service provider (ISP: Internet Service Providers)


Internet service providers, i.e. telecommunications operators that provide a wide range of users with integrated Internet access operations, information operations, and value-added operations.

电信与信息服务业务经营许可证(ICP:Internet Content Provider)

Licence for the operation of telecommunications and information services (ICP: Internet Exchange)


Web content service provider to English

Internet Content Provider


Simply referred to as the ICP, which is easier to understand, is that any site where a web site is located on the domestic mainframe space requires an application for an ICP, the “website” that we often call it, and the owner of the site can apply for it on the official web site or via the host spacer. The normal ICP file is to get an ICP, so that the state accepts that your site is legal, or otherwise illegal. The ICP certificate is certified by the Communications Authority.


Web site For inscription


The purpose of the website is to prevent the illegal operation of websites on the Internet and to combat the dissemination of bad Internet information. If the website is unrecorded, it is likely that it will be shut down later.


*In fact, there is no difference in the nature of website filing, ICP filing, or domain name filing, all of which are required to apply to the site for an ICP filing number. The site filing is based on a space IP, and the domain name is required to access an IP address. The site filing refers to a space filing, and the domain name filing is a record of all domain names that are capable of deciphering the space.


*Domain name filing times are generally around 20 working days, and if you purchase a virtual host for a space domain name network, you can normally assist in the completion of a domain name filing for about seven days.

云服务器(ECS:Elastic Compute Service)

Cloud Server (ECS: Elastic Computer Service)


It is a simple, efficient and flexible computing service that is managed in a simpler and more efficient manner than a physical server. Users can quickly create or release any cloud server without having to buy hardware in advance.

虚拟专用服务器(VPS:Virtual private server)

Virtual private server (VPS: Virtual private server)


VPS is a virtual server, with each VPS allocated IP addresses, stand-alone operating systems, stand-alone hyperspaces, stand-alone memory, stand-alone CPU resources, stand-alone implementation procedures and stand-alone system configurations.


*The cloud server is simply a virtual machine drawn from a supercomputer. In essence, like the traditional VPS host, it is a virtual machine. The difference is that the cloud host is supported physically by a supercomputer, while the VPS host is supported physically by a single server. So the cloud server can be elastic and can be upgraded at any time, while the VPS has separate memory and hard disks, as well as separate bandwidth and IPs.

虚拟专用网络(VPN:Virtual Private Network )

Virtual Private Network (VPN: Virtual Private Network)


VPN, the Virtual Private Network, is equivalent to creating a "tunnel" between your computer and your company's VPN server, where you don't need a physical (or physical) link, so "virtual." When you log in with your account code, you have a secure connection to your company's intranet (the content of which you can't see, so it's safe) and then you can use it on your computer, like you do at the company.


* Most used to flip walls.

内容分发网络(CDN:Content DeliveryNetwork)

Content Distribution Network (CDN:Content DeliveryNetwork)

CDN的全称是Content Delivery Network,即内容分发网络。其基本思路是尽可能避开互联网上有可能影响数据传输速度和稳定性的瓶颈和环节,其目的是使用户可就近取得所需内容,解决Internet网络拥挤的状况,提高用户访问网站的响应速度。

The idea is to avoid, as far as possible, bottlenecks and links on the Internet that could affect the speed and stability of data transmission. The aim is to enable users to access the content needed in close proximity, to address the overcrowding of the Internet network and to increase the responsiveness of users to websites.


* Almost all the big websites are using CDNs, and seeing how they behave in the search engine will make it clear that there will be no negative impact. But we suggest that stationmasters try to select technically mature CDN service providers, and that some CDN service providers can cause instability in accessing sites in some areas, which could affect Baiduspider's capture.



In short, whois is a database (e.g. domain name owners, domain name registrants) used to query whether domain names have been registered and the details of registered domain names.

域名(Domain Name)

Domain Name


Domain names are the names of a computer or group of computers on the Internet, made up of a series of names separated by points, that are used to identify the electronic location of the computer at the time of data transmission (sometimes also geographical location, geographical domain name, a local area with administrative autonomy). The domain name is a “mask” on an IP address.

*搜索引擎对.cn .org .com没有偏好。

* Search engine has no preference for.cn.org.com.


preferred domain


The preferred domain is the domain that you want the search engine to use for indexing your web pages (and sometimes the norm domain), or the domain name that the site is preferred to use. For example: one site has two domain names: www.***.com.***.com. The search engine defaults that the two domain names refer to the same site. After the search engine has stabilized, it selects one of the domain names to be displayed to the user, which is called the preferred domain (basic equivalent domain name).


Top-level domain name


The domain name consists of two or more words, the middle of which is separated by a dot number, and the word to the right is called a top-level domain name.


* Generally speaking, domain names are not considered “...”, as top-level domain names, and several “...” represent several level domain names.

DNS解析(DNS analysis )

DNS parsing (DNS analysis)


People are accustomed to memory domain names, but inter-machines recognize only IP addresses, there is a multi-to-one relationship between domain names and IP addresses, an ip address does not necessarily correspond to only one domain name, and one domain name corresponds to an ip address, the conversion between which is referred to as domain name parsing, which needs to be done by a dedicated domain name parsing server, which is done automatically.

