亮剑虚拟币!多地监管岀手 币安波场官微被封

资讯 2024-06-27 阅读:62 评论:0
(原标题:亮剑虚拟币!多地监管岀手 币安、波场官微被封 数字币集体奔逃)...



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(原标题:亮剑虚拟币!多地监管岀手 币安、波场官微被封 数字币集体奔逃)


More recently, Shanghai, Beijing, East China, Hangzhou, Shenzhen, Henan, etc., have been subject to a scavenging of “swords” in connection with digital transactions such as BISS (the currency market) and characterized it as illegal bank fraud.


In the last 24 hours, bitcoin prices have fallen sharply to their lowest level in six months, to $7,000 and to $6790.


Previously, the Securities Times journalists provided in-depth coverage of the currency-circumstractions of the currency exchange (example: 100 times the amount of money in the currency exchange! 京沪深发布“虚拟货币”风险提示

Suggested reading:


Digital currency collapsed collectively, and bitcoin fell at a minimum of $7,000


In the last 24 hours, the digital currency has fallen as a group. The currency security software shows that Bitcoin dropped at a low of $6790, the lowest level in six months, and that it fell by $410.63 in 24 hours, or 2874 yuan in one bitcoin.


According to the information and trade platform CoinMarketCap.com, the top ten digital currencies ranked in the market value fell collectively and were bled out on Friday.


Clear Action! .


In recent times, the promotion of block-chain technology has shown signs of an upturn in virtual currency. Some enterprises organize virtual currency transactions in the country under the name of “block-chain innovation”; issue virtual currencies in the form of “x currency”, “xx-chain” and other forms of “situation” on the grounds of “block-chain applications”, collecting funds or virtual currency assets such as Bitcoin, Etheria, etc.; provide publicity, inflow, brokering services, etc. for ICO projects registered abroad, virtual money-trading platforms, etc., and even appear to have been used by individual illegal institutions to issue or promote legal digital currency in the name of the People's Bank and to cheat investors' money in the form of “legal digital currency”.


On 10 November, security Times journalists provided in-depth coverage of these currency irritations, and several media outlets, such as the People's Daily, Xinhua, and the Vision Network, called on investors to be alert to digital currency scams.


In Shanghai, Beijing, East China, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Henan, Inner Mongolia and many other countries, regulations have recently been “sword-sworded” and a mapping exercise has been carried out on activities related to the digital currency exchange.


On 11 November, the Department of Industry and Informatization of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region issued a circular on joint inspections of the clean-up of the virtual currency “mining” enterprises, informing them that the Joint Inspection Unit of the Autonomous Communities had visited selected allied municipalities to conduct joint inspections of the clean-up of the virtual currency “mining” enterprises.


The main thrust of the inspection was to focus on the identification of virtual-currency “mining” enterprises that do not relate to the real economy, circumvent regulation, and are more energy-intensive, with the “big data industry” as a package for preferential policies in the areas of local electricity prices, land and taxation.


On 13 November, the Beijing City Local Financial Supervisory Authority issued a Risk Alert for unauthorised operations of branches of trading sites.


The Note makes it clear that “it is an offence to operate in Kyoto if a branch of a foreign port trading place (with a focus on an exchange of financial assets) is operating”.


In fact, almost all of the digital money exchanges operating in the country have servers located abroad and have registered shell companies abroad. Strictly speaking, they are “port trading sites”.


On 14 November, the Shanghai City Joint Financial Stability Office and the Shanghai headquarters of the People's Bank of China, led by the Shanghai Exchange Office, jointly issued the Circular on the Conduct of Virtual Currency Exchange Site Rotation.


According to the circular, the focus of the correction will be on virtual currency-related activities, including virtual currency transactions, currency issuances and fund-raising, as well as the promotion of foreign-registered exchanges, attractions, etc. Depending on the deployment of the National Reciprocal Reciprocal Office, the Agency will conduct a mapping of virtual currency-related activities and complete the exercise by 22 November.


On 21 November, the Office of the Steering Group for the Specialized Management of Internet Financial Risks in Shenzhen City issued a risk alert on the prevention of illegal activities of the “virtual currency” and informed the district offices, the former maritime authorities, the central branch of the People's Bank in Shenzhen City, the Municipal Public Security Bureau, through the Bureau of Investigation and the Municipal Communications Authority, among others, to jointly carry out inspections of virtual currency trading sites.


According to the information received, the initiative will focus on three activities: the provision of virtual currency trading services in the country or the opening of virtual currency trading sites; the provision of services to offshore virtual currency trading places, including services such as diversion, brokering, etc.; and the sale of currency in a variety of names, raising funds from investors or virtual currency such as Bitcoin, or in a tese currency.


According to the latest information, the local financial regulatory authority in Shenzhen City has now identified 39 enterprises suspected of engaging in illicit activities in virtual currency through the Lingyu system.


At present, two of the three major digital currency exchanges in China are blocked from official tweets.


On November 13, the official Wibo account was blocked, in violation of the laws and regulations and the Convention on the Community of Weibo. It is a matter of concern that, at the same time as the official Weibo account was blocked, the number of entries and fans in the account was also zero.

11月15日,波场官方微博“波场TRON官博 ”被封,页面显示该账号因被投诉违反法律法规和《微博社区公约》的相关规定,现已无法查看。

On 15 November, the official Weibo “Tront Officer” of the Wavefield was blocked, showing that the account number was not accessible because of complaints of violations of the laws and regulations and the provisions of the Convention on the Community of Weibo.


In addition, according to journalists, the Beijing police uncovered the illegal digital money exchange BISS, characterizing it as “illegal fund-raising fraud” and arresting dozens of suspects, even interns who had been in office for several months.


It is worth mentioning that in recent days major exchanges, such as the Biki Exchange, previously reported by the Securities Times journalist, have begun to make a volume of counterfeit money. After reporting, the company responded that it had already taken down the first batch of non-compliant currencies and would soon be in the second batch. This has led to questions about Biki’s qualification of the project side at the time of issuing the tokens.


The amount of the next currency, which means that it cannot be traded, and the money invested by the banker is zero. The banker says to the press, "Who wants our losses?" We go to the police, but the police don't take it, because investors are scattered all over the country, and it's hard to focus on the police."


The head exchange currency has also recently begun to remove some of the bounties, while many of the virtual coins that are being set up are only recently.


Discounters have indicated to journalists that, in recent times, there have been reports of virtually every day that a virtual currency exchange is unable to raise its currency.


On November 6, the GGBTC Exchange, with all gravity, was unable to raise money. The website is no longer accessible.


On 6 November, the Newton Exchange, where mainstream currency was exchanged for platform currency, was unable to raise currency.

11月11日,PLUS TOKEN的仿盘,存币生息的MGEX不能提币。

On 11 November, the currency-bearing MGEX was unable to raise its currency on the pseudo-plate of PLUS Token.


Some insiders say to reporters, “Even if the Virtual Currency Exchange doesn’t want to shut down, it will be run-off. After all, the Virtual Currency Exchange, in addition to collecting mainstream money, has its own platform currency (air currency), where the Exchange can find so much mainstream money and cash reserves that investors can squeeze, after all, the Exchange is not a bank and has no reserves.”


is known as the Virtual Currency Exchange and is actually a “fund board”


According to bankrollers, after BiKi was reported by mainstream media, another Internet-based exchange poured tea (MXC) and used VDS-type resonance coins for two-way harvesting, followed by the owner Chen Ken using his own market value management and the theft of




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