域名解析(Domain name resolution)

domain name resolution


Domain name resolution is a service that points domain names to webspace IP, which allows easy access to the site through registered domain names. The IP address is the digital address of the network identification site, which is used to replace the IP address for memory purposes. Domain name resolution is the conversion of the domain name to the IP address. The domain name resolution is done by the DNS server.


* For example, you go into a high-level neighborhood to visit a friend, and you ask at the door where my security friend Ming is. Security tells you, in seat C, it's called "DNS." Of course, your friend tells the watchman in seat C early in the morning that if he finds Ming, he'll come to room 908. This is called "Domain name resolution."


A record


Pointing a domain name to an IPv4 address (e.g. requires an additional A record. If a 100-degree IP address is, an access to an IP address is required for Internet users to enter Baidu.com, an additional A record is required.


CNAME Records (other names)


If you point a domain name to a domain name, achieve the same access effect as a pointed domain name, the CNAME record needs to be increased. If you need to achieve the same effect as the browser input Baidu.com and www.baidu.com, the CNAME record is required.


Pan domain name resolution


Panlysis means that all sub-domain names are resolved to a unified address, such as zhidao.baidu.com and news.baidu.com, which are all directed to www.baidu.com.


Web address (URL)


The unified resource locator is a simple indication of the location and access methods of the resources available on the Internet and the address of the standard resource on the Internet. Each document on the Internet has a single URL, which contains information indicating the location of the file and how the browser should handle it.


* You can say “100-degree domain name is baidu.com”, not “100-degree domain name is zhidao.baidu.com”, but “Url-known web site (URL) is zhidao.baidu.com”

超文本传输协议(HTTP:HyperText Transfer Protocol)

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol)


The client is the end user and the server is the website. By using Web browsers, web reptiles, or other tools, the client initiates a HTTP request to a specified port on the server (the default port is 80).


The answer server contains (some) resources, such as HTML files and images. (We call) The answer server is the source server.


*Web Station Technology Relations: https://www.zhihu.com/quertion/26689579/answer/22318058

HTTPS(HTTPS:Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer)


It is a secure communications channel based on the development of HTTP for the exchange of information between client computers and servers.


HTTP status code

HTTP状态码(HTTP Status Code)是用以表示网页服务器HTTP响应状态的3位数字代码。

The HTTP status code (HTTP Status Code) is the three-digit digital code used to indicate the response status of the web server HTTP.


*HTTP status code is only the response state of the web server, not a web page. Generally, it can be considered 2** (request successful);3**




(page request error); 5** (server error). The common status code is 200: normal access; 301: permanent shift; 302: temporary shift; 404: file does not exist; 502: server error.


SSL Certificate


The SSL certificate is a digital certificate, similar to an electronic copy of the driver’s licence, passport and business licence.


证书就是遵守 SSL协议,由受信任的数字证书颁发机构CA,在验证服务器身份后颁发,具有服务器身份验证和数据传输加密功能。如果您的网站使用

Could not close temporary folder: %s

SSL 证书

Could not close temporary folder: %s


(SSLCertificates) and shows your signature (SecuredSeal) that your clients know that their transactions are safe and reliable and have full confidence in your website.

内容管理系统(CMS:Content Management System)

Content Management System (CMS:Content Management System)


This refers to the creation and management of web-based software, most of which are currently CMS-based, database-driven dynamic pages.

开放式分类目录(DMOZ:Open Directory Project)

Open Catalogue (DMOZ: Open Directory Project)

DMOZ网站是一个著名的开放式分类目录(Open Directory Project),之所以称为开放式分类目录,是因为DMOZ不同于一般分类目录网站利用内部工作人员进行编辑的模式,而是由来自世界各地的志愿者共同维护与建设的最大的全球目录社区。

The DMOZ website is a well-known open catalogue (Open Directory Project), which is known as the Open Catalogue because it is the largest global catalog community that volunteers from around the world maintain and build together, unlike the model in which the DMOZ website uses in-house staff for editing.


WordPress是一种使用PHP语言开发的博客平台,用户可以在支持PHP和MySQL数据库的服务器上架设属于自己的网站。也可以把 WordPress当作一个内容管理系统(CMS)来使用。

WordPress is a blog platform developed in PHP languages that allows users to set up their own websites on servers that support PHP and MySQL databases. WordPress can also be used as a content management system (CMS).


Mirror Web site (cloned Web site)


It refers to one or more sites with different domain names, but with identical content. In most cases, the station chief is motivated by positive optimization, such as load balance, and some of the modus operandi that wall sites can normally access in the country, called mirror sites; for fraud, such as black hat SEO copying multiple sites, the intention is to obtain more rankings, etc., a cloned site.

超文本标记语言(HTML:HyperText Markup Language)

HyperText Markup Language (HTML):


" Hypertext" means that the page contains non-textual elements such as pictures, links, and even music, programs. The structure of the HTML language consists of the Head (English: Head), and the Subject (English: Body), where the Head provides information about the web page, and the Subject provides specific content of the web page.

网站日志(web log)

Weblog (web log)


The website log is a log-end document that records all kinds of raw information, such as processing requests and operating errors on the web server. It should be a server log, and the website logs have the greatest significance of recording the access request logs /span>. The website logs provide a clear picture of which page of the user visited your website in the context of what IP, what time, what operating system, what browser, what resolution monitor is and whether it was successful.


Client Cache (cookie)


The way the browsers store the web pages needs to remember the information, for example, a page that can store your visitor's names in Cookie, so that each time they come back, their names appear on the front page of your site on their browser.


Server Cache (session)


Mostly translated as a " session " or " time domain ", specifically to Sesion in Web, which refers to the time it takes for a user to access a site from the time it is visited to the time it is closed by the browser. It is important to note that the concept of a Sesion needs to include a particular client, a particular server and uninterrupted operating time. The Sesion where the A user and the C server are connected to the B user and the C server is located is two different Sesions.


*Cookie and session differences: 1. Cookie data are stored on the client's browser and session data are placed on the server; 2. Cookie is not very secure and others can analyse the local COOKIE and cheat it, taking into account that security should be used; 3.session will be kept on the server for a certain period of time. When access increases, the performance of your server will be compared, taking into account the reduced performance of the server, and cookies should be used; 4. Individual cookies can save data no more than 4K and many browsers limit a site to a maximum of 20 cookies.


V, page optimization


Web site Navigator


The general web pages have navigational columns that are user-friendly to view. The so-called navigational columns of the site refer to general names in the form of columns, menus, online help, classifications, etc. that guide users to the site. It is therefore important that the site be built in such a way as to make the navigation structure clear and enable visitors to find what they like in the shortest time possible.


Bread Cradle Navigator >/b>


The concept of Breadcrumbnavigation comes from fairy tales & #8221; Hansel and Gretel & #8221; when Hansel and Gretel cross the forest, they get lost by accident, but they find breadcrumbs scattered along the way, allowing them to find their way home. So the value of breadcrumb navigation is to tell visitors where they are now on the site and how to return.




The separator is used to enable the search engine to correctly recognize the key words in the URL named in English. We need to separate words between phrases using the corresponding symbols. Common separators include: space " " ", bar "- ", underlined " _, comma ", plus "+ ", etc.



Web site TDK


TDK is an abbreviation, of which 8221; T8221; representative title elements; 8221; D8221; representative description elements; 8221; K8221; representative keywords elements in headlines. Titles, descriptions, keywords are also referred to as three labels in the SEO community.

标题标签(Title Tag)

Title Label (Title Tag)


The header of the page document is defined in the Head tab of Html. An unoptimised header label for SEO is an inexcusable low-level error, because the search engine indexes content titles often to the content of the web page Title, and if you want to have a good ranking, you have to push Title's key word more carefully and give Title's key word the most central one in the tag.

描述标签(Description Tag)

Description Tag


The Description tab usually appears in the meta tab on the head of the page and is used primarily to summarize or describe the content of the page. The Description tab on the page can tell the search engine in some detail what the page is about. The Title tab on a page may be several words or phrases, but unlike the Title tab, the Description tab on the page is one or two sentences or a short paragraph.

关键词标签(Keywords Tag)

Keyword label (Keywords Tag)


The first page keywords are essential. The first page keywords represent the subject content of the site, and the inner and column keywords are usually strictly attached to the page theme and represent the subject of the current page or column content.


*Keywords are no longer relevant to the search engine ranking.

图片提示标签(Alt Tag)

Picture Tip Label (Alt Tag)


The alt label is actually a texttip to the image on the site. The bad habit is that there are no alt tags for every picture. Undesirablely, there are keyword stacks for each label, which may lead to being considered a Spam trash site.


*Alt labels do not increase the density of keywords.


H tag()


In general, H1 labels are used mainly to modulate the headlines and article titles of the web pages.



Crude tag()


The label is one of the most commonly used font styles. Bold labels play a role second to caption labels in highlighting content. General labels are often thick on anchor text keywords to distinguish between anchor text keywords and text in articles, and the use of anchor text keywords can indeed lead to a better ranking of the website, but an article is not suitable for more than three labels because many are uncomfortable.


aggravated tone label ()


The label is representative of the weight tag and is highly valued in the search engine. By applying it to the text or keyword you want to emphasize, this part will be valued by the reader and the search engine.

Meta robots标签

Meta robots label


Noindex is a Google-invented HTML label whose function is to declare to the search engine that the web page is not subject to indexation;

*noindex与nofollow是属于Meta robots标签的一个属性,robots.txt是一个协议文件。此外,如果您使用了robots.txt 文件拦截此网页,我们也无法看到此标记。

*noindex and nofolow are properties that belong to the Meta robots label, and Robots.txt is a protocol file. Furthermore, if you use the Robots.txt file to intercept the web page, we cannot see the tag.


Nofollow Properties


The role of the Nofllow label is twofold: simply, not to vote on the link, reducing the weight of the link, and, secondly, not to participate in the ranking of the site by adding parts of the nofllow, facilitating the concentration of website weights and reducing the fragmentation of the weights.


Initially, 8221; Nofolow” properties appear in web-level metamarks to instruct search engines not to track (i.e. grab) any out-of-site links on their pages. For example:

name=”robots” content=”nofollow”


/& gt;. And then we use & #8221; nofollow& #8221; in hyperlinks, tell search engines not to grab specific links.

nofollow” href=https://www.iyunying.org/seo/”url”>内容。

#8221; href=https://www.iyunying.org/seo/#8221; url#8221; > content.


Normative web site label (Canonical)


For a set of pages with identical or highly similar content, the use of the Canonical label can inform the search engine of which page is the norm, enable the site to be regularized and avoid multiple pages with identical or similar content in search results, help to solve problems with the recording of duplicate content, avoid duplicate displays of pages with the same content on the site and the dispersion of weights, raise the weight of the regular page, and optimize the ranking of the regular page by using styles:

rel=”canonical” href=https://www.iyunying.org/seo/”网页权威链接”/>。

Rel= "canonical" href=https://www.iyunying.org/seo/"web-authority link"/>


*The website recommended in the Canonical label will be considered by 100 degrees on the basis of the content of the website, without ensuring full compliance with the label.


Absolute path


Absolute path means the path that the document really exists on the hard disk. For example: c:/website/img/photo.jpg.


Relative Path


The relative path is the location of the target file. Example c: /website/img/photo.jpg: “https://www.iyunying.org/img/photo.jpg” is the relative path.


* Whether the code uses an absolute or a relative path, generally depends on whether the site has a large number of secondary domain names, and if so, the relative path must be careful to avoid dead links. In the absence of a secondary domain name, the relative path has a greater advantage than the absolute path. But one thing is, the internal link in the text must always use an absolute path (a copying problem).


keywords (keywords)


A particular word or phrase that search marketing officers want searchers to regularly enter as a search request.

长尾关键词(Long Tail Keyword)

Long Tail Keyword




Keywords refer to non-target keywords on the website, but also to search traffic.


Long-tailed keywords are characterized by a long, often 2-3-word composition, and even phrases such as “what is better at lunch today” and “Where do you go tomorrow?” search volumes are very low and unstable. Long-tailed keywords bring with them clients with a much higher probability of turning into website products than target keywords, because long-tailored words are more purposeful.


falsely created


The so-called pseudo-initiation is to re-process an article so that it can be considered by the search engine as an original article, thereby increasing the weight of the site.

锚文本(Anchor Text)

anchor text (Anchor Text)


An anchor text, also referred to as an anchor text link, is a form of link similar to a hyperlink, and the hyperlink code is an anchor text, with a key word as a link to another web page, where a link in this form is called an anchor text.

关键词密度(keyword density)

Keyword density


Keyword density (KeywordDensity) and keyword frequency (KeywordFrequency) are essentially the same concepts used to measure the proportion of the total number of key words appearing on the web page to other words, generally expressed in percentage terms, and the higher the frequency of keywords compared to the total number of words on the page, the greater the keyword density.


* The 3-7 per cent density of the key word in the legend is best not absolute, as long as the density is reasonable.

关键词堆积(keyword loading, keyword stuffing)

keyword stacking (keyword laying, keywordtuffing)


Key word stacking is the deliberate repetition or accumulation of keywords where there is no need for them on the page, with the hope of increasing the page's relevance to or density of keywords and hence its ranking.




Stop words, meaning words that appear very frequently in natural languages, but have no real impact on the meaning of articles or pages. For example, in English, “a”, “the”, “or”, “and”, in Chinese, “also”, “it”, “A”. So when a search engine encounters a stop word, either indexing or ranking, it completely ignores the word.


Clear Noise


The majority of pages have content that does not contribute much to page themes, such as copyrighted text, navigation strips, advertising, etc.. So these blocks are noises, which can only be dispersed. The search engine needs to recognize and remove these noises. No noise content is used in rankings. The basic method of noise elimination is to separate areas from pages such as headlines, navigation, text, footing, advertising, etc., and often the ones that appear repeatedly on the site. After page noise is eliminated, it is the main content of the page that remains.

信噪比(Text/HTML ratio)

Text/HTML ratio


The webnoise ratio refers to the ratio of text content to html code on a web page. From the logic of the search engine, the capture system first downloads the entire web page and then extracts the text from it, disassembles the html format, removes noise, divides words, and then puts it in the index library. In this process, the search engine also goes through the noise process, and it is clear that the higher the page noise, the more efficient the search engine captures, the more the search engine has to process a lot of data every day, and it is a very important task that the search engine spiders can quickly extract subject information from the web page.

隐藏文字(hidden text)

Hide Text (hidden text)


Hidden text is text that contains keywords in the HTML file on the web page, but these words cannot be seen by the user, but only by the search engine. There are several forms, such as text with super-small characters, text of the same colour as the background, text in the comment tab, text in the table input tab, text on invisible layers through style sheets, etc. The purpose is also to improve the relevance of the pages. Some people put them in places that have nothing to do with the content of the site, but very popular keywords, hoping that pages will get good ranking and flow under these hot keywords.

网页劫持(Page Hijacking)

Web site Hijacking


Page hijacking is a form of SEO cheating, meaning that Black Hat SEO uses a variety of means to turn users who should have accessed page A to another page B. 302 The switch is often used to achieve page hijacking. The cheater moves 302 to page B on his website page A to other sites. The search engine uses page A as the original page and appears in the search engine's ranking. After the user clicks on result A, the cheater uses the program to switch the user to completely unrelated pages (usually adult content, gambling, selling various prohibited drugs, etc.).


着陆页(Landing Page)

Landing Page


In Internet marketing, the guide page is the page that is displayed to a user when a potential user clicks on an advertisement or searches a search engine. Usually, the page displays extensions associated with a click on an advertisement or links to a search result, and the page should be optimized by a search engine for a key word (or phrase).

桥页(doorway pages)

bridge pages


Bridge pages are also called door pages, jump pages, transition pages, usually automatically generate a large number of pages with keywords in software, and then move automatically from these pages to the home page. The aim is to ensure that these bridges, which target different keywords, are ranked well in the search engine. When users click on the search results, they automatically turn to the home page.



The so-called favicon, the Favorites.


Icon's acronym, by definition, is that it allows the browser's collection to distinguish between different sites by displaying the corresponding title. The usual Favicon.co icons have three types of 16x16, 32x32, 48x48. The simplest way is to name the produced favicon file as favicon.ico and upload it to the root directory of the site.


six-hundred-degree search engine algorithm


greening algorithm (upline 19 February 2013)


The algorithm is designed to combat trading links, including hyperlinking, selling links, buying links, etc. The introduction of the algorithm is an effective deterrent to malicious exchange links, issuing external chains, and purging the Internet biosphere.



pomegranate algorithm (upline 17 May 2013)


The pomegranate algorithm, which mainly strikes at a large number of bad advertising pages that impede regular user access, is an upgraded version of 100 degrees of further damage to low-quality sites, corresponding to the previous 100 degrees green.



greening algorithm 2.0 (upline 1 July 2013)


For example, a news site, where soft text is published but not seriously, will be subject to lower evaluation in the search system; if a sub-domain is used, the sub-domain will be directly blocked and the hundreds of news sources will be cleared; if a sub-domain is created for the release of soft scripts, it will be blocked directly; and if a sub-domain is created, the whole domain will be blocked. 3. For a soft language profit site, where there is a small soft language outer chain in the external chain, the outer chain will then be filtered out of the power-based calculation system, which will be further addressed in the search system; and if a sub-domain is used in the outer chain of a website, there will be a large number of soft language chains, which will then be reduced in evaluation or direct shielding.



Ice drum algorithm (upline 30 August 2014)


Mobile end advertising windows, forced downloads of APPs, landings to read the full text, etc., are the subject of this ice bucket algorithm if they occur on the mobile page.



Ice drum algorithm 2.0 (upline 18 November 2014)


This 2.0 upgrade is mainly a blow: full-screen downloads, large-scale advertising on small cellular pages to block subject content, mandatory user login for use, etc.



Ice drum algorithm 3.0 (upline 15 July 2016)


The popular explanation is that users go through the 100-degree search, enter your page, and if they want to see the main content, they need to do something else, like close several ads, share them, etc., before they give you the main content. You go into a website, you either land it or you register it to keep it going, and you hit it because it hinders the user's experience.



Original Star Fire (15 May 2013)


Algorithms: To combat copying, etc., to encourage the creation of quality content, the launch of a first-time collaboration with a high-quality original site, such as content updates from the initial site, where priority is given to the initial site. The algorithm has been upgraded to allow technology to perform a proactive function directly, and in the case of original content, to mark it.



Original Star Fire Program 2.0 (17 December 2015)


The original content to be served by the 100-degree fire programme will be required to comply with the guidelines for the creation of the Starfire programme, which will require the marking of the original content in accordance with the specifications, and to be submitted using the links provided by the 100-degree platform - on a voluntary basis.



Skynet algorithm (10 August 2016)

近期,百度网页搜索发现部分站点存在盗取用户隐私的行为,主要表现为网页嵌恶意代码,用于盗取网民的QQ号、联系电话。而许多网民却误认为这是百度所为。为此,百度网页搜索和百度安全联合研发“天网算法”, 严厉打击站点窃取用户信息行为。

Recently, 100-page searches have revealed the theft of user privacy at some sites, mainly in the form of a malicious code embedded in the web, which is used to steal Internet users’ QQQ and contact calls. Many web users have mistakenly taken this as a 100-degree action. To this end, 100-page searches and 100-degree security co-development of “Skynet algorithms” have severely hit the site’s theft of user information.


vii, link building

内链(Internal links)

Internal links


Inner links, by definition, are links between content pages under the same site domain (the content of one's own website is linked to the internal page of one's own website, also known as the site's in-house link). Reasonable in-site links are constructed to increase the search engine's intake and website weight.

外链(External links)

External chains


The outer chain is also called "inbound Links ", which refers to links to your website via other websites.


External links refer to friendship links made with other sites for the search engine. High-quality external links refer to high-profile, high-visibility sites linked to your website and relatively few external links, which help to quickly increase the visibility and ranking of your website.


Reverse chain


For a web document, all links from other documents are called " reverse links ". The more reverse links to a web document, the higher the " visibility " or " support rate " of the document.


* In the case of three pages, station inside page A, station inside page B, and station outside page C, the reverse chain = C every A or B every A; external chain = C every A; inner chain = C every A.


Relevant domain


The domain is the domain name found using 'domain' for the search engine.


*The area is different from the external chain, and the external chain is only one. The area can be divided into a valid relevant domain and an invalid domain. The area is referred to as the external chain to which we often refer, i.e., the external link to the website, which is not linked to the label and does not have a nosollow link, which is of high value and is valid for other search engines, such as Google, Yahoo. The invalid domain is a text-only URL. Both valid and invalid fields play an important role in the 100-degree ranking.

死链(Dead Link)

Dead Link


A dead link is an invalid link. A dead link is a professional term .

导出链接(outbound links)

Export Link (outbound Links)


Export links are one-way links to websites or pages that point to other sites. Export links lead to the website’s weight flowing to each other’s website. PR also transmits links to each other’s stations, including the exchange of friendship links and links in articles, as well as other non-site links.

单向链接(one-way link)

One-way link


Links to a web page are hyperlinked without corresponding links back to the original web page.

友情链接(friendly link)

Friendly Link


Friendship links, also known as web exchange links, reciprocal links, interchange links, two-way links, alliances, etc., are a simple form of cooperation between websites that have a certain resource complementarity, namely, the name of the site in which the LoGO image or text of each other's website is placed on their own website, and the creation of hyperlinks to each other's website (after clicking, switching or ejecting another new page), allowing users to identify their own site from a cooperative site for mutual outreach purposes, often as a basic means of website outreach.

隐藏链接(hidden link)

hidden link

隐藏链接也叫做“黑链”,指的是正常的链接通过一些方法,如:把链接放入js代码中,使用display:none等等。隐藏链接和隐藏文字(hidden text)相似,但是区别是把关键词放在链接里面,而这个链接也是用户所看不到的。

A hidden link is also called a “black chain”, which means that a normal link takes a number of ways, such as putting a link in a js code, using display:non, etc. The hidden link is similar to the hidden text, but the difference is that the key word is placed in the link, which is not visible to the user.

链轮(Link Wheels)

Link Wheels


SEO chains refer to the creation of a large number of stand-alone sites on the Internet or blogs on major portals, either through one-way, strategically and systematically linked links to a target site (or main keyword) to be optimized; for example, by ABCDE

五个博客名,其中在A 博客中发一个文章,这个锚文本的名字可能是B 博客的名字。同样的方法,B

Five blog names, one of which was published in A, may be the name of B. The same way, B.

博客写的文章也是关键字指向你的网站,在文章的结尾做一个链接到C 博客,以此类推。

An article written by a blog is also a key word to your website, and a link to a C blog is made at the end of the article, and so on.




The site group is a collection of sites, but it must be unified, hierarchically managed, information-sharing, and single-point access. The original site group, proposed by the government, now has a wide range of applications, such as government portals, large corporate websites, industry websites, etc. The group, a single person or team, operates multiple websites with the aim of obtaining a large flow of traffic through a search engine or pointing links to the same site to improve search ranking.

页面劫持(Page Hijacking)

Page Hijacking


The page hijacking is a SEO cheating technique, which means that the black hat SEO turns the user of page A that should have been visited to another page B. Of these, 302 are often used to achieve page hijacking, the cheater transfers page A to page B on his own website page A to another site. For some reason, the search engine uses page A as the original page and appears in the search engine ranking, and after the user clicks on result A, the cheater moves the user to a completely unrelated page on site A.


Empty link ()


An empty link is an unassigned link. An empty link is used to add objects or text to the page.


anchor link


The link in HTML, the correct term should be 8221; anchorage 8221; it is often used to name anchor links (also called bookmark links) for web pages with a large and cumbersome content, which, by clicking on name anchor points, not only allows us to point to the document, but also to specific paragraphs on the page, which is more likely to be 8221; accurate links #8221; a convenient tool to bring the link object closer to focus. It allows viewers to view the content of the page. Similar to the directory page number or chapterback hint when we read the book.


Static URL


A URL is defined as a web address or a web link. Generally, a URL contains "? ", " = " & "php" & #8217; asp & #8217; etc., in other words, a URL without any parameters is a static URL.


Dynamic URL

URL又称动态页面,动态链接,即指在URL中出现“?” 这样的参数符号,并以aspx、asp、jsp、php、perl、cgi为后缀的url。

URL is also called a dynamic page, with a dynamic link, i.e., a parameter symbol such as '?'appears in the URL, with url suffixed after aspx, asp, jsp, php, perl, cgi.


* Normally, whether the link is dynamic or static, depending on whether it has parameters. Moreover, it is generally accepted that static pages have a better effect on the SEO than dynamic pages, but Google officials have suggested not to talk about dynamic URL staticity, because the current search engine capture parameters are completely fine, and the parameters in dynamic URL also help search engines to identify page contents and make it easier for search engines to understand the web page. So it is not necessary to be static for static reasons to use static or dynamic URLs at their own discretion.




Pseudostatic is relative to real static, and usually, in order to enhance the friendly side of the search engine, we generate static pages of articles, but there are friends who want to show some information in real time. Or they want to use dynamic scripts to solve some of the problems. There is no static way to display web content. But this loses the friendly side of the search engine. How to find an intermediate way between them, this creates pseudostatic technology.


* With regard to SEO, the functionality of the pseudostatic and static pages is the same, but the pseudostatic nature is the dynamic page, so the consumption of resources is the same as that of the dynamic page and because the Rewrite server requires additional resources.


VIII. Data analysis

PV(访问量:Page View)

PV (Number of visits: Page View)


This is the number of page views or hits, and each user's visit to the website is recorded once. Users have a cumulative number of visits to the same page. A PV is a request for a computer to download a page from the website. When a JS file on the page is loaded, the statistical system will be able to account for the page's browsing behaviour. Note the following: 1. Users open the same page several times and the value of the browsing is accumulated. 2. If the client already has the buffer document, even if it does not really exist (e.g., some script functions generated by JavaScript), it may be recorded as a PV. But if you use the back-office log of the site to analyse it, it will not be recorded as a PV if the cache page can be directly displayed without being requested by the server.

UV(独立访客:Unique Visitor)

UV (Independent Visitor: Unique Visitor)


In some cases, the number of visitors is greater than the number of real visitors. For example, an ADSL dial-up user, who may be accessing the site at three different times in a day, the number of real visitors is only 1. Sometimes the number of visitors is larger, because places like companies, Internet cafes, often share an IP with multiple users. For example, an employee in a company sees a very favourable group buying information, and then sends it to all of its colleagues in the company through the QQ group, assuming that 50 people have opened the group's page, the site gets 50 real users, but only one IP. Through the two examples above, we can see that the number of visitors more accurately reflects the number of users than the number of IPs.

IP(网络之间互连的协议:Internet Protocol)

IP (network-to-network agreements: Internet Protocol)


IP can be understood as an independent IP user, which refers to the number of users accessing the website using different IP addresses over a period of one day, and the number of IPs alone, regardless of the number of pages visited. But if two machines are using the same IP, it can only be an IP access.

新独立访客(New Unique Visitor)

New Unique Visitor


Literally, new independent visitors are independent visitors who visit the site for the first time, and are also judged on the basis of cookies.


Visits (Visit)


The number of visits refers to the number of visits that a visitor has fully opened the website page. If the number of visits is significantly lower than the number of visitors, it means that many users close the page if the page is not fully opened. If a visitor does not open or refresh the page within 30 minutes, or directly closes the browser, he will be counted as a new visit by the time of his next visit to the site.


Page views per person


On average, each independent visitor produces a PV. The number of page views per person = number of visits/independent visitors. This reflects the attraction of the site to visitors.


Average depth of access


Average access depth = number of views/visits. Reflects the attraction of the website to visitors.


*The number of pages visited refers to the total number of pages viewed by visitors on your website during a visit, and, if the same page has been viewed several times, the number of pages visited reflects the overall interest of visitors in your website; the depth of access refers to the number of different pages viewed by visitors on your website during a visit, reflecting the level of interest that visitors have in each page of your website;


As a rule, you can recommend that the two indicators be combined if the number of pages visited is high, but the depth of the visit is low, indicating that the visitors focus on a few pages on your website; if the number of pages visited is low, the depth of the visit is high, indicating that the visitors’ attention is scattered.


Average length of visit


The average duration of visits is the average time spent by the user on the site. The average length of visits = total duration/ number of visits. If the user does not like the content of the site, the page may be closed for a little while, then the average duration of visits is very short; if the user is interested in the content of the site, there is a lot of content in the chain, or if the site stays for a long time, the average duration of visits is long.

跳出率(Bounce Rate)



Also known as “jump failure” means that the number of visits (meetings) that leave the site after just one page is the ratio to the total number of visits. The rate of jumps = jumps / visits. The rate of jumps is an important indicator of the quality of the site's traffic. The lower the rate of jumps, the better the quality of the traffic, the more interested users are in the content of the site and the more powerful the marketing function of the site, the more likely it is that these users are effective and faithful users.


For single-page marketing sites, the rate of opt-out is only 100%, since only one page is accessible to users, so the single-page marketing site does not have to consider this indicator. The opt-out rate and average length of access in a 100-degree search extension reflect the precise choice of key words for promotion, the excellence of creative writing, and the compatibility of landing page design with user experience.


* There's a concept of a evaporation rate in the poodle, which is commonly said to be jumping from your page to a page in another shop, suggesting that your product is not as good as the other one. And your shop's A-baby jumps to B-baby doesn't mean it doesn't miss. Pay attention to the difference.

退出率(Exit Rate)

Exit Late


Exit rate = page views out of page/page views into page = exit from PV/entry into PV.


* For example, 10 visitors went to page a — 5 visitors left directly and 3 visitors went to page b (2 visitors went to page c and left directly).

b页面的3个visits有2个visits返还a页面最终从a页面离开。则计算a页面的于Bounce Rate和Exit Rate

3 visits on b pages were returned by 2 visits to a page and eventually left from a page. A page is counted at Bounce Rate and Exit Rate.

分别就是(5/10) *100% 和 (5+2/10+2 )*100%

*100% and (5+2/10+2%)*100%



Second Jump


When a user reaches the site from an external link, it is called the first jump, and if a user hits a link or a button to enter a deeper page of the site, it is called the second jump. The ratio of two jumps among external users is called the second jump. For example, 100 people enter the site and 85 view more pages, the second jump is 85 per cent.


*The lower the jump rate, the lower the jump rate. For those who do not understand the relationship, see http://www.tui18.com/a/200911/176305.shtml


Inner Source (CNZZ)


"Intra-site source" means that a visitor does not have a follow-up visit for 30 minutes after a visit to your website; if the visitor continues to visit the station by clicking on a link on an overtime page at some point after 30 minutes, the visitor starts a second visit. Since the visit originates from a page inside the site, it is classified as " inside-site source " in [source analysis-source classification].


Search word


It refers to the key words that users search in the search engine, through which they reach your website.


Hotspot map


Hotspot functions record the mouse click behaviour of a visitor to a page, distinguishing between different areas by colour. It is important to see which areas the user first clicks from the hotspot's click trajectory. These places can place content of value to the user for the user, and they can better control the jump rate.


Conversion target


The conversion target, also known as the conversion target page or the target page, refers to the pages to which businesses want visitors to access the tasks they need to perform on the website, such as registration, placing orders, payment, etc.


Conversion Path


The conversion path report provides access behaviour data for visitors at every step of the target. If a “one consultation” is set as the conversion target, the target path is the first page on which we click on the consultation button as a conversion path, then when the user visits the site to follow this path, the site backstage counts the conversion path by one.


Page Conversion


A page-type conversion is a visit to a page that a visitor expects you to view. If a registered successful page appears after filing, you can enter a " registered successful " site into the page conversion setting, and 100 degrees can count the registered success.


Event Conversion


Event is a clickable interactive element inside the web page, downloading, moving ad clicks, small tools, Flash


Element, AJAX


In the conversion settings, you can define the object of the event that you need to track as a conversion.


Conversion Rate


Conversion rate is the ratio of the number of conversions completed to the total number of hits on the dissemination information within a statistical cycle. The formula is calculated as: conversion rate = (transformations/clicks) x 100%. For example, 10 users saw the results of a search extension, 5 of which clicked on an extension and jumped on the target URL, and 2 of them followed up on the conversion.



Arrival Rate


Arrivals from a website = number of visits/clicks. A low rate of arrival indicates that more hits do not reach the site and that it needs to see if the url is properly opened and fast enough.


Page Loss Rate


The rate of loss is the proportion that a visitor loses from that step to the next step for the step in the given path. The formula is calculated as: the rate of loss for this step = [(number of entry for this step - number of entry for the next step) / 100% entry for this step]


User Loss Rate


User loss rates are defined over different time periods, such as one-day user loss rates, one-week user loss rates, and one-month user loss rates.


*http://t.cn/RcbC0DG (interpretation of website traffic statistics terminology)*


IX, other

Bad Case

Bad Case直译过来就是坏案例,百度站长平台已经开启征集专区,如果遇到体验很不好的搜索结果可以提交审核,但是解决时间就不知道啦。

Bad Case translates directly into bad //span>. The 100-degree platform has opened a collection area and can be submitted for clearance if it encounters an experienced search result, but the resolution time is not known.



News source


News sources are those that meet the standards of the 100-degree, Google, and other search engine seed news stations, where first-time information is prioritized by the search engine, and are reprinted by online media as the source of online news. News sources are important, credible and authoritative in the area of the Internet, and are the source of radiation transmission to national media networks.

自适应网页设计(Adaptive Web Design)

From Adaptation Web Page Design (Adaptive Web Design)


Self-adaptation web design means that the web page can adapt itself to show new web design methods and technologies on different large and small terminal devices.


Toolbar (Toolbar)


Plugins installed on the browser provide some search engines or other additional features. Users can enter keywords directly into the search box on the toolbar without having to access the search engine website. Almost all search engines have developed toolbars for users to download.



Unicode (Union Code, Universal Code, Single Code) is a industry standard in the field of computer science, including character sets, coding programmes, etc.


* Currently 100% of the unicode code only supports utf-8.


10 degrees


The 100-degree ranking refers to the main word for good traffic in your site (some of which are in the previous order) and the 100-degree ranking from the first page or first to the first place on the second page (i.e. the 11th place) and more than one word, with multiple keywords falling to the 11th place at the same time, during which both the 100-centenary update and other station rankings are declining, with the keyword ranking always at the 11th place or later (changed between the 11th and 13th place).


电子邮件营销EDM:Email Direct Marketing)

Electronics="wpcom_keyword_link" /span> e-mails="wpcom_keyword_link" EDM:Email Direct Marking


A direct marketing modality for commercial exchanges with client audiences using e-mail.




Broadly speaking, it is a generic term for advertising in the form of pictures or animations. The meaning of the term stems from the large banners with banners in the street parades, which later spread to Internet advertisers.


* Source of information


100-degree search:


Micromail search:


Goldflower Station Chief Tool:




Aitch College: http://www.27sem.com/


Questions and answers:



CNZZ Data Specialist:


100 degrees:


Centuries Director:


《SEO实战密码》 作者:Zac

SEO Combat Password by Zac


Guide to Google Search Quality Assessment 2016


100-degree search engine web quality white paper


100-degree search engine optimization guide 2.0




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